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Procedia Computer Science 00 (2018) 000–000
Procedia Computer Science 124 (2017) 759–766

4th Information Systems International Conference 2017, ISICO 2017, 6-8 November 2017, Bali,

Development of Android Application for Courier Monitoring

Faizal Johan Atletiko*
Department of Information Systems, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Jl. Raya ITS, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia


Accuracy and precision are two important factors which must be fulfilled in distribution of goods, so the business proses lifecycle
of an enterprise or company would run properly. However, at the time of the distribution process performed, a problem could occur.
A complicated ordering flow can be one of the problem as happened in the distribution of medicine to pharmacies or hospitals.
Medicine can be ordered when distributors assign some of its salesman for visiting pharmacies or hospitals and offer medicine to
be sold. Pharmacies who will order must create a letter and handed it to the salesman. All orders from some pharmacies or hospitals
will be entered into the order book manually by the salesman. Afterwards, order book returned to distributor and after going
through several process again, the order will be sent to the pharmacy or hospital. That issue is the topic of this research, which at
the time of delivery of order, courier could be negligent. Therefore, courier needs to be monitored to determine whether the order
has been shipped or not. The purpose of this research is to design and build a courier monitoring system. Application is an android
based application using GPS Location to trace courier location, and Android Cloud to Device Messaging for push notification
feature. There are three modules for users of this application. Application in part one will be used by the medicine distributor
company. The second one are used by the salesman to make an order while at the customer premises. The last part are used by the
courier for order information and customer location. With this courier monitoring system, pharmacies or hospitals could order
medicine quickly and in the right amount. This application can also help distributors in order to monitor location of the courier.
So that the business process of both parts would run properly.

© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th Information Systems International Conference 2017.

Keywords: Mobile Application Development; Courier Monitoring System; Pharmacy Distribution; Medicine Courier; Android C2DM; Tracking

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +62-31-5999-944; fax: +62-31- 5964-965.

E-mail address:

1877-0509 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th Information Systems International Conference 2017.

1877-0509 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th Information Systems International Conference 2017
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1. Introduction

Distribution of goods is one of important process because it involves two parties who run their own respective
business processes. Sometimes several problems occur after delivery process. The complex ordering flow is one of
the problems, it has also been explored in research conducted by Sari Wijayanti [1] with the topic of drug distribution
to pharmacies and hospitals. In this research, will use data of distributors, pharmacies and hospitals only in Surabaya
City as a case study.
Problems during drug delivery such as the amount of drug delivered not in accordance with the order, and even
negligence such as skipping or not doing the delivery of drugs to one of the pharmacies or hospitals that order. To
solve these problems This research will create an Android-based application that can help the ordering of goods. To
develop Applications with several functions that can help the process of ordering drugs and courier location monitoring
feature that deliver the drug orders. The ordering process of drugs is facilitated by the list of drugs available to the
distributors entered into the database server. Thus, the drugs to be ordered can easily be entered into the list of drug
The application will be divided into three parts, the first android-based application used by the salesman to make
an order. The second android-based application used by courier to find out the delivery location and the list of drug
orders. The third web-based application used by distributors as warehouse officer to monitor the courier location when
deliver the orders. When a salesman makes an order, a list of drug orders submit and received by an application on the
server, then processed until the list goes to the application used by the courier. The order list will be displayed in the
form of a notification message on the Android device that the courier uses. This feature will make it easy for courier
to know the order without having to open the application first. To know the location of the courier who is sending the
drug, the application is equipped with GPS Location, and the coordinates location will be sent periodically to the
Server application.
This application developed on Android platform due to the use of some features like push notification to display
order list, and also GPS Location to track the location of courier. This feature cannot run optimally if it is developed
with a web based application. In addition, data from eMarketer shows that mobile device usage in Indonesia in 2015
reached 55.4 million users and its penetration will continue to increase until 2019 which is estimated to reach 92
million users [2]. The data shows that the use of mobile devices is increase year by year. The selection of Android
platform because of it used much more than another platform like iOS, Windows Phone, and Blackberry. Data from
International Data Corporation (IDC) shows that Android has a market share of 78.7% in 2013, and increased in 2014
to 81.5% of other platforms iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry, and others [3]. Based on that information, it means the
most of the mobile devices that people use are running on the Android Platform.

2. Literature review

2.1. Global positioning system (GPS)

Global Positioning System (GPS) is a tool or system that can be used to inform users where the user's location is
based on satellite [6]. Data sent from satellite is a radio signal with digital data. GPS positioning is based on distance
measurements made to multiple satellites at once. The coordinates of a point on earth can be determined from the
results of measurements to the four satellites that can be properly captured.
According to research conducted by Rifqi Andikasani et al [7], GPS positioning is divided into two methods:

 Absolute method or known as point positioning, is the way of positioning by only based on one receiver only.
Accuracy of position within a few meters (not in high accuracy) and generally only intended for navigation
 The relative method known as differential positioning is positioning using more than one receiver. One GPS
mounted at a location on earth, and continuously receives signals from satellites within a specified time period and
used as references like the others. The position of this method has high accuracy (generally less than one meter)
and is applied for geodetic or mapping surveys that require high accuracy.
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2.2. Android cloud to device messaging (C2DM)

Android Cloud to Device Messaging is a service that helps app developers to send data from servers to apps
installed on Android devices. C2DM has a mechanism where the server can provide or retrieve information to the
client (application on Android devices). This C2DM handles all parts of the message queue up to sending messages
to the application.
In order to run this C2DM service properly, it needs some supporting components that are as follows [8]:

 Android device, a device running Android apps that use C2DM.

 Third-party Application Server, which is a server that serves as part of the C2DM process. It is this server that
sends data to android apps via C2DM server (Google Cloud). This server must also be equipped with a back-end
in order to manage the process of C2DM that is experiencing the problem.
 C2DM Server, ie Google servers directly involved in retrieving messages from Third-party Application Server and
sending them to android apps.

2.3. SQLite

SQLite is a relational database management system which ACID-compliant (atomic, database consistency,
isolation, and durability) [9]. SQLite is an android feature that can be used to create databases. SQLite is very adequate
in terms of resources, because the use of memory is small, fast, and light. In this research, SQLite will be used to store
order data and also coordinate the location of the courier. With the use of SQLite, information update to the server
will be in Asynchronous mode. Evenly the device does not have internet access when in use.

2.4. Google maps API

The Google Maps API is an API provided by Google and can be used for free to display geographic information
in the form of folders. Google maps API is helpful in translating geographic information such as coordinate points
into graphical form i.e. maps.
The Google Maps API is used for web applications that will be used by distributors to map the movement of
messenger positions and for android apps to be used by messengers themselves to find out the location of the drug

3. Methodology

Methodology to develop Android Application for Courier Monitoring System can be seen in Fig. 1, and the brief
description of each stage will explained as follows.

3.1. Software requirements analysis

At this stage, the researcher explained how the distribution of drugs from distributors to pharmacies or hospitals.
It needs to make the application of this courier monitoring as a tool to assist in the process of distribution of drugs.
From the needs of making the application combined to Functional and Non-Functional Requirement (FR & non-FR).

3.2. Application design

At this stage, will create and documented the system design. The design of the system includes the explanation of
each actor involved, making use case along with descriptions of each use case, sequence diagram, class diagram and
method in each Class source code, and to make interface design. Next step is creating the database design, and then
mapping the tables in each application. The design of the application is using object-oriented programming approach,
every function to be developed can be explained well.
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3.3. Create drug database

At this stage will create database as the list of drugs. The process of collecting data by extracting drug list
information on drug distributor company website. The drug database is useful to be reference when input new order.

Fig. 1. Methodology to develop android application.

3.4. Application development

At this stage the application developed based on the Application Design that has been made before. The technology
used to create applications are: Android SDK, GPS Location, C2DM, SQLite, Google Maps API, and PHP-based web

3.5. Application testing

After the application is completed, the application testing is done to check whether the application is running
properly or not in compliance with FR and non-FR embodied in the Requirement Traceability Matrix. This application
will also be done compatibility test that is testing the application by running on test scenario or test case in various
Android devices starting Android API version 19 until Android API latest version (in this research Android API latest
version is 23). Android API testing in the range is because the data synchronization function that will be used in the
application in this Final Project runs well in the range of API.

4. Application design

4.1. Requirements analysis

Application requirements are obtained based on the distribution of drugs to pharmacies or hospitals. Based on
research conducted by Sari Wijayanti in the manufacture of mobile web booking applications [1], drug ordering is
done when salesman come to visit pharmacies or hospitals. The Salesman carries the List of Drugs (DPO) from the
distributor, then the pharmacist or the hospital will create an Order Letter (SP) and be given to the salesman. Based
on the SP, the salesman re-records the orders received manually on the Drug Order Book (BPO). After visiting every
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pharmacy or hospital, the salesman returns to the office (Distributor) to submit the SP and BPO. After going through
several stages, the salesman will send the medicine to the pharmacy or hospital ordering. Based on the distribution
process in this mechanism, it can be seen that during this booking process is quite complicated and takes a little time.
The process of delivery of drugs that have been ordered also no less complicated, because all orders first collected
and then sent to the address of the buyer. With manual order data collection in the paper, there is a high probability
that an order has not been delivered or a delivery error has occurred. Therefore, this final project gives the idea of
making a courier monitoring application that will simplify the process of ordering drugs. This courier monitoring
application will be divided into three sections, the first is the "Drug Sales" application. Each sale will have the
application and place a drug order directly from the application when visiting a pharmacy or hospital. The second
application is "Courier Drug", courier who served to deliver the order will use this application that serves to display
the list of orders along with order information therein. The third application is the "Drug Distributor" used by the
distributor who serves to manage incoming orders and set a courier that will deliver the order can also be used to
display the tracking location of courier sites in Google Maps. From the alternative scenarios, then the functional
requirements (Table 1) of the courier monitoring application. And the Software Application Design can be seen in
Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Software architecture design for courier monitoring system.

Table 1. Functional System Requirements.

ID Functional Requirement
FR-01 Sales can make new drug orders
FR-02 Sales can view order details
FR-03 Sales can manage accounts
FR-04 Courier can view order details
FR-05 Courier can upload photo documentation
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ID Functional Requirement
FR-06 Courier can manage accounts
FR-07 Distributor can manage orders
FR-08 Distributors can manage users
FR-09 Distributor decide specify a courier to deliver the order
FR-10 Distributor can view tracking result of courier location
FR-11 Distributors can view photo documentation of order delivery.
FR-12 Distributor can manage accounts

4.2. System design

Based on the system requirement analysis that has been done, system functionality is represented into several use
case. List use case along with its mapping according to functional requirement can be seen in Table 2 and the Use
Case Diagram can be seen in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Use case diagram.

Table 2. Mapping between FR and UC.

FR ID UC ID Use Case
FR-03 UC-01 Login for Salesman
FR-01 UC-02 Create a new drug order
FR-01 UC-03 Saving customer location
FR-02 UC-04 View the list of drug orders
FR-04 UC-05 View the list of drug orders
FR-04 UC-06 See the location of the buyer
FR-05 UC-07 Uploading documentation photos
FR-03 UC-08 Logout for Salesman
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FR ID UC ID Use Case
FR-06 UC-09 Login for Courier
FR-06 UC-10 Logout for Courier
FR-07 UC-11 Manage order list
FR-08 UC-12 Add an application user
FR-09 UC-13 Specify courier
FR-10 UC-14 View the track location of the courier
FR-11 UC-15 View photos of order shipping
FR-12 UC-16 Login for Warehouse Officer / Distributor
FR-12 UC-17 Logout for Warehouse Officer / Distributor
FR-08 UC-18 Delete the application user

5. Result and testing

5.1. System testing

Testing in the environment system, every function developed in the application has been running well and able to
operate in accordance with the expected results. Several Features that use services from third party such as Google
Cloud Message, Google Maps for Android and website are also running well. From the results of system testing, the
application can be concluded has been running well and correctly. Example of screen shoot on mobile application can
be seen in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Screenshot on mobile application using by courier.

5.2. Android version compatibility testing

The android application compatibility testing on android with API versions 19 and 23. It shows that the android
application for courier and sales are able to meet the target range API compatibility. There is no significant difference
in views derived from application testing on both API versions, as well as the functionality of the application.
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6. Conclusion

From the implementation of this research, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) The process of ordering
drugs and monitoring the location of the courier is running well by using Google Cloud Messaging technology, Google
Maps API, Java, and PHP; 2) Through testing the system is known that the functionality of the application is running


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