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In the last few weeks of this tal Disorders, and Care of Such
school year we have had a very Patients." Pastor Hiemstra was af-
interesting and practical series of filiated with the Christian Sani-
Adelphic meetings. The Rev. Don- torium in Wyckoff, New Jersey
ald Buteyn told us about the unique from 1949 to 1956. His insights
work of the Midland Ref. Church, and suggestions were very much ap-
one of our young churches. Dr. preciated.
Raymond Van Heukelom gave some
very helpful ideas for our contacts The Seminary was happy to be
with dispensationalism. Dr. Marion the host for the meetings of the
De V elder presented a challenge to Christian Association for Psycho-
us in his lecture, "Ministerial logical Studies on March 27 and
Ethics." The Rev. Abraham Ryn- 28. Theme of the conference was
brandt discussed what the Bible sounded by Dr. John Daling, Cal-
says about divorce and how we vin College, in his keynote address
could cope with its many problems. "Toward a Christian Concept of
The Rev. Theodore Schoop gave Personality." In the evening session
enlightening comments on "How to which was open to the public The
Conduct a Consistory." For our Rev. Granger W estberg, Ph.D., As-
joint Calvin-Western meeting in sociate Professor of Religion and
Holland, Dr. Clarence De Graaf, Health of Chicago University, de-
of the Hope College English De- livered an address on "Religion and
partment, spoke on "The Preacher Medical Education." The meeting
and Language." We experienced a was then opened to the audience
wonderful time of Christian fellow- for questions and comments . . The
ship with our sister seminary as sessions began with a joint worship
more than 140 students and fac- service in the seminary chapel with
ulty members were in attendance the Seminary faculty and students
from the two schools. led by Dr. C. Kromminga, Calvin
Seminary. We rejoice with the for-
The Reverend William Hiemstra, mation of this new group in mak-
who has recently become a pastor- ing the Reformed witness heard in
counsellor at the Pine Rest Hospi- the psychological fields .
tal, spoke to the Seminary Family
and guests on Thursday, April 11, Miss Grace Pelon and Miss El-
on two occasions. His mes sages sie Stryker from the Board of Edu-
were entitled "Crisis Ministry," and cation were on the campus Tuesday,
"Symptoms of Nervous and Men- May 6, to present the Presbyterian
( 50 )
Graded Lesson mater i a 1s . These Church of South India on our cam-
graded lessons are published by pus. This was his first official pub-
our denomination in cooperation lic appearance in the States after
with The United Presbyterian being brought to this country by
Church in the United States. They our Board of Foreign Missions. He
gave a complete survey of the ma- spoke to us both in the morning
terials available in this area of and in the afternoon about the
study, and also presented some very Church of South India; how it was
helpful pointers for introducing formed, some of the problems in-
and using the material in the volved, and the relationship of the
Church School. bishopric to the Church. As a stu-
dent body and faculty, we were all
The Christian Action Group at inspired and better informed
Western has experienced an inter- through the Bishop about the
esting and profitable year. The Church of South India.
meetings, which were well attended
both by shidents and faculty, were The Student Body gathered in
held monthly. Topics and leaders the Commons on Friday, May 3,
for the various meetings were as to elect new Adelphic officers and
follows: a President of the Student Body.
The officers for the Adelphic so-
"The Church's Responsibility for
ciety are:
Her Mentally Incompetent," Ron-
ald Brown. President: Leonard De Beer
Vice Pres.: Kermit Hogenboom
"Is 'Apartheid' a Christian Pro-
Secretary: Irven Jungling
gram," Dr. E. Eenigenburg.
Treasurer: Ron Brown
"Religion in Contemporary Poli- Recreation: John Adams
tics," Arthur De Jong. Social Chairman: Don Den Har-
"Evangelizing Youth in a Typi- tog
cal American Community," Lloyd
The Student-Faculty Council has
adopted a revised constitution this
"Is the Church Leading or Lag- year which called for a President
ging in the Solving of Integra- to be elected in the Spring of the
tion?", Julius Brandt. year from the incoming Senior
"How Can a Church Best Min- Class. The Council hopes that with
ister to a Heterogeneous or Homo- this new procedure the activities of
geneous Community?", Len De Beer the Student Body can be better co-
and Charles Vander Beek. ordinated and that this will make
it possible for the Shtdent Body to
On Thursday, May 2, we were function as a unit from the very
honored to have the Rt. Rev. David beginning of the school year. Rob-
Chellappa, Bishop in Madras, ert Nykamp was elected to this of-
( 51 )
fice. The remainder of the Stu- N.T. Language and Literature -
dent Council will be elected by 1st, V. Hoffman; 2nd, D. De Haan.
each class and by the Faculty in Systematic Theology - Tie, L.
the fall. Veenstra and J. Meeuwsen.
The Vander Ploeg Church His-
Many student hours in the third tory Prize to: 1st, R. Nykamp; 2nd,
quarter of this year went into the C. Klein.
planning and directing of the Bible The De Kleine English Bible
Conference, "Operation Victory," Prize to: 1st, A. Brower; 2nd, R.
sponsored by the Holland-Zeeland Brown.
Classes of the Reformed Church on The Henry W. Pietenpol Prize
April 14-18. Featured speaker for for General Excellence to Senior L.
the week was Dr. Arnold Grey Akker.
Barnhouse, pastor of the historic
Tenth Presbyterian Church in Phila- The Student Body with the Fac-
delphia, editor of Eternity maga- ulty and Officers of the Board of
zine, and president of the Evangeli- Tmstees as their honored guests
cal Foundation. Students filled met on May 17 for the annual
many jobs during the campaign: semi-formal banquet. Jack Boerigter
everything from publicity director, was master of ceremonies, Bill
head usher, music chairman, song- Bouwer led the singing, and vocal
leader, and personal worker, to numbers were presented by Charles
press reporter and general handy- Johnson and by Gordon and Earl
man. Many were the blessings, and Laman. The charge to the Seniors
great was the thrill to see the great was given by Dr. H. Bast and Tom
civic center auditorium at Holland Thomasma responded for the Sen-
filled again and again with a total iors. Mr. Henry Kleinheksel, a lay-
of ten thousand people. man from Maplewood Church, Hol-
land, challenged each person with
the main address - "The Renais-
At a special chapel service, con-
sance and the Reformation." This
ducted by President J. R. Mulder
banquet again proved to be one of
on Friday, May 17, the following
the highlights of the school year.
awards were presented:
The Rev. George N. Makely
prizes in, The Seniors and the areas of
Sermon Content-1st, J. Meeuw- service to which they have been
sen; 2nd, J. Van Hoeven. called as announced at the time of
Sermon Delivery - 1st, J. Bus- commencement are as follows:
man; 2nd, L. Veenstra. L. Akker, Aplington Church,
O.T. Language and Literature - Iowa.
1st, John Hoekstra; 2nd, C. Klein R. Bender, People's Park Church,
and P. Vostello. Paterson, N. J.
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J. Boerigter, Fourth Church, Kal- T. Rynbrandt, Chino Church,
amazoo, Mich. Chino, Calif.
G. Boogerd, Sinking Valley P. Shih, Princeton Seminary.
Church, Kentucky. R. Smith, San Jose Community,
R. Bouwkamp, Lanark Church, Calif.
Illinois. R. Teusink, Chancellor Church,
J. Brandt, Immanuel Church, South Dakota.
Belmond, Iowa. T. Thomasma, Hope Church,
J. Brinkhuis, Willow Lake, S. D. Montevideo, Minn.
J. Busman, Greenwood Church, C. Vander Beek, Rose Park
Kalamazoo, Mich. Church, Holland, Mich.
D. Cornell, Congregational J. Van Hoeven, Army Chap-
Church, Saugatuck, Mich. laincy.
E. De Hoogh, Bethany Church, L. Veenstra, Hope Church, South
Des Moines, Iowa. Haven, Mich.
R. De Vries, Newhall Church, K. Vermeer, Army Hospital
Grand Rapids, Mich. Chaplaincy, Houston, Tex.
R. Dykstra, Florida Church, Am- N. Webster, Army Chaplaincy.
sterdam, N. Y. R. Zap, Williamson Church,
R. Evers, Unity Church, Grand New York.
Rapids, Mich.
R. Jackson, Tinley Park Church, A joyous time was had by all at
Illinois. the Alumni banquet preceding the
D. Jansma, Three Oaks Church, graduation exercises on May 22 at
Michigan. Trinity Reformed Church. The
members of the graduating class
C. Johnson, Meservey, Iowa.
were the guests of the association,
W. Kiel, Brooklyn Church, and were introduced by President
Cleveland, Ohio. J. R. Mulder, and were welcomed
E. Laman, Nooksack Church, by the president of the Association,
Washington. the Rev. Harold Englund. A report
E. Martin, Ontario Church, New was given on the progress of the
York. donation of five dollars by each
J. Meeuwsen, Unassigned. member to the newly formed Li-
N. Menning, Allison Church, brary Book fund, which amounted
to $909.00. The Rev. Harry Hoffs,
graduate of the Class 1917, and
H. Opperman, Monarch, Canada. Hospital Chaplain, was the speaker.
R. Pronk, Unassigned. The new officers of the organiza-
R. Pruiksma, Athens and Kiska- tion are as follows: President, Dr.
tom, N. Y. R. R. Van Heukelom; Vice Presi-
( 53 )
dent, the Rev. John Nieuwsma; M. Hains, conducted the devotions.
Secretary, the Rev. Henry Mollema; Dr. H enry Kuizenga, minister of
Treasurer, the Rev . H e nry A. First Presbyterian Churd1, ,Ann Ar-
Mouw. bor, Michigan, gave the address, en-
titled, "Thoughts About the N ew
Life." The Seminary Choir, under
Following the Alumni Dinner, the direction of Mr. Nevin Webster,
the Seventy-second commencement sang two numbers. After the ser-
took place in Hope Memorial vice friends and relatives were in-
Chapel. One of our largest crowds vited to congratulate the graduates
was presented. President John R. as all met in the Seminary Building
Mulder presided. The retiring pres- for fellowship and for light refresh -
ident of the Board, the Rev. John ments in our Commons.

( 54 )

These books may be borrowed Fritsch, C. T. The Quamran

by mail for a three week period. Community. 1956.
Anderson, C. To the Golden Gesell, A. The Child from Five
Shore. 1956. (Biography of Adon- to Ten . 1946.
iram Judson) Gesell, A. Yottth: The Years
Armstrong, M. W. The Presby- from Ten to Sixteen. 1956.
terian Enterprise. 1956.
Goodspeed, E. J. The Key to
Barclay, W. A New Testament Ephesians. 1956.
Word Book. 1955.
Gosselink, M. The Days of
Bentzen, A. King and Messiah. Youth. 1956.
Green, B. Being and Believing.
Berkouwer, G. C. The Triumph 1956.
of Grace in the Theology of Karl
Hahn, M. E. Counseling Psy-
Barth. 1956.
chology. 1956.
Boggs, W. H . Faith Healing and
the Christian Faith. 1956. Harbison, E. H. The Christian
Scholar in the Age of the Reforma-
Butter.field, H. Man on His Past.
tion. 1956.
Harmon, N. B. Understanding
Cairns, D. The Image of God in
the Methodist Church. 1956.
Man. 1953.
Harris, S. Skid Row. 1955.
Coffin, H. W. Joy in Believing.
1956. Hazleton, R. God's Way with
Man. 1956.
Coulton, G. G. C. Life in the
Middle Ages. 1955. Hendrickson, R. C. Youth in
Danger. 1956.
De Koster, L. All Ye That La-
bor. 1957. Hendry, G. S. The Holy Spirit
in Christian Theology. 1956.
Dibelius, M. Studies in the Acts
of the Apostles. 1956. Herklots, H. G. G. Publicans
Faculty of Union Theological and Sinners. 1956.
Seminary, Richmond, Va. Essential High, S. Billy Graham. 1956.
Books for a Pastor's Library. 1955. Hoffman, J. W. Mission, U.S.A.
Finegan, J. Wanderer upon 1956.
Earth. 1956. Hofman, H. The Theology of
Flack, E. and Metzger, B. Tex ts, Reinhold Niebuhr. 1956.
Canons and Principle Versions of Hulme, W. E. Counseling and
the Bible. 1956. Theology. 1956.
( 55 )
Hutchison, J. A. Faith, Reason Morton, H . V. The Women of
and Existence. 1956. the Bible. 1956.
Jackson, E. N. How to Preach Mowinckel, S. He That Cometh.
to People's Needs. 1956. 1956.
Jansen, J. F. Guests of God. Muehl, W. Politics for Christians.
1956. I · ; 1956.
Jenkins, D . Believing m God. Murphy, L. B. Personality in
1956. ; . "'.ii! Young Children. 1956.
Kean, C. D. God's Word to His Nichols, J. H. The Histo1·y of
People. 1956. Christianity, 1650-1950. 1956.
Keighton, R. E. The Man Who Niebuhr, H. R. The Ministry in
Would Preach. 1956. Historical Perspectives. 1956.
Kelly, B. H. Tools for Bible Niles, D. T. Preaching the Gos-
Study. 1956. pel of the Resurrection. 1954.
Knox, J. The Early Church and Norwood, F. A. The Develop-
the Coming Great Church. 1955. ment of Modem Christianity. 1956.
Kraeling, E. G. The Old Testa- Nygren, A. Christ and His
ment Since the Reformation. 1956. Church. 1956.
Ladd, G. E. The Blessed Hope. Perowne, S. Life and Times of
1956. Herod the Great. 1956.
Pierce, C. A. Conscience in the
LeFevre, P. D. The Prayers of
New Testament. 1955.
Kierkegaard. 1956.
Rainsford, M. Our Lord Prays
Maclennan, D. A. Entrusted
for His Oum. 1955.
with the Gospel. 1956.
Ringgren, H. The Messiah in the
Martin, J. Did Jesus Rise from Old Testament. 1956.
the Dead. 1956.
Rowlingson, D. T . Introduction
Martin, W. The Rise of the to New Testament Study. 1956.
Cults. 1955.
Schlatter, A. The Church in the
Matthews, W. R. Some Christian New Testament Period. 1956.
Words. 1956.
Sessler, J. J. Story Talks from
Miller, A. The Renewal of Man. Animal Life. 1956.
1955. Shaull, M. R. Encounter with
Miller, R. C. Biblical Theology Revolution. 1955.
and Christian Education. 1956. Shaver, E. L. The Week day
Miller, R. C. Education fol' Ch"'·ch School. 1956.
Chl'istian Living. 1956. Smith, C. R. The Bible Doctrine
Minear, P. S. Jesus and His of Grace and Related Doctrines.
People. 1956. 1956.
Snavely, G. E. The Church and Weinlick, J. R. Count Zinzen-
the Four Year College. 1955. dorf. 1956.
Taylor, K. Nectar in a Sieve. Wheeler, W. R. The Man Sent
1955. (A novel based on village from God. 1956. (A biography of
life in India) Robert E. Speer)
Van Til, C. Christianity and Wilder, A. N. New Testament
Idealism. 1955. Faith for Today . 1955.
Van Til, C. The Defense of the
Wolfson, H. A. The Philosophy
Faith. 1955.
of the Church Fathers. 1956.
Vernadsky, G. A History of
Russia. 1954. Wolseley, R. Writing for the
Religious Market. 1956.
Weigle, L. A. Bible Words that
have Changed Meaning. 1955. Wyon, 0. Consider Him. 1957.

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