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Write It, Do It

Write It Do It is an event where one
person writes (the writer) down a
procedure to build something and the
other person (the doer) builds that thing.

To be successful the writer must be

extremely clear and the doer must follow
every single instruction.
This event tests a student’s ability to clearly communicate in
writing and follow instructions.

Number of Participants: 2

Approximate Time: 30-40 minutes

The Competition:
1. One student is shown a contraption built from blocks, Legos, or
other inexpensive items. The students then have 15-20 minutes to
write a description of the object and how to make it.

2. The partner will then take the description and attempt to recreate
the original object in 15-20 minutes.
3. No diagrams allowed and no verbal or other communication are
The student who build the object nearest to the original is
the winner. A point will given for each piece of material
placed in the proper location. No penalty will be assessed
for parts that were not assembled. Time will be used to
break ties.
Examples of Contraptions
Examples of Contraptions
● Make a list of all the materials in the contraption
● Be thorough and descriptive!

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