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C.1 Dynamic Model of the Induction Motor in Stationary Reference Frame

A three phase induction machine can be represented by an equivalent two phase

machine as shown in Fig.C.1, where ds- qs axes correspond to stator direct and quadrature

axes. The dynamic model of the induction motor in the stationary reference frame [4],

used for the analysis carried out in thesis has been explained here with equivalent circuits

and a series of equations (C.1) to (C.10).

Fig.C.1 d-q representation of the Induction Motor

(a) D-axis circuit

(b) Q-axis circuit

Fig.C.2 d-q equivalent circuit of Induction Motor in Stationary Reference Frame

d s
vsds = R sisds + (λ ds ) … (C.1)
vsqs = R sisqs + (λ sqs ) … (C.2)
vsdr = R r isdr + (λ sdr ) + ωr λ sdr = 0 … (C.3)
vsqr = R r isqr + (λ sqr ) − ωr λ sqr = 0 … (C.4)
λ ds = Llsids + L m (isds + isdr )
s s
… (C.5)
λ sqs = Llsisqs + L m (isqs + isqr ) … (C.6)
λ sdr = Llsisdr + L m (isds + isdr ) … (C.7)
λ sqr = Llsisqr + L m (isqs + isqr ) … (C.8)
Te = pL m (isqsisdr − isdsisqr ) … (C.9)
dω 1 dω
J T m = J T r = Te − TL … (C.10)
dt p dt

C.2 Dynamic Model of the Induction Motor in Synchronously Rotating Reference


The induction motor equations described in C.1 are referred to the stationary

reference frame. These equations can also be referred to the synchronously rotating

reference aligned with d-q axes shown in Fig.2.1.

(a) D-axis circuit

(b) Q-axis circuit

Fig.C.3 d-q equivalent circuit of Induction Motor in Synchronously rotating

reference frame

When equations (C.1) and (C.2) are referred to the synchronously rotating reference

frame rotating at ω,

vds = R si ds + (λ ds ) − ωλ qs … (C.11)
vqs = R siqs + (λ qs ) + ωλ ds … (C.12)

The last terms in equations are defined as speed emfs due to the rotation of axes. That is,

when ω=0, the equations revert to the stationary reference frame form.

The equations (C.3) and (C.4) for the rotor become:

vdr = R r idr + (λ dr ) − (ω − ωr )λ dr = 0 … (C.13)
vqr = R r iqr + (λ qr ) + (ω − ωr )λ dr = 0 … (C.14)

All the sinusoidal variables at fundamental frequency in the stationary frame appear as dc

quantities in the synchronously rotating reference frame.

The flux linkage expressions can be written as:

λ ds = Llsids + L m (i ds + idr ) … (C.15)

λ qs = Llsiqs + L m (i qs + iqr ) … (C.16)
λ dr = Llsidr + L m (ids + i dr ) … (C.17)
λ qr = Llsiqr + L m (iqs + i qr ) … (C.18)

The torque expression of the motor can be derived as follows:

3 3
Te = pL m (i qsi dr − idsiqr ) = p(λ dr iqr − λ qr idr ) … (C.19)
2 2

C.3 Determination of Electrical Parameters

Open circuit and short circuit tests were conducted to find out the parameters of the

induction motor. The stator resistance Rs was obtained with a DC measurement. The

open-circuit test was conducted by supplying the rated voltage to the stator winding while

driving the induction motor at its synchronous speed using the DC motor coupled to it.

When the motor runs at synchronous speed, the slip will be zero and hence the rotor

current becomes zero. The conventional equivalent circuit model for this test can be

reduced to the one shown in Fig.C.4.

Fig.C.4 Per-phase equivalent circuit under no-load test

Where, V0 – the measured open-circuit phase voltage

I0 - the measured open-circuit phase current

P0 – the measured open-circuit three phase power

Total input resistance R 0 = … (C.20)
Totalinput impedance Z0 = 0 … (C.21)
Total input reactance … (C.22)
Then R m = R 0 − R s … (C.23)
X m = X 0 − X ls … (C.24)

The locked rotor test was conducted by blocking the rotor and supplying the rated current

from a 50Hz ac supply.

Under blocked rotor condition, as the slip is equal to 1.0, the conventional equivalent

circuit with the magnetizing branch neglected, will be reduced to the one shown in


Fig.C.5 Per –phase equivalent circuit under blocked rotor test

Total input resistance R sh = … (C.25)
Total input impedance Zsh = sh = R sh + jX sh … (C.26)
Total input reactance Xsh = Zsh2 − R sh2 … (C.27)

Where, Vsh - the measured short-circuit phase voltage

Ish - the measured short-circuit phase current

Psh - the measured short-circuit three phase input power

Now the rotor resistance can be calculated as Rr = Rsh- Rs … (C.28)

The total leakage inductance (Lls+Llr) has been split into two equal halves. Various other

ratios have also been investigated. It was found that other ratios (up to a factor of four) do

not appreciably influence the results which are obtained by splitting of the leakage

inductance equally. The total leakage inductance being smaller by a factor of nearly nine,

than the mutual inductance Lm, this result is expected.

X ls = X lr = Xsh / 2 … (C.29)

C.4 Determination of Mechanical Parameters J and D of the Induction Motor Set-


The J and D of the induction motor can be determined by using the coupled DC shunt

motor. The following equations can be derived for the DC machine:

E a = V − Ia R a … (C.30)

P = E a Ia … (C.31)

E a = kω … (C.32)

Te = kIa … (C.33)

Te = J + Dω + TL … (C.34)

Te − TL = Dω … (C.35)

In steady-state, if the load torque shown in (C.35) is equal to zero.

E a Ia
= Dω … (C.36)

P = Dω2 … (C.37)

When the DC motor was driving the induction motor as load, the voltage, current and

rotor speed were recorded and the power was calculated as in (C.31). The friction

coefficient D was calculated from (C.37).

Where Ea – Back-emf, V - DC Voltage, Ia – DC motor current, ω – Speed in rad/sec,

Te – Electromagnetic Torque, TL – Load Torque, D-Friction Coefficient, J –

Rotor Inertia.

C. 4.1 1.1kW Squirrel Cage Induction Motor

In order to calculate the friction coefficient, the speed of the permanent magnet DC

motor was varied by controlling the DC input voltage. The input power was plotted

against ω2, where ω is the speed in rad/sec. From the slope of the plot, the friction

coefficient D was calculated to be 0.0027 Nm/rad/second.

To calculate the total inertia J of the induction-motor-DC motor set-up, a run-down

test was conducted of the DC motor. Initially, the input voltage to the DC motor was

adjusted so that it runs at nearly 1200rpm, and the input power measured. The input

voltage was switched off and the speed was recorded until the motor comes to rest. When

the electro-magnetic torque generated by the DC motor is equal to zero, equation (C.34)

can be written as:

0=J + Dω … (C.38)
J can be calculated from equation (C.38). The plot of Speed vs time for the induction

motor together with the DC shunt motor obtained from a run-down test. From the plot,

the combined rotor inertia of the induction motor together with the DC motor has been

calculated to be 0.0117kg.m2.

All the parameters of the induction motor used for control and estimation are shown in


Table.C.I Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor Parameters
Type 3-phase Star Connected Squirrel Cage
Induction Motor

Rated Power 1.1kW

Rated Voltage 415V
Rated Current 2.77A
Rated Frequency 50Hz
Rated Speed 1415rpm
Number of Poles 4
Stator Resistance Rs 6.03Ω
Rotor Leakage Inductance Llr 29.9mH
Stator Leakage Inductance Lls 29.9mH
Magnetizing Inductance Lm 489.3mH
Rotor Resistance Rr 6.085Ω at 50Hz
Moment of Inertia JT 0.011787kgm2
Friction Coefficient D 0.0027Nm/rad/second

C. 4.2 3.6kW Slip-ring Induction Motor

In order to calculate the friction coefficient of the slip-ring motor-DC motor set-up,

the speed of the DC motor was varied by controlling the DC input voltage. The input

power was plotted against ω2, where ω is the speed in radians/second. From the slope of

the plot, the friction coefficient D has been calculated to be 0.0089Nm/rad/second.

To determine the total inertia J of the slip ring induction motor-DC motor set-up, a

run-down test was conducted as explained for the squirrel Cage Induction Motor. From

the test, the combined rotor inertia of the induction motor together with the DC motor has

been calculated to be 0.0421kg.m2.

Table.C.II Slip-Ring Induction Motor Parameters

Type 3-phase Star Connected Slip Ring

Induction Motor
Rated Power 3.6kW
Rated Voltage 415V
Rated Current 7.8A
Rated Frequency 50Hz
Rated Speed 1410rpm
Number of Poles 4
Stator Resistance Rs 1.54Ω
Rotor Leakage Inductance Llr 11.65mH
Stator Leakage Inductance Lls 11.65mH
Magnetizing Inductance Lm 184.61mH
Rotor Resistance Rr 2.3Ω at 50Hz
Moment of Inertia JT 0.0421kgm2
Friction Coefficient D 0.0089Nm/rad/second


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