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Cat FOLK From windswept deserts o tropical forests there are few environments oF situations to which the eat folk cannot adapt. They area race of explorers, of travelers and traders driven in lege part by a peculiar and sometimes ‘insatiable curiosity. For some, this inquisitive nature leads ta life of quiet contemplation and study. never taking them fr from thei family tribe. For others it ‘manifests as an iresstable urge fo ind new solutions 10 age old problems: fo question even the most steadfast philosophical certainties: and to travel othe very ends of the earth in never ending pursuit to conquer the next horizon, Bonps Or BLoop AND KIN ‘The natural inqisiveness ofthe eat folks part, by strong bonds of family and con ther own devices cat folk prefer ta lead a tempered, in nity Left to existence of ral hunter gatherers, far removed from the presumptions ofcilization. This has led some ‘outsiders to foolishly regard the cat folk asa simple and ‘uncivilized people. In reais thee desire to maintain ‘small, tight knit communities isthe source oftheir areatest strength, From the time they are cubs every cat Fotkis taught that personal enrichment should never come before the health and wellbeing of the tribe; and any threat or wrong commited against even the weakest member oftheir group is egarded as an attack upon the entire pride. ‘This sense of camaraderie extends beyond their ‘own kind, Those fortunate enough to befriend the rare cat folk who, for one reason or another; has let his tribe ‘behind soon leaen that they have won afereely loyal Cat FoLK Names In cat folk culture is common for names to be passed down from one generation tothe nest, and sometimes shared by several members of family at atime. Cat folk ‘ypically assume a tebe oF clan name to farther identity themselves and those to whom they are attached, ‘Mate Names: Aira Carruth, Drewan, Ferus, Gerran, Grav, Nyktan, Rahamin, Rougar,Zthembe Female Names: Alara, Dav, Dline, Ghul, ivana, Kahala, Katjva, Mila, Mini, Siphelea, Teri

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