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MARCH 17, 2018


A municipality has two incinerators for burning trash. Incinerator A costs $1.20 per ton of trash to
operate, and has a capacity of 28 tons per day. Incinerator B costs $0.75 per ton to operate, and has a
capacity of 30 tons per day. The municipality produces over 100 tons of trash per day, and all trash not
burned in the incinerators must be buried in a land fill at a cost of $3.00 per ton. The city manager
wants to minimize costs by burning as much trash as possible. However, the city must conform to the
environmental regulations limiting production of pollutants from burning in the incinerators to 180
pounds of hydrocarbons and 640 pounds of particulates a day. Incinerator A produces 3 pounds of
hydrocarbons and 20 pounds of particulates for every ton of trash burned, and incinerator B produces
5 pounds of hydrocarbons and 10 pounds of particulates for every ton of trash. Determine the amount
of trash that can be burned in each incinerator without breaking the law. How much is the daily cost
of burning the trash?


Let X = number of tons burned in incinerator A per day

Y = number of tons burned in incinerator B per day

Objective Function: Maximize S = 1.2X + 0.75Y

Constraints: 3X + 5Y < 180

20X + 10Y < 640

X < 28

Y < 30

X > 0, Y > 0

Tableau #1

S X Y S1 S2 S3 S4

1 -1.2 -0.75 0 0 0 0 0

0 3 5 1 0 0 0 180  180÷3 = 60
0 20 10 0 1 0 0 640
 640÷20 = 30
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 28
 28÷1 = 28
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 30
 30
Pivot no. = 1

Row 4: [1/1 = 1]; [0/1 = 0]; [0/1=0]; [0/1 = 0]; [1/1 = 1]; [0/1 = 0]; [0/1 = 0]; [28/1 = 28]

Row 1: [-1.2+ 6/5(1) = 0]; [-0.75 +6/5(0) = -0.75]; [0 + 6/5(0) = 0]; [0 + 6/5(0) = 0]; [0 + 6/5(1) =

6/5]; [0 + 6/5(0) = 0]; [1 + 6/5(0) = 1]; [0 + 6/5(28) = 33.6]

Row 2: [3 – 3(1) = 1]; [5 – 3(0) = 5]; [1 – 3(0) = 1]; [0 – 3(0) = 0]; [0 – 3(0) = 0]; [0 – 3(1) = -3]; [0 –

3(0) = 0]; [0 – 3(0) = 0]; [180 – 3(28) = 96]

Row 3: [20 – 20(1) = 0]; [10 – 20(0) = 10]; [0 – 20(0) = 0]; [1 – 20(0) = 1]; [0 – 20(1) = -20]; [0 –

20(0) = 0]; [0 – 20(0) = 0]; [640 – 20(28) = 80]

Row 5: [0 – 0(10 = 0]; [1 – 0(0) = 1]; [0 -0(0) = 0]; [[0 -0(0) = 0]; [0 -0(0) = 0]; [1 – 0(0) = 1]; [0 –

0(0) = 0]; [30 – 0(0) = 30]

Tableau #2

S X Y S1 S2 S3 S4

1 0 -0.75 0 0 1.2 0 33.6

0 0 5 1 0 -3 0 96
 96÷5 = 19.2
0 0 10 0 1 -20 0 80
 80÷10 = 8
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 28
 28
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 30  30÷1 = 30
Pivot no. = 10

Row 3: [0/10 = 0]; [10/10 = 1]; [0/10 = 0]; [0.1 = 0.1]; [-20/10 = -2]; [0/10 = 0]; [0/10 = 0]; [8/10

= 4/5]

Row 1: [0 + 0.75(0) = 0]; [0.75 - 0.75(1) = 0]; [0 + 0.75 (0)]; [0 – 0.75(0.1) = -0.075]; [1.2+ 0.75(-2)
= -0.3]; [0+ 0.75 (0)]; [1 + 0.75(0) = 1]; [33.6 + 0.75(8) = 39.6]

Row 2: [0 -5(0) = 0]; [5 -5(1) = 0]; [1 – 5(0) = 1]; [0 – 5(0.1) = -0.5]; [-3 – 5(-2) = 7]; [0 -5(0) = 0]; [0

-5(0) = 0]; [96 – 5(8) = 56]

Row 4: [1 – 0(0) = 1]; [0 – 0(0) = 0]; [0 – 0(0) = 0]; [0 – 0(0) = 0]; [1- 0(-2) = 1]; [0 – 0(0) = 0]; [0 –

0(0) = 0]; [28 – 0(28) = 28]

Row 5: [0 – 1(0) = 0]; [1 – 1(1) = 0]; [0 – 1(0) = 0]; [0 – 1(0.1) = -0.1]; [0 – 1(-2) = 2]; [1 – 1(0) = 1];

[0 – 1(0) = 0]; [30 – 1(8) = 22]

Tableau #3

S X Y S1 S2 S3 S4

1 0 0 0 0.075 -0.3 0 39.6

0 0 0 1 -0.5 7 0 56
 56÷7 = 8
0 0 1 0 0.1 -2 0 8
 8÷ -2 = -4
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 28
 28÷1 = 28
0 0 0 0 -0.1 2 1 22  22÷2 = 11

Pivot no. = 7

Row 2: [0/7 = 0]; [0/7 = 0]; [0.1428571429 = -0.07142857143]; [7/7 = 1]; [0/7 = 0]; [0/7 = 0];
[56/7 = 8]

Row1: [0 +0.3(0) = 0]; [0 +0.3(0) = 0]; [0 + 0.3(0.1428571429) = 0.04285714286]; [-0.075 +

0.3(0.07142857143) = 0.05357142857]; [-0.3 +0.3(1) = 0]; [0 +0.3(0) = 0]; [1 +0.3(0) = 1];
[39.6 + 0.3(8) = 42]

Row 3: [0 +2(0) = 0]; [1 +2(0) = 1]; [0 + 2(0.1428571429) = 0.2857142857]; [0.1 +

2(0.07142857143) = - 0.04285714286]; [-2 +2(1) = 0]; [0 +2(0) = 0]; [0 +2(0) = 0]; [8 + 2(8)
= 24]

Row 4: [1 – 1(0) = 0]; [0 – 1(0) = 0]; [0 – 1(0.1428571429) = -0.1428571429];

[0 – 1(-0.07142857143) = 0.07142857143]; [1 – 1(1) = 0]; [0 – 1(0) = 0]; [0 – 1(0) = 0];

[28 – 1(8) = 20]

Row 5: [0 – 2(0) = 0]; [0 – 2(0) = 0]; [0 – 2(0.1428571429) = -0.2857142857]; [0.1 – 2(-

0.07142857143) = 0.04285714286]; [2 – 2(1) = 0]; [1 –2(0) = 1]; [0 – 2(0) = 0]; [22 – 2(8)
= 6]

Tableau #4

S X Y S1 S2 S3 S4

1 0 0 0.04285714286 0.05357142857 0 0 42

0 0 0 0.1428571429 -0.07142857143 1 0 8

0 0 1 0.2857142857 0.04285714286 0 0 24

0 1 0 -0.1428571429 0.07142857143 0 0 20

0 0 0 -0. 2857142857 0.04285714286 0 1 6


Incinerator A can burn up to 20 tons of trash and incinerator B can burn 24 tons of trash while conforming
to the environmental regulations. The daily cost of burning trash is $42.00.


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