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Two-Week Takeover Lesson Plan - 3rd Grade PAS

Subject: Social Studies/Science Topic: Outdoor Observation (Part 1) Lesson Date:

Goals/Objectives SWBAT identify specific characteristics of two defined areas in PAS’s

outdoor space IOT identify potential changes for the outdoor space.

SWBAT draft potential adjustments to the outdoor space IOT provide

a communal, inviting space for the PAS community and students.

SWBAT present their findings to classmates IOT practice

communicating design solutions.

Standards (and Cross Cutting Concepts:

Assessment Anchors, - Scale, proportion and quantity
if applicable) - Structure and function
- Stability and change

Disciplinary Core Idea:

ESS3C: Human Impacts on Earth Spaces

- Asking Questions and Defining Problems

Materials and - Outdoor Observation Sheet

preparation - Pencils
- Clipboards
- Aerial Map print out - each partner pair needs to have their
spot they are observing outlined (can compare aerial view to
what they see in real life, minimize confusion when outdoors)
- Landscape Architecture Portfolio (on desk)
- Smartboard Notebook
- Observation Sheet Example on SmartBoard

Classroom - This will likely occur over the course of two days
arrangement and - Everyone will need to have the outdoor observation sheet
management issues prior to the session.
- Will review activity at the desks
- The activity will take place outdoors, so the expectations
need to be clearly explained while still in the classroom, then
reiterated when we are outside.
- Observations will be timed in order to make sure students
are on task, and the activity can be completed during the
Social Studies block at the end of the day
- Students will bring coats, backpacks and lunch boxes with
them in order to go directly to the black top at the end of the
- This will be included within your architecture portfolio -
important that is is neat and organized.
- Students will re-enter the building through the front door,
head to the black top for dismissal
- Students will work in partner pairs for the two observations,
present to the group/other partnerpars

Plan: Hook:
1. The “hook” Similar to I.M. Pei, the famous architect we read about, today
2. The body everyone in this class is going to take a “secret walk” with their
3. Closure (if partners to assigned spaces in the PAS outdoor yard to visualize the
appropriate) outdoor space, and think about what additional design components
or things you would want to add.
● Reminder: the goal of this unit it to write a persuasive letter
to Mr. Farrell about what you like, and what you want to
change about the outdoor space around PAS.
- Turn and Talk: what are some of the different outdoor design
ideas we have learned about through the presentation with
the Landscape Architect, our readings, and activities we did
before this?
- List responses on the board
- When we are outside, think about if any of
those ideas might fit within the space you are
observing - and WHY it would benefit the PAS
students and the community surrounding PAS.
● Review Observation Sheet
○ Teacher Model:
■ Show picture of a seperate outdoor space
from PAS and model thought process of what I
see in the space, what I notice about the
surroundings, what do the plants look like?
What are ways that I think the space could be
used? And what are some different ideas to
change the space to best benefit the
○ In-Classroom Partner Share:
■ With a different picture — the vacant lot on
46th and Baltimore -- what would you add?
○ Review Aerial Map used in previous activity:
■ Each group will be assigned to a specific area -
aerial map print out marks where different
groups will observe -
● Explain Observation Structure:
○ Partner observations
○ Each partner group will observe and write about one
area for 3 minutes. 3 minutes to work on completing
observation sheets. (6 min total)
○ Partner Pairs will work together to brainstorm ideas
for the space.
■ Remember if you have different opinions, it’s
essential that you talk through why
● Outdoor Observation:
○ Direct specific groups to their area, will observe and
draw for 3-5 minutes
○ Will “present” their space to different classmates --
partner pair will present to another partner pair.
■ Answer specific questions -
At the end of 3-5 minutes, group will come together and share what
they saw in front of their section.
● Any issues in the space?
● What would they change in order to benefit the community
and school?
● What do we need to think about in order to change that

Students will write down ideas from other groups in their “Architect

Reiterate: you will be writing a persuasive letter to Mr. Farrell

describing the specific changes you want to make in the outdoor
space. Use you notes from today to help. Next time we meet for
Social Studies, we will look at the playground and outdoor garden
space to think about ways that we can make an area that is
sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Assessment of - Observation sheets

goals/objectives - Answer: How is it connected to the community?
listed above: - Presentation to group:
- How well do they communicate their findings? How
well do they work in their partner pairs?

Anticipating students’ - Don’t want to change anything about the space

responses and your - “Even if you think it’s perfect the way it is, you need
possible responses: to explain why it should stay exactly the same.”
- Where do I go?
- Refer to Aerial Map - before they get to outdoor
space, need to point to exactly where they are

Accommodations: - Based on previous Aerial Mapping activity, can assess what

students will need additional support in navigating the
outdoor space.
- Partner groupings will be created to facilitate support to
students that need additional help.
- For students that need more scaffolding - provide specific,
guided questions for them to use when completing the
observation worksheet outdoors in order to support them
Write on the back of the worksheet:
- what does the school need in order to make these changes?
(ex: seeds for grass, money, people to build a playground,
- what star rating do you give this space? Explain why?

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