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Social change is the process of shifting attitudes,values and actions to address social problems

In a positive way which affects the development of a society.In human societies in order to

Decide how far and in what ways a system is in a process of change, we have to show to what

degree there is any modification of basic institutions during a specific period for instance

religion.Much of the change in the world today is global either happening simultaneously in

many parts of the world or affecting the future of the planet as a whole.Agents of social change

include the following;

The physical environment has an effect on the development of human socialization.People who

Live in Alaska for instance,where the winters tend to be long and cold ,tend to follow different

Patterns of social life from people who live in much warmer Mediterranean countries.Alaskans

Spend most of their lives indoors except for the short period of summer,they plan outdoor

Activities very carefully given the inhospitable environment in which they live in.The direct

Influence of the environment on social change is not very great.People are often able to develop

Considerable productive wealth in relatively inhospitable areas.For instance Alaskans have been

Able to develop oil and mineral resources in spite of the harsh nature of their environment while

In Kenya people tend to experience food shortage yet they have a good hospitable environment

Yet the government at times tends to import food from overseas.There is also little direct relation

Between the environment and systems of productin that develop.Human beings always seek to

Master the world around them rather than take it as given.The types of production strongly

Influence the level and nature of social change although they do not have overriding impact.

Secondly political organization strongly influences social change .In some traditional societies

Such as the hunting and gathering societies there were no political authorities capable of

Mobilizing the community.In other societies the existence of political agencies strongly affects
The development of the society .Some countries with weak political organizations tend to have

Low society development since the poor continue to languish in poverty while the rich continue

To become richer but in countries with much more democratic governments tend to have higher

Society development.Military power also plays a fundamental role in political organizations

Which is very fundamental in society development.A ruler may chose to channel resources into

Buiding the military like the USA uses a larger portion of their tax payers money in building

And maintaining their military because with a good military the economy rises significantly.

Thirdly cultural factors influence social change which include the following religion,leadership

And communication.Some forsm

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