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Benjamin DrechsellClaus Leggewie (Eds.

United in Visual Diversity

Images and Counter-Images of Europe

Studien Verlag

Benjamin DrechsellClaus Leggewie

Visual Battlefield Europer Some Preliminary Observations 7

Fundamentals 15

Matthias Bruhn
The lconology of Power. A European Perspective on Political Imagery 17

Gerhard Paul
Images of Europe in the 20th Century. Pictorial Discourses -
Canon of Images - Visual Sites of Memory 34

Central Pictorial Strategies and Motifs 57

Lena Voigt
Beyond the Nation States? Caricatures ofEurope in the Satirical Press in 1848/49 59

Wolfgang Schmale
"Europa in Forrna Virgmis" - A 16th-Century Woodcut and How It Became
a European Lieu de Memoire in the 20 th Century 71

Daniela Kneissl
Between Universalism and Limitation: Visual Constructs ofEurope in the 1950s 82

Matthias Belafi
The European Union as a Family? The Family Photos of the European Council
as a Representation of the European Union 92

Petra Bernhardt/.Andreas Pribersky

Designing a EUropean Renaissance? The Rem Koolhaas Projects Addressing the
Question of the Public Visibility of the EU 106

Anja Besand
Crooked Cucumbers, Milk Cows and Mysterious Bulls. Pictures ofEurope
in German Textbooks for CiviC!PoliticalEducation 115
Peripheral Perspectives 129

Anamaria Dutceac Segesten

Europe at the Margins: How Europe Appears in History Textbooks frorn Serbia
and Romania 131

Silvia Nadjivan
A View from the "Outside:" Corax's Cartoons on the EU Integration Process
in Serbia 143

Elisabeth Rährlich
Europe as Contrasting Image: Constructing the European "Self" Out 01' Images
of the Turkish "Other" 157

"Portress Europe?" Iconographical Aspects 01' European Borders 168

Francesca Falk
Europe - a View from the Margins. Boat People and the Memory 01' Images 180

Nicole Doerr
Imagining A Critical European Visual Citizenship: The EuroMayday Protests
Against Precarity 186

Foreign Perspectives and Imported Images 197

Michael Wintle
Seeing Europe From Elsewhere: A Continent in Words and Pictures 199

Michael Saffle
Emerging Images of Europe in American Entertainment 214

Philipp Gassert
The "Golden Arches:" Image or Counter-Image 01' Europe? 225

Neta B. Bodner
Transeending Geography: The Transportation 01' Sanctity from the Holy Land
to the Homeland 238

Authors 250

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