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Carly Mills

T & L 413-02
Learning Activities
Nataliia Borysenko
April 16, 2018

Revised Language Objectives:

1. SWBAT… orally identify and match the paper fraction strip to fraction unit
form using unit specific (1/4, ½, etc.) vocabulary with the aid of an anchor
2. SWBAT… orally explain what each part of a proper fraction (numerator,
denominator, positive numbers) are using content specific language.
3. SWBAT… orally explain their answers to their assigned group mates on how
they found out their answers and using the correct vocabulary to explain
their thought process.
4. SWBAT… identify and match visual scaffold flashcards of fractions to correct
fractional terms to explain their reasoning with a partner.

1. Choose one or more of the strategies that we have studied. Adapt them to your
content area and lesson plan.

Students will practice visual scaffolding of flashcards of various ways

that the fraction can be represented whether it’s in the form of pieces of a pie
chart shaded/not shaded or with clipart photos of various foods like Hershey’s
chocolate, pizza, or sub sandwich. On one side of the flashcard will be the
photo of the fraction and on the other side will be the ways that you can say,
write, and identify the fractional value with content specific language. Students
will also practice cooperative learning as they are grouped together by non-
native and native speakers, as well as high-functioning math skills students
paired with intermediate and beginning functioning math skills students.

2. Align your activities to your language objective and assessment.

Students will be able to use the visual scaffolding flashcards while

walking around from question to question to further help aid their language
acquisition of fraction specific vocabulary. Students will answer questions from
worksheets to deepen understanding of the content as well as practice their
social and academic language. To help them gather and properly use the
content specific vocabulary and identify what parts of the fraction is, they will
be able to rely on group mates who are non-native and native speaking to find
the correct answer, as well as practice differing forms of language. Students
will have the flashcards available to them to use if they are stuck, and will be
placed under the station that they are at to use if they need it.

3. Summarize your activities in 1-2 pages (Times New Roman, 12, double
spaced). Highlight differentiated instruction (teaching to different language
proficiency levels, skill levels, multiple intelligences, and cultural differences).

Students will be informally assessed by answering questions from the

previous assessment attached to the assessment assignment, as well as creating 12-

inch paper manipulatives of fractions with the aid of the teacher modeling how to

create them and the language associated with each fraction as a class. Before

students are grouped together for cooperative learning, students will work

independently while following directions from the teacher as creating the

manipulatives is modeled on the document camera. Students will create paper strips

into the fractions 1 whole, ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/3, 1/6, 1/5, 1/10 to show how one whole

piece can be divided into so many pieces while learning that one piece of the equal

pieces is the fraction that we are looking for. The teacher will reiterate the language

needed to identify each fraction while continuing on with the lesson.

By creating the manipulatives and associating the correct terms while

writing them on the board, the teacher is teaching to visual learners, non-native

speakers with the use of visuals, and making sure that everyone is on the same level

while creating the manipulatives in the beginning of the fraction unit. The questions

to reiterate the language of fractional terms will be the same questions used on the

worksheet to help deepen understanding by using the same word choices in

sentence structure. By continuing to use the same structure and word choice for

worksheet questions, it will create stability within learning the language of the unit
and will progress students by learning the beginning facts of fractions, while leaving

room to build upon this understanding later on in the unit. Students will work in

groups while working on the worksheets to cater to ELL students who need social

support of their academic language while engaging with their peers in a social


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