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Example 1 For Academic Use Only

Analysis of Fixed End Arches

Data Entry
Arch rise f 4 m Input items ONLY
Arch Span L 16 m Example 1 Output items ONLY
Key thickness h 0.4 m
brick own wt g 23 kN/m3
Live Load qL 12 kN/m

Joint # x' y' Dx' Dy' Ds hav h Dw Ds/EI x'c.g y'c.g y'(ds/EI) y y2(ds/EI)
0 0 0 0.4492
1 1 0.9375 1 0.9375 1.3707 0.4443 0.4394 14.008 1 0.498166 0.4827 0.4827 -2.1885 4.7894
2 2 1.75 1 0.8125 1.2885 0.4353 0.4311 12.899 1 1.498398 1.3581 1.3581 -1.3130 1.7241
3 3 2.4375 1 0.6875 1.2135 0.4267 0.4222 11.908 1 2.498272 2.1082 2.1082 -0.5629 0.3169
4 4 3 1 0.5625 1.1473 0.4188 0.4153 11.050 1 3.498616 2.7336 2.7336 0.0625 0.0039
5 5 3.4375 1 0.4375 1.0915 0.4118 0.4084 10.339 1 4.498613 3.2338 3.2338 0.5626 0.3166
6 6 3.75 1 0.3125 1.0477 0.4063 0.4041 9.790 1 5.499114 3.6091 3.6091 0.9380 0.8798
7 7 3.9375 1 0.1875 1.0174 0.4023 0.4005 9.414 1 6.499258 3.8592 3.8592 1.1881 1.4116
8 8 4 1 0.0625 1.0020 0.4003 0.4000 9.224 1 7.499892 3.9844 3.9844 1.3132 1.7246
9 9 3.9375 1 -0.0625 1.0020 0.4003 0.4005 9.224 1 8.500108 3.9844 3.9844 1.3132 1.7246
10 10 3.75 1 -0.1875 1.0174 0.4023 0.4041 9.414 1 9.500742 3.8592 3.8592 1.1881 1.4116
11 11 3.4375 1 -0.3125 1.0477 0.4063 0.4084 9.790 1 10.50089 3.6091 3.6091 0.9380 0.8798
12 12 3 1 -0.4375 1.0915 0.4118 0.4153 10.339 1 11.50139 3.2338 3.2338 0.5626 0.3166
13 13 2.4375 1 -0.5625 1.1473 0.4188 0.4222 11.050 1 12.50138 2.7336 2.7336 0.0625 0.0039
14 14 1.75 1 -0.6875 1.2135 0.4267 0.4311 11.908 1 13.50173 2.1082 2.1082 -0.5629 0.3169
15 15 0.9375 1 -0.8125 1.2885 0.4353 0.4394 12.899 1 14.5016 1.3581 1.3581 -1.3130 1.7241
16 16 0 1 -0.9375 1.3707 0.4443 0.4492 14.008 1 15.50183 0.4827 0.4827 -2.1885 4.7894
SUM 16.000 42.738 22.334
Coordinates of centroid At Centroid At Abutment
yo 2.671 M 999.26023 Mp
xo 8.000 V 184.63376 A 0
H 176.20461 B 2954.138

Coordinates & Forces at abutments

X Y V H Mf
A -8 -2.67 184.6 176.2 -7.1
B 8 -2.67 184.6 176.2 -7.1

M. M. Reda Taha N. G. Shrive

1 Department of Civil Engg.
The University of Calgary
Example 1 For Academic Use Only

Auxilry1 (Moment at

x x2(ds/EI) Mp Mp(ds/EI) Mpy(ds/EI) Mpx(ds/EI) xn xi wi
0.498166 0.498166 14.00847
-7.501834 56.2775065 3.234 3.234 -7.077 -24.258 1.498398 1.498398 12.89892
-6.501602 42.2708311 29.095 29.095 -38.204 -189.166 2.498272 2.498272 11.90845
-5.501728 30.26901 79.852 79.852 -44.952 -439.327 3.498616 3.498616 11.05047
-4.501384 20.2624613 154.568 154.568 9.656 -695.770 4.498613 4.498613 10.33937
-3.501387 12.2597108 252.329 252.329 141.972 -883.500 5.499114 5.499114 9.789609
-2.500886 6.25443142 372.512 372.512 349.407 -931.610 6.499258 6.499258 9.41438
-1.500742 2.25222537 514.471 514.471 611.250 -772.088 7.499892 7.499892 9.223943
-0.500108 0.25010827 677.956 677.956 890.322 -339.051 8.500108 8.500108 9.223943
0.500108 0.25010827 862.629 862.629 1132.844 431.408 9.500742 9.500742 9.41438
1.500742 2.25222537 1068.646 1068.646 1269.672 1603.762 10.50089 10.50089 9.789609
2.500886 6.25443142 1296.007 1296.007 1215.623 3241.167 11.50139 11.50139 10.33937
3.501387 12.2597108 1545.276 1545.276 869.442 5410.610 12.50138 12.50138 11.05047
4.501384 20.2624613 1816.782 1816.782 113.501 8178.034 13.50173 13.50173 11.90845
5.501728 30.26901 2111.460 2111.460 -1188.617 11616.681 14.5016 14.5016 12.89892
6.501602 42.2708311 2429.924 2429.924 -3190.611 15798.399 15.50183 15.50183 14.00847
7.501834 56.2775065 2773.421 2773.421 -6069.541 20805.746
340.193 15988.164 15988.164 -3935.312 62811.035

M. M. Reda Taha N. G. Shrive

2 Department of Civil Engg.
The University of Calgary
Example 1 For Academic Use Only

Auxilry2 (Moments at end of segments)

md ml Mp xn xi wi md ml Mp
1.744638 1.489019 3.233657 1 0.498166 14.008 7.029921 6 13.02992
15.62408 13.47118 29.09525 2 1.498398 12.899 27.50852 24 51.50852
42.40428 37.44818 79.85246 3 2.498272 11.908 60.39072 54 114.3907
81.12621 73.44187 154.5681 4 3.498616 11.050 104.7471 96 200.7471
130.9035 121.4251 252.3286 5 4.498613 10.339 159.7974 150 309.7974
191.0706 181.4415 372.5122 6 5.499114 9.790 224.9066 216 440.9066
261.0291 253.4422 514.4713 7 6.499258 9.414 299.6161 294 593.6161
340.4653 337.4903 677.9556 8 7.499892 9.224 383.6387 384 767.6387
429.1181 433.511 862.6292 9 8.500108 9.224 476.8833 486 962.8833
527.0615 541.5845 1068.646 10 9.500742 9.414 579.4411 600 1179.441
634.3958 661.6117 1296.007 11 10.50089 9.790 691.5992 726 1417.599
751.5847 793.6914 1545.276 12 11.50139 10.339 813.8161 864 1677.816
879.0742 937.7077 1816.782 13 12.50138 11.050 946.7269 1014 1960.727
1017.68 1093.78 2111.46 14 13.50173 11.908 1091.112 1176 2267.112
1168.145 1261.779 2429.924 15 14.5016 12.899 1247.901 1350 2597.901
1331.58 1441.841 2773.421 16 15.50183 14.008 1418.138 1536 2954.138

M. M. Reda Taha N. G. Shrive

3 Department of Civil Engg.
The University of Calgary

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