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Analysis of a Gossip Protocol in PRISM

Marta Kwiatkowska, Gethin Norman and David Parker

Oxford University Computing Laboratory, Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QD

ABSTRACT tocols. The majority of existing analyses of such systems

Gossip protocols have been proposed as a robust and effi- are based on discrete-event simulation. In contrast, proba-
cient method for disseminating information throughout dy- bilistic model checking provides both an exhaustive search
namically changing networks. We present an analysis of a of all possible behaviours of the system, including best- and
gossip protocol using probabilistic model checking and the worst-case scenarios, and exact, rather than approximate,
tool PRISM. Since the behaviour of these protocols is both quantitative results. Of course, a trade-off inevitably exists.
probabilistic and nondeterministic in nature, this provides a Simulation-based approaches are scalable to much larger and
good example of the exhaustive, quantitative analysis that more complex models, at the expense of exhaustiveness and
probabilistic model checking techniques can provide. In par- numerical accuracy. The intention of this work is not to
ticular, we compute minimum and maximum values, repre- show that model checking is ‘better’ than simulation-based
senting the best- and worst-case performance of the pro- approaches, but rather to highlight that model checking can
tocol under any scheduling, and investigate both their re- be used in conjunction with simulation to provide additional
lationship with the average values that would be obtained insights into a system.
through simulation and the precise scheduling which achieve Gossip protocols exhibit both nondeterministic and prob-
these values. abilistic behaviour. Nondeterminism arises because we con-
sider a distributed network in which the activities of individ-
ual nodes occur asynchronously. Other actions, such as the
1. INTRODUCTION random selection of a node with whom to exchange infor-
Gossip protocols are a class of communication protocols mation, are inherently probabilistic. We model the protocol
which, inspired by the way that gossiping propagates mes- as a Markov decision process (MDP) using the probabilistic
sages in social networks, disseminate content through a net- model checker PRISM [8, 16]. We investigate the expected
work based on periodic exchanges of data with random mem- number of rounds of gossiping required for the nodes to form
bers of the network. These techniques are designed to func- a connected network and how the expected path length be-
tion robustly and efficiently on networks that are large, het- tween nodes evolves over the execution of the protocol. The
erogeneous and dynamic in nature. They are hence be- presence of nondeterminism means that these measures can
coming increasingly important due to the prevalence of, for take a range of values. Hence, we compute minimum and
example, mobile ad-hoc networks, wireless sensor networks maximum values, representing the best- and worst-case per-
and peer-to-peer technologies. formance of the protocol under any scheduling of nodes. We
Gossip-based protocols require each node of the system investigate the relationship of these results with average val-
to periodically exchange information with a number of its ues, as would be obtained through simulation. We also use
peers. The choice of which peers nodes communicate with PRISM to identify the precise situations under which the
is crucial to how information gets disseminated through the best- and worst-case behaviour arises.
network. Theoretically, a node could randomly select a sub-
set of all the available nodes in the network. In practice,
however, this is not feasible since it would require each node
to keep a complete network membership table which is ex- Related Work. Simulation-based studies of the peer sam-
pensive to store and maintain. In this paper, we study the pling service used in the paper can be found in [9]. A survey
peer sampling framework of [9] where each node instead of how different formal verification techniques can be ap-
maintains a relatively small local membership table pro- plied to the analysis of gossip protocols is presented in [3].
viding a partial view of the network which is periodically Probabilistic model checking and PRISM have been used by
updated using a gossiping procedure. Fehnker and Gao [6] to study the influence of different mod-
Probabilistic model checking is a formal verification tech- elling choices on message propagation in flooding and gos-
nique for the analysis of stochastic systems. It is based siping protocols, and by Werner and Schmitt [19] to analyse
on the construction of a probabilistic model from a precise, the performance of a secure authenticated query flooding
high-level description of a system’s behaviour. A quantita- protocol. PRISM has also been used to model and analyse
tive analysis of this model is then performed, by applying a a number of different wireless protocols, for example, the
combination of exhaustive search techniques and numerical IEEE 802.11 backoff mechanism [14] and device discovery
solution methods. In this paper, we investigate how prob- in Bluetooth [5]. See the PRISM case study repository [16]
abilistic model checking can be used to study gossip pro- for more details and further examples.
2. PROBABILISTIC MODEL CHECKING provides support for several types of probabilistic models,
AND PRISM including DTMCs, MDPs and CTMCs, and provides a sim-
ple, high-level modelling language for describing such mod-
Probabilistic model checking is a formal verification tech- els. The tool automatically calculates the results for tem-
nique for systems that exhibit stochastic behaviour. It in- poral logic queries, such as those given above. The un-
volves the construction, from a precise description in a high- derlying computation in PRISM involves a combination of
level specification language, of a probabilistic model de- graph-theoretical algorithms and numerical solution meth-
scribing the behaviour of the system to be analysed. Typi- ods. See, for example, [4, 2, 17] for further details. No-
cally, this model takes the form of a state-transition system, table features of PRISM include the uses a state-of-the-
augmented with probabilistic information. States of the art symbolic approach, allowing compact representation and
model correspond to the possible configurations of the sys- efficient manipulation of large, structured models, and a
tem; transitions represent the ways in which the system can discrete-event simulation engine, generating approximate so-
evolve between these states and include information about lutions through Monte Carlo methods and sampling.
the likelihood (or timing) with which they will occur.
A discrete-time Markov chain (DTMC) labels each transi-
tion in the model with a probability such that the sum over
the outgoing transitions for each state equals one. These 3. MODELLING THE PROTOCOL
give the probability, from any state in the model, of moving We base our gossip protocol model on the framework of [9].
to any other state in the next discrete time-step. Markov de- We assume a network of N nodes, each with an address that
cision processes (MDPs) extend DTMCs by also modelling is required for sending a message to it (as in, for example,
nondeterministic behaviour. More precisely, each state of a wireless network). Each node maintains a partial view of
an MDP is associated with a set of probability distributions the network: a list of up to c (< N ) node descriptors, each of
over the states of the MDP. A transition between states of which comprises a node’s network address and an age that
the model occurs in two steps: first, there is a nondetermin- represents the freshness of the descriptor.
istic choice between available distributions in the current Periodically each node will execute a gossiping algorithm
state; second, the next state is selected at random accord- which exchanges the information contained in their views.
ing to the chosen distribution. This allows information about the topology of the network
The behaviour of a DTMC is fully probabilistic. We can, (and changes to it) to be propagated between nodes. The
in standard fashion [10], define a probability space over in- fundamental idea behind gossip-based protocols is that each
finite paths through the model and thus quantify the like- node passes information to a small, random subset of the
lihood of a particular event occurring. For an MDP, on other nodes. This prevents overloading of the network with
the other hand, we can only reason about its probabilis- large numbers of superfluous messages.
tic behaviour once the nondeterministic choices have been The framework of [9] includes a number of design choices
resolved. We refer to a particular resolution of nondetermin- regarding the gossip protocol. For example peer selection,
ism as an adversary (sometimes also called a scheduler or which is the choice of a node to exchange views with, can be
policy). Under a given adversary, the execution of an MDP done at random or by selecting the node in the view with the
can be represented by a (potentially infinite state) DTMC. oldest age. We will assume a random choice. Several strate-
To reason about MDPs, we can compute the minimum or gies also exist for view propagation, which defines how two
maximum probability of an event occurring, over all adver- nodes exchange their views, e.g. push or pushpull : one- or
saries, i.e. over all possible resolutions of nondeterminism. two-way exchange of views between the sending and receiv-
In probabilistic model checking, properties to be analysed ing node. We use the former and assume that the sending
of a system are typically expressed in temporal logics, such node pushes the whole of its view to the receiving node.
as PCTL [7]. For example, the following: Finally, the receiving node requires a strategy for view se-
lection, which combines the incoming and the existing view
Pmax=? [ F≤T “error ” ] information. In our model, we in fact use hop-counts as a
represents the maximum probability of an error occurring coarse (bounded) measure of the age of each node descrip-
within T time-steps. DTMCs and MDPs can also be aug- tor. A receiving node increments the the hop-count of all
mented with reward structures, which label states and tran- the incoming descriptors, merges these with the descriptors
sitions with numerical values. These can be used to rea- in its own view (keeping the entry with the youngest count
son about a wide range of quantitative measures, such as in cases of duplication) and then keeps the c newest entries
“elapsed time”, “energy consumed” or “number of messages from the combined set.
sent”. For example: With regards to the timing of the protocol, we assume
that the exchange of data between nodes occurs periodi-
R{“rounds”}min=? [ F “terminated ” ]
cally (with some fixed period) and that each node sends its
represents the minimum expected number of rounds of an data exactly once in each round of execution. Such a scheme
algorithm required before it terminates. can be achieved in practice through synchronisation of local
Another alternative to DTMCs is continuous-time Markov clocks. Due to the distributed nature of the system, how-
chains (CTMCs) which offer a dense model of time. In ever, the order in which the nodes participate in each round
CTMCs, transitions are labelled with rates which represent is unknown (and may be different each time).
parameters of negative exponential distributions and give The gossip protocol therefore exhibits both probabilistic
the delay until the transition is enabled. For further details behaviour (random peer selection) and nondeterministic be-
see, for example, [1]. haviour (scheduling of nodes within a round) and is nat-
PRISM [8, 16] is a probabilistic model checking tool de- urally modelled as a Markov decision process (MDP). We
veloped at the Universities of Birmingham and Oxford. It constructed a model of the gossip protocol in PRISM, using
3.5 4.5 4.5
maximum maximum maximum
average average average
expected maximum path length at time T

expected maximum path length at time T

expected maximum path length at time T

3 average ± s.d. 4 average ± s.d. 4 average ± s.d.
minimum minimum minimum

2.5 3.5 3.5

2 3 3

1.5 2.5 2.5

1 2 2

0.5 1.5 1.5

0 50 100 150 200 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 100 200 300 400
time (T) time (T) time (T)

(a) N =3 (b) N =4 (c) N =4 (zoom)

Figure 1: Expected path length: Minimum, maximum and average (± standard deviation).

the tool’s high-level description language.1 how this relates to the average case. For the latter, we show
We opt to build a small, but detailed, model of the sys- how obtaining best and worst-case adversaries (schedulers)
tem. The model comprises several components: one for for of the MDP can help to identify the scenarios in which the
each node in the network and one representing a scheduler best and worst cases occur. The next two sections describe
who chooses (nondeterministically) the order in which nodes these two illustrative properties in some detail; following
execute the protocol. The state of each node in the network this, we list some other properties that could be analysed.
includes its current view, information about which part of
the protocol it is currently executing and a buffer to store in- 4.1 Best, worst and average case behaviour
coming data from other nodes. The scheduler simply keeps We first study how the longest path length between nodes in
track of which nodes have sent data in the current round. the network varies over the execution of the protocol. This
For simplicity, we assume that the sending and updating of is done using PRISM properties of the form:
views is an atomic step, i.e. throughout the process of one
node sending its view to another, no other communication R{“path len”}min=? [ I=T ]
occurs in the network. R{“path len”}max=? [ I=T ]
Because of the detailed nature of the model and the corre- which represent the minimum/maximum expected value of
sponding state space size, we consider only very small sizes “path len” at time instant T . This assumes that we have
of network (N =3, 4) and fix a local view size of c = 2. It added a reward structure called “path len” to the PRISM
is possible, though, that anomalies observed in these small model, which associates with each state of the MDP a value
models will also be exhibited by networks of a more realistic representing the longest path length between any two nodes
size. As regards the initial configuration of the model (i.e. at that point (for the case where the graph is not connected,
the initial local views of each node), we assume that one we let “path len” be N ).
node is “public” and that all other nodes know the address These properties give the minimum and maximum values
of this node (but it is not aware of the others). This con- over all possible resolutions of nondeterminism in the MDP
figuration is suitably realistic and ensures that a connected which, in this model, means quantifying over all possible
network is possible. schedulings of the nodes. This allows us to determine the
For N =3, the model has 829 states and 946 transitions; best- and worst-case behaviour of the system in any even-
for N =4, it has 74,034 states and 87,410 transitions. These tuality. Since the gossip protocol makes random choices,
MDPs are constructed by PRISM in 1.73 seconds and 95.0 its execution under a particular scheduling is probabilistic.
seconds, respectively (on a 2GHz PC with 2GB RAM). Hence our use of minimum/maximum expected values.
It is also possible, with a simple modification of the PRISM
4. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS model, to compute the average value of the longest path
We used PRISM to analyse the performance of the gossip length over time. This is done by replacing nondetermin-
protocol described in the previous section, illustrating the ism in the scheduler component of the PRISM model with
kind of analysis that can be performed with probabilistic uniform probabilistic choices, yielding a DTMC instead of
model checking. We concentrate on how the topology of the an MDP. Although this is no longer an accurate model of
network induced by the local views of the nodes varies over the scheduling, it is interesting because the results computed
time, investigating first the maximum path length (longest from the DTMC model can be seen as the values that would
route between nodes) and then the time for the network to be obtained through simulation by averaging the results ob-
become connected. For the former, we demonstrate an anal- tained over a large number of simulation runs.
ysis of the best- and worst-case behaviour of the model, and Furthermore, we can also calculate the standard devia-
tion of the random variable corresponding to the longest
1 path length; again this is information that could be obtained
The full PRISM model can be found at: (approximately) through simulation. Computing this value
simistic view: in fact, the best and worst possible behaviour
4.5 is within the bounds given by the standard deviation. For
5 runs N =4, on the other hand, the worst-case (maximum values)
50 runs
are significantly higher. Also, for N =3, the average case
expected maximum path length at time T

500 runs
4 falls roughly half-way between the minimum and maximum
5000 runs
values, where as, for N =4, it is much closer to the best-case
(minimum) behaviour.
3.5 Lastly, to illustrate the relationship between the above
results and those obtained from discrete-event simulation,
in Figure 2 we have included the average results over 5, 50,
3 500 and 5,000 simulation runs for the network of 4 nodes.
The plots demonstrate that, as we increase the number of
simulation runs, the average values converge to the (average)
results for the DTMC model given in Figure 1(b).

4.2 Best and worst-case scheduling
One weakness with the property analysed in the previous
section is the notion of time used. Each time-step (as mea-
1.5 sured on the X-axis in the plots) corresponds to a single
0 200 400 600 800 1000 transition in the model. Because the model comprises a set
time (T)
of processes running in parallel this does not give an ac-
Figure 2: Simulation results (N =4). curate measure of elapsed time. Since the gossip protocol
proceeds in rounds of fixed time interval, however, we can
(exactly) with PRISM is done by adding a second reward improve this by considering the number of rounds.
structure, which associates each state of the model with the More precisely, we compute the (minimum and maximum)
square of the “path len” value, and then using the equiva- expected number of complete gossiping rounds required be-
lence σ(X)2 = E(X 2 ) − E(X)2 . fore the combined views of the nodes generate a connected
Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show the full set of these results for network. This is a desirable configuration for the network to
N =3 and N =4 nodes, respectively. The thicker solid lines reach since, when the local views do not form a connected
show the minimum and maximum expected longest path topology, the nodes have insufficient information to ensure
length after T time-steps, for a range of values of T . In that a message gets propagated to all other nodes in the
between these, the thinner solid line shows the average (i.e. network. The PRISM properties are:
expected) value for the same time points. The dashed lines
R{“num rounds”}min=? [ F “connected ” ]
indicate the standard deviation.
R{“num rounds”}max=? [ F “connected ” ]
The results demonstrate that there is a significant differ-
ence between the minimum and maximum values, i.e. be- where “num rounds” is a reward structure that assigns a
tween the best- and worst- case behaviour of the protocol. reward of 1 to transitions marking the end of a round and
Both values eventually stabilise at 1, for N =3, and 2, for “connected ” labels states in which a path exists between any
N =4 (in each case, this is the shortest possible longest path pair of nodes in the network.
length since the local views are of size two). As well as computing these measures, we use PRISM to
Note that, despite the discontinuities seen in the graphs, generate actual adversaries that result in the minimum and
these results are exact and have been computed for every maximum values.2 Since the only nondeterminism in the
time step. In fact, plots of this kind are typical for systems model is due to scheduling of the nodes (i.e. the order in
which operate in rounds, each one requiring multiple discrete which they forward their views to their neighbours), we can
time-steps. In the case of the maximum values for N =4 (Fig- extract from an adversary the corresponding scheduling.
ure 1(b)) we see that, although the longest path length is We consider first the network of three nodes. The min-
converging towards two, there are many small jumps where imum and maximum number of complete rounds required
it increases and then decreases again. This phenomenon for the local views to generate a connected network is 0
can be observed more clearly in Figure 1(c), which shows and 1 respectively. For comparison, in the DTMC model,
the same plots for a smaller range of time values. This be- where nondeterminism has been replaced by uniform ran-
haviour can be attributed to the fact that, within each round dom choice, the expected number of rounds is 0.667.
of the protocol, the adversary can schedule nodes in a mali- Figure 3 illustrates the sequences of node schedulings that
cious fashion such that the longest path length temporarily result in these minimum and maximum values. Initially, all
increases. Because of the design of the protocol, though, nodes can see node n2 , but no others. The best-case be-
the expected longest path length decreases as the rounds haviour (minimum expected number of complete rounds)
progress. Figure 1(c) also demonstrates that, although they can be obtained by first scheduling node n1 and then node
are not as pronounced, the same fluctuations occur for the n3 , after which n2 has added both n1 and n3 to its view and
other plots (average and minimum values). the network is connected. Since n2 has yet to be scheduled,
It is also interesting to observe the relationship between the minimum expected number of complete rounds is 0. For
the minimum and maximum values (obtained from the MDP) worst-case behaviour (maximum value), we can schedule n2
and the average and standard deviation values (obtained
from the DTMC). For the case where N =3, we see that the 2
We used a prototype extension of the tool that includes
average values and standard deviation give a slightly pes- this functionality.
n1 n2 n3 n4 n1 n2 n3 n4

schedule n1 schedule n1

n1 n2 n3 n4 n1 n2 n3 n4

schedule n3 schedule n3

n1 n2 n3 n4 n1 n2 n3 n4

schedule n2 schedule n2
choose n1 choose n3 schedule n4

n1 n2 n3 n4 n1 n2 n3 n4 n1 n2 n3 n4

schedule n2 schedule n2
schedule n4 schedule n4 choose n3 choose n4

n1 n2 n3 n4 n1 n2 n3 n4 n1 n2 n3 n4 n1 n2 n3 n4

(a) minimum (b) maximum

Figure 4: Scheduling for the 4 node network (first gossiping round).

n1 n2 n3 nk
n1 n2 n3

n1 n2 n3 schedule n1
Figure 5: Chain of k nodes.
schedule n1 n1 n2 n3
cases notice that, when node n4 is scheduled the view of n2
n1 n2 n3 schedule n2
is updated, causing the removal of n1 (the oldest descrip-
tor). Not also that, when node n2 is scheduled it makes a
schedule n3 n1 n2 n3 (random) selection between communicating with n1 or n3
since both are in its view at the time.
n1 n2 n3 schedule n3 For the minimum case (Figure 4(a)) we see that, if n2
chooses to gossip with n3 (i.e. the right-hand branch), then
n1 n2 n3 the network is complete by the end of the first round. If it
chooses n1 (i.e. the left branch) this is not the case (there
(a) minimum are no paths to n1 ) and further rounds of the protocol are
required. This leads to a (minimum) expected number of
(b) maximum rounds of 1.5. For the maximum case (Figure 4(b)), the
network is not connected under either choice and several
Figure 3: Scheduling for the 3 node network. further rounds are required.
The properties analysed in both this and the previous
before either n1 or n3 is scheduled. This adds no new infor- section demonstrate a considerable discrepancy between the
mation to the local views and means that a complete gossip- minimum and maximum values. To give a simple intuitive
ing round is required before the network becomes connected. explanation for this, consider a chain of nodes of length k
For the network consisting of four nodes, we find that (illustrated in Figure 5) in which n1 is trying to pass a mes-
the minimum and maximum expected number of complete sage to node nk . Suppose that all nodes are scheduled in
rounds before connectivity are 1.5 and 4.5 respectively. For each round and that nodes send only messages to their right-
comparison, the expected number of rounds for the DTMC hand neighbour (ni only sends messages to ni+1 ). Then, the
model is 2.788 which, unlike in the case of the three node scheduling n1 , n2 , . . . , nk would propagate the message to
network, is closer to the minimum than the maximum. node nk in a single round but the scheduling nk , nk−1 , . . . ,
This case is more complex than the three node network. n1 would require k−1 rounds to achieve this.
Since more than one round may be required before the net- As the number of nodes in the network increases, so does
work becomes connected and the number of possible neigh- the amount of nondeterminism present in the model. Hence,
bours exceeds the size of the view, descriptors can be dropped the potential influence of the scheduling (the difference be-
from the views as more recent information becomes avail- tween the minimum and maximum values) is also likely to
able. Furthermore, we must consider a node’s choice of who increase. As the comparison of the cases of three and four
to send data to. Figure 4 shows part of the scheduling (the nodes suggests, however, it may also be the case that, for
first gossiping round) that can result in the minimum and larger numbers of nodes, the average behaviour is closer to
maximum expected number of complete rounds. In both the best-case behaviour than the worst-case.
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The authors are supported in part by the EPSRC grants timed automata. Information and Computation,
EP/D07956X and EP/D076625. This work was initiated at 205(7):1027–1077, 2007.
the “Two Decades of Probabilistic Verification - Reflections [16] PRISM web site.
and Perspectives” meeting at the Lorentz Center, Leiden, [17] J. Rutten, M. Kwiatkowska, G. Norman, and
organised by the NWO/DFG-funded VOSS II project. D. Parker. Mathematical Techniques for Analyzing
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