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Clays and Clay Minerals, 1971, Vol. 19, pp. 115-119. Pergamon Press.

Printed in Great Britain


(Received 8 August 1970)

Abstract-This paper documents the first report of flint clay in Mexico, located at Estola, Guerrero,
199 km south of Mexico City, on Mexico Highway 95. It is the first report (known to the writers) of
flint clay formed by hydrothermal alteration. It describes the in-situ alteration of a calcareous, silty
shale to flint clay (well-ordered kaolinite).
The changes during alteration are mineralogical, chemical, and structural. Calcite, comprising
about one-third of the shale, quartz and probably some feldspar comprising a scant third, and a mix-
ture of greenish-yellow (limonitic) clay minerals are dissolved or altered ultimately to white kaolinite
(monomineralic). Calcium carbonate, free and combined silica, and iron compounds are dissolved,
while simultaneously the alumina is relatively enriched. The fissility, inequigraularity, and cementitous
fabric of shale are changed to the massively homogeneous, finegrained, interlocking fabric that is
typical of flint clay.
The sequence of changes, which overlap, are; (1) dissolution of carbonate minerals, (2) mobility
of iron, replacement of quartz and feldspar by kaolinite; and (3) intensive "digestion" of rock substance
to homogeneous, essentially monomineralic, kaolinite flint clay. Alunite, and secondary vein-calcite
or gypsum may accompany the flint clay.
This occurrence lends support to the concent that flint clay is formed from presumably only
sedimentary parent rock.

INTRODUCTION N - S direction, and about 30-50 meters E - W . The

REFRACTORY clay deposits of hydrothermal origin thickness of the clay beneath is indeterminate from
in Mexico have been reported heretofore exclu- surface exposures.
sively from the alteration of "primary-mineral" The country rock of the nearby region is the
rocks, such as those in volcanic flows, pyroclastic Cretaceous Moreios Formation composed of
bodies, or schist (Keller and Hanson, 1969). calcareous shale and medium-bedded muddy silt-
Recently discovered flint clay developed by hydro- stones. Strong deformation occurred in the region
thermal alteration of sedimentary rock, a cal- before the flint-clay alteration took place, and post-
careous, silty shale containing about one-third clay faulting likewise has been observed with the
calcium carbonate, adds another genetic variety deposit. This locality is part of the N - S regional
and correspondingly new geochemical reactions structural grain of this part of Guerrero. The shale
to those previously studied. layers exposed at the margins of the flint-clay
deposit range in attitude from nearly horizontal to
FIELD OCCURRENCE strongly dipping, and are jumbled in what appears
to be a highly disturbed and brecciated fault zone in
The clay deposit occurs at the small settlement
the north part of the deposit.
of Estola, Guerrero, just outisde the south limits
of Tonalapa, at kilometer-post 199 on Mexico
Highway No. 95 leading toward Acapulco from LITHOLOGY OF THE SHALE
Mexico City. It has been exposed in part in a stream The fresh shale, sample No. l, collected near the
bluff 10 m high, cut at the outside of a meander. south margin of the clay deposit, is light yellowish
Back from the cliff, hydrothermally altered, iron- to greenish gray, matching the color group "21-c-d-
oxide-rich surficial clay extends some I00 meters in e" of the Goldman-Merwin sedimentary-rock color
chart, or 5Y-7/2 7/6 8/4 of the N R C Rock-Color
*Refractarios A. P. Green, S. A., Mexico, D. F., and Chart. Proximate grain analyses of three shale
?University of Missouri-Columbia:~ samples, collected within the area of clay deposits
$ Present address: University of South Florida, Tampa, were made by dissolving them in 6N HC1, washing
Florida 33620. out the excess acid, and then separating them by
116 R . F . HANSON and W. D. KELLER

sedimentation into coarse silt, and fine silt and clay The most obvious visual change is structural.
fractions. The two clastic fractions were weighed, The fissile, inequigranular, cementitious, yellowish
and the acid soluble amount determined by differ- gray-green shale becomes, at maximum alteration,
ence. Most o f the acid-soluble material is calcite, a massive, homogeneous, very fine-grained, slightly
but gypsum, which is sporadically present, and off white clay that fractures conchoidally. Inter-
minor clay and iron oxide also would be dissolved. mediate between these end members, the fissility
Analyses are expressed in wt. %. becomes progressively less sharp on the outcrop
(resembling deteriorating resolution and poor focus
Proximate analysis of shales under a microscope) grading into massive clay
layers separated by fewer, newly developed
Shale No. 1 No. 7 No. 13 partings. The color, in going from shale to flint clay
changes from yellowish gray-green, through
Acid soluble 33 33 30 reddening or deepening brown, thence to dark to
Coarse Silt 40 21 25 purplish red or dark gray, and ultimately to off-
Fine silt-clay 27 46 45 white. Iron oxide rich rock commonly outlines the
margins of the clay b o d y - a typical relationship in
other Mexican hydrothermal refractory clay
In thin sections of shale No. 1, the carbonate deposits. Indeed, mobilization of iron by dissolu-
minerals are seen to be in clay to silt-size crystals, tion, and redeposition of part of it as an oxide is an
Fig. 1. The 21 1 X-ray diffraction peak of the calcite almost universal early-stage reaction during hydro-
shows essentially no shift, indicating very little Mg thermal formation of kaolin deposits in Mexico
in solid solution. Quartz particles range in size from (Keller and Hanson, 1969).
essentially clay up to 0.12 mm in c r o s s - s e c t i o n - Mineral changes accompanying the loss of fissility
the 0.05 mm diameter size is common; they are from the shale are dissolution of calcite, selective
typically sub-angular and moderate in sphericity enrichment of quartz, and increased abundance of
and some of them consist of interlocking aggregates. disseminated red iron oxide, Fig. 2. Chlorite is not
Much of the quartz is strongly undulatory, as if it indicated in the X-ray diffractogram of No. 2 and
may have been derived from metamorphic rocks. may have been removed with calcite, but illite and
Judging from the 2 per cent of K20 in the analysis especially kaolinite are more abundant than in
of the shale, analysis No. 1, it is expected that some sample No. 1. Although red iron-oxide is vastly
of the clouded fragmental particles showing more abundant in sample No. 2 than in No. 1, total
undulatory extinction may be K-feldspar. On the iron is shown by the analyses (Nos. 1 and 2, in
other hand, K-feldspar was not abundantly present Table 1) to be lower in 2 than in No. 1. This rela-
in refractive-index, oil-immersion mounts studied tionship probably means that iron occurs mainly
under the microscope. K-mica, or illite, may account
for most of the KzO. Table 1. Analyses of shale and clay at Estota
The clay-mineral portion of the shale appears to
be uniformly and finely distributed throughout the 1* 2T 3r 4w
rock, producing mainly a clouded or dusted appear-
ance in thin section. Where the shale was acid- SiO2 42"07 65"40 66"89 45"94
treated in the laboratory, the clay was dispersed in AlzOz 14"23 18'57 20"66 37'83
Fe2Oa 7.35 3-23 0.49 0.10
the suspension and settled out as yellowish clay- TiO2 0.17 0.31 0.35 0.06
to silt-size flocs. X-ray diffractograms indicate that MgO 3.38 0.41 0-17 none
kaolinite makes up two-thirds to three-fourths of CaO 13.50 0-46 0.22 0-07
the clay fraction, the remainder being chlorite and Na~O 0-34 0-5I 0-48 0.5l
illite (mixed-layered toward the larger d-spacing K~O 2-29 2.83 1.95 0.08
side) in approximately equal proportions. P205 0-21 0.33 0-22 0-16
SO4 0-06 0.21 0.83 0.12
THE H Y D R O T H E R M A L A L T E R A T I O N CO4 9.95
H20 + 6.45 7.70 7.65 15.12
A t margins of the Estola clay deposit, alteration
or transition zones between apparently unchanged 100.00 99.96 99.91 99-99
shale to flint clay may range in width from 2 - 4 m,
as observed in the present (July, 1970) exposures *Fresh shale.
of the deposit. The changes effected during altera- TAltered shale at stage where calcite has been
tion, although not occurring separately, may be removed.
discussed conveniently as structural, mineralogical, ~Semi-plastic clay.
and chemical. w flint clay.
Fig. 1. Photograph of 0.1 g samples of 2# Volcla~ (left) and Otay (right) montmorillonites
after spray-freezing and freeze-drying.

If+ 2 l~h~+t,,glup)~ ol" fibroLl~ ", ,:',Icl,t~. m o n t m o r i l l , . , n l t e ;+croget o b t a i n e d frt+m a 1 wk+,'

uJH\ .-,t+', pt+H1~it+ l+t
Fig. 3. Photomicrograph of thin scction of semi-plastic clay, crossed polars. Dark back-
ground is mainly kaolinite. I ,ight areas are quartz, and flakes of illite in sub-parallel orientation
akmg the diagonal of the picture. Same scale as other phoi:os,

ig. 4. Photonliclogr~tph oi lhi!/ ~ccIiorl oi lcddixh-iHiicd. ~qliceoH,, /lint clair, ,,ample No, 4.
c~os'~ed polar,, I hc hrl~h~ ,poi', ~ e q H i t l t / ,,i][ ,=t',fin,, rcpre,en'dr~g possible relic g~ains and
SOCOTtd;tl 1]\ dcpo~ilcd ~ilica. %,m]e ~calc ',1~olher photos.

in No. 1 as chlorite and some pyrite which were other fluxing elements, and increase in AI.
dissolved and partially removed: the remainder was The flint clay, the end-product of alteration and
oxidized to the pigmenting oxide. highest-quality refractory clay, ranges in color
Dissolution of calcite and chlorite, and an from slightly off-white through light-reddish tinted
increase in kaolinite are likewise reflected in the clay (also first-quality material) to unacceptable
changes in chemical analyses. Analysis No. 2 shows iron-oxide-rich, flint-clay lenses interspersed within
strong decreases in Ca, CO2, Mg, Fe, and increases the best clay. The "purest" white to light-gray clay,
in Si and AI, over analysis No. 1. Much of the sample 4a, shows only well-ordered kaolinite. In
increase in the latter two is mostly by selective thin section it is characteristically featureless,
enrichment due to the removal of the calcite and typical of top-quality, fine-grained flint clay.
chlorite. Some may result, however, from kaolinite Analysis 4 compares favorably with one of first-
deposited in No. 2. quality flint clay; it approaches the ideal kaolinite
Comparisons between these specimens cannot be formula.
strictly quantitative, although they are of the right A reddish-tinted, slightly siliceous variety of the
order of magnitude, because it is uncertain that the flint clay, illustrated by Fig. 4, contains 1.69 per
sequential samples are exact stratigraphic counter- cent Fe203, and scattered quartz grains. Part of the
parts of one another. Although they were collected quartz obviously represents incompletely replaced
not more than 3 meters distant from each other, relic grains, but some may be tiny particles of
the shales and mudstones have undergone move- secondarily deposited silica. This type of "irony",
ment and possible flowage, and the loss of fissility siliceous surface clay appears to be a counterpart
during alteration makes exact correlative tracing of the silica gossans commonly present over hydro-
impossible. When the volume loss is as much as one- thermal clay deposits in Mexico.
third, the changes are likely to be extensive, but not The structural changes produced by the hydro-
easily traced in detail. thermal kaolinization of a non-clay parent rock are
Transitional between the prominent red altered striking. Argillation produces lithologically and
zone and the well-defined flint clay is a zone of the structurally isotropic clay from a parent rock
clay possessing semi-plastic to semi-flint properties, possessing contrastingly strongly developed
No. 3 and Fig. 3. Such occurrence of semi-plastic structural features, such as vesicles or flow-banding
refractory clay is unique here among Mexican in lava, pronounced foliation in schist, or fissility in
hydrothermal clay deposits. Its close association shale. These structures are completely destroyed
with true flint clay is potentially important to the by the kaolinization process. As the original rock
industrial ceramist. The position and width of this is transformed into clay it undergoes a "chemical
semi-plastic zone varies from place to place in its digestion", much as might be carried out in a vat in
enveloping halo about the flint clay for the following an industrial operation. The complete structural,
reasons. Fundamentally, this semi-plastic clay mineralogical, and chemical change that a rock
was developed rather than flint clay where less undergoes when argillized, is one of the most
chemical and mineralogical work was done on the profound of geologic processes.
parent shale by the altering solutions. The intensity
of alteration was dependent, in turn upon the com-
position of the shale which varied from bed to bed,
and on the capacity of solutions to do work which GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH FLINT
also was variable. Such a zone of semi-plastic clay, CLAY FORMS
which is a member of the flint-clay facies, may be The genesis of flint clay has long been identified
kilometers wide in sedimentary deposits but here with sedimentary processes, conditions and
it is telescoped to meters in width. environment. Identification of flint clay formed
The Estola semi-plastic clay contains kaolinite, hydrothermally, i.e. the Estola occurrence, however
quartz, and minor illite as birefringent flakes in yields inferences of the geologic conditions pre-
sub-parallel orientation, Fig. 3. Quartz is mostly vailing during its genesis, some of which are similar
unaltered, but where alteration is increased to flint to, and others different from, those under which
clay, quartz is replaced by kaolinite. sedimentary flint clay is formed. Those conditions
The chemical composition of No. 3, shown in in common to the two genetic occurrences may be
Table 1, accords with the mineralogy. The K20 necessary and sufficient for the genesis of flint clay.
resides in illite, and also possibly in alunite which, Furthermore, an additional perspective may also
although not identified in this sample, has been be brought in to the view of the problem, that of the
observed elsewhere in the deposit, and is suggested flint-like clay, but not true flint clay, which is abun-
by the SO4 in the analysis. The over-all trend in the dant in most other hydrothermal clay deposits in
rock alteration has been toward loss of iron and Mexico. At Coacoyula, (Keller and Hanson, 1969),
118 R.F. H A N S O N and W. D. KELLER

only 16 km west of Estola, a ffint-like *clay, was T h e following factors w e r e found (Keller, 1968,
f o r m e d by the hydrothermal alteration of igneous 1970) to be c o m m o n to all o c c u r r e n c e s yielding
rock. It follows that the geological conditions which sedimentary flint clay; (1) deposition in a p a l u d a i
are critical to the formations of this clay are e n v i r o n m e n t , (2) parent material was derived f r o m
obviously not the same as those critical to the sedimentary rock or an ancient soil, and (3) a period
origin of flint clay. H e n c e c o m p a r i s o n of simi- of chemical digestion and r e m o v a l of fluxing ions
larities, and contrast of differences, b e t w e e n the by surface water.
processes of the three types of clay o c c u r r e n c e s B e t w e e n the E s t o l a and C o a c o y u l a clays there
offer an opportunity to interpret the geologic con- are no o b s e r v a b l e genetic differences in clay
ditions most likely to be necessary and sufficient to minerals, clay texture, associated minerals, color,
p r o d u c e d flint clay. structure, water-table position, g e o m o r p h o l o g y ,
geologic age. T h e one striking difference b e t w e e n
*Both clays fracture to conchoidal, flint-like surfaces, the two genetic systems is that the parent rock of
and resist slaking more than do plastic clays, but beyond the Estola flint clay was sedimentary, whereas, in
these superficial similarities they are radically different. the flint-like clay deposits the parent rock was
The Coacoyula flint-like clay, typical of Mexican high- igneous.
refractory, hydrothermal clays, lacks the relatively high This is in a g r e e m e n t with the observation (Keller,
density that characterizes first-quality flint clay in both 1970) that among kaolin-containing claystones of
unfired and fired lumps. Other distinguishing properties of sedimentary rocks, flint clays w e r e shown to have
flint clay are that it matures at high firing temperature to been derived parent material with a sedimentary
a dense mat of interlocking tiny mullite needles and very
viscous glass (particularly at high temperature) and shows lineage. T h e clay deposits customarily referred to
high ceramic compatibility with plastic clays at both high as sedimentary " k a o l i n s " , on the other hand, are
and low temperature, yielding a ceramically "monolithic" typically formed by first-stage weathering of feld-
refractory. This combination of qualities presumably is spars or other primary-type silicates.
responsible for flint-clay refractories having high resist- T h e o b s e r v a t i o n that flint clay is p r e c e d e d by a
ance to thermal spalling while still retaining high density previously w e a t h e r e d sediment or sedimentary
(usually an antithetical relationship), high resistance to rock suggests that pre-conditioning by an episode
slag and metal baths, good physical strength, and high- of weathering is necessary for c o n v e r s i o n to flint
temperature load-bearing strengths. clay. It is c o n c l u d e d that the hydrothermal clay
Although it is difficult to evaluate geologically some of
at Estola owes its distinguishing flint properties to
these properties, which are indeed critically real, neces-
sary, and diagnostic, they are expressed convincingly in having been derived from parent rock that was
temperature-hours of useful refractory service. However, sedimentary.
a significant single criterion, easily available to geologists,
and demanded of good flint clay (assuming PCE, texture,
fracture, non-slaking, etc. are acceptable) is that the REFERENCES
density of the raw, lump clay after room drying be the Keller, W. D. (1968) Flint clay and a flint-clay facies:
order of 2.2 or more (and fired density also relatively Clays and Clay Minerals 16, 113-128.
high). The lump density of typical Missouri, Kentucky, Keller, W. D. (1970) Refractory clay deposits in the
or Pennsylvania flint clay, for example, ranges from 2-2- lower part of the Pennsylvanian System: U.S.
2.4. That of Estola flint clay is 2.4-2.45. On the other Geological Survey Paleotectonic Map of the Pennsyl-
hand, the density of flint-like clay derived from hydro- vanian. In press.
thermally altered Mexican volcanic rocks is commonly Keller, W. D. and Hanson, R. F. (1969) Hydrothermal
1.7-, and that of many sedimentary kaolins is from 2 argillations of volcanic pipes in limestone in Mexico:
to 1.5. Clays and Clay Minerals 17, 9-12.

Rrsumr-Cet article drcrit pour la premiere fois la mise en 6vidence de "flint-clay" au Mexique, 5_
Estola, Guerrero, 5. 199 km au sud de Mexico, sur le Mexico Highway 95. A la connaissance des
auteurs, c'est la premiere fois qu'on rapporte l'existence de "flint-clay" formre par altrration hydro-
thermale. L'article drcrit l'altrration in situ d'un calcschiste en "flint-clay" (kaolinite bien ordonnre).
Les changements qui accompagnent l'altrration sont d'ordre minrralogique, chimique et structural.
La calcite, constituant un tiers du schiste, le quartz et probablement du feldspath en constituant un peu
moins d'un tiers, et un mrlange de minrraux argileux de couleur verdS.tre 5.jaune (prrsence de limonite)
sont dissous ou altrrrs finalement en une kaolinite blanche monominrral. Du carbonate de calcium, de
la silice libre et combinre et des composrs du fer sont dissous, tandis que simultanrment l'alurnine
augmente relativement. La schistositr, l'hrtrrogrnrit6 granulom&rique et la texture de ciment du
schiste sont transformres en une texture massivement homog~ne, 5. grains fins avec interprn&ration,
qui est caractrristique du "flint-clay".
F L I N T CLAY ll9

La s6quence des transformations qui se chevauchent est la suivante; (l) dissolution des carbonates,
(2) mobilisation du fer et remplacement du quartz et du feldspath par la kaolinite, (3) "digestion"
intensive de la substance rocheuse en "flint-clay" kaolinitique homog~ne A caract~re monomin6ral.
De l'alunite et des veines de calcite secondaire ou du gypse peuvent accompagner le "flint-clay".
Le fait de rencontrer cette formation tend ~ confirmer le concept selon lequel le "flint-clay" est
probablement form6 ~ partir seulement d'une roche-m~re s6dimentaire.

K u r z r e f e r a t - I n diesem Artikel wird erstmals ~iber Schieferton in Mexiko berichtet, der in Estola,
Guerrero, 199 km siidlich von Mexico City am Mexico Highway 95 festgestellt wurde. Es ist der
erste Bericht (soweit den Autoren bekannt ist) iJber die Bildung von Schieferton durch hydrother-
mische Ver~inderung. Es wird die Ver~nderung an Ort und Stelle eines kalkigen Schlammschiefers
zu Schieferton (wohlgeordneten Kaolinit) beschrieben.
Die VorgSage w ~ r e n d der VerS~nderung sind mineralogischer, chemischer und struktureller
Art. Calcit, der etwa ein Drittel des Schiefers darstellt, Quarz und vermutlich etwas Feldspat, ein
knappes Drittel ausmachend, sowie eine Mischung von grtinlich-gelben (limonitischen) Tonmineralen
werden aufgel6st und schliesslich in weissen Kaolinit (monomineralisch) ver'~ndert. Calciumcarbonat,
freie und gebundene Kiesels~iure, sowie Eisenverbindungen, werden aufgel6st, w ~ r e n d gleich-
zeitig die Tonerde verh~ltnismSssig angereichert wird; Die Spaltbarkeit, Ungleichk6rnigkeit und das
zementartige Gef0ge des Schiefers verwandeln sich in das massiv homogene, feink6mige, ineinander-
greifende Gefiige, das flit Schiefer charakteristisch ist.
Die Folge der sich teilweise iiberschneidenden Ver~inderungsstufen ist: (1) Aufl6sung des Car-
bonatminerals, (2) Beweglichkeit des Eisens, Ersatz von Quarz und Feldspat durch Kaolinit; und (3)
intensive "Digestion" von Gesteinsubstanz zu homogenen, im wesentlichen monomineralischen,
kaolinitischen Schieferton. Der Schieferton kann von Alunit und sekundSrem Gang-Calcit oder
Gips begleitet sein.
Dieses Vorkommen bekrgftigt die Theorie, dass Schieferton aus vermutlich nur sediment~em
Muttergestein gebildet wird.

PeamMe - - CTaTb~I npc4cTaanaeT co6oi~ nepabiR OT~IeT O ~J-IHHTK~Iee MercnrH (~CTOna, Fyappepo,
199 KM ~ C C MeKCHKO-CHTRrio moccc 95). ~TO IIepBoe (HaCKOJIbKOII3BCCTHO aBTOpaM) onHcaHae
dpnnHTZnea, 06pa30aaBmeroca npa rmIpoTepManbHOM H3MeHeHHH. B CTaTbC ormcbxaacTca H3MCUC-
HHe in-s/g// H3BeCTKOBbIXH3IHCTbIXCJIaHIIeB C 06pa3OBaHHeM dpJIHHTKYIe~[(XOpOIIIO ynopnnoqeHHoro
(MOHOMHHepa.rIbHbIe arpcrarbl). Kap60naT gaYlb~HS, CBO604HbII~ H CBfl3aHHbIi~ KpeMHe3eM, coe4H-
H~IOTC~140 o6pa3oBaHH~ MaCCHBHblXI'OMOFeHHblX,TOHKO3epHHCTblXH nepec~aHBa~OlXiHxcaTeKCTyp,
THIIHtIHblX 4.r[l;l ~YIHHTKJIeg.
I-IOCYIe4OBaTe3IbHOCTb H3MeHeHHI~, ~iaCTH'mO iiepeKpI~iBaloniHx 4pyr 4pyra: (1) pacna~ rap60-
HaTHbIX MHHepaJIOB, (2) MHrpauHa )~e~e3a, 3aMeIIIeHHe K~apua H no~enoro mnaTa KaoYIHHHTOM;
(3) HHTeHCHBHOe t~nepeBapH~aHHe>> MaTepHa~a IIopo4bi 40 FOMOI~HHOFO, cyI~CCTBeHHO MOHO-
1-Ia6n~o4eH~ aBTOpOB CJW~aT 4OKa3aTeJIbCTBOM o6pa3oBaHH~ ~Y[HHTIOIe~, IIO-BtL~WMOMy,
TOnbKO 3a C~eT oca~o~-HOi~HCXO4HO~ nopo4bL

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