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Field Effect Transistors (FETs)

FET has a very high input impedance (100 Mega ohm in case of
JFETs and 10 4 to 109 Mega Ohm in case of MOSFETs), the major
shortcomings of an ordinary transistor i.e. low input impedance
with consequent of loading of signal source is eliminated in FET.
Hence FET is an ideal device for use in almost every application in
which transistors can be used. FETs are widely used as input
amplifiers in oscilloscopes, electronic voltmeters, and other
measuring and testing equipment because of their high input

Applications of FET:
1. Phase Shift Oscillators. JFET can
incorporate the amplifying action as
well as feedback action. It, therefore,
acts well as a phase shift oscillator.
The high input impedance of FET is
especially very valuable in phase-shift
oscillators in order to minimize the
loading effect. A typical phase shift
oscillator employing N channel JFET
is shown in figure.

2. Buffer Amplifier: A buffer amplifier is a stage of

amplification that isolates the preceding stage from the
following stage. Source follower (common drain) is used as a
buffer amplifier. Because of the high input impedance and
low output impedance a FET acts an excellent buffer
amplifier, as shown in figure. Owing to high input impedance
almost all the output voltage of the preceding stage appears
at the input of the buffer amplifier and owing to low output
impedance all the output voltage from the buffer amplifier
reaches the input of the
following stage, even there
may be a small load
3. Cascode Amplifier: Circuit diagram for a
cascode amplifier using FET is shown in
figure. A common source amplifier drives a
common gate amplifier in it. The cascode
amplifier has the same voltage gain as a
common source (CS) amplifier. The main
advantage of cascode connection is its low
input capacitance which is considerably less
than the input capacitance of a CS
amplifier. It has high input resistance which
is also a desirable feature.

4. Analog Switch: FET as an analog switch is shown in

figure. When no gate voltage is applied to the FET i.e. V = 0,
FET becomes saturated and it behaves like a
small resistance usually of the value of less than
100 ohm and, therefore, output voltage becomes
equal to
Vout = {Rds/(Rd+Rds(ON))}*Vin
When a negative voltage equal to VGS(OFF) is
applied to the gate, the FET operates in the cut-
off region and it acts like a very high resistance
usually of some mega ohms. Hence output
voltage becomes nearly equal to input voltage.

5. Multiplexer: An analog multiplexer, a circuit that steers

one of the input signals to the output line, is shown in figure.
In this circuit each JFET acts as a single pole single-throw
switch. When the control signals (Vv, V2 and V3 ) are more
negative than VGS(OFF) all input signals are blocked. By
making any control voltage equal to zero, one of the inputs
can be transmitted to the output. For instance, when V is
zero, the signal obtained at the output will be sinusoidal.
Similarly when V is zero, the signal obtained at the output will
be triangular and when V is zero, the output signal will be
square-wave one. Normally, only one of the control signals is
Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT )
A bipolar junction transistor is a three terminal semiconductor
device consisting of two p-n junctions which is able to amplify or
“magnify” a signal. It is a current controlled device. The three
terminals of the BJT are the base, the collector and the emitter. A
signal of small amplitude if applied to the base is available in the
amplified form at the collector of the transistor. This is the
amplification provided by the BJT. Note that it does require an
external source of DC power supply to carry out the amplification

Applications of BJT:
1. Switches: control input flows into the base, the output is
tied to the collector, and the emitter is kept at a fixed voltage.
While a normal switch would require an actuator to be
physically flipped, this switch is controlled by
the voltage at the base pin. A microcontroller
I/O pin, like those on an Arduino, can be
programmed to go high or low to turn the
LED on or off. When the voltage at the base
is greater than 0.6V the transistor starts
saturating and looks like a short circuit
between collector and emitter. When the
voltage at the base is less than 0.6V the
transistor is in cut-off mode – no current
flows because it looks like an open circuit
between C and E.

2. Digital Logic: Transistors can be combined to create all

our fundamental logic gates: AND, OR, and NOT.

NOT: a high voltage into the base will turn

the transistor on, which will effectively
connect the collector to the emitter. Since
the emitter is connected directly to ground,
the collector will be as well (though it will be
slightly higher, somewhere around
VCE(sat) ~ 0.05-0.2V). If the input is low,
on the other hand, the transistor looks like
an open circuit, and the output is pulled up
to VCC.
AND: a pair of transistors used to create a
2- input AND gate, If either transistor is
turned off, then the output at the second
transistor’s collector will be pulled low. If both
transistors are “on” (bases both high), then
the output of the circuit is also high.

OR: In this circuit, if either (or both) A or B

are high, that respective transistor will turn
on, and pull the output high. If both
transistors are off, then the output is pulled
low through the resistor.

3. H-Bridge: An H-bridge is a transistor-based circuit capable of

driving motors both clockwise and counter-clockwise. It’s an
very popular circuit – the driving force behind countless
robots that must be able to move both forward and
backward. Fundamentally, an H-bridge is a combination of
four transistors with two inputs lines and two outputs.
If both inputs are the same voltage, the outputs to the motor
will be the same voltage, and the motor won’t be able to spin.
But if the two inputs are opposite, the motor will spin in one
direction or the other.
Photovoltaic (PV) Cell Structure and Operation

The photovoltaic impact is the essential physical process by

which a solar cell changes over daylight into power. Daylight
contains photons or "parcels" of vitality adequate to make
electron-holes in the n and p areas. Electrons gather in the
n-district and holes in the p area, creating a potential contrast
(voltage) over the cell. At the point when an outer load is
associated, the electrons move through the semiconductor
material and give current to the outer load.

The Solar Cell Structure:

Despite the fact that there are different sorts of sun oriented
cells and proceeding look into guarantees new
improvements later on, the crystalline silicon solar cell is by a
wide margin the most generally utilized. A silicon solar cell
comprises of a thin layer or wafer of silicon that has been
doped to make a pn junction. The profundity and dispersion
of polluting influence molecules can be controlled absolutely
amid the doping procedure. The most normally utilized
process for making a silicon ingot, from which a silicon wafer
is cut, is known as the Czochralski strategy. In this
procedure, a seed gem of silicon is plunged into softened
polycrystalline silicon. As the seed precious stone is pulled
back and pivoted, a barrel shaped ingot of silicon is framed.

Operation of a Solar Cell:

The n-sort layer is thin contrasted with the p locale to

permit light infiltration into the p area. The thickness of the
whole cell is really about the thickness of an eggshell. At
the point when a photon enters either the n district or the
p-sort area and strikes a silicon particle close to the pn
junction with adequate vitality to thump an electron out of
the valence band, the electron turns into a free electron
and leaves a gap in the valence band, making an electron-
hole combine. The measure of vitality required to free an
electron from the valence band of a silicon molecule is
known as the band-gap energy and is 1.12 eV (electron
volts). In the p locale, the free electron is cleared over the
exhaustion district by the electric field into the n area. In
the n area, the hole is cleared over the consumption locale
by the electric field into the p district. Electrons aggregate
in the n locale, making a negative charge; what's more,
holes aggregate in the p locale, making a positive charge.
A voltage is created between the n district and p locale
At the point when a load is associated with a solar cell
through the top and base contacts, the free electrons
stream out of the n locale to the grid contacts on the top
surface, through the negative contact, through the heap
and once more into the positive contact on the base
surface, and into the p locale where they can recombine
with holes. The daylight vitality proceeds to make new
electron-opening sets and the procedure goes on

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