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Social Problems 2018 Names of presenters: _____________________Hr.

Culture Project Travel Destination: ________________________

0=Does not demonstrate the skill

1= moderately demonstrates the skill
2=proficiently demonstrates the skill
3=you could not have demonstrated this skill any more expertly; proficiency, creativity, and ‘above and beyond’
application of the skill

Create a 5-7 minute presentation on an international travel destination of your choice that demonstrates your
ability to apply the following ‘culture’ concepts:

 Give us a mini-introduction that includes a brief history of your travel destination. Significant pieces
of information include their location in the world, significant exports, external influences (has another
nation ever imperialized this nation?), current political and economic system, current leader(s),
currency, etc. (x2)
 Describe the climate of your travel destination RIGHT NOW (March).
 Use google maps to give us a mini ‘tour’ of significant landmarks, city centers, or significant
geographical structures. You must select a minimum of two landmarks to give us a ‘tour’ of.
 Identify indigenous animals and plants- consider what folks living in your travel destination see
regularly but tourists would stop to take a picture of.
 Symbols - including meaning and/or misinterpretations
 Language - What languages are spoken in your city/nation? Learn to say "My name is _____", "How
are you?" and "What is your name?" in the dominant language of your destination. You may include
more. Additionally, you may find a short (10-15 second) film clip of people speaking in the native
language for demonstration purposes. (x2)
 Norms- What are proper 'manners' in your nation? How do they treat one another? Youth?
Elderly? Describe expected/accepted behaviors. Another way to present this is to describe behaviors
that are NOT normative, in other words, what behaviors are considered ‘deviant’? Do these behaviors
create conflict? (x2)
 Values/Beliefs- What is 'beautiful'? Which people are most valued in their culture and why? Are
there any customs, superstitions, expectations of behavior that may also be ‘norms’ but better reflect a
cultural belief system? Do these beliefs create conflict?
 Material Culture- Traditional clothing? What tools are used? Technology? How do they build their
homes? What does the average home look like? What are common items for cultural celebrations?
for extra credit you can make a small sample of a common food item, show us traditional dress (extra
credit for wearing it). If you provide a food item a COMPLETE list of ingredients must be provided the
day BEFORE your presentation.
 High Culture- how are the elite separated from the masses? How do you know someone is
'elite'? What do the wealthy do that masses do not?
 Popular Culture- What is popular in that nation RIGHT NOW regarding behaviors, trends,
music/movies/TV, communication, etc. Play a sample of the number one song on popular radio
stations from your travel destination. Do NOT play or include popular culture that was created in the
United States.. acknowledge the fact that there is an audience for American music/movies but show us
items that have been created IN your country BY your citizens.
 Counter Culture- Is there an identifiable counter culture? Describe what they are opposed to within
pop culture. Look at political disagreements- if there is a minority group protesting something… start
 Conclusion: How would your life be different if you had grown up in this location? What would your
daily schedule be like? How would your future look? What opportunities or constraints would you
have if you had lived in this region your entire life? (x3)

Total Points out of 36


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