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Ayaan! dealy Suaigl Alexandria University Faculty of Engineering SSP(CCE) NE Lael fyebll ea yl Jamuary 2018 S 2018 oh Mobile and Wireless Communications Aste Sh cas CC 443, CC 443, ‘Vime allowed: Two Hours ‘Answer All The Following: @)bs-Derive an expression forthe fi © the wansmiter and the receiver (andthe frequeney (in dB \D_.. belf in (1-a) d=10 Km and £500 MElz what will be the valué8P( Les )? If (2 what will be the new value of (Les) ? Comment on the results¢ ‘elacga3! space path loss ( Les) in terms of the distance between 9 MHz , 2-a-Using the attached cellular struc-ure show the first tier which is consisting of the six co- ® channels for the cell number( one) in: the cluster which has a size (N=4 ). {qb Determine the value of the co-channel interference (C/) for the system in Q-2) if | @ie3,give also this Value in dB, What will be the obtained value if we yse,the next higher } cluster size? Comment on the results. (/) c-In a certain mobile system if the number of the channels=100 and the blocking (2tobability= 2.%, what will be the number ofthe calls in the busy hour ? What will be the ‘value of the blocking probability ( B ) if the number of the calls is increased by 18 % ? ny neat sketches compare between the different Multiple Access Yechniques that are sed in mobile and wireless communications. <<} @b- Aided with neat diagrams explain the process of handover in mobile communication. |) @ What is the difference between soft- and hard-handover proces @ “Sate tho main parameters of the frst generation mabite systxn( ~ ‘number of the available user duplex channels. 8082, 4-e-State the main parameters of the second generation( 2 G) mobile system (GS M } aad verify the number of the channels ard the possible number of the users & the bit rato. The distribution of the bits in the user time slot must be given. State the type of the used digital modulatiop-¢s well as the multiple access techniques. ie _, b-Constritt We from Ws [1] then using the code for Us show’ She spreaded signal of the @ logical bit stream (-1 1-1) ifthe bitrate ofthis steam= %4 the chip rate ofthe code. From the spreaded signal obtain the de: preaded signal if we use in the dispreading the gade of Us. Comment on the obtained results 4) #3 © eSiate briefly the main parame:ers of the third generation mobile system WCDMA. S-ae Aided with neat sketches show the basic idea of the orthognality of the multi-carriers in (OFDM) system and how can we achieve serial to parallel to use these carriers. 4\ 4) b-Show how can we over-come the (I$) due to multi-path transmission when using ga (OFDM) technique. (G) e-Sketeh the block- diagram: of (OFDM ) transmitter and receiver, then explain why we use (IEF) and (FFT) techniques in this system Bt ©: : Poge Fer oe on each 28° Reasll Lalsl aig CYL g LL eh, ALEXANDRIA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Specialized Sciontific Programs Computer & Communication Program z Course Code: CC37L EN 2017/2018 Course Title: Analysis & Design of Algorithms ‘Time Allowed: TWO Hour Attempt ALL Questions: Question 1: [10 points} 1. Given two integers each consisting of n bits, explain an O(n*) divide-and-conquer algo- rithm to multiply them. Show how to improve your algorithm to use three recursive calls, instead of four. What is the running time of the improved algorithm? 2. In the median-finding algorithm, the input elements are divided into groups of 6. Will the algorithm work in lineat time if they are divided into groups of 7? How about groups of 3? Prove your arguments. Question 2 : [10 points] 1. Suggest a greedy algorithm for the fractional knapsack problem. Prove that the fractional knapsack problem has the greedy-choice property. Show by a counter example that your algorithm is not optimal when applied to the 0-1 knapsack problem, 2. Give a dynamic-programming solution to the 0-1 knapsack problem that runs in O(n-W) time, where n is the number of items and WV is the maximum weight of items that the thief can put in his knapsack. Does this contradict with the fact that the 0-1 knapsack problem is NP-complete? Justify your answer. Question 3 : [10 points] 1. Suppose a data file contains strings formed from 256 distinct characters, such that the maximum character frequency is less than twice the minimum character frequency. Prove that Huffman coding in this case is no more efficient than using a fixed-length $-bit code, 2. Consider a sequence of operations where the ith operation costs @ if i is a power of 2, otherwise each operation costs 1. Use the Potential mcthod to show the amortized cost per operation. Question 4 : [10 points] 1. What is a convex hull of a set of points? Sketch an algorithm that constructs the convex hull of n points. 2. Describe an efficient algorithm that decides if there are three collinear points (on the same line) among n planar points. What is the running time of your algorithm? Question 5 : [10 points] 1. Define the elass NP. Describe the 3 SAT (3-CNF) problem. 2. In the half 9-CNF satisfiability problem, we are given a 3CNF formula ¢ with m clauses, where m is even, We wish to determine whether there exists a truth assignment to the variables of ¢ such that exactly half the clauses evaluate to 0 and exactly half the clauses evaluate to 1. Prove that the half 3-CNF satisfiability problem is NP-complete Page 1 of 1 Alexandria University Faculty of Engineering Specialized Scientific Programs Antenna and Wave Propagation CC444 ‘Time allowed: 2 Hrs Answer the following questions 1. Consider a plane wave is incident upon an interface between two dielectric and non magnetic medi as shown. Find expressions for the reflection and transmission coefficients. If the wave shown above is incident at an angle of 6, = 60° from a medium with €, =4 while the second medium is air. Calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients , critical and Brewster angles if. exist . Evaluate the angle of zero transmission coefficient. (10 Marks) 2. a) If the radiation field from the 2/2 dipole is given as: z (@ pn s(— cos 6) aa jitigeltnea cos(% 054) 4 =J—— 6 4n Find expressions for the radiation magnetic field , the radiated power density, radiation resistance and the gain. Plot the radiation E , H plane patterns , then find the beamwidth. (10 Marks) 3. Anarray composed of six short dipoles separated by d=2/2 and =~ 1/2. Sketch the E- plane and H- plane patterns and determine the angles of zeros. (10 Marks) Page 1 of 2 4. For the travelling wave antenna , derive expressions for the radiation fields and sketch its pattern. The feeding current is F = Ie” 72, (10 Marks) 5. A rectangular aperture placed in the x-y plane is uniform illuminated by an aperture electric field as EF, = E,% over the aperture and zero otherwise. The dimensions of the aperture is a along the x axis and 6 along the y axis. Find the far radiated electric field and sketch the E and H plane patterns. Hint F, = F, cos 0 cos + F, cos Osin g F,=-F,sing + F, cos¢ (10 Marks) Page 2 of 2 Examiner : Prof. Dr. Nour Eldin H. Ismail Aa saisuyl Aealy ‘ussigll As, Alexandria University FrawaSiall Llall el yl Faculty of Engineering Specialized Sciemtific Programs CC445 Microwave and Optical Fa mels a 505 Sell Jill bLA ‘Transmission Media Time allowed: Two Hours felis oj Answer the following questions 1. A lossless transmission Line of length (18/5)A with R,= 100 Q is terminated by z= 150 — j200 ©. Another lossless transmission line of length 0.2 2. is terminated by Z,=50 +j 75 Q and having the same 2, is connected in parallel with Z, as shown. Using Smith chart to evaluate the reflection coefficient » VSWR and the input impedance Z i/p . Also , find the location of the stub and its length for matching. ov Za je 8/5) J 1 Zipp Z, (10 points) 2. A rectangular waveguide axb is filled with a dielectric material of €,=4 and is fed by TE, mode . Find: i- the mode electric and magnetic field expressions ii- the cut off frequency and the relation between free space wavelength , cutoff wavelength and the guided wavelength iii-the transmitted and loss power of this mode. (12 points) 3. i+ Find the attenuation factor due to dielectric loss in a circuilar waveguide. ii- A circular waveguide of radius a field with air and is excited by TM, mode. Find expressions for the mode electric and magnetic fields, the cutoff frequency and the attenuation factor due to wall loss. (14 points) Page ! of 2 ho =2.405 , ror =3.83.. 4. A rectangular cavity with dimensions of a,b and d and air filled . The mode inside the cavity is the TE, mode. Find an expressions for its quality factor. (8 points) 5. Sketch the structure of the optical fiber . An optical fiber with a core refractive index = 1.48 and a relative refractive index = 2% . Find the values of the acceptance angle , NA, clad refractive index and critical angle. (6 points) Page 2 of 2 Examiner : Prof. Dr. Nour Eldin H. Ismail ot ALEXANDRIA UNIVERSITY Ayyattuyl dade FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Raastglt Als Specialized Scientific Programs Hrcwadiall Ayatet) gal yl) Sry 4g chute! Gully Date: 11/1/2018 Time allowed: two hrs Computer & Communication Program Course Title: Computer Graphics Course Code: CC485 Student ID: Student Name: Score: /S0 1) Rasterization {16 points} @) Using Bresenham algorithm, compute four points on the line starting from the point (2,1) to (12,9). C k Xk Mz Px. 0 2 1 2 3 = a b) Using midpoint algorithm, compute 2 points on a circle with center at (0,0) and radius equals 5. Ki xe | ye [pe o 1 z ‘What are the other 7 points that can be depicted from the first computed point? aa) If the center at (3,4) where should the two computed points be plotted? a) J ©) Apply DDA algorithm to rasterize a parabola y= 0.5 x? with ending points (1, 1) and (4, 8). a ng crteentenerccif a coeraiad 1 1 ie 4 8 Page | of 4 yr ® Rewrite the following pseudo code as opengl function that draws a circle but try to avoid the computation of cos and sin inside the loop u theta = 07 77 angle that will be increased each loop b= 12 11 x coordinate of circle center k= 10 Wy coordinate of circle center step = 157 // anount to add to theta each time (degrees) repeat until theta >= 360 | (x= b+ recos(tnetay y = k + résin(theta) craw a line to x,y = add step to theta ) 2) Line & Polygon Clipping [8 points} 8) Assuming A=(1,3) , D=(11,6) and the lower left corer and the upper right comer of the clipping window are (2,2),(10,8) respectively. Find the intersection points B and C? 5) Apply Cohen-Suthertand polygon Clipping algorithm to the following triangle definéd by the vertex set (1,2, 3} and intersecting withthe clipping rectangle in 1',1"I" 2,3! and 3". Apply the algorithm in the following order (left, bottom, right, top) and with the same given names ofthe intersestion vertices? Page 2 0f 4 3) Left edge Bot. edge Right edge Top edge in [out in [out in | out in J out 12 B 3 Transformation [8 points} © Trove that scaling by Mc. in x direction and 1/5, in y direction is the inverse of sealing by s. in'x direction and sy in y direction 4) Modify the following code to display Quad { (1,1), (1,5), (5,1),(5,5)} rotated around the point (1,2) by 45 clockwise? glMatrixMode( } glLoadidentity( % elTranslatef( ); glRotaten{ ): gi Translateft } gl_begin( 3 Lend ©) Write down a single opengl statement which ean do the following sequence of rotations: Ry(-90) Rx(B)Ry(90) ® Write down a transformation matrix to project a point on 2D into y axis Page 3 of 4 = 4) OpenGL [18 points] a) Identify the correct answer: 1) Ifthe following statement: glOrtho(-2.0, 2.0, -1.0, 1.0, -2.0, 2.0) ; exists in the reshape function which of the following points will not appear in the scene? a) (0.5,0.5,1.5) b) (0.5,0.1-12) — ) (121) ——_-d) (0.5,0.5,0.5) 2) Which matrix will be modified by the following function: glLoadldentity a) Projection b) model view) color d) depends on previous code 3) Which matrix will be modified by the following function: glOrtho a) Projection b) model view) identity) depends on previous code 4) Which matrix will be modified by the following function: gluLookAt a) Projection b) model view c) identity d) depends on previous code 5) What is the callback function that will be executed immediately if the window is resized? a)reshape _b) display ©) keyboard d) mouse 6) If lighting is disabled, which function specifies the color of the vertex? F 2) giClearColor) —_b) giDisplayfuneQ)__c) giColor d)glvertix2i0, 7) What is the result of applying a translation T followed by a scaling S to the point p? ®)STp b)TSp ©)Sp+T 4) S@+T) 8) OpenGL guarantee that polygons will be displayed correctly if they are: a) simple ) flat ¢) convex. d) both a,b and c b) Modity the following openGL code to draw a pyramid GLiloat vertices{] = {{1.06,0.0F,0.0F}, {-1.0F0.08,0.0f}, {0.02.06 0.08}, (0.06 1.0F,2.08}} GLubyte indices(}'= { | siEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); | glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, % ‘lDrawElements( " , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, oy lDisableClientState i B ¢) Use gl_begin construct inside a loop with the vertices and i pyramid as a display list. ices arrays in part (b) to draw the above Good Lucl Dr. Mohamed Abdelhafecz Page 4 of 4 It assigns the majority label inside that region, ALEXANDRIA UNIVERSITY ypu eal FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Asi As Computer and Communications SSP CNL 5 dal gay CCE Pattern Recognition BUM gle G nil Fall 2017 2017 ns Time: 2 hours aes at Answer all questions. Exam is open book. . Decision Trees/Ensemble Evaluate the gini-index at the root if you split the data on the ‘average point of the midpoints for the variable X1, Evaluate the gini-index gain at the root if you spilt the data on the average point of the ints for the variable X2. ‘Suppose you have anew classifier (e1,e2) that use the the following criterion. it will divide the space into two regions First region where X1*e1+ X2 - e2>0 Second region is everything else = Compute the gini-index of that classifier where (e1=8,e2=8) Use the three classifiers hb, hc,hd as an ensemble (voting) to classify the samples (6 points) I pI=(65) 2=(9,1) p3=(3,5) . Clustering Assume all our points are in one dimension, and we have Train = (1, 2, 5,6, 8, 9, 10}. Initialize K-means with two means yt and 2 = 3 (K = 2). Run K-means until convergence, showing the assignments and i after each iteration. What is the final reconstruction loss? Use the similarity matrices as 2-NN and 3-NN to Compute the normalized-cut values of the clustering you obtained in part (a) given the 2-NN similarity matrix. ‘Compute the normalized-cut values of the clustering you obtained in pert (a) given the 3-NN. similarity matrix. 3. Regression and Neural Nets a. Given the data below eS: 8 10 | 13 | 17 | 12 | 3 2) 7 "1 y 10 | 40 | 50 | 6 | 70 | 50 | 30 | 20 | 40 | 70 1. How many parameters you need to find to solve a linear regression problem on the data? 2. Use Normal equations to find the equation of the line produced using linear regression algorithm. Make sure to specify the dimensionality of each matrix carefully, 3. x1=(16), x1=(4), x3=(9) b. Design a neural network that accepts three binary inputs and outputs the number of ones in the input. 1. How many input units 2. How many output units 3. Will you need a hidden layer? What is the size of the hidden layer if exists? 4. Use your intuition to find the weights. NO back propagation here. Make sure to order you answer clearly, Good Luck Dr. Marwan Torki ‘Alexandria University — Faculty of Engineering - Specialized Programs ‘Comp.&Comm. Program Mid. Term Test, Spring 2015/2016 CCL Embedded Systems Nov. 28,2015 | 2:15—3:15PM | 1 hour [Prepared By | Dr. Mohamed Abdel-HHafeez & Committee 20 marks Student ID: Student Name: Q1)Basic Concepts&Definitions: Fill in the Spaces with the best word to answer the following questions. a) A system designed to meet as many deadlines as possible such as a router is called ---------- real-time system while ABS brake is an example of b) The number of bytes between the two addresses 400H and 6FFH is -- real-time system. io bytes ¢) InPIC18F452 microcontroller, the memory in general consists of ------ banks. Each bank contains — bytes. d) Ina microcontroller, ROM is usually used to stor While -- is usually used to store temporary values of variables and the stack. ©) The signal which informs the central processor unit about an event is called al(n) ~ 1) The term g) Ifthe- reset occurs and the program execution starts from the first instruetion, used to denote the number of bits transferred per second [bps]. is enabled, every time it counts up to the maximum value, the microcontroller h) Ifthe timer receives pulses from a microcontroller input pin, then it turns into a(n) and can be used for example in counting products on an assembly line . is a device that converts digital numbers (binary) into an analog voltage output. J) The value of the digital carry (DC) bit of the status register (x,x,x,N,OV,Z,DC,©) after adding 2AH to working register having a value of 31H is ~ ‘Q) Analytical Questions [5 marks] a) What is the delay time that corresponds to change in the value of a timer register from 0-99 in a microcontroller that has clock frequency 64 MHZ and in which a timer uses % of its clock frequency and a pre-scaller 1/16 is used. b) Foran 8-bit ADC where Vref=2.56 volt. Calculate the D0-D7 output if the analog input is 1.1 V. Q3) System Design and Interfacing ‘Sketch a PIC microcontroller with a reset button and a 4MHz resonator is connected between the OSCI and OSC2 pins. The microcontroller is connected to 3 led through port ¢ in current source mode, Knowing that the microcontroller can source and sink 25 mA of current from each output port pin and its output voltage is about 4.85V when the output is high and 0.85V when the output is low, compute the following: a) The required resistor values assuming 1.85 volt and 5 mA are required for operation of the LED? ») If the values of the resistors computed in part (a) above have tolerance +20%, compute the maximum and minimum current that may pass through the leds. =n 14) System Implementation 5 marks] Q4) Sy! Write a program to flash odd-numbered bins and even-numbered PORT B pins. Odd-numbered bins stay on for 1 sec. while even numbered stay on for 2 sec. before they are reset again. LY ‘ SSP Hy py) eal Alexandria University : daasigh 5 Faculty of Engineering a) Aamaiall Atel gall Specialized Scientific Programs End of Term ~ English Fall 2017/2018 Name: - Grow Answer ALL the Questions Section One: Vocabulary 20 pts) A) Choose the best answer, ( /15 marks) 1- When writing a course description , we usually finalize it with a/an_section. a- prerequisites b- career prospects ©- overview ¢- content 2- The best course that engineers might study if they are building dams or pipelines is a- Communication b- Fluid mechanics © Mechanics and structure 4d Genetic engineering engineering is simply concemed with producing useful things from raw material ; like producing paper from tree logs. ’ a+ Mechanical b- Manufacturing Chemical Civil 4 The and are always made of rubber due to its good grip. 1- Pedals - tyres, b- Frame - rims c- shoe soles- helmet d- saddle - wheel S- Nylon is known forits ___. It can easily be bent . & flexi be elast c elastic de flexible ity & A______is.a coiled metal part that is found in most of machines, It retums to its original shape when pressed or stretched. a spring b- generator gear @ pulley 7- We turn down the volume knob of a radio in a/an. movement, if we don’t want to listen to music, a- anticlockwise b- clockwise c reciprocating d- oscillating 8. The _ movement of a gun bullet is always as fast as wind. a rotary b> oscillating © reciprocating a linear 9. are cars that are equipped with electronic sensors to prevent car accidents and make driving safer for people. That's why they are named Safety Vehicles. a- Electronic cars b- Hybrid cars c- LPGs a ASVs 10- sensor controls the car acceleration, a- Pneumatic b- Road surface © Collision d- Automatic control throttle 11- After the vertical steel columns are fixed ,the are bolted to the columns to form the floor of the building, a piles b- cranes c- girders d- duets bridge is the lightest It has two __to which the cables are attached. - Arch / twin towers b- Suspension / piers ¢- Suspension / twin towers 12. B) d+ Truss / piers 13- One of the well known types of Beam Bridges all over the world is the bridge. It resists all forces. a arch b- suspension truss a cable stay 14- The deck of a /an bridge is supported by super strong cables tied to a tall Cable stay / pier b- Suspension / anchor c Arch /pier d- Truss / anchor 15- bridges are built in reinforced concrete. They carry their loads by transferring them to the supports at each end of the bridge. a Arch b- Suspension ce Truss @ Cable stay Complete the following questions with Technology Terms or Phrases. ( /5 marks) L is the science of changing the structure of the genes of living things in order to ‘make them healthier and of more benefit to humans. 2 is one of the most dangerous cybercrimes that threatens the safety and the security of PCs via an illegal access. 3. The section of a course description can be optional since sometimes certain s courses don’t have any entry requirements especially if the student has to start the course from scratch, 4 The is this very part of a machine that transmits power by means of a cord passing over its rims. 5- The swinging movement of a clock pendulum is called 6 __car system is responsible for positioning the car in case the driver is lost or off track. 7- All metal components that are cut and drilled off site are called __. They are ready-made, so they save time and effort when constructing buildings. 8- Dates are always written in a chronological reverse order in a __ CV where the focus is always on the career history section. 9 CVs are famous for being lengthy and detailed. They are suitable for Jobseckers of long career history and a variety of skills 10- The final section of any CV is __. In this section the candidate puts a referee's ame and contact. Section Two: Grammar (7 pis.) (A) Choose the most accurate answer to complete the following sentences (_ / 4 marks) 1- Futurologists think that great advances in healthelated technology Probably take place any time_~—with_~—sthe~—next ‘five years is going to b. will have c. will be @. will 2- By the next century, robots __ replaced professors at most universities. 2, will be b. is going to have will have d. are going to 3- Devastated coral reefs in a contaminated diving area, once again shortly thanks to immense progress in biotechnology in the marine habitat. a, will be growing b. is going to grow grows a. is growing 4 The weather forecast, using updated satellite images, states that there a tomado heading towards the eastern U.S coasts tonight. a. will be b. is going to be c. is being. d. are going to be $- [believe that leaming online be free of charge. They already get paid by the time I spend studying using the website, a, must b. have to c.has to 4. don’t have to 6- I think NASA astronomers share the updated data of space with their foreign peers to make living on other planets accessible soon, a. haye to b. doesn’t have to . should d. shoulda’t 7- Everyone ___ wear a suit and a tie if they want to attend the medical conference at Stockholm. It's one of the strict regulations there, a. have to b. has to ¢. must 4. should 8- A bicycle lane be distinguished from the other lanes for the safety of the riders on the roads. a) have to b) doesn’t have to ©) should 4) shouldn't (B) Complete the following sentences using the correct Passive Form of the verbs in parentheses, Use correct Spelling. (73 marks) - Huge holes __ often. (dig) by professional drillers as a preliminary step to explore the prospects of the new oil field, 2- There are estimates that digital crime might ____ (carry out) massively and at a large scale by AT systems during the next decade, 3+ Asa marine engineer, if there is a missing marine piece of equipment, it has to ____ (fetch) before the voyage starts, 4- So many sensitive tasks (not do) by humans these days because robots appeared and stole the limelight with its incredible capabilities, 5 Diamonds __ _ (use) in the past century to cut mirrors and other solid surfaces. 6- Several technological advances _ (discuss) nowadays touching the global warming combating cost-effective techniques (8 Ps) ‘The Worst Game Ever ELT. the Extra-Terrestrial is a video game that came out for the Atari 2600 game system in 1982. It was based on a very popular film of the same name. It cost over 125 million dollars to make. Star programmer Howard Scott Warshaw created it with consultation from Steven Spielberg. And it is widely considered to be one of the worst video games ever created. The massive failure of £.T. and its effects on Atari is an often-mentioned reason for the video game industry crash of 1983. It was July 27th, 1982. Howard Scott Warshaw was hot off the suecess of his most recent game, Raiders of the Lost Ark. He received a call from Atari C.E.O. Ray Kassar. Atari had bought the rights to make a video game version of Spielberg's movie, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, which had just been released in June, Kassar told Warshaw that Spielberg had specifically asked for Warshaw to make the game. Warshaw was honored, but there was oxe huge problem. Atari needed the game finished by September Ist in order to start selling it during the Christmas season. Ithad taken Warshaw six months to create Raiders of the Lost Ark. The game he made prior to ‘that took him seven months, He was expected to create E.7. in around five weeks. Warshaw just did not have enough time to program the game properly, but he accepted the challenge anyway and production began. Spielberg wanted Warshaw to create a simple maze game, similar to Pac- ‘Man, but Warshaw had a bigger vision. He wanted players to explore different environments in a 3D world, Warshaw followed his vision. Atari anticipated that the game would be a huge success. Usually companies like Atari have people test games before releasing them. If there is something that testers really dislike, Programmers can fix it before the public gets a chance to play. Atari decided to skip testing due to time limitations. They wanted the game released during the holiday season. It was: E.7. was released in December of 1982. ‘The game sold very well at frst. It was a hot holiday item. Unfortunately, Atari overestimated how many they would sell. They made 5 million copies and they only sold 1.5 million. Most people who played the game hated it. The graphies were bad. Game play was awkward. Players got stuck in holes that they couldn't escape. A short time limit made the game difficult to explore and frustrating to play. Some people who stuck with the game grew to like it, but it wasn the ‘mainstream success that Atari had hoped it would be. ‘Too many copies of the game sat on store shelves. One employee remembers the game being discounted five times, from $49.95 to less than a dollar. Many people returned the game. Atari was left with millions of unsold copies. In September of 1983, a newspaper in New Mexico reported that between 10 and 20 semitrailer truckloads of Atari products were crushed and buried at a landfill in Alamogordo. Pethaps a million or more copies of £.7. were buried in the desert. When word got out, the drop site had to be covered with cement to prevent scavenging. Atari lost over $100 million on £.1. The game was so bad that it was said to have affected Atan's reputation. The video game industry soon fell into a deep depression. In 1983 the industry made $3.2 billion, By 1985 profit fell to just over $100 million. This was almost a 97% drop. Many critics believe that Atari's blunder on £.7. was one of the causes leading to this depression. ET. the Extra-Terrestrial will long be remembered as one of the worst video games ever made, if not one of the causes of the decline of the entire video game industry, Answer the following questions by choosing the correct answer 1, Which of the following is NOT a reason for the failure of E:T. the Extra-Terrestrial? a. The programmer was not given enough time to finish the game properly. , Atari did not test the game before its release. ‘. Atari made too many copies of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. 4. The game was released on a new system that only a small number of people owned. 2. Which of the following were effects of the failure of E.T the Extra-Terrestrial? a. Perhaps a million or more copies of the game were buried in the desert. b. Atari lost over $100 million. ©. The video game industry sunk into a deep depression. 4. All of the above 3. Which of the following was NOT listed as a reason why E.T: the Extra-Terrestrial was considered one of the worst games ever? a. The soundtrack was annoying. b. The graphics were bad. ¢. A shost time limit made the game frustrating, 4. Players would get stuck in holes. 4. Which of the following events happened first? 8. E.T. the Extra-Terresirial video game was released to the public. b. The entire video game industry sank into a deep decline, ©. Steven Spielberg suggested that the E.7. video game should be like Pac-Man. 4. Atari buried millions of cartridges and game consoles in the New Mexico desert. 5. Why did Atari decide to skip testing E.7. the Extra-Terrestrial? a. Testing was too expensive. b. Spielberg would not allow testing, c. They were in a hurry to release the game for the holiday season. 4. Testing video games was not common until after E.7. the Extra-Terrestrial was released, 6. A synonym for the underlined word anticipated in paragraph (4) would be... a. rejected b. decoded c. expected 4. condemned 7. According to the text, which group of people would like playing E.7.? a. People who really enjoyed watching the movie b, People who liked playing fast, fun games ©. People who stuck with the game despite its flaws . People who enjoyed playing Raiders of the Lost Ark 8. Which of the following statements are true? ( choose 2 of the following answers) a. ET. the Extra-Terrestrial will always be considered one of the worst selling games. b. ELT. the Extra-Terrestrial sold a lot fewer copies than Atari was hoping it would. ©. ELT. the Extra-Terrestrial was one of the best-selling video games of all time despite its flaws. 4. Every single copy of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial ever sold was eventually returned. Section Four: Writing (10 pts) Read the information about Vincent Raton, then decide which form (chronological, functional or combinational) you are going to use to write his CV. Vincent Raton was born on the 2™ of May, 1995.His Cell number is 212-898-654 and his email is -He is currently seeking challenging positions as a Civil Engineer, Contract Administrator or QC Engineer across the construction and infrastructure industry. Vincent joined the Comerstone University in Michigan in 2013 where he majored in Civil Engineering. | He obtained his Bachelor degree with honors in September, 2017. As for his skills, he has what it takes to be a competent engineer. His skills are in five main areas: Computers and Electronics-Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, and computer hardware . Engineering and ‘Technology - Knowledge of the practical application of engineering science. Production and Processing Knowledge of raw materials, production processes and quality control , Public Safety and Security - Knowledge of relevant equipment, policies, procedures, and strategies to promote effective security and finally Customer Services - Knowledge of principles and processes for providing customer aid , like | meeting quality standards for services and evaluation of customer satisfaction. Since Vincent is a fresh graduate, he has no related work experience. When it comes to honors, he won the best high school Newspaper Design Award in 2006 and he is the Treasurer of National Honor Society till the present. Due to his hard work he can easily find a reference when needed, ° University of Alexandria Faculty of Enginearing e Computer and Systeme Enginooring Department Final Exam January-2017 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (cS413) Time: 2 hours All Questions are to be attempted (3 pages). Question 1 [Search-15 marks] Consider the following Graph representing a search problem with a start state § and a goal state G, with costs shown on edges and heuristics h shown inside nodes. For each of the following search strategies illustrate which states are visited: Depth First, Breadth First, Uniform Cost (Branch and Bound), Greedy and A* (last 2 with shown heuristics (NB. Ties are resolved lexically.) 2. Is the given heuristic h, shown in the graph admissible? Is it consistent? 3. Which of the following three heuristics is admissible, which is consistent? & hi [0 h2__|2 na 12 4, Assume h4 is defined as: h4(A)=3, n4(B)=5, h4(C)=2, what is the range of h4(D) that makes hd admissible, and what is the range that makes it consistent? 5. What is the difference between the Greedy and the Hill Climbing search policies? Does they always give the same solution? 6. Considering Breadth, depth, iterative deepening, greedy, branch and bound and A* searches discuss their optimality (local/global/None) , completeness and time and space complexities. 7. A* uses f=gth, what is the behavior of the algorithm in the cases: , g=0 and £=0. Quostion 2 [Canes 15 marks! Consider the following Min-Max tree Max inlay et | Min rT 0 ae Max | ne Q | Min [3] [7 j [23] bad 4}[o][4[s are the min-max values computed at each node in this game tree? - Which nodes are not examined when Alpha-Beta Pruning is performed? Assume children are visited left to right. Is there a different ordering of the children of the root for which more pruning would result by Alpha~Beta? If so, give the order. If not, say why not. - Now assume your opponent chooses her move uniformly at random (e.g., if there are two moves, % the time she picks the first move and % the time she picks the second) when it’s her turn, and you know this. You still seek to maximize your chances of winning. How such situation can be handled? - Alpha-beta pruning is strongly affected by the order in which branches are explored. The sooner the best moves are discovered the sooner worse branches can be discarded. In the optimal case alpha- beta can explore to twice the depth with the same amount of computation as pure minimax. If alpha-beta Iterative Deepening with branch re-ordering is used propose a possible order for the following tree that improves pruning. Max \ Min Question 3 [CSP-15 marke}. 1. Coler the following map using red, green and blue such that adjacent regions have different colors. Formalize the problem as a constraint satisfaction problem. Be sure to specify the variables, their domains, constraints and give a sketch of how the problem would be solved. Define variables, domains and constraints. Sketch of how problem will be solved: (initial state, successor function, backtracking, heuristics). Draw the constraint graph (Variable Dependency Graph). Explain while solving the problem the heuristics: Most constrained variable, Degree, Least constraining value and the Constraint Propagation (aka Arc Consistency) . 2. Define the following Alphametic problem as a CSP, by assigning a unique digit from 0 to 9 to each letter (B,L,..) in the following addition that keeps result true in base 10 (decimal). ELE + ELF FOOL * Determine the variables, the domains and the constraints. * Using the Minimum Remaining Values (MRV or Most constrained variable MCV) heuristic which variable must be explored first? ‘Describe how forward propagating constraint simplifies the problem by stating the time complexity if normal search if no heuristics were used. uestion 4 [Supervised Learning-10 marks] 1, Explain briefly the meaning of supervised learning, discussing the meaning of classification versus regression, distance/similarity metrics, linearly separable patterns, over-fitting and under-fitting. Explain the concept of inductive learning versus the concept of deduction and the shortages of each reasoning methodologies. 2. “Support Vector Machine (SVM) is one of the most popular and most used Algorithm for supervised learning since its development”, explain why. Write brief notes about the history of the algorithm and explain how it is based on a Mathematical Optimization problem. Explain how the kernel trick can handle none linearly separable data. State the main advantages and disadvantages of this method and discuss what are the solutions or alternatives to overcome its shortages. 3. Write brief notes about new trends in Deep learning explaining the importance of this domain in the Big Data Era we are living in. Explain briefly how CNN and RNN differ from classical feed-forward neural networks. Grd Lacs (LA Chealy) 3

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