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Nursing education in Indonesia refers to Law no. 20 of 2003 on National Education System.

The types of nursing education in Indonesia include:

Vocational Education;

Namely the type of diploma education in accordance with the jenjangnya to have applied
nursing science expertise recognized by the government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Academic Education;

Namely higher education of undergraduate and graduate programs directed primarily at the
mastery of certain scientific disciplines

Professional Education;

Ie higher education after the undergraduate program prepares learners to have jobs with
special skill requirements.

While the level of nursing education includes diploma education programs, scholars, masters,
specialists and doctoral.

In accordance with the mandate of the National Education System Law No.20 of 2003 the
Professional Organization of the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) and the
Indonesian Ners Education Association (AIPNI), together with the support of the Ministry of
National Education (MONE), have compiled and updated the completeness as a profession.

The development of nursing education is very long with various dynamics of educational
development in Indonesia, but since 1983 when the declaration and the national congress of
nursing education Indonesia escorted by PPNI and followed by all components of nursing
Indonesia, as well as full support from the government kemendiknas and kemkes at that time
and facilitated By the Health Education Consortium at that time, agreed that the nursing
education of Indonesia is a profession education and therefore must be on Higher education.
And since then also began to be studied and dirangcang a form of nursing education of
Indonesia the first is at the University of Indonesia whose first program opened Year 1985.

Since 2008 PPNI, AIPNI and support and in cooperation with the Ministry of National
Education through the Health Profession Educational Quality (HPEQ) project, updated and
rearranged the Indonesian Nurses Competency Standards, Academic Paper of Nursing
Education Indonesia, Ners Education Standards, Indonesian education accreditation
accreditation standards. And all such standards refer to Presidential Regulation Number 8 of
2012 on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) and this has been resolved
into state documents relating to the direction and policy on Indonesian nursing education.

The standards mentioned above also refers to the development of nursing science, the
development of a changing world of work, below at a glance I submit some things written in
the document Academic Nursing Education, related to the type, level, academic degree and
Level KKNI
Nursing education in Indonesia refers to Law no. 20 of 2003 on National Education System. The
types of nursing education in Indonesia include:
Vocational Education;
Namely the type of diploma education in accordance with the jenjangnya to have applied nursing
science expertise recognized by the government of the Republic of Indonesia.

Academic Education;

Namely higher education of undergraduate and graduate programs directed primarily at the mastery
of certain scientific disciplines

Professional Education;

Ie higher education after the undergraduate program prepares learners to have jobs with special
skill requirements.

While the level of nursing education includes diploma education programs, scholars, masters,
specialists and doctoral.

In accordance with the mandate of the National Education System Law No.20 of 2003 the
Professional Organization of the Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) and the Indonesian
Ners Education Association (AIPNI), together with the support of the Ministry of National Education
(MONE), have compiled and updated the completeness as a profession.

The development of nursing education is very long with various dynamics of educational
development in Indonesia, but since 1983 when the declaration and the national congress of nursing
education Indonesia escorted by PPNI and followed by all components of nursing Indonesia, as well
as full support from the government kemendiknas and kemkes at that time and facilitated By the
Health Education Consortium at that time, agreed that the nursing education of Indonesia is a
profession education and therefore must be on Higher education. And since then also began to be
studied and dirangcang a form of nursing education of Indonesia the first is at the University of
Indonesia whose first program opened Year 1985.

Since 2008 PPNI, AIPNI and support and in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education
through the Health Profession Educational Quality (HPEQ) project, updated and rearranged the
Indonesian Nurses Competency Standards, Academic Paper of Nursing Education Indonesia, Ners
Education Standards, Indonesian education accreditation accreditation standards. And all such
standards refer to Presidential Regulation Number 8 of 2012 on the Indonesian National
Qualification Framework (KKNI) and this has been resolved into state documents relating to the
direction and policy on Indonesian nursing education.

The standards mentioned above also refers to the development of nursing science, the development
of a changing world of work, below at a glance I submit some things written in the document
Academic Nursing Education, related to the type, level, academic degree and Level KKNI

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