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Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 1998;78:F81–F84 F81


Hyponatraemia in the newborn

Hyponatraemia is common in inpatients and this includes tion is triggered by alterations in tonicity of the extracellu-
newborns in neonatal intensive care units. Surveys from lar fluid and also by baroreceptors located in the heart and
around the world suggest that up to a third of very low great vessels. An increase in tonicity will stimulate the
birthweight infants are hyponatraemic in the first week release of ADH, increase the permeability of the collecting
after birth and between 25 and 65% thereafter (unpub- ducts, and reduce urinary water loss. The pressor eVect of
lished data).1 2 ADH seems to be one of the mediators through which
central arterial blood pressure is maintained and both
Sodium and water balance hypovolaemia and hypotension will cause circulating ADH
How much is known about the causes of hyponatraemia in to rise.7 Under experimental conditions, a rise in ADH
the newborn? Sodium is the principal electrolyte of extra- occurs when intravascular volume falls by about 10%7 (fig
cellular fluid. The normal serum concentration in adults 1). Little is known about the setting of baroreceptor
ranges from 132–144 mmol/l. A low serum sodium responses in human preterm newborns, although Rees et
concentration reflects either an excess of water or primary al8 described a doubling of urinary arginine vasopressin
sodium depletion. Water retention may occur with an after blood loss of the order of 10%, in a 26 week, 800 g
increased, normal, or reduced total body sodium content. infant.
Elucidation of the cause of hyponatraemia first requires The maintenance of central blood pressure overrides the
consideration of the regulation of sodium and water defence of tonicity and therefore intrathoracic barorecep-
balance in the newborn. After birth, extracellular fluid vol- tor stimulation, resulting in ADH release; and increased
ume contracts, and this is accompanied by net negative water reabsorption will lead to hyponatraemia if only salt
sodium and water balance and weight loss.3 This period is poor fluid is administered. The eVect of progressive
of variable duration, but by the third or fourth postnatal sodium depletion, with unrestricted water intake, was
day, sodium and water balance have become positive, and clearly demonstrated in 1936 by McCance9 in experiments
remain so until adult life. The sodium retention that char- on human volunteers. Whole body sodium depletion was
acterises growth is due to the influence of very high renin– initially accompanied by water loss, isotonic contraction of
angiotensin–aldosterone system activity. The renal salt the extracellular compartment, and rapid weight loss. With
wasting seen in preterm babies below 32 weeks of gestation increasing depletion, baroreceptor induced water reab-
is due both to impaired reabsorption at the proximal sorption slowed down the rate of weight loss, but at the cost
tubule, resulting in a higher distal sodium delivery, and to of a fall in plasma osmolality (fig 2).
limited aldosterone responsiveness at the distal tubule.
Intestinal absorption is also limited.3 ADH secretion
The final common pathway for the regulation of sodium Baroreceptor stimulation of ADH release is often confused
balance is the Na+, K+ ATP pump.4 In the renal tubules this with the syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion
is sited at the basolateral membrane. The abundance and (SIADH), a term first used by Bartter and Schwartz.10 The
the activity of the Na+, K+ ATP pump increases with diagnosis should be made only when circulating ADH is
increasing postnatal age and are accelerated by dexametha- raised in the absence of both osmotic and baroreceptor
sone treatment. Up regulation of the pump increases mediated stimuli.
sodium reabsorption; down regulation increases sodium It has been suggested that the syndrome of inappropriate
excretion. Both up regulatory and down regulatory mecha- ADH secretion is common in newborns.8 Raised ADH
nisms are immature in preterm newborns. This means that activities are common in acutely ill infants. However, Ger-
the ability both to retain and to excrete a sodium load is igk et al,11 in a large prospective study, found that although
limited. plasma osmolality was lower in acutely ill infants and chil-
Both sodium and water are excreted by the kidneys, but dren compared with a control group, both ADH and
an important potential route of additional water loss, par- plasma renin activity (PRA) were raised. The greatest
ticularly in infants born below 30 weeks of gestation, is as reduction in ADH and PRA activities was achieved by the
insensible water loss. Decreased hydrostatic and osmotic intravenous infusion of isotonic saline. This suggests that
forces across the peritubular space result in decreased the increased values were due to baroreceptor
proximal tubular reabsorption of filtered water in newborn stimulation—that ADH was appropriately increased for
babies. A greater proportion of water is therefore delivered volume status.
distally than in older infants.5 In the distal nephron water Babies born after fetal distress or after diYcult delivery
reabsorption is regulated by the antidiuretic hormone have higher circulating ADH concentrations than those
(ADH) arginine vasopressin. born uneventfully. Pain is known to cause an immediate
increase in urine concentration in babies. These eVects are
Antidiuretic hormone probably also mediated by baroreceptor stimulation.
This is present in the human posterior pituitary by the 11th True inappropriate ADH secretion is probably rare in
week of gestation. It has two major actions—firstly to the newborn.12 The diagnosis should be made only when
increase the permeability of the collecting ducts by the hyponatraemia exists with normovolaemia, normal blood
insertion of water channels in the apical membranes of cells pressure, and normal renal, cardiac, adrenal and thyroid
of the collecting ducts,6 and secondly, to cause arteriolar functions. There should be continuing urinary sodium loss
vasoconstriction and a rise in blood pressure. ADH secre- and the urine should not be maximally dilute.10 Although
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Gain of sodium (mg)

Gain in weight (kg)

Haematocrit (%)
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
50 2000 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

45 2000

4000 1

Loss of sodium (mg)


Loss in weight (kg)

6000 2
Plasma AVP (pg/ml)

10 000 3

12 000
14 000

25 16 000

20 Figure 2 Changes in body sodium content and body weight during

progressive salt depletion with unrestricted water intake in three human
volunteers. The scales are constructed so that 1 kg in weight corresponds to
15 3300 mg (140 mmol) sodium. (Reproduced from McCance).9

10 venous return may also be impaired by a tension pneumot-

horax or other air leak syndrome.
5 EVective central hypotension contributes to the im-
paired water excretion seen in both heart failure and liver
0 failure. In these circumstances the extracellular compart-
ment is expanded and there may be whole body sodium
excess despite the hyponatraemia. A dysfunctional myocar-
0 5 10 15 20 dium, whether arising from ischaemia, metabolic acidosis,
Blood volume depletion (%) immaturity or other causes is increasingly recognised dur-
Figure 1 Relation between plasma arginine vasopressin and isosmotic ing neonatal intensive care.
changes in blood volume in rats. (Reproduced from Dunn et al) J Clin
Invest, by copyright permission of the American Society for Clinical
Investigation.7 Chronic lung disease
Hyponatraemia is commonly observed in infants with
believed to occur in central nervous system infection and chronic lung disease, often with clinical signs suggestive of
brain injury, reports fulfilling these diagnostic criteria are an expanded extracellular compartment. The aetiology of
rare in neonates. disordered salt and water balance in chronic lung disease is
To what extent does an unrecognised reduction in not adequately understood. Pulmonary hypertension,
central arterial blood pressure leading to baroreceptor initially reversible, almost invariably accompanies chronic
driven reduction in free water clearance, together with the lung disease and fluid retention may be attributable to cor
continuing provision of salt poor fluid, cause hyponatrae- pulmonale, although cardiac performance may be impaired
mia during neonatal intensive care? Often, the evidence by other factors such as long term dexamethasone
suggests. In the first place, the recognition of an inadequate treatment.
intravascular volume is often diYcult. In the study by Ger- Raised AVP has been reported in infants with chronic
igk et al,11 only a third of infants and children had overt lung disease, together with reduced free water clearance.17.
signs of dehydration. Newborn babies are at particular risk Abnormal transmural pressure gradients may lead to eVec-
of intravascular volume depletion.13 Immediate cord tive central hypotension, increased AVP release, and
clamping can result in a 50% lower blood volume than late impaired water excretion. During acute episodes associ-
clamping14 and this is then compounded by frequent blood ated with air trapping, pulmonary hypovolaemia and
sampling. Blood pressure measurements cannot be relied decreased left atrial filling will lead to a similar situation.18
on to detect hypovolaemia. The normal range for blood
pressure in the newborn is wide and blood pressure corre- Establishing the cause
lates poorly with blood volume.15 16 Hyponatraemia present at birth is a reflection of the
Impaired renal water excretion may initially be masked if maternal serum sodium. A large volume of salt poor fluid
transepidermal water loss is very high. Takahashi et al2 administered during labour will result in dilutional
studied fluid balance in infants weighing less than 1000 g, hyponatraemia in the neonate. Hyponatraemia present at
nursed in an ambient humidity above 90%. Such a regimen birth has also been described following maternal diuretic
would be expected to substantially reduce transepidermal and laxative abuse.
water loss. They confirmed that mean insensible water loss In preterm babies sodium depletion only occasionally
was low, at less than 40 ml/kg/day, and remained stable occurs in the first days after birth, although excessive renal
throughout the first week, but 33% of the infants became salt loss may occur with acute pyelonephritis or after relief
hyponatraemic. Weight loss was of the order of 20%, of obstructive uropathy. Salt losing forms of congenital
sodium supplementation began on day 3, and nutritional adrenal hyperplasia may also present early. In each of these
support consisted solely of intravenous glucose 7.5% at cases there should be obvious evidence of extracellular vol-
50–60 ml/kg/day. This suggests that impaired free water ume depletion and weight loss. “Spot” urinary sodium
excretion limited even greater weight loss. concentrations bear no relation to daily sodium balance
Pain is often poorly controlled during neonatal intensive and are of little use in determining the cause of
care and may contribute to impaired water excretion. An hyponatraemia.
excessive mean airway pressure during positive pressure After the period of postnatal extracellular volume
ventilation or high frequency oscillation will reduce cardiac contraction, the preterm infant is particularly vulnerable to
output by impairing venous return to the heart. Central sodium depletion as a result of immature sodium
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Hyponatraemia in the newborn F83

reabsorption. Raw breast milk and full term formulas con-

tain inadequate quantities of sodium and the problem is Key points
compounded by the frequent use of natriuretic agents. + A low serum sodium implies absolute or relative
Possible additional sources of loss are from the gastrointes- water excess, but total body sodium may be
tinal tract and, although rare now, from repeated cerebros- reduced, normal or increased
pinal fluid tapping. The hallmark of chronic sodium deple- + Extracellular volume contraction, weight loss, or
tion is failure to gain weight appropriately. inadequate weight gain suggests primary sodium
Hyponatraemia arising suddenly is more often depletion
dilutional, due to water excess. There might be frank + Extracellular volume expansion, weight gain, or
evidence of extracellular volume expansion and weight failure to lose weight after birth, suggests a defect in
gain, or merely absence of anticipated weight loss. Has water excretion
intake exceeded glomerular filtration capacity? Has the + Consider renal failure (oliguria, high plasma creati-
infant been given an excessive intravascular fluid intake? nine, and high fractional sodium excretion) or ADH
Urine volume is limited to about 20% of glomerular filtrate driven water retention
and infants below 28 weeks of gestation cannot increase + Both an increase in osmolality or a fall in central
urine output much above 8 ml/kg/hour in the first days arterial blood pressure will stimulate the physiologi-
after birth.5 In the absence of excessive insensible or cal release of ADH
gastrointestinal water loss, intravenous infusion rates in + A reduced eVective central arterial pressure may be
excess of 200 ml/kg/day are unlikely to be tolerated. Alter- diYcult to recognise
natively, is glomerular filtration reduced because of renal + The newborn in intensive care is at risk of reduced
failure? If so, the serum creatinine will be raised, there will blood volume, obstructed central venous return due
be anuria or oliguria, and the fractional excretion of to high intrathoracic pressures, and poor myocar-
sodium will be high. dial performance
The retention of water may be driven by ADH. If so, the + A diagnosis of SIADH should only be made if the
clinical challenge is to establish whether it is due to barore- urine is not maximally dilute and there is
ceptor stimulation, or to true inappropriate ADH secre- continuing urinary sodium loss despite hyponatrae-
tion. Careful attention should be paid to assessment of the mia, normovolaemia, and normal renal, adrenal,
circulation using central venous pressure monitoring, cap- cardiac and thyroid function
illary refill time, and measurement of the core–peripheral
temperature diVerence. The core–peripheral temperature
diVerence correlates with circulating AVP.19 Is there
evidence of poor myocardial function? Doppler echocar- concentration will first lead to the movement of water into
diographic indices are likely to increase in use for longitu- cells and the development of intracellular oedema and
dinal assessment during neonatal intensive care. Is there brain swelling. Compensatory changes in electrolyte
evidence of impaired central venous return due to high content occur rapidly, so that there is a rapid movement of
intrathoracic pressures? Does the x-ray picture reveal air electrolytes out of the cell, in favour of movement of water
trapping, pneumothorax, mediastinal compression or out of the cell. Adaptation to chronic hypo-osmolar states
hyperinflation? Might the infant be in pain? occurs by decreasing the concentration of intracellular
The criteria for a diagnosis of SIADH are set out above. organic osmolytes.22 Loss of organic osmolytes occurs
Normovolaemia and continuing urinary sodium loss will more slowly than movement of electrolytes. If extracellular
accompany hyponatraemia. The urine will not be maxi- hypotonicity is then corrected rapidly, the continued
mally dilute. Infants below 32 weeks of gestation are able to movement of water out of the cell may result in brain
achieve a minimum and maximum urine osmolality of shrinkage. The time scale over which the human preterm
around 45–90 mosm/kg and 600–800 mosm/kg.3 brain adapts to alterations in tonicity by increasing or
decreasing intracellular organic osmolytes, is not known.
Consequences of hyponatraemia
Does hyponatraemia matter? The answer must be yes. Treatment
Total body sodium will not only determine the size of the Once acute water retention and hyponatraemia have
extracellular compartment, but sodium is also a permissive occurred, water restriction is necessary to correct the
growth factor. Chronic sodium deficiency is associated hyponatraemia safely. In neonates severe hyponatraemia,
with poor skeletal and tissue growth and adverse neurode- resulting in seizures, is relatively rare, but can be controlled
velopmental outcome.20 by the infusion of hypertonic saline. A relatively rapid rise
Hyponatraemia and extracellular water overload in- in serum sodium in symptomatic acute hyponatraemia
crease the risks and severity of respiratory illness in the seems to be well tolerated in infants.21 Chronic imbalance
newborn, and weight gain in the first days after birth in should be corrected slowly over at least 48–72 hours. If the
babies with respiratory distress syndrome seems to be water retention is caused by baroreceptor driven ADH
associated with an increased risk of developing chronic secretion, the central arterial hypotension should be
lung disease.3 corrected. This may require the use of inotropic agents or
It would be reasonable to assume that acute alterations the infusion of volume. It is not clear whether colloid or
in serum sodium concentrations contribute to neurological normal saline is to be preferred.
morbidity in sick neonates, although quantification of the Chronic sodium depletion can be avoided with a sodium
eVect, particularly in preterm babies, is diYcult. Central intake of 4–6 mmol/kg/day in babies below 32 weeks of
pontine and extrapontine myelinolysis, regarded as the his- gestation, starting after the period of postnatal extracellular
topathological hallmark of hyponatraemia, has only fluid loss, together with the replacement of additional
occasionally been described in infants.21 Brain cell volume losses. Breast milk should be fortified or a low birth weight
is aVected by acute changes in extracellular tonicity and the formula used.
regulation of cell volume following cell swelling or shrink- In infants with chronic lung disease impaired water
age in response to changes in extracellular tonicity, is excretion presents with inappropriate weight gain, possibly
brought about by the accumulation or loss of inorganic with an accompanying increase in oxygen requirement,
ions and organic solutes. An acute fall in serum sodium well before obvious respiratory decompensation. A chronic
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Hyponatraemia in the newborn


Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 1998 78: F81-F84

doi: 10.1136/fn.78.2.F81

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