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Unit 1: Java Networking

What is Server Socket? Explain in detail with an example.

Write a TCP Client-Server program to get the Date & Time details from Server?

What is Datagram Socket? Explain in detail with example.

Write a client server program using TCP where client sends two numbers and server responds
with sum of them.

Write a UDP Client-Server program in which the Client sends any string and Server responds
with Reverse string.
Unit 2: JDBC Programming

What is JDBC? What are the various types of JDBC Driver? Write code snippet for each type
of JDBC connection.

Explain the use of CallableStatement and PreparedStatement with example.

Explain JDBC Architecture and JDBC driver types. Write a Java Bean to connect to database
and insert in the database. Query will be passed as a message to bean.
Unit 3: Servlet API and Overview

Write a Java Servlet to demonstrate the use of Session Management.

Discuss Servlet life cycle methods. Explain role of web container. List out different types of

servlet event and explain it.

Enlist and explain the need of filters with a program.

Unit 4: Java Server Pages

Explain JSP Tag library with example.

Compare JSP with Servlet.

Explain JSP Object scope: (i) Page (ii) Request (iii) Session (iv) Application with example.

Explain Life cycle of JSP.

List & explain implicit objects in JSP.

Unit 6: Hibernate 4.0

Briefly explain Hibernate Architecture and Hibernate Mapping Types.

What is HQL? How does it differ from SQL? Give its advantages.

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