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Grab A Gram

Grab A Gram Event Guidelines

Description: Pick up 50 grams of two different sets of material (2 rounds,
different substances in each round).

Number of Participants: 2

Approximate Time: 60 minutes

The Competition

Each team needs to pick up some of the given material ( sand, paper clips, beans,
rice, etc). The material is later weighed by the judge and scored based on its
accuracy. A score will be given at the end of each round.
Grab A Gram Scoring
1. Total mass of the sample (material plus container) from each team becomes
its score if the mass is 50 grams or under (rounded to nearest tenths).
Samples over 50 grams will have the grams over 50 subtracted from 50.

2. Scores of the two rounds will be combined to determine the winner. A

perfect score at the end of the two rounds would be 100.
Single Round Sample Scores
Mass between 1-50: score will be equal to that number (40 g = 40 )

Mass greater than 50 : score will be the difference between the mass and 50
grams subtracted from 50 (60 g = 40)

Mass greater than 100: score will be zero. (102 is 52 over 50, which will give a
score of -2, except no negative scores are allowed)
Tie Breakers!

Team with the best single round score becomes the winner.
● Be aware that different material can have different densities. For example a
paper clip is more dense/heavy than rice.
● Make sure not to exceed 100 g for your single round mass or your score will
be a zero for that round.
1. Get into groups of 2-3
2. Get a bag of paper clips/rice/beans and a container
3. Grab the material, approximating the mass closest to 50 grams
4. Weigh the material and check accuracy
5. Switch to a different material, repeat steps 3-4

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