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people on
to educate

My Mission is

Every human life is worth

the same, and worth saving”
“We’re all human, aren’t we?

“Abortion Procedures During First, Second and Third Trimester.” American Pregnancy Association, 7
Apr. 2017,
“FALSE: Abortion Rates Fall During Democratic Administrations and Rise During Republican
Ones.”, 11 Nov. 2016,
Foster, Diana Greene, et al. “Population Group Abortion Rates and Lifetime Incidence of Abortion:
United States, 2008–2014.” EBSCOhost,
Henry, John. “Gallup: More Americans Identify as "Pro-Life" Than "Pro-Choice" For First Time.” The
American Catholic,
Henry, John. “Gallup: More Americans Identify as "Pro-Life" Than "Pro-Choice" For First Time.” The
of abortion.”
“HistoryAmerican Wikipedia,
Catholic, Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Feb. 2018,
“History of abortion.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 25 Feb. 2018,
By: Starlandin Bluemel
it Mean?
What Does
Where do you stand?
“Third trimester or late term
Many people usually take a side with the
abortions are not legal in a number
thought of abortion such as either pro-
of states except in certain medical choice or pro-life. A lot of these people are
situations…” (Abortion) also very strong in their choice for
different reasons. Some of those reasons
could be religious, because of their
background, because of their experiences,
or from the research they have done.
“Many of the methods employed in early
and primitive cultures were non-surgical.
Physical activities like strenuous Conclusion
Where it came from labor, climbing, paddling, weightlifting, With the continued knowledge of
Abortion is a term that has been said for or diving were a common technique. Others abortion and the facts behind it, more
included the use of irritant women are able to make the correct
many years, but in an article it states that
decision for themselves and their baby. In
abortions have actually been around for leaves, fasting, bloodletting, pouring hot
a research study that was done from 2008-
even longer than people thought. It states, water onto the abdomen, and lying on a 2014 it was said, “…Between 2008 and
“The first recorded evidence of induced heated coconut shell. In primitive cultures, 2014, the abortion rate declined 25%, from
abortion is from the Egyptian Ebers techniques developed through observation, 19.4 to 14.6 per 1000 women aged 15 to
Papyrus in 1550 BC.” (History). adaptation of obstetrical methods, 44 years. The abortion rate for adolescents
and transculturation. Physical means of aged 15 to 19 years declined 46%, the
inducing abortion, largest of any group. Abortion rates
What it is declined for all racial and ethnic groups
An abortion is, “the deliberate termination including battery, exercise, and tightening
but were larger for non-White women than
of a human pregnancy, most often the girdle were still often used as late as for non- Hispanic White women.”
performed during the first 28 weeks of the period among English women. (History) (Foster). Some might say this decrease is
pregnancy. Or the expulsion of a fetus because of further knowledge obtained and
some may say it is because of a change in
from the uterus by natural causes before it Reasons for Abortion mindset, either way, as it states here there
is able to survive independently.” As has been a decrease in abortion rates. This
The baby changes the body, fetus isn’t
stated from the google dictionary has made a big difference for the
functioning properly, raped or assaulted,
community we live in today.
body isn’t capable of handling pregnancy,
aren’t ready to be parent, etc.

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