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Surgery techniques Tail docking or rotate the blades into a straight line position, finish

a. Partial tail docking cutting on the intervertebral part, control the

this technique is done simply because it covers hemorragie with pressure. cover the edge of the skin
only a part, the first is done by clamping all areas approximately with two or three nylon threads
around the tail to be cut and do disinfection. then the e. tail docking in dogs 3 months and older
animal is laid down perianal position or lateral determine where to cut and do anesthesia. before that
recumbency. stop bleeding using the tool. pull the tail do the installation of torniquet, sterile doek. incision
skin towards the base of the tail, duoble v incisi on in the distal portion of the bone cutting site. tissue
the distal skin for the intervertebral place to be cut. preparation underneath it towards the proximal, look
orientation v tail makes the skin closed to the dorsal for blood vessels and then ligated. cut the coccyx in
and ventral so it will look longer. the medial and the intercoccygeal. the rest of the musculus is folded
lateral ligations of the arteries and venoms of the up and stitched, the skin is formed in a semicircle and
place are cut slightly into the cranial. if bleeding stitched. Then do the loading with gauze
occurs do ligation in vessels caudal area. do
subcutaneous tissue and muscle closure after
vertebrae opening using interrupted stitching. cover
the edges of the skin with benag and simple
interrupted stitches
b. tail docking entirely (complit)
this technique is done by putting the animal lateral
recumbency position then done with disinfectant
perineum area and base of tail. then incised on the
subcutaneous tissue for open muscle. separating it by
means of levator ani, rectococcygeous and
coccygeous muscle muscles into the caudal vertebrae.
ligate the medial and ventral arteries and caudal veins
before or after the cutting. Cut the tail until it is no
longer connected by using a scapel eye on two or
three caudal vertebrae. do cleaning and levator ani
muscle cap with subcutaneous tissue with simple
interrupted suture pattern.
c. tail docking in puppies aged 1 week
tail docking is done by not giving anasthesia, but
management provisions can be used local anesthesia
with or without sedation. the first thing to do with
preparing a shave feather and disinfectant, the skin is
pressed towards the front so that the skin is left
longer than the coccyx. do the cutting using scissors,
bleeding that occurs in the tampon usually occurs
lateral side of the tail root dumb and one adjacent
medial dilated by cauterization. then sew with a
simple interrupted pattern
d. tail docking on a 1 month old dog
clasp and provide aseptic place for cutting. pull the
tail skin towards the base of the tail. palpate in place
of the desired piece. cut the tail between the caudal
vertebrae boundary with the major scissors, the
needle tip and the scapel eye. the position of the
dorsal blade is more shaped in a sloping angle. circle

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