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The Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (KSA’s) to be developed over the Professional Growth Plan

period (the teacher will determine their needs by completing the Professional Profile document):
Provide detailed plans: actions, dates, review criteria.

Competencies to be developed:
For the 2017-2018, I will be looking to develop more awareness and competency with regards to the
Social Studies 30 curriculum. Whether it may be specifics of the outcomes and the variety of teaching
methods related to the curriculum or in specific skills such as Written Response Assignments. Under the
KSA of Teaching and Learning, specifically in the area of assessment (#3), I will be looking to expand
my understanding and assistance in improving my knowledge of the Written Response Assignments
criteria, skills and assessment of individuals. With a further enhanced understanding of the curriculum
as well as the skills needed in assessing and teaching, I can develop and assist students with producing
more detailed and reflective response that will help their own individual success as well as mine with
regards to creating meaningful learning opportunities and knowledge.


 Use consultant Mark Driedger as a resource with any questions or concerns regarding writing
assignments. I will meet with Mark to discuss first term diploma results and develop an awareness of
areas of strength and concerns. (By Mid February)

 Observe an expert/experienced teacher in our department as they teach written response assignment skills
as well as have a meeting to discuss details in teaching and assessing classroom written response
assignments. (By December)

 Meet with an expert/experienced teacher that has marked diplomas in Edmonton to gather more
information on the process and details observed while marking in order to further my knowledge of
expectations and criteria for written response assignments. (By End of October)

 Meet with students on a one to one basis to discuss their successes as well as to focus in on their areas
that need improvement in writing. (Following Unit 2 WR By Start of October)

 Generate classroom activities and inquiry activities that help create meaningful learning with regards to
Written Response skills as well as good practice for students to help with their Written Response
assignment knowledge. (By November)

 Attend Professional Development/Teacher Convention sessions that involve working with and designing
techniques that assist students in their Written Response Assignment skills. To further knowledge,
experience and an overall mindset of the criteria needed to provide accurate and correct assistance to
students as they learn the process as well as to assess student learning. (Oct. 6/Teachers Convention in

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