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SECTION A. The name of this organization shall be the "BLUE HILL FFA Chapter".

SECTION B. The objective for which this organization is formed are as follows:

To develop competent and aggressive agricultural leadership.

To create and nurture a love of agricultural life.

To strengthen the confidence of students of agricultural education in themselves and

their work.

To create more interest in the intelligent choice of agricultural occupations.

To encourage members in the development of individual agricultural experience

programs and establishments in agricultural careers.

To encourage members to improve the home and its surroundings.

To participate in worthy undertakings for the improvements of the industry of


To develop character, train for useful citizenship, and foster patriotism.

To participate in cooperative effort.

To encourage and practice thrift.

To encourage improvement in scholarship.

To provide and encourage the development of organized recreational activities.


SECTION A. The Blue Hill FFA Chapter is a chartered local unit of the Nebraska and
National FFA Association having organized instruction in agricultural education under
the provisions of the National Vocational Education Acts.

SECTION B. This chapter accepts in full, the provisions in the constitution and bylaws
of the Nebraska FFA Association as well as those of the National FFA Organization.


SECTION A. Membership in this chapter shall be of three kinds:




* As defined by the National FFA Constitution.

SECTION B. The regular work of this chapter shall be carried on by the active

SECTION C. Honorary membership in this chapter shall be limited to the Honorary

Chapter FFA Degree given to parents of the first graduating senior in a family, and
any other community members that are recommended.

SECTION D. Active members in good standing may vote on all business brought
before the chapters. An active member shall be considered in good standing when:

They attend local chapter meetings with reasonable regularity.

The show an interest in, and take part in the affairs of the chapter.

They pay their dues regularly.

They are part of an agriculture class for at least one semester per school year.


SECTION A. There shall be four degrees of active membership based upon individual
achievement. These are:

Greenhand FFA Degree

Chapter FFA Degree

State FFA Degree

American FFA Degree

SECTION B. Greenhand FFA Degree. To be eligible to receive the Greenhand FFA

Degree from the Chapter, the member must meet the following minimum

Be enrolled in Agricultural Education and have satisfactory plans for a Supervised

Agricultural Experience Program.

Learn and explain the FFA Creed, motto, and salute.

Describe and explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and colors.

Demonstrate knowledge of the FFA Code of Ethics and proper use of the FFA jacket.

Demonstrate knowledge of the history of the organization, the chapter constitution

and bylaws, and the chapter program of activities.

Personally own or have access to Official FFA Manual and the FFA Student Handbook.

SECTION C. Chapter FFA Degree. To be eligible to receive the chapter FFA Degree
from the chapter, the member must meet the following minimum qualifications.

Must have received the Greenhand FFA Degree.

Must have satisfactory completed the equivalent of at least 180 hours of systematic
school instruction in Agricultural Education at or above the ninth grade level, have in
operation an approved Supervised Agricultural Experience Program and be enrolled
in an Agricultural Education Class. (SAE hours shall be eligible to count towards the
180 hours of systematic school instruction.)

Have participated in the planning and conducting of at least three official functions in
the chapter program of activities.

Have effectively led a group discussion for 15 minutes.

Have demonstrated five procedures of parliamentary law.

Show progress toward individual achievement in the FFA awards program.

Have a satisfactory scholastic record.

SECTION D. State FFA Degree. Minimum qualifications for elections:

Qualifications for the State FFA Degree are those put forth in the Constitution of the
Nebraska FFA Association.

SECTION E. American FFA Degree. Minimum qualifications for election:

Qualifications for the American FFA Degree are those set forth in the constitution of
the National FFA Association.

SECTION F. Any member may be impeached by a 2/3 vote of the chapter members,
but no member may be impeached without due reason. *See Student Handbook for
details of suspension, and due cause.

SECTION A. The emblem of the FFA shall be the emblem of the Chapter.

SECTION B. Emblems used by the members shall be designated by the National FFA

SECTION C. Greenhand FFA Degree recipients are entitled to wear the official bronze
emblem degree pin; Chapter FFA Degree recipients are entitled to wear the official
silver emblem degree pin; State FFA Degree recipients are entitled to wear the
official gold emblem charm; American FFA Degree recipients to wear the official
emblem key.


SECTION A. The officers of the chapter shall be as follows:

President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sentinel and

Parliamentarian. Additional officers may consist of Historian, Chaplain, and Junior
Advisor when applicable. The local advisor shall be the teacher of Agricultural
Education in the school where the chapter is located. Officers shall perform the usual
duties of their respective officers.

SECTION B. Officers shall be elected annually by four criteria: a secret ballot vote, an
interview with community members, an application score, and a test over National
and local FFA knowledge.

SECTION C. Any officer may be impeached by a 2/3 vote of the chapter members,
but no officer may be impeached without due reason. Officers will be immediately
dismissed after any MIP, DUI, or any another illegal activity. * See officer alcohol
and drug policy which is signed by both officer and parent.

SECTION D. The officers of the chapter shall constitute the Chapter Executive
Committee. The Executive Committee shall have full power to act as necessary for
the chapter in accordance with actions taken at chapter meetings and various
regulations or bylaws adopted from time to time.

SECTION E. Honorary members shall not vote nor shall hold any office in the chapter
except that of advisor.

SECTION F. Chapter officers must hold the Greenhand and Chapter FFA Degree.

SECTION G. Officers shall perform their duties, abide by the code of ethics, and
signed officer commitment forms.

SECTION H. Officers shall be enrolled in an Ag class for both semesters of their term.

SECTION I. Attendance at COLT is mandatory for officers.


SECTION A. In the absence of conflict, regular chapter meetings shall be held once a
month during the school year and once a month during the remaining months of the
year at such time and place as is designated by the chapter executive committee.
Special meetings may be called at any time.

SECTION B. Standard meeting equipment shall be used at each meeting. All regular
meetings shall open and close with the official ceremony. Parliamentary procedure
shall be used in transacting all business at each meeting.

SECTION C. Delegates, as specified by the State Constitution, shall be elected

annually from the active membership to represent the chapter at the State
Convention. Other delegates may be named as necessary in order to have proper
representation at various other FFA meetings within the state.

SECTION D. A majority of the active members listed on the secretary’s membership

roll shall constitute a quorum. A quorum must be present at any meetings at which
business is transacted or a vote taken committing the chapter to any proposal or


SECTION A. Full local, state, and national dues shall be paid by all active members
that are in high school.

SECTION B. No members in high school shall be considered an active member and in

good standing unless they pay full local, state, and national dues.


SECITON A. This constitution may be amended or changed at any regular chapter

meeting by a 2/3 vote of the active members present providing it is not in conflict
with the state and national FFA constitution.

SECTION B. Amendments to the constitution must be submitted in writing.

SECTION C. Bylaws may be adopted to fit the needs of the chapter at any regular
chapter meetings by a 2/3 vote of the active members present provided such bylaws
conflict in no way with the Constitution and bylaws of the State FFA and National FFA


All members seeking an office must complete a written application and go through
interviews prior to the election of the officers. Due dates will be determined by the
Executive Committee.

The Officer Nomination Committee will consist of all Senior officers and one to two
members of the community.

The selected Officer Nomination Committee will have the option to choose two
outside individuals to be members of this committee.

Each candidate must have an ongoing SAE project approved by the officer
nomination committee.

All elected officers must attend the officer training and leadership development
conference. If this activity is an excused absence the officer may make up this
activity by attending an alternate Leadership activity approved by the Executive


Any senior that wishes to continue to show for the Centura FFA at either the County
or State fair, that was active and in good standing with the chapter shall have
his/her dues paid by the chapter. Any senior that receives his/her state degree shall
also have his/her dues paid until they receive the American degree or until their
twenty first birthday. All fees for State Fair or National Convention are the
responsibility of the member.



A. All National Convention Delegates shall be selected through an application found

on the chapter website. The points system shall also be used to selective active
members of the chapter to serve as delegates. Members are only allowed to attend
the convention for two years, unless they qualify for a contest or other honor.

B. All registration, rooming, transportation, and food will be paid for by the member,
unless voted upon differently prior to National Convention.

C. All students attending the National Convention must have their medical release
forms and conduct forms must be signed and turned in prior to attending the
National FFA Convention.

The fiscal and FFA year of the Blue Hill FFA shall be from September first to August
thirty first.


Outstanding Member Award

A. Selected by secret ballot by a majority vote at a chapter meeting.

Proficiency Award

B. Selection by the Alumni, or other special committee selected by the executive

committee. Written application must be submitted prior to the deadline determined
by the chapter executive committee.

Star Award

C. Selection by the Alumni, or other special committee selected by the executive

committee. Written application must be submitted prior to the deadline determined
by the chapter executive committee.

SAE Record Book Awards

D. The SAE record book award pin will be give to each student in the freshmen,
sophomore, junior, and senior class with the highest grade point average on his or
her record book for that school year. Averages will be calculated using grades
received on the record book during the current school year. In case of ties two
awards will be given in that particular class.

Scholarship Pin Awards

E. Scholarship pins will be presented to the student in each grade possessing the
highest grade average in agricultural education classes. In case of ties two awards
will be given in that particular class. Members must submit applicable forms.

FFA Scholarship

F. Each year the FFA will sponsor a scholarship given to an FFA member to pursue
post secondary education. A selection committee will choose the winner based on
the selection criteria listed in the scholarship.

G. The scholarship amount will be set at one hundred dollars. This scholarship will
be paid upon proof of first semester grades at a two year, four year, or career
teaching institution.
Proper use of the FFA jacket

The jacket is to be worn only by members.

The jacket should be kept clean and neat.

The back of the jacket includes only: a large official FFA emblem, the name of the state association
and the name of the local chapter, district or area. The front of the jacket includes only: a small
official FFA emblem, the name of the individual, one officer or honor and the year of that office or

The jacket should be worn on official occasions with the zipper fastened to the top. The collar should
be turned down and the cuffs buttoned.

The jacket should be worn by and officers on all official FFA occasions, as well as other occasions
where the chapter or state associations is represented. It may be worn to school and other
appropriate places.

The jacket should only be worn to places that are appropriate for members to visit.

School letters and insignia of other organizations should not be attached to or worn on the jacket.

When the jacket becomes faded and worn, it should be discarded or the emblems and lettering
should be removed.

The emblems and lettering should be removed if the jacket is given or sold to a nonmember.

A member should act professionally when wearing the official FFA jacket.

Members should refrain from use of tobacco and alcohol when underage and at all times when
representing the FFA. In addition, members should exhibit their leadership qualities when they
encounter substances including tobacco and alcohol and serve to discourage others from
inappropriate behavior.

All chapter degree, officer and award medals should be worn beneath the mane on the right side of
the jacket, with the exception that a single State FFA Degree charm or American FFA Degree key
should be worn above the name or attached to a standard key chain. No more than three medals
should be worn on the jacket. These should represent the highest degree earned, the highest office
held and the highest award earned by the member.

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