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Design for Flexure | 21 2 DESIGN FOR FLEXURE 2.41 Introduction ‘This chapter which is based on Section 6.1 EN 1992-1-1, deals with the analysis and design of section for the ultimate limit state design consideration of structural elements subjected to bending. The two ‘common types of reinforced concrete beam section are: Rectangular section: Singly and doubly reinforced, Flanged section: Singly and doubly reinforced. Rectangular Sect 2.2.1 Singly reinforced section Figure 2.1 shows the beam cross-section, strains and stresses distributions at the ultimate limit state of asingly reinforced rectangular beam. Fe s=0.8x neutral “axis e e a— a Section Strains Stress Figure 2.1: Singly reinforced section with rectangular stress block 22 | Design for Flexure Notation: Effective depth Depth of stress block Neutral axis depth Lever arm. hh = Overall depth b= Width of section ‘A, = Area of tension reinforcement fa = Characteristic strength of concrete fu. = Characteristic strength of reinforcement are Bending of the beam will induce a resultant tensile foree P. in the reinforcing steel, and a resultant compressive force in the concrete Fz. which act through the centroid of the effective area of concrete in compression. Internal forces, F = 0.567fa(b x 0.8x) = OAS4 fbx Fx = O87 HAS + For the internal forces to be in equilibrium, Feo = Fa O.AS4 fbx OB Th As x O87 fa As / 0.454 fb en Moment of resistance with respect to the steel, M Fog. = 0.454 fyhx(d 0.48) ‘Moment of resistance with respect to the concrete, M : Fait = O.87h.As(d 0.48) 3) Equation 2.2 shows that, 4/ increase with x and hence with 4, (Equation 2.1 and 2.3). In design, EC2 limits x to not exceeding 0.45d in order to avoid the sudden failure exhibit by an over-reinforced section, When x = xj = 045d, the moment of resistance, A/ is represent the maximum ultimate moment capacity of the section which is known as the ultimate moment of resistance of singly reinforced section or balanced moment, Mis. Mo = [0.454f,.6(0.454)] {4 - 0.4(0.454)] [0.454f,.5(0.45¢)].[0.82d] O.167f be 4) Kafaba? where Kay’ = 0.167 section to resist an applied bending moment IM or to calculate the moment of resistance of a given section with a known area of steel reinforcement. Equation 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 can be used to determine the area of tension reinforcement in a concrete Example 2.1 A rectangular reinforced conerete beam has to support a design moment of 175 kNm. Determine the area of reinforcement required if the beam dimension is 250 x 500 mm (b x d), concrete strength, fa = 25 Nimm® and steel strength, fy = 500 N/mm”, Design for Flexure | 23 Example 2.2 ‘A reinforced conerete beam is 250 x $00 mm (b x d). The tension Determine the ultimate moment capacity of the sect forcement provided is 3H20. if fa = 25 N/mm? and fy, = 500 N/mm? 2.2.2 Doubly Reinforced Section Where the applied bending moment M exceeds Muy, the excess (M— My) is to be resisted by using addi nal reinforcement 4,” at the compression zone such that the neutral axis depth remains at the ‘maximum permitted value of 045d. 0.0035 0567 | cas hl dp ete Section Strains Stress Figure 2.2: Doubly reinforced section with rectangular stress block Intemal forces; 0.454 fbx O87 hi As O87 ha As (d-0.4%) (d-d@) For the internal forces to be in equilibrium, Fo OBL AS Fe + Fee O4S4fabx + O.8TKLA Taking moment about the centroid of the tension steel, ra For design purpose, M Fe. 2 + Foot (OASAfabx).(d— 04x) + OBTLA,). d= a) x = 045d (O.AS4fybx).[(d—-O4O.ASA)] + (O8TALAS Ad d) O.167fabd + (O87 A)(d- a) Ma + O8ThA,)d-@) 24 | Design for Flexure The area of compression reinforcement, ane OE = Mig) 087f,,(d-d') oa EK) feabel® os O.87f,,(d-d') d—O4x, if x = 0.45d, then 0.82d J Equation 2.5.x OBA = OASAxbx.2 + OBTLAL. 2 OB7H AZ = OASAf4DO.ASA(O82d) + OSTE LAL. = OBTAL = = O.1GTabE + OBTAAAS. = The area of tension reinforcement, A, = oA 26) Example 2.3 A rectangular reinforced concrete beam has to support a design moment of 300 kNm. Determine the area of reinforcement required if the beam dimension is 250 x 500 mm (b x d), concrete strength fa = N/mm? and steel strength, Example 2.4 A reinforced concrete beam is 250 x 500 mm (bx d). The tension and compression reinforcements provided are 6H20 and 2H12 respectively. Determine the ultimate moment capacity of the section, if 5 N/mm? and f,, = 500 N/mm’. The depth to compression reinforcement is 50 mm. 2.2.3 Stress in compression reinforcement The derivation of design formula for doubly reinforced section assumed that the compression reinforcement reaches the design strength 0.87, at the ultimate limit state. From the strain diagram of igure Bu! (vd) 0.0035 / (w-d)/x 2B (0.0035 @ix 1 = (6 / 0.0035) Design for Flexure | 25 For the design strength 0.87f, to be reached, = 0.87hy / Ex so, dik = 1 [0.87 / £,(0.0035)] for fx = 500 Nimm? dix 1 — (0.87(500) / (200 x 10°(0.0035)] 0.38 Therefore, as long as d’/x does not exceed 0.38 the compression reinforcement can be assumed to reach the design strength of 0.87f,, If dx exceed, a reduced stress should be used, be Ea. Ge where 6. =0.0035(1 - ix) 200 x 10° (0.00351 = ax) 700(1 ~ a'/x) ‘The value of stress for the compressive steel must then be used in the denominator of equation 2.5 in lace of 0.87f,, in order to calculate the area of 4,” of compression steel (K-Kya)fabd? As (2.7) f(d-d') _and the area of tension steel becomes Kyu Sgba” a= Kuahabd yf fa ow O.87/,,2 087A. 2.2.4 Moment redistribution The plastic behaviour of reinforced concrete at the ultimate limit state affects the distribution of moments in a structure. To allow for this, the moments derived from an elastic analysis may be redistributed based on the assumption that plastic hinges have formed at the sections with the largest ‘moments. The formation of plastic hinges requires relatively large rotations with yielding of the tension reinforcement. To ensure large strain in the tension steel, the code of practice restricts the depth of the ‘neutral axis according to the magnitude of the moment redistribution carried out, The equations for this, given by EC2 for concrete class = C50/60 is, momen _atsectionafter redistribution Mmomen at section before redistribution where 5 = 4Ayand fz are constant from the EC2 code and xy is the maximum value of the depth of the neutral axis which will take the limiting value of the equality of equation 2.7 but should never be less than 0.45d for concrete class < C50/60. 26 | Design for Flexure ‘The depth of the stress block is Sut = 0.8%. and the lever arm is t= d= 0.585) The moment of resistance of the concrete in compression is, Moat Fee X Za i 0.S67f.xPS a1 X Zbat and Ka Mya | bib fs = 0.5675. X Zou! This equation for Ki) and the previous equation can be rearranged to give, Ka = 0.454(5- kiko - O.182[(8— hk From EC2 clause 5.5 the constant ky and ks are given as: ky = 0.44, k= 1.25(0.6 + 0.00142) 25(0.6 + 0.0014/0.0035) = 1.25 Kea = 0.454(5-O0.44Y 1.25 = 0.182[(6—0.44)/1.2: 5 0.363(5-0.44) - 0.116(8—0.44)° 2.9) Derivation of z equation Compressive force, Feo = 0.567fabs Lever arm, z = d-s [y= 2-2] Moment, Mo = Fe. = O.567fabs. z = 0.567K4b. 2E- A]. 2 ad 1.134fab.(d—2)). z M! bd fy, = L134 fixbde / beh, ~ 1.1346 gbs / bb hy, Lisdeid) = 1134/0" id) + KABA = 0 Quadratic solution for =/d, 2 = d(0.5+J@25—K/1.134)) @.10) Design for Flexure | 27 2.2.6 Design Procedure for Rectangular Section ‘The steps to be followed in the design of rectangular beam can be summarized as follows. Supposed the design bending moment is M, beam section is 6 x d, concrete strength is fi and steel strength is fx, to determine the area of reinforcement, proceed as follows, M 1. Calculate Koos + bd fx 2. Calculate Kat = 0.363(5-0.44) - 0.116(6- 0.44)" monen atsectionafter redistribution monen atsection before redistribution where 1.0 3. If K< Kia, compression reinforcement is not required, and iz = d(o.s+/@25—K/1.134) M 4,=—— 20.87 fz 4. If K > Kya, compression reinforcement is required, and i 2 = dl(0.5+J@25—K,,/1.134)) ii, x = (d-2/04 iii, Check dix if dix 50.38 or (K Ku )fuabd * 7 if dix > 0.38 Fe(d-d') where = 700(1 = dix) te Kawhabe? fe 0.877,,2 O87 fi, Example 2.5 A rectangular reinforced concrete beam is subject to an ultimate design moment of 350 kNm after a 20% reduction due to moment redistribution. The characteristic material strengths are fi = 30 N/mm’ and fy = 500 N/mm’, Determine the area of reinforcement required if the beam dimension is 225 x 600 mm (b x d) and the depth to compression reinforcement is 45 mm. 28 | Design for Flexure 2.3. Flanged Section Beams having T-section and L-section are commonly encountered in beam supported slab floor systems as shown in Figure 2.3. In such situations, a portion of the slab acts integrally with the beam (in longitudinal direction of the beam). Figure 2.3: T and L sections in beam supported floor slab system The slab portion is called the flange of the T or L beam. The beam portion below the flange is term the web, When the flange is relatively wide, the flexural compressive stress is not uniform over its width; the stress varies from a maximum in the web region to progressively lower values at points farther away from the web. In order to operate within the framework of the theory of flexure, which assumed a uniform stress distribution across the width of section, it is necessary to define an effective flange width, The effective flange width bar is specified (Cl. EC2) by the following equation: ber = by + bem Sb 2.10) where b 0.26; + 0.1, S O.2ly and also by = Aj eA = J, is the distance between the point of contraflexure along the beam as shown in Figure 2.4. b= b= 0,85h 0,15(, +h i Figure 2.4: Definition of /, and effective flange width parameters Design for Flexure | 29 23.1 Analysis of section ‘The neutral axis and hence the depth of stress block may lie either within the flange or in the web of the flange beam. In the case of neutral axis within the flange (Figure 2.5), as all the conerete on the tension side is assumed ineffective in flexural computations, the flange beam may just as well be treated as a rectangular section having a width Byy . (i). Neutral axis in the flanges 61h Section Stress Figure 2.5: Flange section — neutral axis within flange This section may be treated as a rectangular section of width b and the methods set out in section 2.2 above apply. When the simplified stress block is used the actual neutral axis may be in the web provided that 0.8 does not exceed the flange depth #. The moment of resistance of the section for the ‘case when 0.8% = hris, Ms Feg-t 0.567fa. 6(0.8x) (d= 0.4%) = 0.567, bh. (d—hd2) ny Ifthe applied moment Mis greater than M; the neutral axis lies in the web, (ii), Neutral axis in the web: Singly reinforced le x 5 =0.8x) Ny Section Stress Figure 2.6: Flange section — neutral axis in web: ingly reinforced 30 | Design for Flexure Forces, Feo 7 0.5674 6,(0.8x) = O45 4 fx By x Fog = O56 (b= by) ir Fa * O8ThAS Lever arms, = (d-0.4x) = (d-05h) Moment of resistance, Mo = Fai + Fea = (OAS fbx) (d—0.4x) + 0.567f4(b ~ by )hic(d~0.5h) Ultimate moment of resistance of the section is when x=, = 045d Mu = 0.454£4b,(0ASd).{d —0.4(0.454)] + 0.567 f(b - by hed 0.5h) = O16 Tabu? + 0.S67f4(b - by Vay (a h'2) divide by faba? @12) IF the applied moment Mf is less than My the compression reinforcement is not required. Taking moment about Foo Mo = Foon + Fei ») = O87 Ad — 0.5!) - (0.2fbud) [(4-0.5h)- (d-0.18d)] = O87 Add 05h) - 0.2fabrd).(0.18d-0.5h) Area of tension reinforcement, M + 0.1f..b.d(0.36d—h,) 0.87 f,,(d—0.5h, ‘This equation should not be used when fy > 0.36d, Design for Flexure | 31 (iii). Neutral axis in the web : Doubly reinforced af I ote be Section Stress Figure 2.7: Flange section — neutral axis in web: doubly reinforced Forces, Fest 0.567, b.(O.8x) = OAS Hf box Fea 0,567, (b= by) he Fe O87hi Ay Fa = O87 hi, Lever arms, a= (d-04r) (d-0.5h) (d-d) Moment of resistance, M Feit + Feary + Feit O.ASAfhx(d— 04x) + 0.567f(b ~ b,x. (d—0.5Iy) + O8Th AS (dd) when x= 045d M = O16 fyb + O.S6Tfy(b - by ie (d— he'2) + OSTA. d= a) ~ Mia + OB8TKr Ag d=) Area of compression reinforcement pe MEM) _ A 087/,(d a) @.14) 32 | Design for Flexure Equilibrium of forces Fa O87 As For + For + Fe OAS4fabx + O.567fA(b - byte + O.BTALAS when x = 045d O8ThiAs O16 Thi? + O.567fx(b- by) + O8TKRAS ‘Area of tension reinforcement O16Tfabod + OS6TAM(D~by) gs O87F . aa (2.13) ‘Note: When negative bending moments are applied as for example at the support of continuous beam, the flange is in tension and makes no contribution to the strength of the beam. In this cease the beam behaves like a rectangular beam whose width is that of the web, Tension reinforcement is placed in the flange and compression reinforcement in the web. 2.3.2 Design procedure for flanged beam Supposed the bending moment is 4M, beam section is by x b x dx hi, concrete strength is fa, and steel strength is fj, to determine the area of reinforcement, proceed as follows, 1, Calculate Mp ” 0.567 f,, bid — 0.5hy) 2. If M/S Mp, neutral axis in the flange i kK = bP fa i, 2 = a(0s+J@25—K/1.134) M i, A, = O87 Az M > Mj, neutral axis in the web i, Caleulate Bp = oer + ose dD d ii, Calculate Moy = Br faba? Compare Mand Mut 4, If M_< Mi, compression reinforcement is not required Design for Flexure | 33 M + O.1fb,d(0.36d—h,) AS 0.87 f,,(d—0.5h,) 5. If M_> Mb, compression reinforcement is required. Ca = OM) ° 0.87f,,(d-d') fe ae QUST fabad + 0567 Fxn =~), 4s O87F . Example 2.6 Determine the area of steel required in a T beam with the following dimen: moment of 180 kNm: Depth of slab ~ 100 mm, width of flange 600 mm, width of web 200 mm, effective depth 350 mm. Assume fo, = 25 Nimm’ and f, = 500 Nimm Example 2.7 Determine the ultimate moment of resistance of the following T beam: /iy= 100 mm, b = 800 mm, by = 250 mm, d= 350 mm, d’ = 50 mm. The tension reinforcement consists of SH25 and the compression reinforcement 2H12. Assume f,, = 25 Nimm’ and , = 500 Nimm’, 34 | Design for Flexure [ EXAMPLES. Example 2.1; Design of rectangular section from first principle Example 2.2: Moment resistance of singly reinforced rectangular section Example 2.3: Design of rectangular section from first principle Example 2.4: Moment resistance of doubly reinforced rectangular section Example 2.5: Design of rectangular section using design formula Example 2.6: Design of flanged section Example 2.7: Moment resistance of flange section Design for Flexure | 35 page 1/1 Calculations Output Specification Size,b xd = 250. x 500 mm a Chae. strength of concrete, = 25 N/mm Chae. strength of steel /, 500 N min _ Bending Moment, = 175 kNm 2 b Determine the area of reinforcement required Solution Muy = O67 gba? = 0167 x25x 250% 5007 = 261 kNm > M Compression reinforcement is not required M = 0AS4 fybxid - 0.4%) 175 x WO" = 0.454 (25) (250) (x) (500 - 04x) 1135 x? = 1418750x* 175 10% = 0 1250+ 1SaI85 = 0 x bb + (b?-4ac)'? | / 2a 187mm or Emm Lever arm 2 = d-0dx 500 - (04x 138.7) 445mm = 095d = 475 mm Area of tension reinforcement = M/O8T a= 175 x gf | (87x SOOx 444.5) cee = 905 mm? Use : 311 20 (943 mm?) may 08 36 | Design for Flexure Example 2.2 page 1/1 Ref, Caleutations Output Size, b xd = 300 x 500 mm g__ Chae. strength of concrete, fig = 25 Nim Chae. strength of steel fx 500 Ninn cee Reinforcement. 3 120 + A,= 943 mm? Determine the moment of resistance ‘Solution ‘Assuming initially that the steel stress fis achieved the design yield value 0.87/,, hy Section Stress Forces Fe 0.567F 4, (0-8 Mb) 0.454f 4x 0.454 x 25x 300(x) = O87 FAs 0.87 x 500. x 943 = 410031N Equilibrium of forces. Fe Fy 3405 x = 410031 x 120.4 mm 0.6174 = 309 mm. Steel has yielded as assumed Lever arm z d 04x 500 - (0.4 x 1204) 451.8 mm, ‘Moment of resistance M = Fy.z = O87 fA, + = O.87x 500 x M3 x ALB x 10% 185 kNm. Design for Flexure | 37 page 1/1 Caleutations Output Specification Size,b xd = 250 x 500 mm Chae, strength of conerete. fg = 25 N/mm Chae. strength of steeh fy, 500 N/mm _ Bending Moment, M = 300 kNm 2 FE Determine the area of reinfircement requiked Solution Muy = 0.16Tfybd? 0.167 x25x 250x 500° 4 261 kNm, M_— Compression reinforcement is required a = 50 mm 2 x oasd 225.0 mm es dis = OR= 038 . ‘The compression steel will have yiekled ted O87 Zhu d-04x = 410 mm z Area of compression steel Al = (M ~My) /08Tfuld = d°) 300 = 261) x 10° 0.87 x 500 x (500 - 50) * = 200 mm? Use : 2H 12 (226 mm’) | ! Area of tension steel ae = Ma / 08 ne + A 261 x 10° z | = ti __ 5 200 ORT x 500x410 Use: 620] = 168 (1885 mm) | 5, | | 38 | Design for Flexure Example 2.4 page 1/1 Ret. Calculations Output Specification fai = 50mm oe] Pp Siteb xd 250 x S00. mm g_ Chae, strength of concrete, fa, = 25 N/mm Chae. strength of steel fy 500 Nona? sss Reinforcement, Compresion: 2HI2_ A) 226 mm? Tension: 6 H20. A 1g min? Determine the moment of resistance Solution Assuming initially thatthe steel stresses fy and fc are the yield values O87/,, jar ae Ose + |: | 4 oh coeds =| ty siress Oasi/aby — 0434 x25x 2500) aay N Fe = O8Tfg A, = 087 500 x226 08107 N Fe = OBTSy Ay ~ 0387 x 500 x 1885 #20062 N Equilibrium of forces i Fn Fu 820062 - 2838. + 98407 y= (820062 = 98407) /2838 = 354 mm 0.617d = 309 mm Tension teel has yiekled as assumed dix = 50/254 0.200 = 038 ‘Compression teel has yielded as assumed Lever arm d-0Ax 5 398 mm z= d-d' 450. mm, Moment of resistance Mo = Fez + Fe ty [( 2838 x 254 x 398) + (98407 x 450) | x 10%| 332. kNm Design for Flexure | 39 “Example 2.5 page 1/1 Ret Calculations Output Ss a= 45mm S]]y see xa = 225 x 600 mm Chae. strength of concrete, f= 30 Ninn’ Chae. strength of steel fy, 500 None? — Bending Moment, = 350 kNm bey Determine the area of reinforcement required ‘Solution Ko = Mi fabd? = 350. 19° (30 x 225.x 6007) a = ola Redistribution = 20% Redistribution ratio, 6 fusing: EC2 Koa OASH(5 - k Vk > ~ O.182[(8 - k hal k= 0.44 0.363 (0 k )- 0.116 (8 =k, ka= 125 = 0.16 Koa Compression reinforcement is requ z d (05 +025 ~ Kall) | = 088d = 088x600 = 530.8 mm y= (d-2)/04 = 172.9 mm dix = 45) IRD = 0.26 = 038 The compression steel will have yielded fe = O87 Area of compression steel Al = (K- Kea) faba? 081d = d’) (0.144 - 0.12) x GOx_225 x 6007) 0.87 x 500 x (600-45) = 286 mn Use: 3H 12 (339 mm’) Area of tension steel A, Kya fabd? / O87 254 + Ay es 0.116 x G0 x_225 x 6007) aT x 500x331 * NP : = 1503 mn? : SH 20 (C1571 mm’) 40 | Design for Flexure Example 2.6 page 1/1 Ref, Calculations ‘Output Specification }—_—_4—- ‘Fs 600 mm 100 mm = 350 mm 200 mm. = Chae. strength of concrete, fa = 25 Nimm? hac. strength of stech fy. 500 Ninn? Bending Moment, 260 kNm . Determine the area of reinforcement required lution M 0,567 f.ghh (d= 0.5h) = 0.567 25x 600x100 ( 350 - 50) 255 kNm M M, Neutral axis below the Mange Bi 0.156(6 w/b ) + 0.56%h fd) I= b ylb XL = hy2d)] tbh 933 = ( 0.1565 0.33) (0.567 x0.29) "x 0.67 x 0.86 | vis ~ 029 0.145 Myy = Be faxbd™ 0.145 (25 x 600x350 ) 266 kNm ue Mua Compresion reinforcement is not required nsion reinforcement = M_+ Olah yd O36d - hp ORT Auld = 05h) 260_x jo" +0( 25 x 200 x 350x_ 26, O87 x 500 x (350 - 50) 2027 mm? SH 25 (2455 mm?) sy 08 Example 2.7 Design for Flexure | 41 page 1/2 Ref Calculations Output Specification ft | _, eae ta 50 mm 800 mm 7 100 mm 550 mm ge8 i by = 250mm Compression bar: 2HI2 4, = 226mm? Tension bar SH2S 4, = 2952 mm? Chae. strength of concrete, fa, = 25 Nimm? Chac. strength of steel fx 500 N/mm? Determine the moment of resistance Solution Assuming initially that the steel stres /., is the design yield value 0.87/,. and neutral axis in the web ageeecal I [= EE =o, Ss 1 ad Stress Forces Foy = O4S4fabux = 0.454 x25 x 250(0) 2838 x N Fog = 0.561f 4(b-6 )h y= 0.567 x 25% 550 x 100 779025 N Fa 87/4, = 0.87% S00x 226 = 98407 N Fy OST S.A, = 0.87 x 500 x 2952 = 1284120 N Equilibrium of forces Fa For + Foo + Fue 1284120 = 2838x + 779625 + 98407 x (1284120 = 779625 - 98407) /2838 143 mm > hy = 100mm ‘Neurtal axis in the web as assumed msy'08 42 | Design for Flexure Example 2.7 page 2/2 Ret Calculations Output Lever arm z= d-04x (950 = 57.2) = 493 mm d-d' = (50 - 50.0) = 500 mm = d 05h, = (550 - = 500 mm. Moment of resistance Mo = Foz + Fee zt 639 kNm (406088 x 493) (98407 x 500) + (779625 x 500) |x 10% Design for Flexure Problems 21 22 25 26 D7 28 Design a rectangular reinforced beam to resist service moment of 120 kNm from dead loads and 110 kNm from live loads. The beam dimensions should be (b x d) 250 x 600 mm. Assume fa = 25 Nimm? and fy, = 500 Nimm?. A reinforced concrete beam is 250 x 500 mm (b x d). The tension steel consist of 3H25 + 2120 bars and the compression steel is 3H112 bars. Determine the ultimate moment capacity of the section, assuming fi, = 30 N/mm” and fy = 500 N/mm’, A rectangular reinforced concrete beam 300 x 550 mm (b x d) is provided with 4H120 bars as compression steel, Determine the area of tension steel needed for the beam to attain its full moment capacity. Calculate also the corresponding ultimate moment of resistance. Assume f, = 30 Nimm? and f; = 500 N/mm’ Determine the moment of resistance of the RC beam sections shown in Figure P24. It has been decided to increase the moment capacity of these beams by incorporating compression steel and adding tension steel if necessary. What will be the absolute maximum moments these beam can carry?. Determine the areas of steel needed. Assume that f&y = 25 N/mm’, f,= 500 N/mm’, and cover to centre of stee! is 50 mm 200 225 a — 450 650 2H16 2H25 a+ ~~ ° ° sion | 8 3 (a) (b) Figure P2.4 Indicate the three cases regarding the positions of neutral axis in the design of flange beams. Determine the area of steel required in a T beam with the following dimensions for an applied ‘moment of 460 KNm: Depth of slab = 100 mm, width of flange 700 mm, width of web 300 mm, effective depth 500 mm. Assume f= 25 N/mm’ and fy = 500 Nimi A floor system consist of a slab 100 mm thick cast integral on beams spaced at 2.5 m centre and spanning 6 m simply supported. The beam part has a width 250 mm and effective depth of 500 mm. The beam is to be design for a characteristic dead load of 12 kN/m and characteristic live load of 8 kN/m. Calculate the main steel required atthe mid-section of the beam assuming fa~ 30 Nimm? and fy = 500 Nimmr’. Determine the moment of resistance of a T beam with the following data: Width of flange = 1000 mm, width of web = 200 mm, depth of slab = 100 mm, effective depth = 500 mm, depth of compression steel = 45 mm, tension steel SH25, compression steel 3H12. Assume that arade 25 concrete is used.

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