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Green Lightning Nature Project

The Tellurian Transformation

by Thor Janson

Humans are designed to operate as Nature's maximum *syntropic

function in support of Earth's ecology. At the present moment, because our
total combined effect is one where destruction predominates, we have made
ourselves candidates for elimination. We are now in "final exam" and the
Cosmic Integrity of Universe will determine whether or not we will be
permitted to "graduate" and continue to live here on our beautiful Tellurian
Sphere. What is under examination is individual integrity, not that of
governments or organizations, which, after all, are only as good as the
individuals that comprise them. Do we have the courage, honesty and
integrity to live our lives according to truth? Do we love God more than we
love gold? Do we try to apply the Golden Rule* in our daily lives? Or… will
selfishness, greed, and lust for power take us over the ecological precipice
to our doom? There will be no more cheating. No more cover-ups and
deceptions. The truth of our performance is being revealed. The score we
receive on our exam will be final. If our examination were over today I have
no doubt that we would receive a failing grade, so God help us and lets hope
that we still have enough time to do better!

“Only if one loves this Earth with unbending passion can one
release one’s sadness,” don Juan said. “A warrior is always joyful because
his love is unalterable and his beloved, the Earth, embraces him and
bestows upon him inconceivable gifts. The sadness belongs to those who
hate the very thing that gives shelter to their beings.”

Don Juan again caressed the ground with tenderness.

“This lovely being, which is alive to its last recesses and understands
every feeling, soothed me, it cured me of my pains, and finally when I had
fully understood my love for her, she taught me freedom."

- Carlos Castaneda, Tales of Power

The Ocean is very deep. Most of the time what we deal with are the
surface disturbances: the waves, squalls, surface currents and occasional
hurricanes. Just beneath the surface deep currents are moving. These deep
currents, although invisible to our sight and normally outside of our
conscious awareness, are moving and affecting evolutionary events more
than the surface disturbances. Only the heart and the intuition have an
inkling of what is going on just beneath the waves.

The Earth is a living being. She is alive and has a body and
metabolism incomprehensibly vast but nevertheless analogous to and in
many ways similar to our individual human bodies. Like my own body, the
Earth has her own systems of "blood circulation," respiration, filtration, food
distribution, elimination, electro-chemical communication, defense systems
and intelligence. The idea that our living planet should be or even could be
“managed” by human bureaucrats working out of their city-offices is
nothing less than a self-serving delusion. And the longer we attempt to prop
up this delusion the more painful will be our inevitable ecological “day of
Lets take a brief look at the gigantic planet-vehicle which architect and
cosmographer Buckminster Fuller named Spaceship Earth. Our spaceship is a
living bio-vehicle whose naturally evolved ecology is comprised of somewhere
between 30 and 60 million species of plants and animals. As I'm writing this I am
trying to make a rough calculation in my mind of just how many individual living
entities make up the ecology of the Earth, and I'm having trouble coming up with a
number. If only one species, such as homo sapiens, is represented by 6 billion
individuals, what is the total number of all individuals of all the species on Earth?
Some species, like the bonobo, an african primate know to scientists by its latin
name Pan paniscus, are perhaps comprised of only some tens of thousands
of individuals, while other species, such as the Anopheles mosquito, are
represented by countless trillions of individuals. So we can see that the
"mechanism" of our planet's ecology, which is a living machine, is
comprised of a vast, mind-boggling number of individual parts. Every
species fulfills a unique ecological role within the mechanism. There are
trees and flowers that depend on one particular insect, bat, or
hummingbird for their pollination. If their unique pollinator is
eliminated, the particular plant species that depends on its particular
pollinator will die out. This can lead to a domino effect of extinction's.
Humans are very far from being able to comprehend and understand
all the workings of Earth's ecology. How many species of plants and
animals can humans cause to go extinct before the mechanism of
Earth's ecology is adversely affected, leading to cataclysmic
adjustments? The answer is, no one knows. The biosphere -the sum
total of all living plants and animals- is co-evolving along with the
geosphere: the hydrosphere, lithosphere and atmosphere. Altogether
these elements comprise the living foundation upon which human
civilization is built. We can admire the genius that went into the design
of a swiss watch, but imagine what would happen if we began to
remove a screw here and a spring there and a jewel over there! The
mechanism of Spaceship Earth is vastly more complex than a human-
designed-and-manufactured watch. It is also important to keep in mind
that 99 percent of physical reality -all of nature's energy- operates at
frequencies to high or too low to be tuned-in within the limited range of
human visible or audible scanning. The Universe consists entirely of
energy. This energy comes in two forms: associative as matter or
disassociative as radiation and both forms are intertransformable, one
with the other. Science has discovered a great deal about how nature
works but the design of our living planet is a reflection of an intellectual
integrity which will never be completely comprehensible to little
humans. It is a manifestation of the Mind of the Architect of the
Cosmos! The Universe is vast and she will always have her mysteries.
Since we must admit that we do not understand how the metabolism of
our planet functions, it would seem prudent that we restrain ourselves
from further destruction and contamination of the ecology of our
Tellurian Ship. We should halt further cutting down of the forests and
depleting the oceans of their diverse life forms and end our our
pollution of rivers, lakes, seas and the atmosphere.

"We are responsible largely for what's happening. The problem is

most people seem to think it's largely due to the emission of carbon
dioxide. It much more than that. If you think of the earth as a living
system, what we've been doing is taking away the skin of the earth,
taking away the natural eco-system to produce farmland to feed
ourselves. And now the earth only has 60 percent of what it once had
to do its job of regulating the climate - and that's just as important as
the emissions of green house gases." - Dr. James Lovelock
Amsterdam Forum Radio
Program, 21 January 2007

Humans are not designed to be able to manage the ecology of our

planet any more than we are designed to manage all the multitude of
metabolic processes of our own individual physical bodies. The more we
tamper with Earth’s naturally evolved ecology, the worse things will become
for us. The more that we try to replace the natural order with a human
designed order, as we do when we cut down a rainforest to be replace with a
quick-profit cattle ranch, the more we provoke ever-more-violent-
ecological-backlashes as the Mother of Life attempts to re-establish her
order; backlashes which make life ever more difficult for Earth’s human
passengers. No one knows exactly how much land humans can take for their
cities and agriculture without provoking Gaia’s wrath. But the idea that
humans could replace 90% of the natural ecology with a small number of
human-designed and genetically manipulated organisms without damaging
the functioning of the Earth System upon which our lives depend is
preposterous. The belief that humans should and could manage the planet's
ecology while preserving only a few remnant pieces of wilderness will prove
to be a failed experiment that threatens our very survival. The bureaucrat’s
dream of transforming the entire Earth into Planet Worldmart, Incorporated,
owned and managed by a corporate elite, is a nightmare. We cannot continue
with “business as usual.” We cannot continue with “sustainable
development.” What is needed if our civilizaion is to survive is “sustainable
retreat.” Retreat from all further dismantling and destruction of Earth’s
natural ecology.

“We have grown in numbers to the point where our presence is

perceptibly disabling the planet like a disease. As in human diseases there
are four possible outcomes: destruction of the invading disease organisms;
chronic infection; destruction of the host; or symbiosis – a lasting
relationship of mutual benefit to the host and the invader. The question is
how to achieve that symbiosis? - James Lovelock, Revenge of Gaia.

In Greek mythology, Anteus was the son of Gaia, the Earth, and drew
invincible power from contact with her. Our modern Anteus, twentieth century
man, is also the child of Mother Earth -- Nature. In the Greek legend, Hercules,
the most powerful being on earth, was unable to defeat Anteus, because each time
he threw him to the ground, Anteus immediately gained power from his Mother
and rose up again and again against the terrible Hercules. And, like Anteus, while
we live in and by Nature, we too are strong and invincible. But the legend goes on
to tell how finally Hercules prevented Anteus from returning to his Mother, the
Earth, and was able to strangle him, weakened and bereft of his earth-given
All of us today are Anteus in the twentieth century, fighting a losing battle
against the present-day mad monster, Giant Centralized Industry (American,
Russian, German, Japanese, it does not matter - if it is giant, centralized, and
industry) which, obsessed by the evil, mad spirit of greed and competition, is
squandering all our natural resources, spending recklessly the unredeemable
capital of mankind in order to manufacture on an enormous scale an un-
biodegradable, un-recyclable inundation of unnecessary luxuries, creating with
dizzying speed an alarmingly increasing pollution of all our vital sources of life -
our atmosphere, our oceans, rivers and lakes, our soil, fields, and forests -
destroying forever thousands of forms of life created millions of years ago on our
- Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
Co-founder of the International Biogenic
Society along with Nobel Prize winning
author Romain Roland

Although I don't agree completely with Szekely's blanket rejection of Big

Industry - I think that there are certain global services required by a
technologically advanced civilization which have to be provided by large
industrial operations - I do sympathize with his reaction to seeing his beloved
nature being bulldozed, blasted, burned and polluted for unrestrained economic
development. I am very skeptical about a world where a handful of corporate
monopolies have near total control of humanities food and energy supplies. There
must be a reason why nature uses mind-bogglingly diverse and complex
ecological systems to accomplish Earth's metabolic processes. Human
megalomaniacs, on the other hand, are busy trying to replace natures complexity
with childishly simplistic, man-designed systems of agriculture and energy
production. There is an axiom in the science of ecology which states that 'diversity
equals stability'. The evidence indicates that most species extinctions are the result
of over-specialization. If this is true, then having a small number of huge
monolithic corporations controlling the metabolism of civilization, may be a very
dangerous experiment indeed.

The terms “Gaia” and “Gaian,” first appeared in scientific lingo when
employed by former NASA atmospheric expert Dr. James Lovelock in his
Gaia Hypothesis, now a well developed scientific theory. According to
"Now this is a theory that sees all living things from bacteria to
giant redwood trees, from amoebae to whales as evolving together
with the air, the oceans and the surface rock to make a single living
system. It sees life evolving by natural selection as Charles Darwin
envisaged but instead of merely adapting to the material earth, life
changes the environment as well as adapting to it. Gaia is the system
of life on the earth's surface. And it has the remarkable property of
working to keep the environment always suitable for life."

The Gaia Theory proposes that the Earth operates as a single living,
self-regulating organism and that the biosphere is intimately involved with
the formation and maintenance the life-sustaining atmosphere. Thirty years
ago Lovelock’s concept was heretical (an eminent representative of the
Royal Society said that it was the best candidate for burning he had seen in
many years!) Today, the idea that the Earth functions as one complex, self-
regulating entity, is embraced by a growing number of Earth-scientists as
was clearly stated in the Amsterdam Declaration of 2001. (Of course, the
African Bushman, and most other indigenous people around the world
always knew this intuitively!)

The Amsterdam Declaration. In 2001 representatives of the four

principal organizations studying global-change met at Amsterdam, Holland.
More than 1000 delegates, most of them highly credentialed climate
scientists and ecologists, signed a declaration that had as its first main
statement: “The Earth System behaves as a single, self-regulating system
comprised of physical, chemical, biological, and human components. Ther
interactions and feedbacks between the component parts are complex
and exhibit multi-scale temporal and special variability.” These words
marked an abrupt transition from a previously solid conventional wisdom in
which biologists held that organisms adapt to, but do not change, their
environments and in which Earth scientists held that geological forces alone
could explain the evolution of the atmosphere, crust, and oceans. Science
now shows that the biosphere (plants and animals) is largely responsible for
maintaining the dynamic composition of the atmosphere. Many top Earth
scientists now agree that it is correct to look at our planet as one living
system or super-organism. Some natural philosophers go further and
suggest that the Earth herself is a conscious being. Just as our individual
physical bodies are made up of millions of parts, including the beneficial
bacteria in our digestive systems, and the little mitochondria power-plants in
each cell, all comprising the complex system of our individual physical
“vehicles,” being driven by our individual conscious selves, likewise it is
conceivable that Planet Earth, made up of trillions of individual parts, has
herself, a discrete, individual consciousness…albeit vast and largely
incomprehensible to her little human passengers. And I’m going to take it
one step further: I think that Mother Earth loves us and wants us to succeed.
And that gives me hope that we may make it, against all odds, and in spite of
our selfish foolishness.
Think about it: very little that we do consciously on a daily basis is
responsible for our individual physical success. All we have to do is shovel
some good quality food and water into our mouths, protect our bodies from
bad weather or accidents, and get some good exercise like walking in the
forest or cultivating a cornfield. Everything else, and that’s 95% of what
makes our near-miraculous physical “vehicles” function properly, has been
done for us already by the superior cosmic integrity of nature. Imagine if
you were required to consciously manage all the operations and functions of
your own ultra-complex electro-chemical-hydrological physical “vehicle”
Healthy people don’t even have to think about it. Sick people who must take
a pill every day to control their blood pressure, a pill to palliate
psychological depression, a pill to control blood sugar… who must be
hooked up to a dialysis machine every other day, who must have a
pacemaker to control heart rate, or have their stomach tied in a knot so they
don’t die of morbid obesity. All will agree: life is better when we are healthy
and don’t require that our bodies be managed by the corporate medical
industry. The more we must be hooked on pills and hooked up to machines
in order to keep living, the more life becomes a burden. It’s better to live a
healthy lifestyle: eat good food, get lots of exercise, and live a life of
integrity and honesty. If we do that we will feel healthy and free. Health is
our greatest wealth.

I have the greatest admiration for medical doctors who employ

advanced know-how and technology to mend us when we are broken. I
would not be walking on two legs today if this were not true. I also admire
the scientists who discovered the “wonder drugs” that can and do cure us of
lethal infections. But I maintain my thesis that we are almost always better
off when we let Nature manage our physical bodies.
The exact same thing is true with regard to the living spaceship-
vehicle called Planet Earth. Spaceship Earth was designed by God. We are
passengers. Humans are not designed to manage the planet as if it were an
industrial factory. Humans are not designed to be the stewards of the planet.
We are, along with whales, humming birds, centipedes, tree ferns and
lichens fellow passengers on our marvelous Tellurian Ship: a solar-powered
vessel orbiting around our fusion-atomic-energy-plant-Sun located at the
precise safe distance of 93 million miles.

Man is the microcosm in the macrocosm,

Living in a field of permanently varying forces.
His health is harmony with the surrounding
cosmic and natural forces -
His disease, physical or mental,
is disharmony with them.
- Guide to the Essene Way of Biogenic Living

Humans, among all Earth’s creatures, are unique because our big
brains and metaphysical minds have allowed us to discover and understand
some of the laws governing the structuring of physical reality. This powerful
knowledge allows us to develop technologies that make it possible for us to
fly, to explore the depths of the oceans, to reliably produce enough food for
everyone, and to visit the moon. But now humans have arrived at a crucial
moment in our evolutionary development on Earth because the same
technology that could make it possible for all of us to live “like kings” is
responsible for allowing us to destroy the natural Earth System ecology
which provides us with “ecosystem services” and the natural resource
foundation upon which human civilization is built. Erode the foundation and
inevitably civilization will come crashing down.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray
and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from
Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal the Earth. [II Chronicles 7:14]

The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land
of the shadow of death a light has dawned. [Isaiah 9:2]

Those of my friends who are “devout atheists” may find my

references to “God” more acceptable if they will simply substitute God’s
“attributes” for the word “God.” Some of God’s attributes are as follows:
Truth, equal rights and justice, Love, beauty, integrity, mercy, empathy, and
freedom. If you love these values then, believer or unbeliever, we are very
close philosophically. At a certain point it does not make any difference any
longer since God and His attributes are one and the same thing. As I said to
my brother Manuel Corleto: you deny the existence of God yet you love all
of what we consider His qualities, therefore, we are, in truth, on a very
similar path, both of us trying to get to the same promised land.

The entire Law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor

as yourself." [Galatians 5:14]

My Green Gospel Philosophy proposes that we expand our love to

embrace all of Nature. Countless times when I have been invited to share a
meal in a humble Mayan hut I recall that always, before eating, we would
offer a prayer of thanksgiving to God: Matiosh Tatixel, and a small offering
was made by allowing a little morsel of food and a few drops of drink to be
spilled on the soil. Indigenous people all over the world have always
recognized that the Earth is ALIVE. Modern people, who are out of touch
with their own “indigenous hearts” must find their way back home and once
again learn to cherish the living planet, which sustains their beings.
“Unity is plural and at minimum two”
-R. Buckminster Fuller

Universe is the synergetic marriage of radiation and gravity. One

quantum of radiation combined with one quantum of gravity creates the
tetrahedron: the fundamental structural system used by Universe to build
EVERYTHING. Wherever you look, wherever you investigate, you we find
that everything is constructed by the combination of the fundamental
complementary elements which “always and only co-exist,” and that what
seemed to us to be disorderly or chaotic phenomenon, appeared that way due
to our ignorance. Wherever scientists have honestly investigated we have
found exquisitely orderly complexes of events. We have radiation and its
complementary phase gravity, compression and its complementary quantum
tension, convex and concave, male and female, entropy and syntropy… and
so on (the term “syntropy” was coined by Buckminster Fuller as an
alternative to the word “neg-entropy” used by physicists and cosmologists to
describe phenomina which are the complementary phase of entropy.)

Radiant energy emanates from the Sun and flows outward in all
directions from a condition of high concentration to conditions of ever-lower
concentration, and apparent disorder and randomness. This is an example of
the phenomenon called Entropy. Gravity on Earth pulls in cosmic dust,
which forms part of the soil, and photosynthetic plants import solar energy
to power the development of ever-more-complex structures and forms of
life. Solar-powered photosynthetic life on Earth, which is the living
foundation upon which all animals depend, is an example of the Syntropic
function of Universe. The syntropic life-system of the Earth imports radiant
energy and combines it with chemical elements to create complex forms of
life. Humans are the maximum known syntropic function of Universe.
Humans are equipped with special big brains and metaphysical minds which
allow us to discover some of the underlying rules and laws which Universe
uses to build everything: in other words, God’s design strategies. This
knowledge allows us to combine energy with chemistry to create artifacts of
ever-greater complexity, orderliness, and efficiency. Humans are designed to
function in support of and in harmony with the living syntropic Planet Earth.
Unfortunately, at the present moment, humans are using their unprecedented
technological power to dismantle the Earth System on a suicidal path of
maximum money making. Humans have become a powerful force of
destruction and if our destructive contribution out-weighs our constructive
contribution we –consciously or not- align ourselves with the entropic
function of Universe. The problem is that the role humans are meant to play
on Earth is that of maximum syntropic function. Somehow humans got off
on the wrong path. If we don’t get back on the right path it is not too hard to
imagine that Gaia will use her natural mechanisms to eliminate a species
who failed to contribute as a constructive member of the Earth System’s
community of life-forms. We will have proven ourselves to be a failed
experiment and Universe will fill our vacant place with another species,
which also will be tested.

Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel

- King James Bible, Matthew 23:24

[ NOTE: Tellurian Transformation. One way or the other human civilization WILL BE transformed if we

are to survive. We must make the 180 turnaround from destructive to constructive force on Earth. This turn

around can take place in one of three ways. Tear down the system and replace with a better one.

Transformation from within (preferable) and Mass die off eliminating human parasite from the planet.

Needed is an article exploring options and showing the least traumatic choice: transformation from within]
[ALSO TO ADD: A PARABLE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY… far away in another galaxy on a planet very

similar to earth. Emergence of power structures. Strange appearance of the ultra paranoids who take their

world to the brink of atomic holocaust.]

At the present moment, human affairs are dominated by selfish people

who worship an idol made of gold and who will do anything and destroy
anything in order to hoard as much material wealth as they can. Don’t be
fooled by the public relations campaigns of the big corporations making it
seem like they are working hard to protect the natural environment.
Corporations (along with their government stooges and politition-whores)
are the experts of deception and sham. You have to look at the big picture
and check the statistics: overall, is the sum-total effect of “Petro-X
Corporation” on the Earth’s natural ecology positive or negative? Any
honest investigation will result in the same conclusion: the present trans-
national corporate structure is rapidly dismantling and destroying the Earth
System’s ecology. Our challenge is to inspire humans to turn away from the
gods of selfishness and greed and turn back to the God of Truth, Integrity
and Life. Human civilization’s only hope for survival is that we stop
destroying nature and begin building in harmony with the natural order. We
must limit our numbers, stop polluting the air, water and soil, stop cutting
down the forests, stop over-exploiting all of Earth’s resources and, in
general, get ourselves under control. Selfishness and irresponsibility must be
replaced with empathy, justice and intelligence. I don’t think that it is
unreasonable to imagine that we should allow at least 50% of the Earth’s
surface to be governed by the Earth System herself. Eventually Gaia will let
us know how much of the Earth’s surface humans can use for our games and
how much she needs to maintain the equilibrium of the Planetary Life-

Obey the Natural Law, or perish

-Iroquois Indian saying

I used to think in terms of “good” and “bad.” I used to think that

entropy was bad because it is a path leading to ever-greater disorder and
eventually death. I thought that “syntropy” was “good” because it is a path
leading to ever increasing order and more life. I now see that I was wrong.
Entropy is to syntropy as radiation is to gravity: both essential components
of the eternally regenerative Universe-System. I now see that both are good!
Entropy and syntropy are complementary aspects of the physical universe.
The human individuality, on the other hand, is a “metaphysical pattern
integrity,” or spirit, and therefore inherently immortal! Everything that is
part of the physical universe is born and later dies. The physical body is only
the vehicle for the expression the human spirit. The metaphysical
individuality never dies. Humans on Earth have the capacity to increase
syntropy. Syntropy is “doing more with less.” Using scientific know-how we
can now accomplish more tasks with ever less in the way of energy and
chemistry. Only because of syntropy was a man able to fly across the
English Channel in a self-powered carbon-fiber airplane. The contraption
was so light and strong that what had never been possible in all human
history was now made possible. That is an example of syntropy in action.
Our technology is in an accelerating-acceleration curve evolving toward our
being able to do so much more with so much less that human poverty can be
forever eliminated thus eliminating the main cause which leads to war.
Where this syntropic path can take us I can only speculate. Can the syntropic
path eliminate death? Perhaps! And all of a sudden I remember the vision as
described in the Book of Corinthians where it says: “we will all be
changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye… for the perishable must
clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. [1
Corinthians 15-53]
The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will
make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its
existence. -Nicola Tesla, inventor of the alternating-current
induction motor, broadcast radio, etc.

Everybody feels it: evolutionary events on Earth are speeding up and

global-change is occurring faster and faster and faster. This is the
accelerating-acceleration curve that we are in right now. As I was walking
down a forest-path today, all of a sudden I got a flash of insight: perhaps this
is the meaning of 2012. Perhaps we are approaching the complete
spiritualization of reality! Right now there is a great struggle taking place on
Earth between the forces of Entropy and Syntropy. Perhaps syntropy will
win victory and we will rapidly evolve into a reality of weightless
metaphysics! Eternal Pristine Spiritual Reality! That sounds a lot like
Heaven, where Truth and Love reign supreme. Humans must rally all the
forces of Life against all the forces of death. This is the great drama we are
privileged to be part of during the 21st Century on Earth.

Please excuse this brief excursion into the world of my mind where
my imagination is allowed to run free! But you never know. Reality often
turns out to be wilder than fiction. If I had told a person two centuries ago
that I had a little box, which allowed me to talk instantly with almost anyone
on Earth, they would have called me crazy. If I had told them that soon a
man would walk on the moon, they would have said that I was a lunatic!

The bureaucratic supranational corporate authorities typified by Petro-

X Corporation, Monzanito Corporation, Mitsuyamasushi, LTD., and Cherry
McCola, INC., along with their conservation and wildlife management
dependencies and cronies typified by The Nature Conservationists, Inc.,
World Wildlands Fund, Inc., and the various National Forest Services work
together to achieve their dream of “sustainable development,” a.k.a. endless
economic expansion. But the way things are today “development” requires
further dismantling of the Earth System’s finite natural ecology. Now we are
beginning to feel the heat of global climate change and smell the stench of
chemical pollution. The most radical governmental response to global
warming is that which has been proposed by the European Union and would
reduce EU greenhouse emissions 20% by the year 2020. From a Gaian
perspective the EU proposal is laughable even though it is infinitely superior
to that of the emerging super-powers like China, India and Brazil who say
they will clean up their environments and protect forests when they achieve
a standard of living similar to that enjoyed by the citizens of the USA.

Who can stand up against the destructive policies of the corporate

world-system? The answer is that no individual or organization can hope to
successfully confront the overwhelming power and reach of the
Machiavellian Supranational Corporate Juggernaut at present "Rough-
Riding" planet Earth and hope to prevail. The Juggernaut owns the banks
and is protected by the many national armies. The only one with sufficient
power to change the direction of our present destructive and biocidic human
civilization is Gaia Herself. And that is exactly what She is doing and will
continue to do until her human children learn to obey their Mama! Mother
Gaia and Father Sun reflect a Higher Order, which is God’s Order. Humans
are not the authors of the Cosmic Order. We exist within it. We must learn to
understand and abide by this Order, which is the reflection of a Mind vastly
superior to our own. We are not meant to be the rulers of the Universe. We
are citizens. The Ruler of the Universe endowed us with “god-like”
capabilities but did not give us permission to usurp His Authority.

The author of this article does not “hate” the people who control the
humongous monopolistic corporate entities, which operate supranationally
and owe allegiance to no individual sovereignty. I do not believe that the
“purpose” of any of the giant corporations is to destroy the Earth System’s
natural ecology. The purpose and goal of the corporation is maximum
moneymaking. The destruction of nature is what happens as they pursue
their strategies of development and expansion. The heads of the big
corporations do not believe in Gaia, the living Planet Earth. Their economic
advisors are also woefully ignorant concerning how the Earth’s ecology
functions. They truly believe that they can manage and control the entire
planet –its resources, ecosystems, regenerative functions and energy
production- as if it were a giant Detroit automobile factory. They are wrong!
We are in an accelerating-acceleration curve in the development of our high-
tech human civilization. And this development and expansion depends on
ever increasing exploitation of the natural resource base. It is the Deep
Ecology perspective that the living Earth needs much of the biosphere to
remain under the management of Gaia, not humans. In 2010 humans cannot
construct nor can they successfully manage all the complex systems of their
own individual human bodies. Much less can humans manage the mind-
boggling complexity of Earth’s natural ecology. The dream of turning the
entire Earth into a giant human-managed factory is actually the nightmare of
an insane megalomaniac. But that is exactly the vision of the big corporate
entities, both East and West, capitalist and socialist.

[ HAPPYINESS IS…? There is one thing that all humans share in

common and that is that we all want to be happy. In order to be truly happy
one must feel healthy, in body and mind. But I can see that many of us are
steering courses aimed at achieving happiness when in fact these will lead
only unto dead ends and cul-de-sacs. In fact, it seems that our entire
civilization with its fixation on material wealth acquisition, is in need of a
major reorientation. In our selfish and self-centered quest for money, we
have lost sight of the inescapable truth that the health of the individual is
dependent on the health of the whole. We have been willing to pollute our
environment in order to maximize earnings. We love to eat beef but
conveniently ignore the fact that a rainforest was cut down to open up cattle
pastureland. We love to have a closet full of nice cloths but who thinks about
the fact that a forest was cut down to make room for a cotton plantation. We
love to drive our cars and fuel them with "inexpensive" gas but we avoid
thinking about the "expense" to our environment of permitting the present
dirty and destructive means of oil production. We are all consumers and
therefore we are all responsible for the effect our human culture has upon the
Earth. And we are all be paying the price for forgetting to protect our
environment. This applies too for the head CEOs and the members of the
boards of directors of the huge corporations. They are human too. They want
to be happy too. The inescapable Law of Happiness applies equally to all.
Rich and poor, Asian, American, or African, Christian, Moslem or Buddhist
or Rastafarian. The Law is blind to all these human-perceived differences.
The Law is clear: after your basic physical needs have been satisfied, after
you have enough to eat, sufficient clothing, health-care sufficient to keep
your body running well, and comfortable housing… after that no money in
the world, not even the fabulous riches of an emperor, can buy happiness.
(Understandably, a hungry man dressed in rags and living in a cardboard
box, is fixated on getting some food and perhaps a bath and some proper
cloths. I believe it was Mahatma Gandhi who said that a starving man sees
the face of God in a loaf of bread. The Golden Rule requires that we all work
to end poverty on Earth.)

Happiness, like love, is a natural resource, which is and will continue

to be immune from exploitation by would-be commercializers. This despite
the endless advertising campaigns promising you that if you will only buy
their Ultra Boom Box or eat their Big Max Hamburger… you will be happy.
Eventually, as has happened to some of us who are wealthy enough to have
actually tried out all these material happiness-ploys, we start to understand
and conclude that happiness simply can't be bought and sold. Nevertheless,
happiness is what we are all after. So where is this elusive happiness to be
found? What is the proper strategy to use to go after it? These are truly
questions that we all would be advised to ponder.

Happiness, like love is a "feeling." Forever imperceptible to material

science despite the fact that pharmaceutical companies make a killing on
"anti-depression" drugs: "are you feeling unhappy? take this little pill and
you will be happy in no time." (No, I am not denying that there sometimes
are chemical imbalances in humans which are corrected by improved
nutrition or even a chemical pill.) I search my memory banks. I have been all
over the earth. I have been the guest of kings as well as the guest of the
poorest of the poor. I make no distinction as far as putting a value on any
human life considering that all of us are necessary parts of the Universe. So I
ask myself, where have I found the most happiness? Although I have
encountered happiness everywhere, from palatial mansions to dirt-floor huts,
I would have to say that, in general, I find unencumbered happiness among
the inhabitants of little villages where people live close to the Earth. And
this is why I have chosen to live that way too, as much as I can. The more
materialistic we become, the more we focus on acquisition of unnecessary
physical luxuries and baubles, the farther away we get from the source of
true happiness. Personally I find that I always feel better after spending a
few hours walking in the Life-stream of nature. Also, I am convinced that
simply by focusing ones awareness on the patterns we see in nature has a
healing effect upon the mind. In other words, and after more than a half
century of experience here on Earth, I have become a convinced naturalist
and I invite all my fellow tellurians to give nature a try too. My speculative
conclusion, based upon personal experience, is that the patterns we see in
nature are nothing less than a reflexion of the Mind of God. The closer we
associate our little minds with the Big Mind of The Creator, the happier we
become and the healthier we feel. From this deep feeling of happiness wells
up even deeper feelings of love and gratitude. Our entire human culture is in
great need of healing. The principal behind all true healing is Divine Love.
Nature is trying to remind us to remember and reverence our Creator, the
wellspring of reality. All our experiences, including our environmental
crisis, are adding up to help us to remember to honor Mother Earth, who
sustains all life, by God's Grace. ]

Spaceship Earth now has 150 admirals. The five admirals in the
staterooms immediately above the ship's fuel tanks claim that they own the
oil. The admirals with staterooms surrounding the ship's kitchen, dining
rooms, and food refrigerators claim they own all the food. Those with a
stateroom next to a lifeboat claim that they own the lifeboat, and so forth.
They then have an onboard game called balance of trade. Very shortly the
majority of admirals have a deficit balance. All the while the starboard-side
admirals are secretly planning to list the boat to port far enough to drown
the portside admirals, while the portside admirals are secretly trying to list
the boat to starboard far enough to drown the starboard-side admirals.
Nobody is paying any attention to operating the ship or steering it to some
port. They run out of food and fuel. They discover that they can no longer
reach a port of supply. Finis.

Humanity is now experiencing history's most difficult evolutionary

transformation. We are moving away from a rooted life-style with a 95-
percent rate of illiteracy. We are almost unconsciously drifting away from
self-identity with our ages-long, physically-remote-from-one-another
existence as 150 separate, sovereign nations. Now the uprooted humans of
all nations are spontaneously deploying into their physically integrated
highways and airways and satellite-relayed telephone speakways, into a big-
city way-stationed, world-around living system.

We may soon be atom-bombed into extinction by the preemptive folly

of the political puppet administrators fronting for the exclusively-for-money-
making, supranational corporations' weaponry industry of the now
hopelessly bankrupt greatest-weapons-manufacturing nation (the U.S.A.).

If not bomb-terminated, we are on our ever swifter way to becoming

an omni-integrated, majorly literate, unified Spaceship Earth society.
- Buckminster Fuller
Grunch of Giants

Before you give your vote to those forces intent on toppling the
empire of Uncle Sam, keep in mind that when the Yankees are gone, there
will be a power vacuum that must and will be filled by another emerging
hegemonic contender. I ask myself the question: will we be better off as a
subordinate vassal state under the sphere of influence of Uncle Sum Ting
Wong, Uncle Vladimir, or Uncle Yurbudi Saud? For me the answer is:
obviously not! So far, in the 21st Century, Uncle Sam has managed to get a
worldwide reputation of being a real-bad-bastard. But trust me, there are
worse bastards out there. My opinion is based upon experiential evidence,
not conjecture. I was born in Chicago, USA. If I had been born in Russia,
Tibet, Guatemala or Borneo, I am confident that I would not have had the
same level of freedom to use my life as my own personal experiment.
Freedom is at the heart of everything good about the United States of
America. Artistic and scientific evolution - the evolution of the human being
- requires freedom.
I would like to say to the youth of the world: before you think that
your only choice is between Che Guevara, Mao and Osama bin Laden on the
one side and the Western Power Alliance on the other, I would like to
propose to you a Third Way! This Third Way is the one that was pioneered
two thousand years ago by our old friend the carpenter from Nazareth. This
alternative path is built on a foundation of Love, and obedience to God’s
Cosmic Order; the same Cosmic Order reflected in the Laws of Nature.

I do not “hate” the corporate managers of the big world conservation

organizations, which are financial dependencies of the trans-national
corporations (simply take a look at the “annual report” of most of the big
world NGO conservation authorities and you will see that their operating
budget is largely supplied by the big petroleum companies and other big
corporations.) I salute the management of The Nature Conservancy for doing
an excellent job in protecting wild lands. No other NGO does as much. But
what I am trying to make clear is that, if the Gaian view is correct, all the
work of all the world conservation organizations at present is not nearly
enough. The Nature Conservancy’s achievements in natural ecosystem
conservation is a “drop in the bucket” when compared with the destructive
progress of the trans-national corporate juggernaut along with pressures
from human over-population leading to over-exploitation of the natural
resource foundation. Since the world’s governments are inevitably and
heavily influenced by the big money of big corporations and since the big
NGO conservation organizations are economic dependencies of the big
corporations both are under heavy pressure to resist the revolutionary
transformation of human civilization required if we are to halt further
dismantling of the Earth System’s natural ecology.

“The time has come… for destroying those who destroy the Earth.”
[Revelation 11-18]
In the coming years and decades we are going to be “punished” by
ever-greater ecological catastrophic events like super-hurricanes, devastating
droughts and floods and climate change. Gaia will punish us until we “see
the light” and begin the great task of healing our world by halting further
destruction of forests, halting further pollution of oceans, rivers and skies,
and begin to use all our knowledge and technology in support of the healthy
functioning of the Earth System. At the same time we can use all our know-
how to end hunger and poverty everywhere on Earth thus eliminating the
primary cause of war. We must have a radical ten-year program to achieve a
180-degree turn-around of our civilization and transform ourselves from a
force of destruction into a force which functions in support of our living
planet. This is the “inconvenient truth” that the bureaucrats who are intent on
transforming the natural Earth System into Planet-Mart Incorporated
oppose. They will continue to oppose the transformation until nature is
knocking on our front door and She will be saying:

“I love you, my children, but I can not allow you to continue with your
mischief of tampering with My House anymore! I give you everything you
need to live well but you are not satisfied and you want to take more than
your fair share. Now this will end. Either change your selfish ways or you
will be thrown out and replaced with another “cosmic experiment.”

The future of human civilization is uncertain. Will we make the

necessary changes in time, or will we fail to behave responsibly and
intelligently and pay the price paid by any species which over-exploits and
pollutes its environment: its extinction? We are privileged to be living at a
very special crossroads in time. This is humanity’s critical moment, its
“moment of truth.” As cosmographer Buckminster Fuller wrote: Humanity
is in “final examination” to see if we have what it takes to qualify as a useful
species among the community of life forms on Earth. Do we have the
integrity, the honesty, and the love to do what we must do in order to
survive? I would not be using my energy to write this article if I did not
maintain the hope that we do. If I were convinced that we are doomed I
would be living out my final days on a remote Polynesian isle watching
beautiful wahine dance the hula and eating luscious, dew-kissed mangos.
But I have decided to stay on, for the time being, and continue the fight to
protect the forests, hoping for the best.

Human civilization needs to enroll itself in a worldwide 12-Step

Program to wean us off of our addiction to self-destructive lifestyles. We
must wean ourselves off our addiction to polluting energy systems and find
new clean sources of energy. We must wean ourselves off our addiction to a
“throw-away” culture, which chokes the world with garbage and toxic
pollution. We must find the way to recycle all our “waste” (Universe has no
waste, everything is recycled!) More than anything else, we must wean
ourselves off the philosophy that happiness is the result of hoarding money
and material wealth. Happiness is the result of feeling healthy. Happiness is
the result of giving and receiving love, a natural resource that no amount of
money can buy. Human civilization is in urgent need of transformation. We
urgently need a new story to live by. The story we need must be built on a
foundation of truth, integrity, equal rights and justice, and above all love.
The new story must teach our children is to cherish the Earth as the precious
Mother of all Life.

We give thanks to Mother Earth: in the womb of your forests, jungles,

oceans and mountains are conceived and born all the myriad species of
Tellurian beings.

We give thanks to Father Sun: without the radiant warmth of your love
there would be no life on Earth.

We give thanks to the Eternal Cosmic Integrity of Universe: Almighty

and Supreme: The Wellspring of Reality. You ARE the LOVE, which embraces,
maintains and sustains our eternally regenerative Universe. We owe everything
to You and we worship You and thank You for every blessing bestowed upon us,
and for giving us life. Mystery of Mysteries, we cannot comprehend You but we
do feel Your Loving Embrace.

Many of my scientist colleagues will accuse me of

“anthropomorphizing” when I use the term Gaia or refer to the Earth as
“mother” or “she,” or speak of the Sun as “Father” or “he.” To them I
respond that these are simply literary devices I am using to help people to
understand that the Earth operates as one single living entity and is best
understood as functioning –more or less- like a single gigantic person. Also,
cosmically speaking, the radiation phase of our Sun does correspond to the
“male” phase and the gravity phase of our Earth does correspond to the
“female” phase. Radiation and gravity… convex and concave, compression
and tension, proton and neutron, entropy and syntropy, male and female, yin
and yang… always and only co-exist!

"The Source, which, while it appears dark emptiness, yet brims with a
quick force." -Lao Tzu, The Way of Life, 500 B.C

“Man is not God, but like a ray of light which comes from the Sun, man,
the outcome of God, reflects God.
-Mary Baker Eddy

“The Eternal source of Love has implanted in every part of existence the desire
for another. Though night and day outwardly appear as enemies, yet both serve
one purpose: each seeking the other.” - Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)

“Who feels it, knows it!” -Bob Marley

Gaia loves us, her children, and wants us to prosper on Earth. But
Gaia is not only Love. Gaia is also Law. If we disobey the Natural Law we
will be punished. That is Her inexorable Law. On the other hand, if we learn
to understand and obey Her Laws, we will be blessed with great abundance,
health, love and joy.

The preceding text is an exposition of my Green Gospel philosophy

for 2010. It is radical and transformative. It is motivated by love for
humanity and love for the beautiful living planet Earth. I love humans and I
want everyone to be happy, healthy and free. We are in the middle of a great
battle and that battle is between Truth and lies masquerading as truth. This is
a call to action. We are all on One Ship, smashing into the same rock… of
global ecological catastrophe.

The scriptures declare unequivocally: “the entire Law of God can be

summarized in One Command: love your neighbor as you love yourself.”
[Galatians 5:14] Our very survival depends on us expanding love beyond
self, beyond family-tribe-nation, beyond loving all people as brothers and
sisters and expanding into a Greater Love, which embraces and cherishes
Gaia, the magnificent living Tellurian Sphere. She is truly our mother and
deserves to be honored and cherished, just as we love and cherish our
individual mothers. Love and Truth must win victory over the forces of
selfishness and destruction.

One Earth, One People, One Destiny! - Reggae Saying

Youth, Truth, and Love… and we have the option… Oh what a beautiful
- Buckminster Fuller

The holocaust can be prevented only by individual humans demonstrating

uncompromising integrity in all matters, thus qualifying us for
continuance in the semi-divine designing initiative bestowed upon us in
the gift of our mind. - Buckminster Fuller

All One! Exceptions Eternally, Absolutely None!

- Dr Bronner (peppermint soap manufacture)

Only when we are sick of our sickness

Shall we cease to be sick.
The Sage is not sick, being sick of sickness;
This is the secret of health.
-Lao Tzu, Tao Teh Ching, 500 B.C.

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre

minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who
refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to
express his opinions courageously and honestly.
- Albert Einstein

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
-Jimi Hendrix
When butterflies leave their silk palaces, and the scent of the garden blows
towards Heaven’s Way, like the toils of man, those who worked for
tomorrow, will not miss the dreams of yesterday. - Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens)

[HOPE for our survival lays in…] the individual discovery of God by a
vast majority of human individuals—not the discovery of religions,
but the discovery that each and every individual has an always-
instantly-open , no-intermediary-switchboard-authority-to-contend-
with, no-interference of-any-kind, direct "hot-line to God": i.e., the
weightless, nonphysical communication occurring teleologically
between the differentially limited, weightless, nonphysical, temporal,
special-case mind of the individual human and the comprehensively
integrated, macro-micro unlimited, weightless, eternal, generalized
mind of God. - Buckminster Fuller, Grunch of Giants

[Note: a final version of this essay will include a detailed description of how the legal
entities, called “corporations” ( Corp., LTD, S.A., etcetera) came into being and just
exactly what they are, how they function, and why living humans need protection from
the excesses of the non-living, non-human, only money-loving entities called
corporations. Capitalism is organized selfishness! Adequate legal restraints to the
inevitable excesses of Capitalism are crucial to our survival.]

[Note #2: A big part of the formula for survival for human civilization in the 21st Century
will be the realization that the Universe always functions synergetically (synergistically)
and learning ourselves how to function that way too. Common wisdom says: “a chain is
only as strong as its weakest link.” Synergy explains why, in nature, this is not true.
Super strong metal alloys are not only stronger than their weakest “link” or chemical
element; they are stronger than the sum total of their atomic links. This is an example of
synergy in action. I will try and explain synergy and how it works.

Synergy is all about “doing more with less.” Employing synergy in all our technology
will allow us to provide all humans with an excellent standard of living while at the same
time halting all further pollutions of atmosphere, oceans and lands. (RBF referred to God
as “Synergy of Synergies!”]

Any feedback or suggestions that you could offer me to add to the clarity of this article
would be very welcome. Sincerely, Thor “Bushman Ollie” Janson

[* The Golden Rule: “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” Matt. 7:12 ]
[* Syntropic and syntropy are terms coined by architect Buckminster Fuller as an alternative to
better describe the phenomena sometimes referred to by physicists as "neg-entropy." such as in
the proposed theoretical existence of fields involved in cosmic coordination operating as
"superluminal neg-entropy."]

The design of planet Earth as the Sun-orbiting, biosphere-protected, and oxygen-

atmosphere-equipped incubator of DNA-RNA design-controlled biological life
and of that life's photosynthetic conversion of entropic radiation into syntropic,
orderly hydrocarbon molecules and a vast variety of hydraulically compressioned,
crystallinely tensioned, exquisitely structured biological species omni-inter-
regenerating as an ecological omni-life and human-thinking support-system.
(from Grunch)

NEEDED: The annual report of several of the major world conservation authorities to give
specifics about where their money comes from. Also the annual report of Defensores.

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