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Prado 1

Laura Prado Morales

Emily Litle



I Want You!

We live in a society where there are many manipulations. We can found it in

advertisement, in television, and in magazines. We need to know that everything that

we see it is not true. Every advertisement uses ethos, pathos, and logos. This

manipulation is not only for this moment. It started a lot of years ago. For example, in

world war 1 every army used advertisement for people go in his army.

World war 1 was a global war originating in Europe. It started in 1914 and it

finished in 1918. It’s a conflict between allied and central power. Finally, allied won the

war. United States was in allied power. In world war 1, all man went to fight and all

women did her job (take care of the children and clean the house) and men’s job.

This advertisement is from world war 1. This was done by James Montgomery

in 1917. There is a text, it said “I WANT YOU FOR THE U.S. ARMY ENLIST

NOW”. It uses uppercase letter and the text is big. They wrote “YOU” bigger that the

others words, because they want that you go with their army. They have underline this

word, it’s for the same reason, to highlight that they want you and not someone else.

They play with audience. Their goal is that you enlist in U.S. Army. In this text, they

use two colors: blue and red, because these colors are the colors of United States. Text

uses half space; the other half is an image. This image is simple, it’s a man. He is Uncle

Sam. Uncle Sam is a common national personification of the American government.

This advertisement is from the America government for every man who can participate

in the U.S. Army. He has a hat with America’s flag. Uncle Sam uses colors of America
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too. He is pointing to the advertisement recipient. Therefore, this advertisement has a

simple message, you have to enlist in U.S. Army now. They want that everyone

understands this message. For this reason, they made a simple advertisement.

In this advertisement there are ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is an appeal to

ethics, and it is a means of convincing someone of the character or credibility of the

persuader. Ethos was used to convince to all men to enlist in U.S. Army. This

advertisement happened in United States, but world war 1 happened in all world. It’s a

global event. Therefore, this advertisement has credibility in all countries. Pathos is an

appeal to emotion, and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating

an emotional response. Pathos was used to recruit Americans, because this is their goal

that many Americans men go to U.S. Army. They want that you think that you are the

only option to win; and they want that you do everything for your country. Logos is an

appeal to logic, and is a way of persuading an audience by reason. Logo is the text; “I

WANT YOU FOR THE U.S. ARMY ENLIST NOW”. They use logic. Their goal is

draw attention to favor patriotism during the World War 1.

In my opinion, this is a good advertisement. It was made in 1917, I think that

this is better than some advertisement that we can find when we see the television or in

magazines. It has a simple message, everyone can understand this advertisement.

Currently, we can found advertisement that we don’t understand, some advertisement is

difficult to assimilate. This has a simple idea and it is direct. It uses ethos, pathos, and

logos. It is not original but it is precise. It uses an icon that everyone recognizes, Uncle

Sam who represents United States. I like that it uses different types of letters; different

colors and sizes. Image has only three colors: blue, red, and white; because these are

colors of American flag. We can found America flag in Uncle Sam’s hat too. Point that

I like more is that Uncle Sam is pointing everyone who looks this advertisement; not
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only with his hand, with his eyes too. He looks you. It has some good details. This

advertisement is very popular, it is a representative object in World War 1. It is famous

because it is very well done. It has a good design; image in center and text above and

below. In conclusion, I think that it is one of the best advertisement at that time.

Image credits: James Montgomery did this advertisement, “I WANT YOU FOR

THE U.S. ARMY ENLIST NOW”, in 1917. This advertisement represents America


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