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Week of August 11, 2013

Lessons for the Leader

Do you believe the statement, "Actions speak
louder than words"? Do yours? Should a person's
actions match his words and what he says he
believes? Recall times you've heard someone say
one thing but do something contradictory to what
she said. When was the last time you did the same
thing? The actions of Paul and Silas illustrate that
our actions should match our beliefs.
• Read Acts 16:16-24. Picture Paul and Silas
walking through the streets, sharing about Jesus.
My Actions Match
Visualize them being followed by a girl causing
a distraction. Why do you think Paul became so
My Beliefs
aggravated? In his frustration, Paul cast out the Focus Passage: Acts 16:16-34
spirit. As a result, the girl was no longer useful
to her owners. The owners responded to their Key Bible Verse: Proverbs 20:11
loss of income by dragging Paul and Silas before Life Application
the authorities, who stripped them, and ordered I can tell about Jesus by my actions.
them beaten and thrown in jail. If you were Paul
or Silas, how would you have reacted?
• Read verses 25-34. Picture Paul and Silas in
prison, badly beaten with feet secured in stocks.
Did they act depressed, curse those who put
them there, or plot a way to escape? No! They
Session at a Glance
Introduction to Worship (6 to 8 minutes)
prayed and sang songs to God! What did their
Greet the Children
actions demonstrate for the other prisoners?
Play "The Great Shoe Detective"
After the earthquake, Paul and Silas were able
Worship (30 minutes/45 minutes)
to lead the jailer and his family to faith in Christ.
Sing "95"
How did Paul and Silas' actions help the jailer
Call to Worship/Pray
believe what he heard?
Sing "One Way"/Receive Offering
• Reflect on your own life. How do your actions
Introduce the Session
help people know what you believe? Ask God to
Tell the Bible Story
help you live out what you believe. Remember—
Review the Bible Story
you're being watched!
Use Worship Guides
Show "The Lads" Video #2
Learn the Key Bible Verse
Make Life Application/Pray
Sing "Lifesong"
What do these symbols mean? Application Activities (20 minutes)
Wrap-Up (10 minutes)
1a Application Activities Format: Follow the
numbers with arrows for a 30-minute, large group plus
20-minute Application Activities format.

1 Follow all the numbers for a 45- to 60-minute large
group only format.

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Introduction to Worship 5aSing "One Way" (DVD, 3 minutes)/Receive
1aGreet the Children
6aIntroduce the Session (4 minutes)
2aPlay "The Great Shoe Detective"
Pull It Together
Pull It Together Worship Guides, pencils
• Mark 2 lines on the floor, 1 on each side of the • Distribute Worship Guides and pencils.
room. • Guide the children to complete "What Do They
Mean?" on their Worship Guides.
Teacher Tip • Allow children to identify the traffic signs.
Create a wide space in the room with no obstacles • Point out that, when drivers do not obey traffic
between the 2 sides.
laws, other people can be affected.
• Explain: "Remove your shoes and place them • Ask: "How are we like traffic signs?"
behind this tape line." [Point to one line.] • Say: "Whether we like it or not, our actions
• Mix all the shoes together. tell about what kind of persons we are. Other
• Form two teams. people notice when what we do doesn't match
• Guide each team to line up behind the what we say we believe."
opposite line. • Ask: "What are some actions that people do
• Explain: "The first person on your team will be that are not so good?" (murder, hatred, violence,
a 'detective.' The second person will describe etc.)
what her shoes look like to the 'detective.' • Continue: "God wants our actions to match
The 'detective' will search for and bring back what we believe about Him."
her shoes. If the 'detective' brings the correct
shoes, the 'describer' will say, 'You are a great 7aTell the Bible Story (10 minutes)
"detective." ' If the wrong shoes are brought Pull It Together
back, the 'describer' will tell about her shoes Bibles
again. The 'detective' will take the wrong shoes • Choose several children to act out the actions.
back and bring back another pair."
• Continue: "Once the 'detective' finds the shoes, Teacher Tip
he goes to the back of the line. The 'describer' Provide Bible times costumes.
now becomes the 'detective.' We will continue
until everyone has his shoes." Letting Our Actions
• Play the game.
• Ask: "Did any of you have a difficult time Speak for Us
locating your teammate's shoes? Why?" Based on Acts 16:16-34
• Say: "Words are very important. We
communicate with words. In today's Bible story, • Instruct selected children to silently act out the
we will discover Jesus wants us to tell others story as you read aloud.
about Him, not just through our words, but with • Invite the rest of the children to open their
our actions as well." Bibles to Acts 16:16-34 and follow along as you
read aloud the story.
• Read aloud verses 16-25.
Worship • Guide the children to sing "God Is So Good" or
another simple praise song.
3 Sing "95" (DVD, 3 minutes) • Read aloud verses 26-34.

4aCall to Worship/Pray (2 minutes)

• Select a child to read aloud Proverbs 20:11.
• Invite a child to pray.

My Actions Match My Beliefs

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8aReview the Bible Story (4 minutes) • Guide the children to locate Proverbs 20:11 in
their Bibles.
Pull It Together • Select several volunteers to read aloud the
Large sheet of paper, markers, tape
• Print and display "Jail" Teaching Picture (CD).
• Attach the paper to the wall. • Guide the children to form a line at the mat.
• Lead each child to step on the words in order,
• Call attention to the teaching picture. saying the words as he steps.
• Ask: "How would you describe the actions of • Invite volunteers to say the verse from memory.
Paul and Silas?"
• Write responses on the paper. 12aMake Life Application (4 minutes)/Pray
• Ask: "How did Paul and Silas' actions tell • Guide children to complete "What My Actions
people about Jesus?" Can Do" on their Worship Guides.
• Ask: "What do you think might have happened • Invite children to share their responses.
if Paul and Silas had chosen to complain or say • Say: "God wants us to live in ways that others
bad things about the people?" can see Him by our actions."
• Lead children to think about actions people see • Pray, asking God to help children be aware of
that help them know Jesus. their actions and to live in ways that others will
• Continue: "Let's explore what our actions say to see Jesus in them.
13 Sing "Lifesong" (DVD, 3 minutes)
9aUse Worship Guides (3 minutes)
Pull It Together 14aTransition to Application Activities or
Print and display "Action Posters" (CD). Wrap-Up
• Direct attention to the "Action Posters."
• Invite children to state what actions they see
represented in the pictures.
• Direct children to complete "What Do My
Actions Say?" or "What Do I See?" on their
Worship Guides.
• Ask: "What actions do others see in you that
would help them know Jesus?"

10aShow "The Lads" Video #2 (DVD, 7 minutes)

• Ask: "How would you feel if you were invited to
be on a television talk show? What would you
do if you could not talk the day of the show?"
• Continue: "Let's see what happens when Mark
gets invited to be on the 'Talky Talk TV Show.' "
• Show the video.
• Ask: "In what ways did Mark tell people
about Jesus? How do our actions tell what we

11 Learn the Key Bible Verse (3 minutes)

Pull It Together
Giant Game Floor Mat*, construction paper, marker
• Print each word of Proverbs 20:11 on a separate
sheet of construction paper.
• Place the words faceup in order into the mat
• Position the mat on the floor.

Week of August 11, 2013

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Wrap-Up Wrap-Up
(Large Group Only Format) (Application Activities Format)

15 Play "Action Concentration" (6 minutes) 15aReview Application Activities (5 minutes)

Pull It Together • Invite the children to share their Application
Giant Game Floor Mat*, 20 sheets of construction Activity experiences.
paper, marker d
dArts and Crafts—Doorknob Hangers
• Print 2 sets of "Action Concentration" (CD). d
dDramatic Play—Communication Creation
Randomly place in the mat pockets. d
• Write the numbers 1 to 20 on the construction d
dExploration and Discovery—Elephant
paper (1 number per page; landscape orientation).
Place on top of the "Action Concentration" pages.
• Display the mat.
16aConclude and Pray (2 minutes)
• Form up to four teams. • Say: "We need to live our lives in ways that
• Say: "Under these cards are 10 specific actions. others will be able to see Jesus in us even when
One person from your team will select two we don't say anything. Our actions will tell
cards. If the cards match, your team will have 10 people about Jesus."
seconds to share what result can be expected • Pray, asking God to help each child let her
from the action. If your team names a correct actions tell others about Him.
result, you will gain the number of points on the
cover cards." 17aSing "Whoa!" (DVD, 3 minutes)
• Select a team to begin.
• Award points as earned. 18aDismiss the Children to Their Parents
• Say: "We need to live our lives in ways that
others will be able to see Jesus in us even when
we don't say anything. Our actions will tell
people about Jesus."

16 Pray (1 minute)
• Pray specifically that each child will let her
actions enable others to see Jesus living in her.

17 Sing "Whoa!" (DVD, 3 minutes)

18 Dismiss the Children to Their Parents

*Giant Game Floor Mat (001114564) may be ordered through

LifeWay Christian Resources Customer Service Center at
1.800.458.2772 or online at

Week of August 11, 2013 Worship KidStyle Children's Edition Leader Guide
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.
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Application Activities Select from the following choices. Each choice is
designed for 20 minutes of small group time.

Pull It Together
Heavyweight paper,
Worship Through Arts and Crafts
9-by-12-inch craft foam Doorknob Hangers
sheets (½ sheet per • Review the Bible story.
child), markers, scissors, • Ask: "If you never spoke a word about what you believe about Jesus, could
decorative items (small
foam shapes, buttons,
people tell what you believe by your actions? Why?"
ribbon, etc.), glue • Ask: "Have you ever heard the statement, 'Actions speak louder than
• Print "Doorknob words'? Do you believe this statement? Why?" Summarize the statement.
Hanger Template" • Continue: "Each day we have opportunities to tell people about Jesus by
(CD). Copy on the way we act. Let's make doorknob hangers for our bedroom doors to
heavyweight paper
remind us to check our actions."
and cut out (1 per
every 1-2 children). • Distribute supplies. Guide the children to use the templates to trace a
doorknob hanger onto the foam. Assist in tracing and cutting.
Teacher Tip • Ask: "What are some words or phrases we can put on our doorknob
Purchase precut hangers to remind us to set positive examples for people?"
doorknob hangers at a • Guide the children to write reminders to themselves on their doorknob
craft store. hangers. Encourage the children to decorate both sides of their hangers.
• Say: "Place your doorknob hanger on your bedroom doorknob. Each day,
read what you wrote. At the end of the day, ask yourself, 'What did my
actions say about what I believe about Jesus?' Pray, asking God to forgive
you if your actions were not positive. Ask God to help people know more
about Jesus."
• Pray for each child by name.

Pull It Together
Red, green, blue, yellow,
Worship Through Dramatic Play
and black construction Communication Creation
paper; scissors; • Review the Bible story.
envelopes (1 per child) • Ask: "If you never spoke a word about what you believe about Jesus, could
• Print "Star Pattern"
people tell what you believe by your actions? Why?"
• Follow directions on • Ask: "Have you ever heard the statement, 'Actions speak louder than
"Star Pattern." words'? Do you believe this statement? Why?" Summarize the statement.
• Form two teams. Distribute envelopes.
• Explain: "The object of the game is for each group to form five stars
consisting of five different colors using the pieces in the envelopes."
• Continue: "Here are the rules. First, you may not speak while forming the
stars. Second, you cannot point to a particular piece to ask for it. Third,
only take a piece when it is offered to you from another team member."
• Guide the children to form the stars.
• Ask: "Was this game easy? What were some of the difficulties you faced?
In what ways did your actions tell whether or not you followed the rules?"
• Discuss some of the actions you observed during the game.
• Say: "Each night, ask yourself, 'What did my actions say about what I
believe about Jesus?' Pray, asking God to forgive you if your actions were
not positive. Ask God to help people know more about Jesus."
• Pray for each child by name.

Week of August 11, 2013

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Pull It Together
Beanbag, tape, scissors,
Worship Through Games
scrap paper, stopwatch "WAGS"
or watch with second • Review the Bible story.
hand • Ask: "If you never spoke a word about what you believe about Jesus, could
• Print and assemble people tell what you believe by your actions? Why?"
"WAGS Cube" (CD).
• Ask: "Have you ever heard the statement, 'Actions speak louder than
words'? Do you believe this statement? Why?" Summarize the statement.
Teacher Tip
Define Words, Actions, • Say: "Let's play a game called 'WAGS.' 'WAGS' stands for Words, Actions,
and Gestures. Gestures, and Silence. We will take turns tossing a beanbag to one
another. The person to whom the beanbag is tossed will roll the cube. He
will have 10 seconds to tell us a word, action, or gesture of how he can tell
about Jesus. If he does not respond within 10 seconds, he must sit down
and wait for the 'Everyone Play' side of the cube to be rolled. If the cube
lands on 'Silence,' he must stand silent for 10 seconds. If the cube lands on
'Free Turn,' he does not have to complete an action. After he completes
his task, he will toss the beanbag to someone else."
• Distribute beanbag and cube. Play the game as time permits.
• Ask: "In what ways did your actions tell whether or not you followed the rules?"
• Discuss some of the actions you observed during the game.
• Say: "Each night, ask yourself, 'What did my actions say about what I
believe about Jesus?' Pray, asking God to forgive you if your actions were
not positive. Ask God to help people know more about Jesus."
• Pray for each child by name.

Pull It Together
Large sheets of paper, Worship Through Exploration and Discovery
markers, cake pan with Elephant Toothpaste
2-inch sides, empty • Review the Bible story.
16-20 oz. bottle, green
• Ask: "If you never spoke a word about what you believe about Jesus, could
food color, peroxide,
funnel, Dawn® dish people tell what you believe by your actions? Why?"
detergent, quick-rising • Ask: "Have you ever heard the statement, 'Actions speak louder than
yeast, safety glasses, words'? Do you believe this statement? Why?" Summarize the statement.
warm water, measuring • Guide each child to select a partner. Distribute paper and markers.
cup • Say: "Write down an 'if situation.' For example, you may say, 'If I hang
• Print "Elephant
around kids who treat others in bad ways, I…' Only write down the first
Experiment" (CD). part. Another group will write down the reaction."
• Assist as needed.
Teacher Tips • Gather the papers, shuffle, and distribute.
• Practice the • Say: "Read the situation and tell us what could happen."
experiment before • Ask: "What do our actions say about what we believe about Jesus in these
class. situations?"
• Guide adults and
• Say: "I have an experiment for us to complete. Watch how different
children standing near
the experiment to wear ingredients affect one another."
safety glasses. • Follow directions on "Elephant Toothpaste." Guide the children to observe
what happens. Discuss the actions.
• Say: "Each night, ask yourself, 'What did my actions say about what I
believe about Jesus?' Pray, asking God to forgive you if your actions were
not positive. Ask God to help people know more about Jesus."
• Pray for each child by name.

Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition Leader Guide OK to copy.

© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.
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Jim Noble Letting Our Actions Speak for Us
© 2002 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in the USA. Acts 16:16-34
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Action Posters (August 11)
Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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Action Posters (August 11)
Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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Action Posters (August 11)
Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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Action Posters (August 11)
Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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help without
being asked
Offering to

Action Concentration (August 11)

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© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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Action Concentration (August 11)

Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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movies or

TV shows
Action Concentration (August 11)
Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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Using foul

Action Concentration (August 11)

Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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Being mean
to others

Action Concentration (August 11)

Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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on a test

Action Concentration (August 11)

Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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Doing your
best on

Action Concentration (August 11)

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© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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to positive


Action Concentration (August 11)

Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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Talking back

and being
to adults

Action Concentration (August 11)
Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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doors open
for others

Action Concentration (August 11)

Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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Cut on Cut on
dotted lines. dotted lines.

Doorknob Hanger Template (August 11)

Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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Communication Creation
Children will be challenged to work as teams to create four-point stars using colored puzzle pieces.
The catch is they will not be able to speak or signal to one another while performing the task.

Activity Preparation:
• Cut 3-inch triangles and squares from construction paper. Each team will need:
a5 RED triangles
a5 GREEN triangles
a5 BLUE triangles
a5 YELLOW triangles
a5 BLACK squares
• Place the triangles and squares in five separate envelopes according to color (1 set per team).

Activity directions:
• Form two teams.
• Distribute envelopes (1 set per team).
• Direct teams to create five stars made up of five colors by using all the pieces in the envelopes.

Completed stars:

Star Pattern (August 11)

Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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s t u re s
d s Ge
Wo r
1. Cut along the dotted lines.
2. Fold on the solid lines.
3. Fill with scrap paper.

n s
4. Tape closed.

A c t i o
r y o n e
Eve lay
iS len c e P
rF ee
uT rn
WAGS Cube (August 11)
Worship KidStyle Children's Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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Elephant Toothpaste
Materials: Directions:
Cake pan with 2-inch sides • Place the plastic bottle in the center of the cake pan.
Empty 16-20 oz. soda bottle • Place the funnel in the opening of the bottle.
Measuring cup • Add food color to peroxide and stir.
Green food color (2-3 drops) • Pour the peroxide mixture through the funnel into the bottle.
Peroxide (½ c.) • Add the dish detergent to the peroxide mixture in the bottle.
Funnel • Dissolve yeast in very warm water.
Dawn® dish detergent (1 Tbsp.) • Pour the yeast/water mixture through the funnel into the bottle, and
Quick-rising yeast (1 tsp.) quickly remove the funnel.
Very warm water (2-3 Tbsp.)
Safety glasses NOTE: If the reaction is slow to begin, touch the bottle or give it a little
shake, then stand back!

NOTE: You can find video demonstrations of this experiment on the Internet.

Elephant Toothpaste Experiment (August 11)

Worship KidStyle Children’s Edition, Summer 2013
© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.
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