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Yenl y,hnlZI, lebn k eoer neseh gunler dll~lfIm

Joachim Berns. DL 1 YBL

24 /23 em-Band Linear Power Amplifi er

Module M 57762

The linear linal ampl il i er de scribed In thll com pletely around li s penmeter, 10 lhe walls of
art icle COnllll1 of Iwo Ml1subish l lot Sn62 lhe bo~ , 1n order to achieve a good eectncat and
hybrid amplifie r s. in RF Iiolation I rem eac h mechan ca t contact The ground tabs of the
other, leed lng the common output. A 0".. hybrid module are secured With two M4 screws
module v....ion w ill also be de scribed which 10 the enclosu re cover and lhe hea t smk lined
may either be used ~ bare-tooIM or as • PA
The supt>ly voltage IS Introduc ed VIafeed -through
driver siage .
capacitors , The cececec -s C 1 compns e small
In particular , the parallel PA stage IS cha-ac- 5 ~ 5 mm ( appro ~ ,) piece s 01 two-sided PCB
teneec by lis SimpliCIty and unproblemahca l material which serve as HF terminal points as
dnve reqUiremenls , The COflstrucl lOfl requees well as a deoouplmg capaCitor They are soldered
no specia l PCB rnatenale . such as PTFE. and dIrectly 10 the bottom cove' 01 the enclosure
also no scecer components It can, In teet, be The cepecuors marked Care meoe from a com -
constructed, as soon as the two M 57762 blnallono! 1 nF ceearmc prata capacucrs soldered
module s have been obta ined, trom materials to thE! bottom cover direct ly under the modu le
avaIlable from most raoc amalEl!.Jf workshops connechons 2, 3 and 4 . and a 4 7 nF and 10 " F
tantalum cececece.
For AM-ATV and ss e working. C2 and C3
(fantalum cepecnorsj should also be added to the

A single-module stage will be oescreeo Ilrsl as

thiS IS the baSIC module whICh can be used 10 ,
lJ <II m m
dove !he Double-module PA (formed also from the
same cirCUits) See figurel 1 104
A propne tary tm-ptate bo ~ dlmenSlOl1ed 37 x 74 x
50 mm is used to house the module No cut- , qIUf (SOII I
outs should be provided In the cover for the 2 .U, _
module as unfavourable earth ecooectcoe could 3 . 9 V, aIpIlIy -' ~)

be lormed. which could encourage csenetcos . ... u. ...... - .

0UlpUII 1SOII ) 00., "'"
thus dlmlfllshlng the OUlput power The lower
cover 01 the li n-plate box should be soldered Fig . 1: Modu le d lm eo , lo n ,
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, I Fig . 4 :
• Output po.- p_ IIffIclency 'lI, InpuI
,- , Ilt • ltO
VSW A . . . 1vnctIon 01 ~

Sretan B6zlt I Nova GodIna

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• Dl 1 YBl
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Fill. S: Cha raele.l,U e 01. MM snu .I"gle-module amplifier lfreq . _ 1260MHzl

de-coupling The Input and output matching IS the ma ~ lmum peak Input dnvmg power lor SSB
so good that the usual eenee preset capaCitor wonung is 200 mW . The max imum amplilication
used tor this purpose may be dispensed with In the linear reg oo all(l at 14 'I0Il5 supply . IS
apprO ~ lmately 20 dB. II the amplifier is required
tor FM-ATV ere. It can be run Into the saturahon
1.1. Pow er Char acteristi c s reglOll Witha powe r output up to 22 W without any
The data 01 the power ampliliel. whiCh was c;on. teal 01 any rallng s being exceeded
structed In accordance with the miormanoe When using thiS module as a driver lor a double
given reee . is shown in IIg . 5 II maybe seeotnet PA. rt IS 10 be ensured thaI the Inpul drive power

..- .. ~"u
, ..

.. a ..
• 1",, 1. - _.. 1•

Lamulll ani

does not exceed 2 W as Ihls w,1I damage It II IS

lor IhlS reason that the dover In the double PA
IS supplied with 9 volts and a senes resistor
~(lA . ". .......

.- . ..
" " _ _ '>MIl

employed 10 ensure that the crwe power is

Ilm,ted to a ma ximum 014 W Towards lhe end 01
1988. ,.·lItsul:llshi are to produce a dedlcated
drIVer module lor the M sn62 II will be desIg.
nated M6n1S and Will have an output power of
2 W al 7.2 V supply . and a gain 01 22 dB In the
linear porllOn or its Characteristics
Fig . 7 : The 0 O<:OUplM

2. welt as the equipping of the board Wllh capacitorS

PARALLELLED MODULE S is exacUy ee same as thai descnbed for the
Stngle-module amplifier. In order met me umt is
driven In a strictly balanced manner under all
The ease coostncnon of the parall el PA slage inpul ccocuoos. the some what more Involved
loIlows that 01 lhe single PA driver Both uMs way 01 USing an RF l:lI'ldge 10 combine the two
are housed In !he proprietary box 1 11 x 74 x module elements was employed The so-called
JOmm I l ig . 5J. The Wlrlng of !he SlJpply voltage as o -ccecrer (fig. 7 ) offers a very simple con-

Fig. I : Boltllhe cktocribed .mp lilieralogelhef with ...ten... r.~'I' .nd "-;v. pr ...... p1ili.. In . n
. Iumini um Ir.1'MIon. ~rge he,,

' 14
H)"JU ,Joulua ja Onne llista Uuna Vuotta

struc tlOfI with sut ncie nt isolahon be tween the The unit IS very robu st and ..... ,11 Wi thstand a VSWR
two branch ampillie rs PA 1 and PA 2.'Of amateur 0 ' 16 : 1 at full output power . The max lmum supply
purposes The lransl orm allOn is eeected by voltage is 17 volts and the second harmonIC
mean s ot tour ).i4 lengths 01 75 II cable (RG· suppression IS 30 dB , the third harmonIC sup -
179 ·U OfsimIla r). The author used 4 1 em length s presseers bemg 35 dB
01 thin PTFE cable whICh are soldered directly
on to the no-crete bo x

Under no account should ordinary Wile be em- 2.2. Oper.lionai Experience

ployed IOf ttns purpose as spurious eecmatoos The "na! amph',er , as show n In l ig . 8, has been
are sure to occur used by the author In FM relay and in SSB
work ,ng 'Of OIIel a yeal now With no prob lem s
whatsoever The advan tage ot the unit nee in
2.1. Perf or mance Oala for th e Dou bl e PA
lISwideband cnaracie rtsncs and in ItSrobustne ss
The double PA constructed by the author req Uired
The prototype of the double PA has been in
2 W mput power to crwe It to 40 (Of 48 W as te -
constant use IOf over a year in a 23 cm FM-relay
qUlred) a' a supply voltage 0114 vcne operatiOn It sometimes occu rs thai it is over-
The etllCl8ncy is not partICularly hogh, all ex- dnven for peeooe 01 more than ' 0 hour s al
amples having, however, more Ihan 30 % powers ot 45 W bu t, as yet. With no problems .
etllCieOCy With a power outpu t 0140 W and a DC II the construct iOn IS earned ou t exactly In ac-
supply power ot 120 W. a large heat-Sink must cordance with thiS article , there IS noth ing 10
beemployed The big advan tage 01this PA slage prevent an en tirely successfu l ccerence With
is thal li COIIers the Whole cure 24 cm band With· Ih,s unit Agai n, do not use any cut-outs In the
out tunmg being reqUired and With no need to houSing cover .
adjustthe eeve .

A m ust for all active and technic ally minded Radio Amateurs!

The English ennon 01 the well-known " UHF·Unter lage" l rom Karl Weiner, DJ 9 HO.
Part 1 and 2 Art . No. 8054 DM 52.00
Part 3 and 4 Art .No. 8055 OM 58.00
Additional po st and package charges tsot ece mall) tor Inland OM 5 00 , for abroad OM 6 SO.

T "' ~"", " _ I Io ..., nte:alIO... _ UI\W·T_ .. ,k T...-, D. I i"""

..-........&.1• . 0--8523~ . T_ 40 ,1 331. 70, T"'• • 1 21187


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