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First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His showers of blessings
throughout my research work to complete the research successfully.

I would like to express my deep and sincere gratitude to my lecture for giving me the
opportunity to do complete this assignment and providing invaluable guidance throughout this
research. Her dynamism, vision, sincerity and motivation have deeply inspired me.

I am extremely grateful to my parents for their love, prayers, caring and sacrifices for educating
and preparing me for my future. I am very much thankful to my husband and my daughters for
their love, understanding, prayers and continuing support to complete this research work.

Besides that, I would like to thank all the parents who had willingly spent they time during the
interview session. I am very happy for them to support me in order to complete this assignment.

Also I express my thanks to my sisters, brother, sister in law and brother in laws for their support
and valuable prayers. My special thanks goes to my friend as well for the keen interest shown to
complete this assignment successfully.



















In order to have the most positive impact on the academic and wellness outcomes of
students, it is imperative that schools and communities work together through a collaborative and
comprehensive approach. Community partners can help schools prepare students for college,
career, and citizenship by offering additional opportunities, supports, and enrichment for young
people. Strong school–community partnerships are essential for a world-class, 21st century
education, and more and more communities across the country are creating such partnerships

For the past decade the 21st Century Community Learning Centers initiative has asked
schools to work in partnership with community- and faith-based organizations to support
children’s learning during the hours after school and during the summertime. Consequently,
there has been tremendous growth across the nation in intentional efforts to forge meaningful
partnerships between schools and afterschool and summer programs. 

Increasingly, the field is recognizing that these partnerships are essential to efforts to
expand when, where, how, and what students learn (Little, 2011). This article begins with an
overview of the benefits of school-community partnerships to students, schools, and community
organizations. It then examines the role of partnerships in the 21st Century Community Learning
Centers initiative, reviewing national data on the numbers and kinds of partners that 21st Century
Community Learning Centers nationwide are engaging with to support student success. The
article concludes with a discussion of four features of effective learning partnerships.

Partnering with parents in early childhood education allows children to see important
people in their lives working together. When children see positive interactions between parents
and educators, they begin to understand the importance of building healthy relationships.


 When schools and community organizations work together to support learning, everyone
benefits. Partnerships can serve to strengthen, support, and even transform individual partners,
resulting in improved program quality, more efficient use of resources, and better alignment of
goals and curricula (Harvard Family Research Project, 2010). 

First and foremost, learning partnerships can support student outcomes (see, for example,
Little, Wimer, & Weiss, 2008). For example, the Massachusetts Afterschool Research Study
found that afterschool programs with stronger relationships with school teachers and principals
were more successful at improving students’ homework completion, homework effort, positive
behavior, and initiative. This may be because positive relationships with schools can foster high
quality, engaging, and challenging activities, along with promoting staff engagement (Miller,

Benefit to the students and families

In addition to supporting student learning directly, partnerships can have additional

benefits to students and their families. They can provide continuity of services across the day and
year, easing school transitions and promoting improved attendance in after school programs.
Besides that, facilitate access to a range of learning opportunities and developmental supports,
providing opportunities for students and teachers alike to experiment with new approaches to
teaching and learning. They can also facilitate information sharing about specific students to best
support individual learning; and provide family members with alternative entry points into the
school day to support their student’s learning.

Benefit to the schools

Learning partnerships can also greatly benefit schools. They can complement the
academic curriculum with a wider range of services and activities, particularly enrichment and
arts activities that may not available during the school day. Besides that, they can support
transitions across the school years, particularly the critical middle to high school transition,
which research indicates is a key predictor of high school graduation (Neild, Balfanz, & Herzog,

Other than that, they can reinforce concepts taught in school without replicating the
school day, often exposing classroom teachers working in the after school program to new
pedagogies. Next, thay can improve school culture and community image through exhibitions
and performances that help “shine the light” on students whose talents may not be apparent in the
classroom; and gain access to mentors, afterschool staff, and other resources to support in‐school
learning and improve the teaching and learning in the classroom itself. Finally, learning
partnerships with schools can strengthen and support community partners.

They can also help gain access to and recruit groups of students most in need of support
services and improve program quality and staff engagement, particularly when there is crossover
between school and community organization staff. Besides that, they can foster better alignment
of programming to support a shared vision for learning, one which aligns curriculum to support
state and local standards; and maximize resource use such as facilities, staff, data, and


 There is emerging consensus on an inter-related set of features that help promote 
sustain healthy school-community partnerships (Harvard Family Research 
Project, 2010):

A shared vision for learning and developmental outcomes for students. This vision
acknowledges the critical, complementary roles of schools, community partners, and families. A
shared vision also helps partners avoid working against each other and instead pursue a common
vision of student success. When school leaders embrace a vision for student success that
considers students’ physical, emotional, and social well-being in addition to academic outcomes,
the partnership is more likely to be successful than when competing agendas operate during the
expanded learning day.

A diverse set of partners with effective communications mechanisms and relationships

among multiple staff at multiple levels. Strong and sustainable partnerships need relationships
that are built at multiple levels (for example, at the district, school, and classroom levels) and
among multiple school staff, including district and nonteaching staff. Working with partners at
different levels helps the afterschool and summer programs become integral to the daily life and
culture of the school at all levels, from the principal to the custodian. In addition, relationships at
various levels can help mitigate the effects of staff turnover at other levels; for example, strong
relationships with teachers can help sustain the partnership in the event of a change in principals.

Intentionally blended staffing with role clarity to promote understanding of how the work
is relevant to all. For afterschool and summer programs, this means hiring staff who have
legitimacy in the school building and who are skilled at building relationships with school staff.
Some programs do this by hiring licensed teachers, people who “speak the same language” as
school-day teachers, can substitute and consult in classrooms, and can participate in professional
development activities. Hiring licensed teachers who also teach at a host school facilitates
information sharing and forges connections with other teachers who might not otherwise make
time for “outside” programs or services. Blended staffing may also mean a liaison who serves an
important bridging function between the school and the afterschool or summer program.

Clear data-sharing processes and agreements. One feature of a strong collaboration is the
ability of partners to access information and data from each other, including, if possible, student-
level academic data (e.g., test scores and grades). Afterschool and summer programs can use
these data both to track and strengthen student performance and to demonstrate the impact of
their services. In addition to getting data from schools, some programs provide their own data to
schools to promote reciprocal data sharing. 

As efforts to expand learning opportunities and time continue to grow under a variety of
approaches and models—whether afterschool, summer learning, expanded or extended learning
day or year, or out-of-school time—it is important that all these efforts build on the strong base
of effective partnerships already present among schools and afterschool and summer programs,
capitalizing in particular on the rich history of partnerships advanced by 21st Century
Community Learning Centers.

Parents know their children and understand their specific needs better than you
can.Encouraging parents to share their knowledge can help create a more rewarding environment
for a child by giving you a ‘bigger picture’ of their needs.


As the old African proverb says, "It takes a village to raise a child." One could imagine
then that it would take a community to raise a school. We can't rely on local, state, or federal
governments to take ownership of the issues we face locally. We need to work as a community to
nurture our schools for our particular community needs.

I believe the answer to real education/school transformation is strong, authentic

community connections and actions. When families, community groups, business and schools
band together to support learning, young people achieve more in school, stay in school longer,
and enjoy the experience more.

Great examples of school/community partnerships are happening all over the world. We
need more of them, and we need to ensure they are healthy and relevant to the needs of 21st
century learners.To lift up and raise our schools to a place that suits all 21st century learners,
help needs to come from many parts of the community. The leading roles should be alternated
according to the need and focus of the particular aspect of the transformation project.

` If we respect each other and acknowledge our unique contribution, we can move forward
quickly in a positive environment where we can all be teachers and learners. I'm approaching this
post from an inclusive, design-focused view, and I put to you ideas that target and engage the
four main players I believe can make all the difference in transforming our schools and
curriculum today: students, parents, seniors/grandparents and local businesses.

As early childhood educators relationships are at the heart of everything we do.

Genuine, positive relationships with children, families and each other are essential if we want to
achieve positive outcomes. When we think about relationships it is usually relationships with
children that spring to mind. But the relationships and partnerships that we build with families
are just as important.




The outdoor environment plan

The greater awareness of the value of involving parents prompted them to invite parents
to participate in the planning with them. They saw this as “another way to open the doors and
have this ideal input”. Five parents were interviewed in order to know their point of view about
the involvement of the community in kindergarten activity. Parents contributed, often linking
ideas from their own childhood to the kinds of things they would like for their children:

Views of outcomes from the parents and teachers thought that communication about
children’s learning became more reciprocal, with parents contributing to planning for their
child’s learning and coming to view themselves as educators too. There seemed to be greater
respect and valuing between the parties, and enhanced parental confidence.

A stronger sense of community and willingness for parents and staff to have fun together
was described by the head teacher. One event was a farewell party for a child turning five, who
had been at the centre for three years.

Two parents said they used the information about the daily experiences to plan their
afternoons and nights with their children, for example how much sleep the child needed. Three
parents commented on their wish to be updated on any new things the child does, but were very
satisfied with what they were told:

The parent saw the roles of teachers and parents as complementary:

At the end of the interview session, the five parents who filled in the survey were
generally very positive about having outdoor activities in order to enhance the
communications and relationships with between the community and the kindergarten.


For child care and school professionals working with parents, sharing information is a
great way to set up a partnership. Interaction between teachers and parents can help with a
child’s development and wellbeing. The way this interaction happens has a major impact on how
parents relate to me as a teacher and to my organisation.

A good initial message to parents is that teachers know children as individuals and are
interested in them. When talking with parents, I told them about what the school or child care
service does and why. I talk about my approach and what I hope to do for their child. It’s a good
idea to begin by asking parents some basic questions and these are some of the questions I asked
and discussed with them:

 What are the child’s interests, strengths, likes and dislikes?

 How would parents like to be kept informed about their child and day-to-day

 What kind of information might parents like to support them?

 In what ways do parents think they might like to be involved?

 What are parents hoping to get from the school or service?

Below are the outcomes of the parents point of view:

“I want their teacher to bring the kids for a field trip. We all have memories of those
teachers who organize field trip for their kids. I want my son’s school to facilitate
creativity and independence within a supportive and nurturing environment” Mrs.
Manikam, mother to Sharmendran.

“As my son starts school I think it is important that as parents we know feel that the school
is able to create and safe environment, in more ways than one.” Mrs. Jayathi, mother to
“I want my children to enjoy school and to hopefully see that enjoyment when they come
home. I like to be kept in the loop so that I can follow up at home” Mr. Muniandy, father
to Raaj.

“For me the best idea is to bring the kids out as they can learn and explore many thing out
there. Teachers also can make learning fun. When I hear my daughter spontaneously sing
the maths song to the tune of ice ice baby it really makes me smile and I know good things
are happening in the classroom. I want our daughter’s teacher to keep us informed about
her progress and where we can support and continue learning outside” Mrs. Thilaga,
mother to Sanjeeve

“I want my children to enjoy their studies with creative teaching especially teachers bring
them for an outings”Mrs. Rani mother to Sathish.

Field trips help students interact with what they are learning. The experience goes beyond
reading about a concept; students are able to see it, manipulate it or participate in it physically.
Students are able to see elements with their eyes rather than reading about it and believing what
they are told because it's in print. For an example, visiting a farm and milking a real cow is much
more powerful than reading about milking a cow.

Field trips provide entertainment for students. They often serve as a powerful motivator
for students, stirring up excitement as the trip nears. Breaking away from the routine provides
kids with a refresher that might make them more focused back in the classroom. Learning and
fun make a great combination. Field trips are considered fun, but the children learn as well,
whether they realize it or not.



One parent suggested that the programme should be written at the beginning of each
term. This was followed with ideas of example “books” that would track the emerging
curriculum in an area of interest or topic, and make the planning process explicit, for example
tracking a group of children’s interests, or the development of schema or series of schema.
Parents also asked for more one-to-one time with teachers to discuss their own child’s learning
with staff.

Promoting community involvement begins with an awareness of what resources exist at

local, regional and national levels. It is, therefore, up to each setting to have a range of
information available on the amenities, services and opportunities available that can be used to
support and complement the goals and objectives of the service.

Making this information available to staff, parents and other adults within the setting
should be done through a variety of media; bulletin boards, newsletters, parents booklets, e-mail,
information sharing sessions within the setting, outings, participation in community events, and
so forth. It is equally important that this awareness raising is a two-way process, and that the
local community is made aware of the activities and services that particular settings contribute to
supporting children and families. Again, this should be achieved through newsletters, websites,
information meetings and connection with the local media.

Parents and staff regarded the compulsory parent help as a way of connecting families
and the crèche. They valued having different ways to communicate about children’s learning,
including verbal feedback, portfolios, curriculum evenings, and displays of curriculum plans.
There was interest from both parents and staff in extending collaboration between parents and
staff to support children’s learning.


Parents and teachers had common views about what is important in communication and
relationships, what practices contributed to helping parents feel welcome and comfortable, and
the value of parents and teachers collaborating in the interests of children’s learning. Both parties
identified the importance of open communication, warmth, and respect. They highlighted
specific practices that contribute to making the crèche a welcoming place: “settling practices”,
staff members being rostered to greet and farewell children and parents; and parent involvement
in lunchtime interactions, where parents have a seat behind their children and join in

Parents wanted to know why staff did things the way they did, and there was a lively
discussion when the supervisor explained that the crèche worked from children’s interests and
strengths, rather than from identifying gaps or deficits. One father said he wanted his child to
improve at the things she wasn’t good at, and thought these “deficits” needed to be the focus of
teaching. Some parents did not understand the “emergent curriculum log”. They thought their
ability to be involved in this aspect of planning could be improved if the planning was explained
better in relation to children’s experiences.

Parents enjoyed seeing the video of children. In informal conversation a parent

commented on the experience of videoing the children herself. She said that “just looking
through the eye of the video made her see things” she would not have noticed because it
provided a focus and blocked out distractions.

Many children don't get to experience the typical field trip locations with their families. A
school trip gives students the opportunity to experience new venues. Because of money
constraints or lack of resources, not all parents are able to take their kids to zoos, museums and
other field trip destinations. While field trips take a great deal of work and energy, broadening
the horizons of the students is worth it.


 Harvard Family Research Project. (2010). Partnerships for learning: Promising practices
in integrating school and out-of-school time program supports. Retrieved from

 Little, P. (2011). Expanded learning opportunities in Washington state: Pathways to
student success. Retrieved from

 Little, P., Wimer, C., & Weiss, H. (2008). Afterschool programs in the 21st century:
Their potential and what it takes to achieve it (Issues and Opportunities in Out-of-School
Time Evaluation No. 10). Retrieved from

 Manhattan Strategy Group. (2011). High school promising practices project for the 21st
Century Community Learning Centers program, Addendum 1. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Education.

 Miller, B. M. (2005). Pathways to success for youth: What counts in after-school.
Retrieved from United Way of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley website:

 Neild, R. C., Balfanz, R., & Herzog, L. (2007). An early warning system. Educational
Leadership, 65(2), 28–33.



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