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Sequence Stratigraphic Distribution of Coaly Rocks:

Fundamental Controls and Paralic Examples1

Kevin Bohacs2 and John Suter3

ABSTRACT thrive, quickly filling local accommodation vertical-

ly and expanding laterally, favoring accumulation of
Significant volumes of terrigenous organic mat- laterally continuous coals in paralic zones within
ter can be preserved to form coals only when and both middle lowstand and middle highstand sys-
where the overall increase in accommodation tems tracts. If the accommodation increase bal-
approximately equals the production rate of peat. ances or slightly exceeds organic productivity,
Accommodation is a function of subsidence and mires accumulate peat vertically, yielding thicker,
base level. For mires, base level is very specifically more isolated coals most likely during of late low-
the groundwater table. In paralic settings, the stand–early transgressive and late transgressive–early
groundwater table is strongly controlled by sea highstand periods. At very large accommodation
level and the precipitation/evaporation ratio. Peat increases, mires are stressed and eventually inun-
accumulates over a range of rates, but always with dated by clastics or standing water (as in middle
a definite maximum rate set by original organic transgressive systems tracts).
productivity and space available below deposition- These relations should be valid for mires in all
al base level (groundwater table). settings, including alluvial, lake plain, and paralic.
Below a threshold accommodation rate (nonze- The tie to sea level in paralic zones depends on
ro), no continuous peats accumulate, due to falling local subsidence, sediment supply, and groundwa-
or low groundwater table, sedimentary bypass, and ter regimes. These concepts are also useful for
extensive erosion by fluvial channels. This is typi- investigating the distribution of seal and reservoir
cal of upper highstand, lowstand fan, and basal facies in nonmarine settings.
lowstand-wedge systems tracts. Higher accommo-
dation rates provide relatively stable conditions
with rising groundwater tables. Mires initiate and INTRODUCTION

Coaly rocks can be important sources of liquid

and gaseous hydrocarbons (Durand et al., 1983;
©Copyright 1997. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All
Powell and Boreham, 1991) and substantial reser-
rights reserved. voirs of gas (e.g., Rightmire, 1984). Predicting the
1Manuscript received September 7, 1995; revised manuscript received occurrence, distribution, and volume of coaly
November 25, 1996; final acceptance May 5, 1997.
2 Exxon Production Research Company, 3120 Buffalo Speedway,
rocks is key in many areas of current exploration
Houston, Texas 77096. and exploitation.
3 Exxon Production Research Company, 3120 Buffalo Speedway,
Coaly rocks contain organic matter from both
Houston, Texas 77096. Present address: Conoco, Inc., P.O. Box 2197,
Houston, Texas 77252. aquatic and land plants that grow and accumulate
We benefited from the input and assistance of many people. Of special in most terrestrial environments. At present, thick
assistance were the teams involved in collaborative studies with Esso accumulations of terrigenous organic matter
Australia and Esso Malaysia: P. Moore, M. Sloan, J. Emmett, B. Burns, A.
Partridge, S. Creaney, Hanif Hussein, R. Hill, R. Lovell, and M. Feeley. We (peats) occur in many areas, from the mountains of
also thank the Rock Springs team: R. Beauboeuf, P. McLaughlin, W. Devlin, Tierra del Fuego to the shores of the Sea of Galilee
A. Carroll, Y. Y. Chen, G. Grabowski, Jr., K. Miskell-Gerhardt, M. Farley, R.
Webster, and J. Schwalbach. Group members D. Curry and J. Yeakel were
(Gore, 1983). Coals are found in the deposits of
always helpful. many environments in the rock record, from allu-
We also enjoyed and profited from many discussions of these concepts vial fans and braided streams to estuaries and
with our colleagues outside Exxon: C. Diessel, R. Boyd, K. Shanley, B.
Zaitlin, P. McCabe, M. Hendricks, A. Cohen, and M. Kirschbaum. lagoons (Diessel, 1992).
We thank the reviewers of company reports, whose careful comments on This paper addresses two main points: (1) deter-
several generations of this work improved it: S. Creaney, M. Feeley, J. Van mining where significant volumes of terrigenous
Wagoner, F. Wehr, J. Yeakel, and A. Young. F. Weber and J. Zullig provided
extensive management support. K. Linke translated our sketches into the fine organic matter accumulate and (2) how one can
figures herein. We value all the help. predict their occurrence and geometry within a

1612 AAPG Bulletin, V. 81, No. 10 (October 1997), P. 1612–1639.

Bohacs and Suter 1613

sequence-stratigraphic framework. We first discuss Wetland environments with ecosystems that

the fundamental controls of terrigenous organic mat- accumulate significant amounts of land-plant debris
ter accumulation that are applicable to all environ- are generically termed “mires” (or “peatlands”)
ments and tectonic settings. We then concentrate on (Moore, 1989). We use the term “peat” for concen-
paralic settings, the most important coal-forming trated accumulations of terrigenous plant material.
areas. These low-lying coastal terrains contain most Although bedded peats or coals may not become
of the 480 million ha of peatlands formed in the effective hydrocarbon source rocks, most of the
Holocene (Kivinen and Parkarinen, 1981). We exam- conditions that lead to peat accumulation also are
ine the effects of relative sea level on paralic settings those that affect preservation of hydrogen-rich
and propose a model for the occurrence and distri- components that yield liquid hydrocarbons (Curry
bution of coaly rocks within a depositional sequence et al., 1992). In general, circumstances that gener-
that integrates accommodation, groundwater and ate significant coals will enhance preservation of
surfacewater flow, and shoreline changes. These liquid-hydrocarbon-prone organic matter.
concepts are useful also for investigating the distri-
butions of seal and reservoir facies in these settings.
Coal distributions consistent with this model are Influence of Accommodation on
observed in multiple sequences in the Carboniferous Peat Accumulation
of the Black Warrior and Appalachian basins; the
Permian of the Sydney and Gunnedah basins; the Significant volumes of terrigenous organic-rich
Cretaceous of New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming; the rocks (peats) can be preserved to form coals only
Tertiary of the Gippsland basin, southeastern Asia, when and where the overall increase in accommo-
and northern California; and the Holocene of the dation approximately equals the accumulation rate
Mississippi and Rajang river deltas (see, among oth- of peat (see discussions in Speiker, 1949; Young,
ers, Sears et al., 1941; Speiker, 1949; Young, 1955; 1955; Teichmüller, 1962; Bloom and Ellis, 1965;
Fassett and Hinds, 1971; Levey, 1981; Ryer, 1981, Rampino and Sanders, 1981; Tissot and Welte,
1984; Partridge, 1982; Thompson, 1985; Shanley, 1984; Courel, 1989; Allen, 1990; McCabe, 1991).
1991; Tadros and Hamilton, 1991; Arditto, 1992; Organic production just fills the space available for
Diessel, 1992; Roberts and McCabe, 1992; Gastaldo sediments, preserving the plant material below the
et al., 1993; Hamilton, 1993; Kosters and Suter, water table. Clastics must be excluded, which may
1993; Aitken and Flint, 1994, 1995; Staub and occur in areas of stable fluvial channels or raised
Esterle, 1994; Beauboeuf et al., 1995; Heckel, 1995; mires. When the increase in accommodation great-
Sullivan et al., 1995; Tyler and Hamilton, 1995). ly exceeds the peat production rate, the mires are
These observations, combined with considerations inundated by mineral debris or are drowned by
of fundamental controls and depositional process- lake or sea water. When the increase in accommo-
es, yield a robust integrated model that predicts dation is much less than the peat production rate,
broad patterns of coal distribution and character. organic matter is more likely to be oxidized and
The model is not intended to explain all the details eroded by migrating channels (Figure 1).
of individual coal seams; such seams certainly Accommodation in paralic and nonmarine set-
respond to the same controls, but are much more tings generally changes as base level and subsi-
sensitive to local variations in subsidence, sediment dence change. Base level is commonly discussed in
supply, and flora. terms of hypothetical graded-stream profiles or
inclined peneplains (Powell, 1875; Wheeler, 1964;
Jervey, 1988), thereby perpetuating the confusion
ACCUMULATIONS OF SIGNIFICANT VOLUMES among base level, stream grade, and landscape pla-
OF TERRIGENOUS ORGANIC-RICH ROCKS nation started by Powell’s (1875) original ambigu-
ous description of base level. Strictly speaking,
Ultimately, the accumulation of significant vol- base level in nonmarine settings is the lower limit
umes of terrigenous, organic-rich rocks depends on of subaerial erosion, which is effectively sea level
the production and preservation of terrigenous (Davis, 1902; Schumm, 1993). As used in many
organic matter from freshwater aquatic and land recent works, the term “base level” is more synony-
plants. The accumulation of significant amounts of mous with Twenhofel’s (1939, p. 8) definition of
terrigenous organic matter is analogous to the the term as, “base level of deposition: the highest
accumulation of marine source rocks and is con- level to which a sedimentary deposit can build.”
trolled by the very same primary elements of depo- The existence of this theoretical equilibrium ero-
sition: (1) primary organic productivity, (2) preser- sion surface is much debated and difficult to locate
vation of organic matter, (3) dilution by mineral in actual landscapes. For mires and the accumula-
matter, and (4) subsidence. Table 1 summarizes tion of peat, however, the base level of deposition
these major controls. is very specifically the groundwater table: plants
1614 Distribution of Coaly Rocks

Table 1. Basin to Local Controls on Accumulation of Terrigenious Organic Matter

Primary Element Major Controls Explanation

Primary organic productivity Supply of water and nutrients Nutrient supply is enhanced by
water supply from groundwater
and overland flow
Mires thrive in areas
of groundwater discharge

Type of plants Amount and hydrogen content of peat

in mire is a strong function of local flora,
which vary with geological age,
climate, and nutrient supply

Preservation of organic matter Location of groundwater table Significant accumulations of

terrigenous organic matter occur
only below water table because of low
O2 supply (telmatic and
limnotelmatic settings)

Decomposition of plants generates

low pH and antiseptic compounds that
further enhance preservation

Dilution by mineral matter Location of clastic Stable river channels and shorelines
dispersal systems and raised mires minimize
dilution of organics

Subsidence/accommodation Space available for Accommodation rate must

mire formation and closely match organic
peat accumulation accumulation rate to generate
peats or concentrated
terrigenous organic matter

that form mires that thrive in areas of groundwater rising water table within the mass, and minimum
discharge; organic preservation requires a water inf lux of clay and silt” (Cameron et al., 1989,
table at or very near the surface (as is summarized p. 105).
in Table 1) (see Frenzel, 1983; Diessel, 1992). Peat The location of the groundwater table in paralic
accumulation is most dependent on preservational settings is controlled by sea level and the precipita-
conditions where “physical conditions…reduce tion/evaporation ratio (Freeze and Cherry, 1979;
the rate at which detritovores and decomposers deMarsily, 1986). Farther inland, the groundwater
can consume the available organic resource” table is controlled by topography, type and stratifi-
(Moore, 1989, p. 89). Of the many factors that cation of surficial sediments, and the ratio of pre-
retard consumption, the lack of oxygen is domi- cipitation to evaporation. Note that a very high pre-
nant (Gore, 1983; Moore, 1989). Oxygen diffuses cipitation/evaporation ratio may generate a raised
much more slowly in water than in air; hence, a mire with a local groundwater table perched above
high, stable, or rising water table significantly the general topography and relatively insensitive to
reduces oxygen availability. The importance of regional groundwater conditions (see discussion in
waterlogging to peat accumulation has long been Winston, 1994).
noted. Davis (1911) focused on protection from Base-level fall also may produce significant
desiccation, regular and abundant rainfall, and con- accommodation on portions of the coastal plain
sistently high humidity. Potonié (1920), Gore where incised valleys form via fluvial erosion and
(1983), Ingram (1983), Moore (1989), Diessel groundwater sapping. The locations and sizes of
(1992), and Winston (1994), among many others, the incised valleys depend on the location and
all indicated the importance of hydrology and high strength of both preexisting fluvial systems and
water tables. “The best environments for coal pre- coastal-plain drainages formed during base-level
cursors have biomass accumulation, a continuously fall. These valleys may be more than 100 m deep
Bohacs and Suter 1615

Figure 1—Peat accumulation

requires that accommodation
balance peat formation. The areas
on the graph represent conditions
of accumulation for various forms
of terrigenous organic-rich rocks
(derived mainly from equation 1).
The limits for each field are set by
substituting the weight percent
(dry basis) of organic matter
required for coals (100–75% as
defined by the American Society
for Testing and Materials) and
coaly shales (75–25%; fundamental
changes in geochemical character
and behavior occur at approximately
25–30% organic matter content).
The upper limit of coals with low
oil potential is set by empirical
observations on the bounding rates
of coal formation summarized in
Diessel and Boyd (1994), wherein
the minimum rate of peat
formation, on average, is one-half
of the maximum rate.

and tens of kilometers wide (Van Wagoner et al., not likely to accumulate under such conditions,
1990). Incised valleys tend to have groundwater due to deep standing water or burial by clastics.
tables very near the ground surface; hence, mires In all these cases, the mire responds to local space
preferentially initiate and thrive in these areas (e.g., available for accumulation; this local space inte-
Staub and Esterle, 1994; Aitken and Flint, 1995). grates clastic influx into the accommodation, as
The other component of accommodation, sub- do our model formulations.
sidence, is a function of plate-tectonic setting, Peat production rate is controlled by water and
basin type and local evolution, loading, and com- nutrient supply, mire type, vegetation type, and flo-
paction. Subsidence varies much more slowly ral community successions (Frenzel, 1983; Ingram,
than does the groundwater table and is thus com- 1983; Teichmüller, 1989). These factors are con-
monly the major long-term control of accommoda- trolled at a larger scale by geological age (through
tion in nonmarine settings. plant evolution), paleolatitude, and climate.
Clastic sediment supply is also an important All these factors can be combined in a mathe-
control on peat accumulation. Clastic sediment matical expression that describes conditions for
supply enhances plant growth by supplying nutri- peat accumulation. Using a frame of reference that
ents and a stable substrate, but a large, rapid moves with base level, one may calculate the
influx dilutes the organic matter and can kill the changes in elevation of mire using this Lagrangian
vegetation. Local clastic accumulation, however, formulation for the change in local elevation with
is influenced by the same factors as peat accumu- time (after Allen, 1990).
lation. At low accommodation rates, little or no
clastics accumulate. At larger accommodation dE dSmin dSorg dBL dC dSub
rates, clastics and peat compete to fill available = + − − − (1)
space. Clastics and peat are typically segregated dt dt dt dt dt dt
areally, commonly strongly influenced by the flora
itself (e.g., Staub and Esterle, 1994): the vegeta- where dE/dt = change in elevation of local sedi-
tion is not solely a passive element in the deposi- ment surface with time; for the sediment input
tional system. Peat can accumulate in areas of rela- rate, dS min /dt = mineral sedimentation rate and
tively high clastic supply. Diessel (1992), among dS org /dt = organic sedimentation rate; for the
others, reported braided-stream conglomerates accommodation rate, dBL/dt = change in base level
coeval with robust coal measures. At high rates of (upward = positive), dC/dt = long-term com-
accommodation, large shallow depressions devel- paction rate (greater than seasonal), and dSub/dt =
op that may contain standing water and accumu- regional subsidence.
late large amounts of clastics due to gradient By definition, when the system is in dynamic equi-
advantage and trapping by standing water. Peat is librium, with all accommodation filled, dE/dt = 0
1616 Distribution of Coaly Rocks

Table 2. Defining Limits for Coaly Rock Lithotypes—Organic Matter Content and Normalized Accommodation Rate

Lithology Wt. % Limit of

Organic Matter k Accommodation/Peat Production
Coal 100 0 1:1
Coal 75 0.18 1:1.18
Coaly Shale 25 0.53 1:1.53

Lower Bound Upper Bound

Acc/PPR** Lithology Acc/PPR** Source of Relation
0.5 Coal + coaly shale (poor preservation) 1 Empirical*
1 Coal 1.18 Equation 1
1.18 Coaly shale (good preservation) 1.53 Equation 1
1.53 Terrigenous shale >1.53 Equation 1
*After Diessel and Boyd, 1994. Empirical relation is based on observations that minimum rate of peat formation, on average, is one-half of the maximum
rate (average = 0.55, n = 31).
**Acc/PPR = accommodation/peat production rate.

because the frame of reference moves with the sed- Equation 5 quantifies the widely made statement
iment surface. Then that peat production must be balanced with “subsi-
dence” if coal is to form.
dSmin dSorg dBL dC dSub Other important insights can be gained from this
+ = + + (2) formulation. By substituting the various limiting
dt dt dt dt dt conditions of organic matter content into this equa-
tion’s constant, k, we may determine the exact
Based on the American Society for Testing and ratio of accommodation to peat production for the
Materials definition, peat contains a set maxi- equilibrium deposition of coals, coaly shales, and
mum amount of mineral matter (ash) per dr y terrigenous shales. Table 2 summarizes the results
weight, so from these substitutions for the various lithotypes,
and Figure 2 diagrams the results.
dSmin  dSorg  Data from Holocene peat-forming environments
=k  (3) (Boyd and Diessel, 1995) indicate that peats accu-
dt  dt  mulate at rates of from less than 1 to about
7 mm/year; hence, peats may thrive in areas
where k may be defined as [(1 – wt. % total organic with total subsidence rates of approximately
carbon)(ρ min /ρ org )(Φ)]. Note that k depends on 1–177 m/m.y. (thickness of rock divided by the
weight percentage of organic matter required by duration in m.y., uncorrected for time-interval dif-
definition (≥75%), density of organic matter and ferences, as discussed in a following section).
minerals, and porosity of deposited material before These rates include environments such as passive
long-term compaction. Typical peats have organic- margins, foreland basins, some strike-slip basins,
matter contents of between 75 and 100%, quartz- and extensional basins in prerift, rift, and thermal
density mineral matter, and an average porosity of phases (P. Rumelhart and E. Goodman, 1992, per-
0.4; thus, k = 0 to 0.18. sonal communication).
Substituting this identity (equation 3) into the The peat production rates, reported in millime-
previous equation, we get ters per year, are derived from Holocene mires
with cool, warm-temperate, and tropical climates
dSorg 1  dBL dC dSub 
(based on data for the last 120 yr). In contrast,
=  + +  (4) reported accommodation rates from a variety of
dt 1 + k  dt dt dt  tectonic settings reflect mainly long-term subsi-
dence rates. These rates are usually reported in
Because the value of k is small, the coefficient is meters per millions of years. Such rates must be
approximately equal to 1. Thus, to deposit a peat, adjusted to a time interval equivalent to the peat
production rates because of the significant effect
of time interval on rate calculations [see extensive
( )
dSorg 1 (5)
≥ Accommodation Rate discussions in Sadler (1981), Gardner et al. (1987),
dt 1+k and Algeo (1993)]. This adjustment is significant
Bohacs and Suter 1617

Figure 2—Relation of
peat production rate to
accommodation rate with
ranges of rates for major
climate zones and tectonic
settings. Peat production
rates from Diessel and
Boyd, 1994.

and necessary when the measured time intervals accumulate peat and how thick the peat will be.
of the two processes differ by more than 10 3 to This ratio may be considered a “normalized” or rel-
104 yr. ative accommodation rate, making the relations
We adjusted the subsidence rates by using the shown in Figures 3 and 6 nondimensional and uni-
relation derived by Gardner et al. (1987) for rates of versally applicable; therefore, in a given environ-
tectonic movement: ment with a particular flora, peat may accumulate
over a range of rates, but always with a definite
Corrected Rate = (Reported Rate) × (Time maximum rate set by two factors: original organic
Interval in Years)0.255 production capacity and space available below
depositional base level (the water table).
Measured process rates follow a fractal power Figure 3 shows the expected general relation
distribution and statistically depend on the time among peat thickness, geometry, continuity, and
intervals of measurement; apparent rates decrease the normalized accommodation rate (accommoda-
as the time interval of measurement increases. For tion rate/peat production rate). Figure 3 contains
example, sedimentation rates apparently may slow four important regions.
by a factor of 30 or more when mm/y to m/m.y. (1) Below a threshold (nonzero) normalized
measurements are compared; however, this differ- accommodation rate, continuous peats do not accu-
ence is due to the different time intervals of mea- mulate, due to falling or low groundwater table, sed-
surement. This apparent slowing is also due, in iment bypassing, and the potential for extensive
part, to averaging in many more periods of process erosion and reworking of sediments by fluvial chan-
inactivity (hiatuses) and unconformities (McShea nels, making the preservation of any fine-grained
and Raup, 1986; Gardner et al., 1987). sediments problematic. Some isolated, relatively
thin, oxidized peats or coals may accumulate at
accommodation rates just below this threshold.
Control of Accommodation on Peat (2) Above a critical threshold, mires can initi-
Thickness, Geometry, and Continuity ate and thrive because of relatively stable condi-
tions and a rising groundwater table. The mires
Recognizing the balance between accommoda- quickly fill the local accommodation vertically
tion and production required for the creation of and then extend laterally into suitable areas (away
peat, we now examine how accommodation con- from significant clastic deposition) for room to
trols peat thickness and continuity. Peat thickness grow (analogous to case 1 of Winston, 1994).
is not directly controlled by accommodation rate or Continuous coals accumulate. [The vertical limit
by the absolute amount of peat produced, but by of accommodation space may cause the widely
the ratio of the rates of accommodation and peat observed evolution of mires from ever-wet (tel-
production. This relative balance determines matic) to prolonged dry conditions, which yields
whether a local depositional environment will the commonly observed “dulling-upward” trends
1618 Distribution of Coaly Rocks

peats may accumulate, most likely in areas of high

rainfall (domed mires).
These four relations should be valid for mires in
alluvial, lake-plain, and paralic setting.
Figure 4 shows an example of these changes
within a single coal seam (zone) as accommodation
changes laterally. This figure clearly illustrates the
relation of accommodation to coal thickness and
quality, because only accommodation varies signifi-
cantly and most other variables remain constant
(f lora, climate, environment, etc.). Analogous
examples occur in many settings; for example, the
Permian of New South Wales (Warbrooke, 1981),
the Carboniferous of the Cumberland basin, Nova
Scotia (Calder, 1993), and the Holocene Mississippi
delta (Fisk, 1958; Frazier and Osanik, 1969). These
examples clearly show that coal accumulation has
Figure 3—(A) Relation of the ratio of accommodation definite lower and upper bounds.
rate/peat production rate (“normalized” accommoda- Figure 5 illustrates these changes in a vertical
tion) with peat thickness. Peat accumulates with maxi- section where accommodation increases with
mum thickness when the two rates are approximately time; this section has braided streams at the base,
equal. (B) Relation of ratio of accommodation rate/peat interbedded fluvial sandstones and coals in the
production rate to coal geometry. The most widespread
coals accumulate at low to moderate values of this ratio.
middle, and lacustrine mudrocks at the top. Note
the thickest coals are in the middle of the section,
at intermediate rates of accommodation.
The general, nondimensional relation shown on
in coal seams; e.g., Smith (1962), Teichmüller Figure 3 illustrates overall trends for all mires. The
(1962), Smyth and Cook (1976).] exact values of accommodation and peat produc-
(3) At higher increases of accommodation rate, tion depend on floral assemblages, their produc-
when and where accommodation balances or tion capacity, and the nature of the depositional
slightly exceeds the peat production rate, the mire systems surrounding the mire (availability of clas-
can accumulate peat to its full capacity in place, tics, size and sorting of clastics, and seasonal water
and does not need (and may not be able) to extend supply); however, all mire ecosystems demonstrate
laterally. These conditions favor relatively thick but definite lower and upper limits to the formation
isolated coals. and accumulation of peats. Peats and coals do not
(4) Above these rates of accommodation, mires continue to thicken indefinitely with increasing
are stressed and eventually inundated by clastics or

accommodation rates.
standing water (as discussed in the previous sec- Other workers have observed similar classes of
tion); preservation also decreases. A few isolated coal distributions that have been attributed to


Figure 4—Relation
Increase in Subsidence Rate of accommodation
toward fault (subsidence) and coal
thickness, Brunner seam,
m New Zealand. Coal peaks
10 in thickness and quality
0 at intermediate values
250 m
(after Titheridge, 1993).

High Ash Low Ash High Ash Carb. Mudrock


Channel Belt Crevasse Splays Flood Basin - Lake Paleosol

Bohacs and Suter 1619

all of these workers generally attribute the ulti-

mate control of coal distribution to autocyclic
processes and not to the more general control of
accommodation due to both autocyclic and allo-
cyclic processes.

Thickness and Geometry of Peats Within One

Accommodation Cycle

Combining all these processes helps us under-

stand how peat thickness and geometry may vary
through one cycle of accommodation. Figure 6
illustrates the changes in peat thickness and
geometry expected during a cycle of low to high
to low accommodation rates. Note that the upper
cur ve is a cycle of aggradation rate, the first
derivative or rate of change of the position of
base level. Mires should respond mainly to rate of
change and not be as sensitive to the direction of
change, so we predict symmetrical pairs of thickness-
geometry attributes throughout the cycle. Table 3
describes the nature of coal occurrence during
each portion of the accommodation cycle, rela-
tive rates, and ke y processes. Note that the
accommodation rates are nondimensional and are
scaled to the peat production rate; thus, these
relations should apply to any mire or setting. We
Figure 5—Control of accommodation rate on coal
derived the numbers in Figure 3 by assuming an
thickness, Permian Patchawarra Formation, central active clastic depositional system that fills any
Australia (after Wehr and Johnstone, 1990, personal “leftover” accommodation to regional base level
communication). of deposition, which is the defining assumption
of nonmarine base level of deposition (Powell,
1875; Barrell, 1917; Twenhofel, 1939; Wheeler,
1964). For example, the upper limit of peat for-
various causes. Ferm (1974) recognized three typi- mation is set by the definition of peat as contain-
cal coal distributions—relatively thin but ing less than 25% mineral matter. Substituting this
widespread, thick but lenticular, and thin and value into equation 4 indicates that the upper
erratically distributed—which he related to deposi- limit of peat production occurs when the ratio of
tion in various deltaic depositional environments. accommodation to peat production equals 1.18.
Horne et al. (1978) and Ferm and Staub (1984), As ever, the exact timing of peat formation and
among others, also noted the importance of opti- the nature of peat accumulation during an accom-
mum balance. Horne et al. (1978) suggested the modation cycle are functions of the local f lora,
site of thickest coal occurrence is a transition zone climate, physiographic setting, and so on.
between the lower and upper delta plain. Ferm
and Staub (1984, p. 275) suggested that “The sites
of maximum peat accumulation appear to be deli-
cately balanced between areas which are topo- EXAMPLES
graphically low and…those which are topographi-
cally too ‘high.’” They remarked that topography We highlight four examples of coal distribution
appears to be controlled by sediment compaction within a sequence framework: the Rock Springs
and contemporaneous faulting, both of which are Formation (Cretaceous, Wyoming), the Ferron
important components of accommodation (as Sandstone (Cretaceous, Utah), the Illawarra Coal
noted in terms 2 and 3 in the right side of equation Measures (Per mian, New South Wales), and
2). The work of Ferm and Staub (1984), along with the Mississippi delta (Holocene, Louisiana). These
that of their colleagues in the Appalachian plateau, are just a few of many examples that span var-
underscores the strong control of local accommo- ious tectonic and climatic settings from the
dation on coal thickness and continuity. However, Carboniferous to the Holocene.
1620 Distribution of Coaly Rocks

Figure 6—Relation of rate of change of base level to coal thickness and geometry for a given peat production rate.

Rock Springs Formation: Lowstand to coastal-plain streams and mires, through wave-
Highstand Systems Tracts and river-dominated shorelines, to a shallow-
marine shelf.
The Rocks Springs Formation accumulated dur- The lower sequence is informally termed the
ing the Campanian at about 48°N in a warm- no. 1 sequence because it encloses the Rock
temperate climate (Hendricks, 1981; Levey, 1981; Springs no. 1 coal seam (Beauboeuf et al., 1995).
Beauboeuf et al., 1995). The upper portion of the This sequence comprises an aggradational stack of
Rock Springs Formation (Figure 7) contains the two parasequences, a retrogradational stack of two
no. 1 and Brooks-McCourt depositional sequences parasequences, and an aggradational to prograda-
having significant coal seams. Coals are moderate- tional stack of three parasequences. Together, they
ly bright, high-volatile bituminous C, ranging from constitute a complete depositional sequence: low-
1 to 4 m thick in a zone 5–27 km wide behind stand, transgressive, and highstand systems tracts.
their contemporary shorelines (Levey, 1981). The The occurrence and distribution of coals are
strata accumulated in a foreland basin that was strongly tied to the shoreline-stacking patterns.
tectonically active during deposition (Devlin et Table 4 and Figure 8 detail the distribution of coals
al., 1994). Depositional environments ranged from within the no. 1 sequence. A relatively thick and
Bohacs and Suter 1621

Table 3. Relation of Accommodation and Coal Thickness

Rate Acc/PPR* Coal Thickness Coal Geometry Processes
Negative or ~0.5 No significant coal Restricted, Low or falling groundwater table;
low increase (0.5 m) isolated oxidation and degradation of
organic matter; extensive erosion
and channel amalgamation
Low to moderate ~1.0 Relatively thin to Widespread, Peat** accumulation exceeds
increase moderately thick continuous local capacity, so mire
(1–3 m) (100s of km2) spreads out under relatively
stable conditions and rising
water table
Moderate to high ~1.18 Thick to very thick Relatively restricted; Peat accumulated matched or
increase (3 m) relatively isolated slightly exceeded by
to isolated accommodation, so mire grows
(100 km2) vertically in place
High to very high ~1.53† Relatively thin Restricted, scattered Organic matter is immediately
increase (~1 m) buried and greatly diluted by
Very high increase 1.53 No significant coals Possible scattered Clastic input dominates system;
plant fragments no mires formed
*Acc/PPR = accommodation/peat production rate.
**Peat, by definition, contains more than 75% carbon on a dry basis (ASTM, 1989).
†Coaly mudrocks show fundamental changes in geochemical character and behavior at ~25–30% organic-matter content.

widespread coal occurs at the top of the lowstand; The upper sequence is composed of the
thin, discontinuous coals are in the transgressive sys- Brooks sandstone, Coulson shale, and McCourt
tems tract; and relatively thick but isolated coals form sandstone members. In the area of the cross sec-
in the basal highstand systems tract. tion, this upper sequence contains three major

Figure 7—The upper portion of the Cretaceous Rock Springs Formation contains two major depositional sequences
with significant coal seams: no. 1 and Brooks-McCourt. The best developed and most widespread coals occur at the
top of the lowstand systems tracts. Stratigraphic cross section is along east side of Rock Springs uplift, southwest-
ern Wyoming.
1622 Distribution of Coaly Rocks

Table 4. Sequence Stratigraphic Distribution of Paralic Coaly Rocks

Parasequence Coastal Plain Coaly Rock Coaly Rock Organic

Systems Tract Stacking Sedimentation Thickness Geometry Preservation

Late highstand, Strongly progradational, Amalgamated channels, No significant Restricted, Minimal

lowstand fan, bypass and erosional subaerial exposure coals (≤0.5 m) isolated
early lowstand wedge truncation

Middle to late Moderately Valley fill, low to Relatively thin Widespread, Moderately
lowstand wedge aggradational moderate overbank to moderately continuous good
flow thick (1–3 m) (100s of km2)

Late lowstand to Strongly aggradational Frequent overbank Thick to very Relatively Good to
early transgressive to moderately flow, floodplain thick (≥3 m) scattered excellent
retrogradational aggradation

Middle Strongly Frequent overbank Relatively thin Restricted, Moderate to

transgressive retrogradational flow, ponding, some (≤1 m) scattered poor;
erosion by retreating potentially
shoreface high sulfur
Late transgressive Slightly retrogradational Frequent overbank Thick to very Relatively Good to
to early highstand to strongly aggradational flow, floodplain thick (≥3 m) restricted; excellent
aggradation relatively
isolated to
(≤100 km2)

Early to middle Aggradational Moderate overbank Relatively thin Widespread, Moderately

highstand flow, floodplain to moderately continuous good
aggradation, soil thick (100+ km2)
formation (1–3 m)

parasequences, one each in the lowstand, trans- In the Emery coalfield of central Utah are five signifi-
gressive, and highstand systems tracts. The most cant seams of moderately bright to moderately dull,
widespread, moderately thick Rock Springs no. 3 high-volatile bituminous C coal, ranging from 1 to 10
coal zone occurs at the top of the Brooks sand- m thick, in zones 6–25 km wide behind contempora-
stone, at the change in stacking from aggradational neous shorelines (Doelling, 1972; Ryer, 1981, 1984).
to retrogradational just beneath the major flooding Distributions of coal similar to those in the Rock
surface interpreted as the top of the lowstand sys- Springs Formation occur in analogous positions in
tems tract. Locally thick, but isolated, coals are the Ferron Sandstone, illustrated here in Figure 9.
found behind the shoreline of the retrogradational Ryer’s (1981) maps of the extent and thickness of
parasequence (transgressive systems tract). Thin, the coals associated with the Ferron’s river-domi-
isolated, generally dull, and poorly preserved coals nated parasequences clearly showed the controls
occur behind the strongly progradational parase- of accommodation. No significant coals are associ-
quence at the top of the package (highstand sys- ated with the strongly progradational stack of
tems tract). parasequences at the base of the unit, just above
the major sequence boundary we interpret to be
there. The superjacent weakly progradational
Ferron Sandstone: Lowstand to Transgressive parasequence contains relatively thin, but continu-
Systems Tracts ous, coal (seam A, Figure 9). The overlying strongly
aggradational stack of parasequences corresponds
The coals in the Ferron Sandstone member of the to seams that increase in thickness but decrease in
Mancos Shale accumulated during the late Turonian lateral extent (seams C, G, I, Figure 9). This stack
in a foreland basin at about 46°N in a warm-temperate culminates in the thickest seam (I), which occurs
climate on a river- to wave-dominated delta plain in what we interpret as the top of the lowstand
(Cotter, 1976; Ryer, 1981, 1984; Thompson, 1985). wedge, just as the parasequences begin to stack
Bohacs and Suter 1623

Early Highstand (Bowman, 1970; McMinn, 1985; Arditto, 1992).

100 Figure 10 shows the upper portion of the Illawarra
Coal that contains three complete depositional
% of Systems Tract

sequences with both well-developed, widespread
60 coals and thin, dirty, discontinuous coals. Coal
40 seams vary from generally bright to rather dull, and
range in thickness from 1 to 12 m, covering up to
3000 km2 (Bunny, 1972).
0 Sequence boundaries are erosion surfaces over-
lain by sharp-based coarse to pebbly sandstones in
<-Sea Land-> fining-upward packages, representing basinward
Coal Mudrock
~20 km shifts of fluvial/estuarine environments (Arditto,
1992). Widespread, uniform coals up to 12 m thick
Transgressive occur above the fining-upward packages and below
100 the first superjacent coarsening-upward packages
(parasequences), and are interpreted to have
% of Systems Tract

formed within the upper lowstand and basal trans-
gressive systems tracts. Very little coal is associated
40 with retrogradationally stacked shoreline parase-
20 quences, and was probably deposited within mid-
dle transgressive systems tracts. The midsequence
downlap surface is placed at the change from ret-
rogradational to progradational parasequence stack-
<-Sea Coal Mudrock Land-> ing. Only thin, discontinuous, and dirty coals are
found within the progradationally stacked parase-
Late Lowstand quences interpreted as the highstand systems tracts.
% of Systems Tract


60 Mississippi Delta: Late Transgressive to Early

Highstand Systems Tracts

20 The Mississippi delta accumulated significant

0 peat beds during the Holocene on a passive margin

at about 30°N in a warm-temperate climate on a

river-dominated delta plain (Fisk, 1958; Frazier and
Core Holes/Measured Sections Osanik, 1969). The peat beds range from 1 to 4 m
<-Sea Coal Mudrock Land-> thick across a zone up to 60 km wide (Kosters and
Suter, 1993).
Figure 8—Lateral distributions of coals within the no. 1 Sediments of the Teche, St. Bernard, and La-
Rock Springs depositional sequence. The late lowstand fourche complexes of the Holocene Mississippi
contains relatively thick and widespread coals; the delta were deposited around the transition from
transgressive systems tract holds thin, discontinuous
coals; and the early highstand contains relatively thick
retrogradation to progradation. Marine reworking
but isolated coals. of distributary sands of retrogradational delta
complexes formed backstepping shorelines.
The youngest and most landward of these, the
retrogradationally. The next-younger seam (J) is dis- “Teche shoreline,” overlies the Teche complex.
tinctly thinner and associated with marked retrograda- This shoreline represents maximum transgression.
tion (basal transgressive systems tract). No significant Subsequently, younger highstand delta lobes of the
coals are found in the strongly retrogradational stack Lafourche complex prograded the delta plain.
of parasequences at the top of the Ferron unit in this (Progradation and abandonment of a single delta
area (middle transgressive systems tract). lobe creates a parasequence. Related groups of
delta lobes (that is, a delta complex) can be consid-
ered a parasequence set. Stacking patterns of delta
Illawarra Coal Measures: Middle to Late complexes classify them into systems tracts.)
Transgressive Systems Tracts Figure 11 illustrates the occurrence, thickness,
and distribution of peats in this setting. Only scat-
The Illawarra Coal accumulated during the Late tered, thin, high-ash peats occur in the strongly ret-
Permian at about 60°S in a cool, humid climate rogradational Teche delta complex (Figure 12).
1624 Distribution of Coaly Rocks






5 Early
J Coal (PS1)
0 TST Blue Gate Shale
Mid ps7
10 TST
I Coal (PS4) Early J ps6
Total Coal Thickness (m)

I ps5

0 G

Late Late
5 LST TST ps4

Ferron Ss
G Coal (PS3)
0 ps3
5 Mid A
C Coal-n (PS2) LST ps2
5 LST Early LST
A Coal (PS1) ps1
-15 km -10 -5 0 5 km 10 Tununk Shale ~10 m
Distance from Updip Shoreline Pinch-Out ~10 km
<-Land Sea->

Figure 9—Stratal stacking in the Ferron Sandstone member of the Cretaceous Mancos Shale, Emery coalfield, Utah.
The occurrence and distribution of coals are strongly tied to shoreline-stacking patterns. Coals change from rela-
tively thin and widespread, through thick and isolated, to thin and discontinuous as the system evolves under
increasing accommodation.

Open-bay sediments dominate the upper part of conditions, organic productivity balances accom-
this complex, attesting to very high accommoda- modation, allowing peat accumulation.
tion rates within its delta-plain environments. In summary, we, along with others (see the refer-
Relatively thick peats of high organic content are ences cited in the introduction), observe that the
found landward of the shoreline of maximum thickest and most extensive coals are associated
transgression, just above the change from ret- with aggradational to slightly retrogradational
rogradation to progradation (upper transgressive parasequence sets in both the lowstand and the
to basal highstand systems tracts). Slowly rising highstand systems tracts. Coals are also well devel-
relative sea level created accommodation and oped on a larger scale in aggradational sequence
resulted in discharge of nutrient-rich groundwater sets [see, for example, observations in Ryer (1984)
within the delta plain. This created favorable con- and in Beeson (1984)].
ditions for producing and preserving high-quality
organic facies as hypautochthonous f lotants
(Kosters and Suter, 1993). Thin, organic-poor sedi- PREDICTING COAL OCCURRENCE AND
ments are accumulating currently within the GEOMETRY WITHIN A SEQUENCE
progradationally stacked parasequences of the STRATIGRAPHIC FRAMEWORK
LaFourche complex (highstand systems tract).
Fresh water and nutrients from groundwater are Having considered how changes in accommoda-
discharged into the Gulf of Mexico, forcing forma- tion inf luence the occurrence, thickness, and
tion of brackish and salt-marsh environments unfa- geometr y of peats, we can now examine how
vorable to peat accumulation. Active highstand accommodation in paralic settings relates to rela-
delta complexes, the Plaquemines-Moder n tive sea level and propose a model for the distribu-
(Birdfoot delta) and Atchafalaya, are all salt-marsh tion of coals within a depositional sequence. This
dominated (Kosters and Suter, 1993). Neither tie of accommodation to relative sea level is best
complex has significant quantities of in-situ peat, revealed by the stacking patterns of shoreline
although numerous occurrences of drift peats, or parasequences, which record the same net combi-
“coffee ground” beaches, attest to continuing nation of subsidence, base level, and sediment
high-organic productivity. accumulation that controls peat accumulation. To
The Mississippi delta demonstrates that high-qual- complete the tie to paralic mires, we also must
ity organic facies can accumulate in temperate envi- consider the effect of sea level on the base level of
ronments even in high-sediment-yield systems. the mire, the groundwater table. The resultant
However, the best organic facies occur away from sequence stratigraphic model must account for the
active sediment input and tidal exchange. Barataria integrated effects of changing relative sea level on
basin peats accumulated in fresh marsh settings on the nearshore and paralic environments to explain
an abandoned delta complex, landward of the shore- the occurrence of coals in this setting.
line of maximum transgression in a zone of ground- The stacking patterns of parasequences depend
water discharge. Here, under these depositional on the ratio of sediment accumulation rates to
Bohacs and Suter 1625

Figure 10—Distribution of
coals within the upper
Illawarra Coal Measures,
Sydney basin, Australia.
Coals are best developed
and most widespread
at the top of aggradational
packages, just below
significant retrogradation,
which is interpreted to be
at the top of the lowstand
systems tract (well logs
from Arditto, 1992).

accommodation rates (Jervey, 1988; Van Wagoner et develop; however, this ratio controls parasequence
al., 1990; Soreghan and Dickinson, 1994). Sediment stacking. The control of this ratio on the stacking of
accumulation rates vary significantly among deposi- shoreline parasequences that inf luence paralic

tional systems and change as depositional sequences coaly settings is shown in Figure 13. This figure also

ppi R iver
Alluvial ssi
Mis s i New Orleans
af Lac Des

al Allemands
30˚ aR N
r Ba
Mi Lake
ssi Salvador
6 iR
ive 0 20
r 3 km
2 Bay
o uL
Gulf of Mexico 5 Peat Thickness

1 0 - 300 cm

29˚ 4
300 -> 400 cm Barataria
92˚ 91˚ 90˚ 89˚ Intrabasinal Prodelta Mud
1 Maringouin Lake Borgne Fault
2 Teche
3 St. Bernard Teche Shoreline Gulf of Mexico
4 Lafourche 0 30 60
Pleistocene km
5 Plaquemine - Balize
6 Atchafalaya

Figure 11—Location map of Mississippi River delta-plain complexes and isopachous map of peat in the Barataria
basin, Louisiana (after Kosters and Suter, 1993).





Distribution of Coaly Rocks

Strike Strike
Gulf of Mexico



Rangea cuneata 6m
Lac des Allemands Lake Salvador Bayou Perot
Borgne Fault
Teche Shoreline Grand Isle
(B) PS2 Peat

PS1 PS2 Clastics
PS1 Clastics PS2
PS1 Peat TST 6m
TST Coastal Plain
Coastal Plain
0 50 100 130 km

(A) (B)

Open Water Peat/Carbonaceous Mud
True Peat (75% organic matter)

Delta Plain Clastics
Organic-Rich Material (35-75% OM) Transition Bed
Channels and Crevasses Shoreline Sandstone
Basin Fill/Overbank Max. Flooding Surface
Open Bay Flooding Surface
Barrier Island

Figure 12—Lithofacies and sequence stratigraphic interpretation cross section of the Teche, Saint Bernard, and
LaFourche delta-plain complexes (after Kosters and Suter, 1993). Significant peat deposition is associated with
aggradational parasequence stacking in the late transgressive to early highstand systems tracts.

illustrates the postulated tie between accommoda-

tion at the shoreline and coal thickness and geometry.
Integrating the controls on peat accumulation
with accommodation as recorded by the shoreline
parasequences, we postulate a tie to relative sea
level. This allows us to discuss the implications for
the distribution of paralic coaly rocks within a
cycle of relative change of sea level; that is, one
depositional sequence. The proposed model of the
distribution of coaly rocks within a depositional
sequence (one cycle of relative change of sea level)
is outlined in the following paragraphs and illustrat-
ed in Figures 14, 15, and Table 5.
Falling sea level (late highstand to early low-
stand, part 1 on the base-level curve on Figure 14)
promotes rapid shoreline progradation, incision,
and amalgamation of fluvial systems forming the
sequence boundary and lowstand systems tract.
Significant f luvial accumulation may begin in
incised valleys. Coaly organic-rich rocks are
absent to very thin, isolated, and poorly preserved
because of falling groundwater tables, oxidation, Figure 13—Link between shoreline-stacking patterns
and subaerial erosion. During the deposition of and paralic coal geometries, which are both governed
lowstand wedges (parts 2 and 3 on the base-level by the amount of accommodation relative to sediment
curve), rising sea level and groundwater tables, supply.

, ,

Bohacs and Suter 1627

, ,
Figure 14—Occurrence
and distribution of paralic
coals within a depositional
sequence. This is a
representative depositional
sequence with moderate
subsidence, slowly varying

6 sediment supply, and
TS average rates of change
of sea level.

Fluvial Channel
Floodplain DLS
3 (mfs)
Coal 2

Nearshore Sandstone
Offshore Mudstone
5 6
1 4 Base Level

2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6

stable fluvial channels, and coastal-plain aggrada- Our generalized inferences about shoreline evolu-
tion lead to relatively thick, continuous, and moder- tion and sediment supply are based on glacio-
ately well-preserved coaly organic-rich rocks. These eustatic processes that clearly were important dur-
become thicker and more isolated during contin- ing the Permian–Carboniferous and the Tertiary,
ued sea level rise, until accommodation increases major times of coal accumulation (Dalrymple et al.,
more rapidly and shorelines translate landward 1992; Suter, 1994; Willis and Behrensmeyer, 1994).
(part 4 of the base-level curve). Mires become Specific morphologies and environments of indi-
restricted and scattered; increased overbank flow vidual systems vary greatly depending upon local
and clastic sedimentation is not conducive to organic conditions, but within an overall sequence frame-
deposition, whereas rapidly rising groundwater work, we can predict general shoreline and coastal-
tables and saltwater wedges may drown the coastal plain response to eustatic fluctuations. For exam-
plain, forming lakes and bays. Shoreface erosion hin- ple, barrier islands and estuaries are common
ders preservation of those organic facies that are depositional environments within transgressive
deposited. After the transgressive maximum, less- systems tracts, whereas falling sea level enhances
ened rates of sea level and groundwater-table rise shoreline regression and promotes fluvial incision
combine with greater stability of the paralic envi- (e.g., Dalrymple et al., 1992). Obviously, climate is
ronments to allow establishment, production, and an important factor, and we consider it in our dis-
preservation of relatively thick, relatively isolated cussions on groundwater. Wanless and Shepard
coaly organic-rich facies and overall aggradation of (1936) and Heckel (1995), among others, dis-
the coastal plain during the early highstand (part 5 cussed possible ties between climate and eustasy
of the base-level curve). Stable groundwater tables for Carboniferous coal-forming settings.
and fluvial systems result in thinner and more con- The behavior of the groundwater system on the
tinuous organic facies through mid-highstand (part coastal plain is the major control on the initiation,
6 base-level curve), until relative fall of sea level ter- location, and development of mires. The main con-
minates the cycle. trols on the location of the groundwater table in a
With this general model in mind, we now dis- coastal phreatic aquifer are topography, precipita-
cuss some of the important processes that influ- tion/evaporation ratio, permeability structure of the
ence the accumulation of coaly organic-rich rocks aquifer, sea level, and the location of the under-
within different portions of a depositional ground saltwater wedge (Freeze and Cherry, 1979).
sequence: groundwater response to changing sea Where local relief is negligible, as on a construction-
level, shoreline evolution, and sediment supply. al coastal plain, only single regional groundwater

Late Highstand Transgressive

5 6 5 6
High High
1 4 1 4
Base Level Base Level
2 3 Low 2 3 Low
Peat Zone
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Bay Valley)

al Delta
Flo od Tid Inlet lta
Tidal al De
on Ebb Tid
Lago r Island


t Co

E me
2 3

Coaly organic-rich rocks are absent to very thin, isolated, and poor- Coaly organic-rich rocks tend to be relatively thin, restricted, and
ly preserved because groundwater table falls as the sea and subsur- scattered; the rapidly rising groundwater table due to rising sea


face salt wedge withdraw, fluvial systems incise, channels amalga- level and advancing subsurface salt wedge may drown the mire
mate, and because nonchannel facies are minimally preserved. On and form ponds or lakes. Near the coast, the mire may be sub-
the coastal plain, there is also widespread subærial exposure, exten- merged beneath brackish or salt water, elevating sulfur content.
sive soil formation, and very infrequent overbank flow of low inten- Also, accumulation of peat on initial and rapid transgressions is
sity. discontinuous and scattered due to the detailed kinematics of a

Middle Lowstand Early Highstand

5 6 5 6
High High
1 4 1 4 Base Level
Base Level
2 3 Low 2 3 Low

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Peat Zone

Peat Zone

TS 5

2 3
2 1 (mfs)


Coaly organic-rich rocks tend to be relatively thin to relatively Coaly organic-rich rocks tend to be thick to very thick, relatively
thick, continuous, and moderately well preserved because of rising isolated, and well preserved because the rate of rise of water table

, ,  
groundwater table (due to rising sea level and advancing subsurface slows to a rate that can be balanced by peat accumulation. High
salt wedge), stable fluvial channels, and enhanced preservation of groundwater table and stable fluvial channels enhance mire estab-
overbank environments. lishment, production, and preservation. On the coastal plain, fre-
quent overbank flow of high intensity spreads abundant fine-grain-
ed clastic sediments. Fluvial avulsion is common and coastal plain
streams form in abandoned trunk streams and at drainage divides.

Late Lowstand Middle Highstand

5 6 5 6
High High
1 4 Base Level 1 4 Base Level
2 3 Low 2 3 Low

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6

Peat Zone

Peat Zone


2 3
2 3 (mfs)


Coaly organic-rich rocks tend to be thick to very thick, relatively Coaly organic-rich rocks tend to be relatively thin to relatively
isolated, and well preserved because of continued rising ground- thick, continuous, and moderately well preserved because the
water table, stable fluvial channels, and enhanced vertical accretion groundwater table stabilizes at relatively high levels, rising only
and preservation of overbank facies. slowly, at rates equal to or slightly less than peat accumulation rate.
Stable fluvial channels restrict clastic input. Mires may shift lateral-
ly to continue vigorous growth.

Figure 15—Proposed model of the distribution of paralic coaly rocks within a depositional sequence.
Bohacs and Suter 1629

Table 5. Distribution of Coals in the Rock Springs Formation

Systems Coal Coal Coal

Parasequence Tract Occurrence Thickness Distribution
1 Early-middle lowstand Locally present <0.5 m Widely scattered, isolated
2 Late lowstand Present Thin to relatively Very widespread and
thick (1–4 m) continuous (6 × 27 km)
3 Transgressive Locally present Thin (<1 m) Isolated, discontinuous
4 Transgressive Locally present Thin (<1 m) Isolated, discontinuous
5 Early highstand Present Thin to thick Isolated thicks,
(1–3 m) discontinuous (5 × 8 km)
6 Early highstand Present Thin to thick Isolated thicks,
(1–3 m) discontinuous (5 × 8 km)
7 Late highstand Locally present Thin (0.5–1 m) Widely scattered

systems develop, graded to sea level (e.g., Back, Partridge, 1982; Roberts and McCabe, 1992; data in
1966). Indeed, one defining attribute of paralic Frenzel, 1983).
environments is their hydrologic connection to the Figure 16B illustrates the effects of a 5-m relative
sea (Diessel, 1992). Lowlands and valleys tend to rise of sea level in a representative coastal aquifer.
be discharge areas, providing beneficent conditions Rising sea level pushes the interface between salt
for mire growth. and fresh water landward and upward, reestablish-
Within an unconfined coastal aquifer, given ing a water-table profile adjusted to the new bound-
these considerations, one can calculate the shapes ary conditions. This effect propagates landward
of the freshwater/saltwater interface and the free throughout the coastal aquifer to its updip limit or
surface of the groundwater table (Rumer and Shiau, the first regional groundwater divide, but with
1968; Verrujiat, 1968). These equations yield decreasing amplitude. The newly established water
insights not only into the distribution of the water table is at or near the ground surface 20–30 km far-
table, but also into the major controls on its shape ther inland. This distance is in accord with field
and location. These mathematical relations also observations made on numerous modern coastal
enable us to calculate the effects of changing sea plains (Back, 1966; Meng and Harsh, 1988; Krause
level on the coastal groundwater regime. and Randolph, 1989; Meisler, 1989; Zapecza,
The shape of the free surface of the groundwater 1989). Thus, we postulate that relative rises of sea
table in a heterogeneous (anisotropic) coastal level affect accommodation and the accumulation
aquifer is a segment of a parabola of the form of peats at least 40 km inland. This range of influ-
(Freeze and Cherry, 1979) ence of rising sea level on coastal-plain mires is
documented by many workers (Table 6 lists repre-
 βQ  sentative examples; see also the list in Frenzel,
z 2 = −2 x 1983). Of course, local topography and precipita-
 λK z 1 + β ) 
tion/evaporation ratios modify the regional ground-
water flow calculated with equation 6. The local
topographic effects on a constructional coastal
where z = elevation of water table (0 = sea level), plain, however, should be minimal, and conditions
β = relative density of groundwater and sea water should be generally favorable for mire growth with
[(ρ sw – ρ fw )/ρ fw = 0.03)], Q = groundwater dis- slowly rising sea level.
charge, λ = anisotropy ratio of aquifer, horizontal to In stark contrast, lowered sea level rapidly draws
vertical conductivity [≡ (Kx /Kz)1/2], and Kz = verti- down the coastal aquifer and flattens and lowers
cal hydraulic conductivity. the groundwater table (Dunham, 1969; Wilson,
Figure 16A shows the form of the water table for 1975; Meisler et al., 1984). These effects tend to
a representative coastal aquifer (data from U.S. mid- restrict areas of subaerial groundwater discharge
Atlantic coast in Meisler et al., 1984). Note that the and move them seaward. The net effect of a sea
groundwater table is at or very near the ground sur- level fall is to restrict the occurrence and robust-
face, with a net upward flow in a zone approxi- ness of coastal-plain mires and decrease accommo-
mately 35 km wide behind the mainland shoreline dation, diminishing the likelihood of accumulating
(“bayline”). This is the zone that responds most significant peat deposits.
rapidly to changes in sea level and groundwater The effects of falling sea level are diagrammed in
flow. We also observe that coals are commonly best Figure 17. The relations governing this case require
developed in this zone behind the shoreline (e.g., the consideration of the full Navier-Stokes flow
1630 Distribution of Coaly Rocks

Figure 16—Groundwater
table in representative
constructional coastal
plain: (A) base case (data
from Meisler et al., 1984);
(B) effect of 5-m rise of
sea level on representative
groundwater table.
Note effects propagate far
inland, with a 3.5-m rise of
the water table 50 km from
the shore.

equations; these relations somewhat resist analyti- been recognized in carbonate terranes (Fischer,
cal solutions, but are readily solved with numerical 1964; Dunham, 1969; Wilson, 1975).
methods (Meisler et al., 1984). A sea level fall of Shoreline evolution and changes in sediment
approximately 30 m on the mid-Atlantic coastal supply and distribution during sequence deposi-
plain results in discharge of fresh water through tion also strongly influence coal distribution. In
the upper continental slope about 125 km seaward paralic settings, the base of a coal is commonly not
of the shoreline. Meisler et al. (1984) also reported physically correlative with a f looding surface
the presence of a significant freshwater wedge in (parasequence boundary) (e.g., Diessel, 1992).
the strata beneath the continental shelf of the mid- Although the inception of the mire reflects a rise of
Atlantic Bight. This widespread effect of falling sea the groundwater table in response to the beginning
level is characteristic of most coastal-plain and rise of sea level, peat begins accumulating before
nearshore systems. The pronounced effects of sea the actual landward translation of the shoreline that
level fall on the groundwater system have long forms the physical flooding surface, because any

Table 6. Inland Influence of Sea Level Rise on Mires

Distance Inland Location Gradient Age Reference

30–100 km South Florida, 0.004° Holocene Spackman et al. (1966)
Shark River (7.5 × 10–5)
75–130 km Rhine-Meuse delta, ~0.0035° Holocene Törnqvist (1993)
Netherlands (3.3 × 10–5 to
8.9 × 10–5)
24–36 km Ahlen-Falkenberger — Holocene Schneekloth (1970)
Moor, northwest
15–36 km Altcar Moss, — Holocene Tooley (1976)
west Lancashire,
~40 km Río Negro, Río — Pleistocene and Auer (1965)
Chubut, Patagonia Holocene
65 km Kaiparowits Plateau, — Late Cretaceous Shanley (1991)
Bohacs and Suter 1631

Delaware Atlantic
Continental Shelf Slope
1 Mainland Beach
River City SW NE
40 Level
20 40 A Fresh
A 0
2000' B

4000' 0 25 mi
0 40 km 2 Initial Rise = Marsh Rim
Vertical Exaggeration x 40 SW NE

A Simulated Interface between salt & Fresh Water (Run A & Run B)
0 Line of Equipotentiometric Head for Run B N

Figure 17—Effects of falling sea level on groundwater 3 Continued Rise = Marsh Platform
table. This figure shows the results of numerical models SW NE
run to estimate the intrusion of fresh water into the con-
tinental shelf with a 15.25-m fall in sea level (after
Meisler et al., 1984).

4 Continued Rise = Marsh Fringe, Open Bays

finite sediment supply can outpace sea level rise for SW NE
a while, with the shoreline aggrading some before
transgressing. Also, the time of active shoreline
movement landward, the actual formation of the N

flooding surface, does not support coal formation.

The depositional system seaward of the shoreline is 5 Continued Rise = Marsh & Barrier Rollback
starved of clastics because those same clastics are
being stored on the coastal plain (Loutit et al.,
1988), and such an influx is incompatible with con-
tinued coal formation. Thus, as a practical matter, a N

marine f looding surface is generally physically

traceable to and carried at the top of the coal in
Figure 18—Effects of rapid transgression on paralic peat
this setting. accumulation. The detailed kinematics of a transgres-
Similarly, middle transgressive systems tracts usu- sion force the mire to migrate frequently. The mire has
ally do not contain thick or widespread paralic insufficient time to establish and accumulate significant
coals because depositional conditions are not sta- volumes of peat; hence, peat accumulation is discontin-
ble for sufficiently long periods, mire locations shift uous and scattered (after Oertel et al., 1992).
rapidly, and abundant clastic sediment is trapped in
the lower coastal plain. Coastal mires and accumu-
lation of peat develop discontinuously on initial Ferland, 1987); therefore, the traditionally expected
and rapid transgressions (e.g., Kraft, 1971; Sanders continuous basal peat layer on a transgression may
and Kumar, 1975; Rampino and Sanders, 1981; actually be relatively uncommon.
Belknap and Kraft, 1985; Finkelstein and Ferland, Also, during the deposition of the middle trans-
1987; Finkelstein and Kearney, 1988). This patchy gressive systems tract, overbank flows tend to be
distribution is inherent in the detailed kinematics frequent, and ponding and flood-plain aggradation
of a transgression. The initial flooding proceeds up are widespread. This storage of fines on the
stream valleys, whose thalwegs actually may be coastal plain is what starves the shelf of terrige-
deepened by tidal currents, and eventually up onto nous sedimentation, generating the midsequence
interfluves (Figure 18). Coastal fluvial systems may condensed section (Loutit et al., 1988). The rapid
adjust to rapidly rising base level by developing transgression and updip ef fects should also
decreased sinuosity (Schumm, 1993) and enhance the formation of hydromorphic soils
increased thalweg depth scoured by enhanced (Wright and Marriott, 1993). Hence, any thin
tidal currents (Oertel et al., 1992). The trans- coals that form probably would contain large
gressed topography is generally uneven, and amounts of mineral matter and numerous splits.
marshes first colonize steep estuarine banks and Widespread mires become established only when
then the broad interf luvial f lats at succeeding the rate of accommodation increase caused by the
times in the transgression, never occupying the transgression decreases into the range of achiev-
same area for very long (see discussion in Oertel et able peat production rates about the time of rela-
al., 1992). Even the type of mire may change dur- tive stillstands late in the transgressive systems
ing the course of the transgression (Finkelstein and tract (see Kosters and Suter, 1993).
1632 Distribution of Coaly Rocks

Figure 19—For a given peat production rate, the occurrence of paralic coals may vary significantly due to the local rate
of change of accommodation. Lower accommodation rates favor initiation of mires earlier in the lowstand systems
tract and later termination in the highstand systems tract. Higher accommodation rates would delay initiation of
mires and, at very high rates, may prevent widespread peat accumulation, even in the transgressive systems tract.

Variations on the Model tract and a later termination of mires in the high-
stand systems tract because of the timing of bal-
Having considered what the distribution of ance between accommodation and peat produc-
coals would be in a “typical” sequence (one tion (Figure 19). For the same reason, lower
formed under moderate subsidence and sediment subsidence rates delay initiation of mires and, at
supply), we can discuss common variations on ver y low rates, may prevent widespread peat
the sequence-scale model. These variations arise accumulation, even in the transgressive systems
because the occurrence and distribution of coaly tract.
organic-rich rocks are the result of the interaction Peat-forming ecosystems require sufficient
of many nonlinear processes with complex feed- time to establish and to accumulate organic mat-
back relations. The rate and relative strength of ter (see collateral discussions in Shanley and
these processes vary as a depositional sequence McCabe, 1994). If accommodation varies quickly
develops. [For example, see discussions of non- enough, no peat may accumulate, as in the
linear nature of vegetation changes in Smith high-frequency sequences of the lower Sego
(1965), or of fluvial systems in Wescott (1993).] Sandstone of Colorado (A. Jennsen and J. Van
The systems that produce coals are also sensitive Wagoner, 1993, personal communication). A pop-
to local conditions; thus, numerous local excep- ular rule of thumb is that it takes 5000 yr to form
tions of different kinds may occur. 1 m of bituminous coal (e.g., Stach et al., 1982).
The different phases of coal development are If environments shift more rapidly, little peat will
assigned to systems tracts based on relative accumulate.
changes of sea level; that is, with subsidence fac- The combined effects of subsidence and sedi-
tored in. The tie of phases to eustatic sea level ment supply may favor selective preservation of
depends upon the local subsidence regime (see certain systems tracts during deposition of suc-
Jervey, 1988). Higher subsidence rates favor initi- ceeding sequences. Relatively low values tend to
ation of mires earlier in the lowstand systems preserve mostly incised-valley and transgressive
Bohacs and Suter 1633

Figure 20—Sequence stacking

within composite sequences
and their relation to coal
accumulation. Coals tend to
develop best in sequence sets with
stacking that is aggradational to
slightly retrogradational because
the rates of accommodation and
peat production balance for the
longest time.

systems tracts, as seen in the Miocene of south- Occurrence and Distribution of Paralic
central Louisiana (Van Wagoner et al., 1990). Peats/Coals Within Sequence Sets and
Highstand coals are particularly prone to this sub- Supersequences
sequent modification, both from falling ground-
water tables during late highstand and from ero- The same relations that govern the occurrence
sion during the ensuing fall of base level. and distribution of coals at the sequence scale
Climate differences also affect the distribution appear to operate at the larger stratigraphic scales
of coals. Conditions may be conducive to peat of the sequence set and composite sequence (or
growth only during short portions of deposition supersequence; see Mitchum and Van Wagoner,
of the sequence, or not at all. Thus, there are 1991). Within a composite sequence, coals tend
sequences with appropriate accommodation to be best developed in sequence sets with stack-
rates and shoreline-stacking patterns that contain ing that is aggradational to slightly retrogradation-
no significant coals because the prevailing cli- al. These are the sequence sets wherein the rates
mate was adverse. In contrast, the high peat- of accommodation and peat production balance
production rates in tropical areas may overwhelm for the greatest amount of time (see Figure 20).
changes in accommodation and accumulate peats Two examples with contrasting long-term
throughout much of the sequence; indeed, entire accommodation trends illustrate this concept.
depositional sequences in some areas may be The first, the Latrobe Group (Gippsland basin,
exclusively coal (cf. Boyd and Diessel, 1995; Australia) demonstrates an overall increase in
Diessel et al., 1995). accommodation in a Cretaceous–Paleogene rift-
Note that this sequence stratigraphic model sag basin (Figure 21). Coals are best developed in
strictly applies only to coals in paralic environ- sequences that stack aggradationally to slightly
ments, those settings hydrologically connected retrogradationally, with depositional shelf breaks
to the sea, which can extend more than 75 km that show net movements in the range of 5.3
inland (see Table 6). The general controls of km/m.y. landward to 0.25 km/m.y. seaward. One
accommodation on peat accumulation discussed consequence of the overall retrogradation within
in the first section should apply to all environ- the composite sequence is the preferential
ments, but the specific timing of peat accumula- preservation of early to middle highstand coals
tion with respect to systems tracts may vary (see within the updip section.
the discussion in Diessel, 1992). Figure 5 pre- The second example, the Blackhawk Formation
sents an example of a completely nonmarine set- (Book Cliffs, Utah) illustrates an overall decrease
ting that illustrates analogous inf luence of in accommodation in a Cretaceous foreland basin
accommodation. (Figures 22, 23). Each member of the Blackhawk
1634 Distribution of Coaly Rocks


L CHATTIAN P.turberculatus
30 30

36 UPPER N.asperus

40 39.4 39.5

M LOWER N.asperus
49 P.asperopolus
50 50.5
M M.diversus
52.5 L
54 UPPER L.balmei

60 60.2 LOWER L.balmei
66.5 66.5
UPPER T.longus
L 68

74 73.5


84 83.75
E 88 SANTONIAN T.apoxyexinus
89 0 10 SHELF
90 M TURONIAN P.mawsonii BREAK
L 92.5 km
E 96 96

Figure 21—Retrogradational stacking of sequences in the Cretaceous–Paleogene Latrobe Group, Australia (after M.
Sloan, Esso Australia). Coals are best developed and most widespread within sequences that stack aggradationally to
slightly retrogradationally.

Formation generally corresponds to a deposition- Thus, we see that the concepts of balancing
al sequence within a highstand sequence set (see accommodation rate with peat production rate pro-
discussions in Taylor and Lovell, 1991; Howell et vide a framework for predicting the occurrence and
al., 1995). Coals are thick and well developed distribution of paralic coals at both the depositional
within the early, mainly aggradational, portion of sequence and supersequence scales. At larger scales
the sequence set from the Spring Canyon to of change, the tectonic component of accommoda-
Kenilworth members. The coals increase in later- tion becomes increasingly important, and basin
al extent and continuity as the overall accommo- architecture and subsidence history significantly
dation decreases through the Sunnyside member. affect coal distribution. In predicting coal distribu-
Coals become thin to absent in the strongly tion at this scale, one must consider the lateral distri-
progradational latest portion of the sequence set, bution of subsidence, as well as its temporal varia-
from the Grassy to Desert members. The changes tion. Map patterns of subsidence typical of rift, sag,
in coal distribution are mirrored in the degree of foreland, or other basin types also are important to
development of the sequence boundaries in the consider, as are local subsidence histories.
same interval, ref lecting the same decreasing
rates of accommodation: obscure to poor in the
Spring Canyon and Aberdeen, moderate in the CONCLUSIONS
Kenilworth and Sunnyside, and good to excellent
in the Grassy to Castlegate (J. Van Wagoner, 1994, The concepts presented in this paper can be
personal communication). An analogous pattern used to construct practical tools to locate terrige-
of sequence stacking, sequence boundary devel- nous organic-rich rocks, evaluate their hydrocarbon
opment, and coal distribution can be seen in sim- source potentials, and map and predict their
ilar age rocks in Wyoming, in the Rock Springs extents and volumes. The occurrence, distribu-
Formation (Devlin et al., 1994; Beauboeuf et al., tion, and character of coals vary systematically as a
1995). function of the relative rates of peat production





Price River Canyon
Price River
Bohacs and Suter

Green River
Horse Canyon


Castlegate Buck Tongue
Sequence B Desert Desert
oundary Grassy

Coal-Bearing Rocks



Spring Canyon Member
Point SS

Mancos Shale Mancos Shale


Storrs Tongue

Panther Tongue

Progradational Stacking Aggradational Stacking Retrogradational Stacking Coastal Plain Coal Rooted Zone Major Transgression

Figure 22—Aggradational to progradational stacking of sequences in the Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation,

Utah (after Young, 1955). Coals are best developed within sequences that stack aggradationally to slightly
progradationally. The most widespread coal (Sunnyside) occurs at the change in stacking from aggradational to

and accommodation change. Accommodation likely balance. The sequence stratigraphic model
changes predictably throughout a depositional and its paleogeographic components also indicate
sequence; hence, the distribution of coals may be most likely areas and intervals of coal accumula-
predicted within a sequence stratigraphic frame- tion. Hydrocarbon source potential depends upon
work. The thickest, most isolated coals occur in organic preservation, so it is possible to use the
upper lowstand and basal transgressive systems sequence stratigraphic and paleogeographic con-
tracts; the most continuous coals are found in middle cepts herein to estimate coal character and source
lowstand and middle highstand systems tracts; and potential. The model also provides insights for
minimal, very isolated coals are found in basal low- mapping and extrapolating the extent of paralic
stand, middle transgressive, and upper highstand sys- coals and coaly rocks through its combination of
tems tracts. Thickest coals typically correspond to subsidence analysis, paleogeography, and sequence
best conditions for organic preservation, and com- stratigraphy.
monly have enhanced petroleum source potential. Finally, we recognize that mires are complex and
One may devise methods for predicting coal sensitive dynamic systems. This model is intended
occurrence in frontier areas using climate as a to aid in constructing a stratigraphic framework
proxy for peat production rate, combined with within which to consider and explain the myriad
subsidence analysis to highlight times and areas of complexities of coal occurrence and distribution.
1636 Distribution of Coaly Rocks

Figure 23—Schematic
representation of parasequence
and sequence stacking patterns
in the Cretaceous Blackhawk
Formation, Utah. Note close
relation of sequence stacking
to parasequence extent and coal

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Kevin M. Bohacs John R. Suter

Kevin M. Bohacs is a sedimentol- John R. Suter is a senior research
ogist and stratigrapher with the scientist with the predictive stratig-
Petroleum Geochemistry section of raphy group of the integrated inter-
Exxon Production Research (EPR). pretation center of Conoco, Inc., in
He received his B.Sc.(Honors) in Houston, Texas. Suter obtained
geology from the University of bachelor’s and master’s degrees in
Connecticut in 1976 and his Sc.D. geology from the University of
in experimental sedimentology Texas at Austin, and a Ph.D. in geol-
from Massachusetts Institute of ogy from Louisiana State University.
Technology in 1981. At EPR, he Suter has worked as a marine geolo-
leads the application of sequence gist for the U.S. Geological Survey
stratigraphy to organic-rich rocks, from the deep sea to and the Louisiana Geological Survey, and as a research
swamps and lakes, in basins around the world. He has geologist for Exxon Production Research. He has pub-
written numerous papers on source rock stratigraphy. lished extensively on clastic facies and sequence stratigra-
phy. Suter was awarded the SEPM Excellence of
Presentation Award in 1986 and 1987, the GCAGS Best
Published Paper Award in 1989, Best of AAPG for SEG in
1985, and the AAPG Jules Braunstein Award in 1986 and
1995. Currently, he works on the application of sequence
stratigraphy to exploration and production problems on
Conoco holdings worldwide.

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