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3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

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3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

   

‘green school’ by PT bamboo pure, bali, indonesia all images courtesy of green school
a er mee ng in indonesia, john hardy and his wife cynthia conceived of the ‘green school
(h p://,’ an educa onal village community amongst the jungle and rice fields of bali,
to spread their sustainable altruis c message through an alterna ve educa on system to locals and
foreigners alike. they called on balinese prac ce PT bamboo pure (h p:// to work out
the technical design aspects of the en rely bamboo structure. the plen fully supplied asian wood was
u lized to benefit from the poten al of all its proper es to become structural, decora ve, recrea onal, used
as flooring, sea ng, tables and several other fixtures. the local vernacular finds a new rela onship fused with
contemporary design strategies throughout the assembly of the components that make up the en re
the design of the ‘heart of green school’ finds itself anchored around three lineally located nodes from which
all other programma cal elements radiate in a spiraling organiza on. at each anchor point, interweaving
bamboo light columns span the full height of the structure ending in a wooden ring framing a skylight with
intricately ornate mullions. a fluid helical thatch roof stems from each main ver cal support corkscrewing to
allow light to reach every space, with deep overhangs to protect the open air interior. three main staircases
serve three floors with mul -func onal areas and varying levels of privacy to accommodate the various
ac vi es. 2/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

recrea onal fields outside of the main building: ‘heart of green school’
several rice fields, gardens, a fish pond and compost toilets allow the ins tu on itself to become a teacher of
sustainability for the village. interna onal and regional ar sts who visit o en mes organize ac vi es in
which the structure and spaces are decorated, and in a sense designed, by the students; a harp was even
installed on several of the wood columns conver ng them into musical instruments for anyone to play,
making the en re construct an integra ve experience directly resona ng with its educa onal principles. 3/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

open ground floor provides a varying series of spaces 4/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

large interior spaces organized radially around the central columns 5/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

second floor mul -use space 6/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

spiraling bamboo stairs 7/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

spiraling roof structure allows daylight inside 8/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

view through the interweaving ver cal light columns 9/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

bamboo cons tutes structural elements as well as par ons, seats and tables 10/38
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3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

structural bamboo is engraved with the names of suppor ng organiza on

harps integrated into the structural components 12/38
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classroom in tent structure 13/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

bridge linking the several buildings 14/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

mepan gan roof structure

the newest addi on, the mepan gan event center, is a common hall for the school and community to hold
fes vals, reunions and ac vi es. the large oval footprint is delineated by natural stones on a compacted
earth ground forming three ers of sea ng in an arena-like fashion. a bamboo structure extends from the
ground suppor ng a large canopy split longitudinally by a skylight for ample illumina on. 15/38
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mepan gan structure 16/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

local roof construc on techniques 17/38
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construc on of satellite structures 18/38
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tradi onal tools and methods are used in the detailing of the construc on 20/38
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floor plan / level 0 21/38
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floor plan / level 1 22/38
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floor plan / level 2 23/38
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eleva on

eleva on 24/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

mepan gan site plan 25/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

mepan gan sec on 26/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

mepan gan eleva on

mepan gan eleva on

for addi onal photos of the construc on, see the green school’s flickr page here
(h ps:// ons/72157621746114769/).

danny hudson I designboom aug 24, 2012

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u erly fantas c!!

Ben Godi 27/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

aug 24, 2012

fab! (h ps://
buzzoff aug 24, 2012
(h ps://
Spectacular.. Probably one of the best bits of architecture I have seen here. Wonderful.
jim C. green-school-
aug 24, 2012
(h ps://
thank you bamboo-pure-

I wish I could see it in person green-school-

I would have like to see more photos of the buildings in construc on. Are they available to be seen, and if so
again, thank you 51404)
Paedra (
Paedra aug 24, 2012

(h ps://

Tout simplement superbe! bamboo-pure- green-school-
aug 24, 2012

(h bali/#comment-
Everything, absolutely everything about this is stunningly beau ful, graceful and inven ve. A building that
feels like music, and prayer, and weather, and looks like some crazy living thing that could get up and dance,
and, drawings that look like maps of all of the above.

51406) 28/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

Just to poke at paradise, I’d like to see if the spell of this gorgeous project stays intact a er viewing the costs
& permi ng process, and sussing the true local feelings.
But s ll, agog with pleasure.
VeronicaVerona aug 24, 2012

(h ps://

Why are all the people in the classrooms white? Where are “locals”?
MK green-school-
aug 24, 2012
(h ps://
What an impossibly awe-filled, humbling experience. I first saw this project here…
h p:// green-school-
(h ps:// bali/#comment-
I hope this is not inappropriate…Thanks so much, danny.
Chaszr aug 24, 2012

(h ps://

no ce the cap on below the pictures of the hand tools that reads “tradi onal tools and methods are used in
the detailing of the construc on.” the trickery isn’t always easy to spot, because they’ll make the thing
almost en rely by machine, then add a few li le ny details in order to spin it “local” “handmade”
”cra smanship”.
if they were really, truly thinking about the locals, they’d pay them well to build these en rely by hand. ”too
expensive!” the investors say. how is pu ng that money in the hands of skilled locals a bad thing?! oh right,
because it means less profits for investors, and the owners of the means of produc on. typical vacuum
economy, where the monetary profits get sucked up by completely self-serving overseas owners.
look at the list of corporate sponsors:
GE, Nike, Siemens, Adidas, Price Waterhouse Cooper 29/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

this is why the poor keep ge ng poorer and the rich keep ge ng richer. they own the land and therefore
the raw materials, they own the machinery and tools and in some cases they might even own the local
poli cians. they rich are only thinking of how they can get richer, not considering how they can make it a
win-win situa on for both par es. they’re wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing.
the solu on to this?
put everything but the design into the hands of the locals. selec ng the right materials, planning, oversight,
construc on and finishing. and pay them well for their skilled workmanship. oh and let them own it (because
it was their land to begin with) and let them reap the profits. because the land itself is what will truly feed
and clothe and shelter the Balinese
Let the Balinese own and run the school and let THEM teach students how to
Let THEM own THEIR paradise!!!!!
Look at the list of corporate sponsors:
GE, Nike
daniel aug 24, 2012

(h ps://

Stunningly beau ful structures, but I don\’t see any fasteners. Bamboo stalks don\’t grow thatbamboo-pure-
long. How are
they made? Is there steel inside the hollow bamboo? How could this structure possibly resist agreen-school-
strong wind?
JJ aug 24, 2012

(h ps://

Regarding all the white faces: It is a school for the children of Europeans living in paradise. 20bamboo-pure-
percent of the
students are Balinese and their tui on is paid for by scholarships provided by donors. The na green-school-
ves can’t
afford it.
JJ aug 24, 2012
(h ps://

bamboo-pure- 30/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

OMG! Superb! Fantas c! Amazing! I could have gone on and piled up the adjec ves, but for the space.
Really Awesome.
P.S. And Daniel you drove home a very important point, really.
siji aug 25, 2012

(h ps://

Que interesante !!!!!!!!!!!!!!, que belleza, que gran u lización de los recursos, felicitaciones
How interes ng !!!!!!!!!!!!!, what a beauty, great resourses search, congratula ons green-school-
Luis Titus aug 25, 2012

(h ps://

wonderful and crea ve bamboo-pure-

sanjay patwa green-school-

aug 25, 2012
(h ps://
The structures are well design,and the concept is nice in the se ng of the landscape,as how itbamboo-pure-
was build and
for whom,sounds as an oligarchy social se ng,that is not good!I guess nothing is perfectly good!
TATTOO-LY aug 25, 2012
(h ps://

Hermoso grandioso, se puede replicar algo tan bello en la selva de Perú bamboo-pure-

carlos Urquiaga green-school-

aug 25, 2012
(h ps://
Outstanding! Totalmente asombroso.
John Rivera-Resto green-school- 31/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

aug 27, 2012
have something to add? share your thoughts in our comments sec on below.
(h ps://

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bamboo architecture and design

(h ps://
(197 ar cles) 32/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

eleena jamil's pavilion in architecture students at VTN architects'

malaysia is a colorful bezalel academy intricately arched
take on bamboo created a reusable restaurant in xiamen
(h ps://
bamboo pavilion uses locally-sourced
jamila-bamboo- (h ps://
pavilion-malaysia-03- students-bezalel- (h ps://www.designboom
11-2018/) academy-arts-design- architects- ng-xi-
reusable-bamboo- bamboo-restaurant-
pavilion-01-01-2018/) china-12-06-2017/)

school architecture and design (h ps://

architecture-and-design) (347 ar cles) 33/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

estudio cavernas builds SoPA uses rammed crossboundaries

school for refugees and earth and tradi onal rethinks china's
migrants using rammed techniques to build educa on model with
earth and bamboo school library in renova on of beijing
(h ps://
tanzania high school
cavernas-refugee- (h ps://
(h ps://www.designboom
school-rammed-earth- prac ce-sopa-amani- chaoyang-future-high-
bamboo-03-21-2018/) library-tanzania-03-07- school-beijing-china-
2018/) 03-03-2018/)

PRODUCT LIBRARY (/product-library)

a diverse digital database that acts as a valuable guide in gaining insight and informa on about a product directly
from the manufacturer, and serves as a rich reference point in developing a project or scheme. 34/38
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architecture news 35/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

(h ps:// (h ps://
macia-10-studio-mk27-marcio-kogan-squircle- island-marshall-blecher-fokstrot-floa ng-
francesc macià 10: inside the floa ng island by marshall blecher
luxury residen al building by and fokstrot floats around
studio MK27 + squircle capital copenhagen's harbor
(h ps://
(h ps://
macia-10-studio-mk27-marcio- island-marshall-blecher-fokstrot-
kogan-squircle-capital-barcelona- floa ng-copenhagen-harbour-03-
03-20-2018/) 20-2018/)
#architecture (/architecture) #architecture (/architecture)
originally completed by swiss architect 'Ø1' – named a er the danish single-le er
marc-joseph saugey in the 1960s, the word for island – is open to everyone, and
former office building is located in one of has so far been used for stargazing,
barcelona's main business districts. BBQ’ing, winter bathing, » 36/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

#architecture in spain (h ps://www.designbo #architecture in denmark (h ps://www.desig

#michael anastassiades (h ps://www.designb #floa ng architecture (h ps://www.designbo

292 #readers

(h ps:// (h ps://
callebaut-arboricole-angers-france-03-19-2018/) diller-interview-resonate-lisbon-03-08-2018/)
vincent callebaut's 'arboricole' is elizabeth diller discusses
an urban hanging garden architecture, art, and sound at
(h ps://
callebaut-arboricole-angers- (h ps://
france-03-19-2018/) diller-interview-resonate-lisbon-
#architecture (/architecture) 03-08-2018/) 37/38
3/21/2018 PT bamboo pure: green school, bali

at first glance, it seems more like a #architecture (/architecture)

greenhouse than an urban building, with tled 'thinking sound and space,'
vegeta on drooping from the nine floors. RESONATE lisbon used architectural case
studies to explore the rela onships
#architecture in france (h ps://www.designb between the crea ve fields.
#vincent callebaut architectures (h ps://www #architecture interviews (h ps://
#diller scofidio and renfro (h ps://www.desig

all architecture news

(h ps:// 38/38

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