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Direct vs Representative Government


1. Break students into two groups. One will act as Direct Government while the other acts as a
Representative Government
2. For the Direct Government: Talk amongst themselves. Almost like a who are you and meeting
each other activity
Representative Government: Must choose only two representatives for their group. They must
decide amongst themselves who will represent them. NO POLITICAL AFFILIATION TALKS BUT
3. The teacher will now call for the two sides to vote on a new “legislature” for the school. The
voting questions will vary but can be as follows (bring in current events):
 Should cell phones be restricted in class?
 Should tests be oral instead of the use of multiple choice or written response?
 Should school start later and finish later in the day?
 Which is the most important: Happiness or Wealth?
 Should marijuana be legalized?
 Etc.
4. For the direct government, each student will have a chance to vote on a slip of paper what their
vote should be. For the representative government. 2 different students for each representative
will be sent in the hallway to give their opinions to each rep before the teacher comes out and
encourages them to vote differently.
5. Finish the class by bringing students back together and going through pros and cons of direct
and representative government.

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