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P| ae tree seeing [1 Teak boekgnound 2. Tank nequiremeods 3 Tok ncinuctions Question: = O scrermny moved ite ot edo aparitien! Ginith— tana aith a triend. However, you and Yoh briend have. found some problems “Gplte a letter 1 Ine heal Sale agen Tn Your letter franc] exhaln why tye Probleme ane county you incor # Soy toned the reed _estete agency Se do | tonite atten (go wards Begin your letter an follows Deen Jone 3 Formal, —_oventng Phrare —p 1 om coniting colin regard to ~~ |__Mosing prrcre > T | 60k torwand 40 Youur response, on'this ection “pre + Tatormad OPenhg prrare —>Thave jurt received foun letter abou! Costng Pare —+ cant wait +0 coleh up! See You Seon opening Phrases := = + Tam coniting -to compiain about — + Tam canttng to express my interest tn + Tam wnttng win regard to - + Lhave dust received younteHen kod ~~ + Tuould be _habpy to take part tn + Tteel it would & qood idea to - | Glostng Prnazes: = | + T took bonwand to Youn response on Init malt ch ] + T hope -tne sttuclion wit! be resowwed ax soon 2 fofite. * Twould Wke 4o apologise again and agiure you twat j Auls cofit voy heppen inthe ficheres + toould be gnatelil if Yow could gerd me detalts absul 4uis an soon an pogstire + = Hoke to recur from Your Soon + Love te Ime fermi. Task-| Te You borrowed Some books trom your Skea on college Wi breary ° Unboriunatdy You have to go awey +o visit a sex hdative and — etrepn the booksintime + Blatter te tre library. Explain whet ha» happened taal ew them What fou count -to do about ii - | tou do not need to cenite Your oun addres, | Begin your tetter ae tenows: Déapy Set ers ee Dear cip op madam, a “Atiter taking the books out on 16 february» 1 had an urgent | Pron ne eas) thom my elderly aunt? Neigniour to say tat my aunt had & Hail and hed been taken into hospital: Tam her ony suri “Palate iris county, 503 Fett d had 40 ocd see hen “Timed ia ey Ltnavetled down te Melbourne the bono owing. | @ mornings thinning Two say bor only eco on dunce dey uf —— rar fortunately, my au mts condition hanorly inproved very Shouly> go F have had to Tey hene longer tran exbected However, [tne hotblted says tnat it all qoen Coal She ghowd be able to go c aptnnee days tine, In Cohich care T coll be bck | ab the beginning ok next eek, ry Bearing nid tne aneumgtancess T trunk Gu Gil kindy 7 © cicve engines Trat may be acc re oC eek bub cotiinotbe | @ able To hecawre You have some problems - ae Uanite a letter to youn new epiployen . tn Younletren sexplain youn situation ee: | + describe four_bpoblems broble ms = + fell hiny hep when Youwink You can steirt . = You donot need to white Your own addres; Begin Yourletter ar oows. Deor - —- os cone enntng we postifon sk Aaitdont 3 é iG Se Ser SoS ery tims | abtike Manager tnat Tam due te begin nent monday. Hower, oO prem har antren+ [Rs pucknow, T eunrenty arenk tar my unecled teod-packing Fl Reahea and ait She crnantarer hy trem inet MUR rem Bena 201 Ny witenec Lhave gained valuabre enpentence tnene-tntontunad ely 5 | he har hed 40 go Pnto hogpital bor an operations leaving my aunt fh chen; “ge. o& both the home and tne bwiness- the har aaked meyas toi % a panbeulanly puny tne ot Yeap to | stay on_and help hep oft -ine Bunning ote a jd pealtge tale Coil be frconvenient to [Analy beanmg mmm um cake up my Postiton with a> buk very much hepe, The eincunrgtamcess You evoul u two Cue ow meto coin Yous and hat 2 will be ping tute 4 ” 2 eae peer Fe hecnng Wom Go z : | eee |g tat tt U ——S— 0. 3. You Wet to seit Some O Your furntune. You think o a o __briend Yours mignt tike to buy fH trom Yous tonite a le heh to youn finend In youn letter + explain (hy Your ane selling «desenibe tne bunntture 5 osuggest adale when youn tmiend can eome and See “tne Fun "| Hou donot need to anite any addreses. 1 Tow oni Tg th Teen to let You kn tu that we wil be go a ede a ND ey oa new howe soon and tnene ane a atnings te aitnnot be able 4o take with mes The new hovre % a bit smaen sot have tosell_ some bunnitune and f wert w You migut be interested 9 tn bartiadan T want to seit my tig dining table. Do You riba Wane one wine Iihig noom7 44 aiamiacner a __| glasstop and is big enough tor gin peope: Thene ane sfx a ___| matehing ohalng 10°go axttn tt. | Tknow you have alt wat ie pupnitune Sot coud Ter you have frat a ad phiee | Fooad Patnep sell it to Youtnan _| toa Strange! | odd rg a sere Seat ee HKCh lok at mem on sunday) We wll be hene i iS have some | all day, so maybe woud logetn en « Hrento yourto compiain ° about te, drm your howreltat “Write a jetrento youn neighbouns.In Youn letter » explain tne peaons fon te nae. . nogkie. + dencnibe what action You wifi tore - | _ You donot need 40 wnlte any addhess en - |__| Begin your jeter a koyows: | Dean — - t @ Dear jaime: | t wan vay thoare Vay thcered 40 get Your letter soysing jnat tne noble trom __|_ mg Hatha been sboiting Your evenings and eauushrg Y ou sone ie diginess.Lam neatly really sopny abou Inad. Jhad no dea @ | rat You would be abe to heceh sd muchy Sot hope You cui accebt my apoiogies. | fs youmay have gitedieds ain inying to naieny Ktichen i the Sven anes et home far work Untorhuraeyy er an | jatting tongen inan eapected and T have been having probierng | tninge +o bit properly » This har meant a 101 of barging [and haimmening we Ais the Krichen ¢ SHil not Hytthed, T hawe decided To callin a cheatonal builder P @ & Youand your tention English spaying country. You dhe not cotis ishied arti 4 a some A-the hunniture» conte a letter to the tendderd - In aa letter ____*ntreduce sera a | | what aehon you ¢ aad ihc ce ee jonel need to Wwmite any addresses = Begin Jour letter a> tojirus: Dean - ~- - > mitts Tam yourtenant thom Teo Chait Road; crertaeod,, nSw-2620. We Met each Other Dhend ed the nemal AAneenient ir rere ee | 1 kavethed here ton 6 Wrontng now core Ta On iy Fo | a aan Saar TPES he Porm jemnbeh stne_| dining tabie k very Poor co mdinon and haa uneven legs .7+ does ok matehtne dining cheilné a4 there ane te be comfortat iF for a table ¢ Anat heignt. when + Hnct pointed tnt fo yor You agreed 40 provide a brand new dining set Noweners You hawe not di and paould peally ive to beso! Ive aS S00" 1 postibie fmply replace IPF mone Convenient tor Yous perhaps you could | | tre Fable by Tindhg one a cuilabie helgid | S| & Youhave recenily started wank fn a new comPany _tunite aletter to on English speaging Yor le iter sextplain why you changed Jobs. + desenibe Your new Job + ce *tell him/hep your othen news : You donot need to white any addneyes Gegin your letter av follows. Deop - — - é. Dean gamer, [There THE Tether inde You and your tantly we, and Jam sonny _|_Ahavenot been mtoucn necenty. Fam whiting Now to let yar | know about my news sob | dowrenrember tar war wepking lantnak cormnuction combopy [a Few mies ouside the cfly) wel, Tdurt gor so fed up Withit— | Nwor working recdly tong hobs ands to be honest, ine pay | | Goan not great al all. SO bapically Tappried for a gob a ot a new international aompeng -that Look tng tor odinin_ | @ stalk tor a new branch_inthe efly eenine + ware bi nerve tthe interview, but inthe end Igor | aeb ap on 2 | Tne Pay #6 better, tne eventing eto ive te efor tore ' rn ay, Thave Fe stop now becal rmecind han brow OMe se win Teves Fran OF Youtave necentty moved too ditherent howe oe white atetter to cm Engiish- specking tmend. In Your letter teaplain Why you have moved - _tderembe the new howe a + fnvite your friend fo come and visit You donot needto White Gry addnessec ee Begin youn eter ar tolious Dear qares, | _, P Sobe ants tetten tinds youand Your Thave | Tet in touch pecently.7 am uniting to let Youknow i nal ak taot we have moved to a biyser howe! | @ — Wedwr coud nor go on living inthe two-bedroom bungatea | er beeaine the TM are g ang up and Ww: que new bab i [han arrived. ¢o We started (00K ing 25K thing ted +0 ainbver ond ter iy we Tain sorry br aly here we ane in oun news hove. oe bran amy supe You Wil Nike Ht We have tree bedroonk Now, and iP & very modern kedinroom and Kiehen. The kids ane habpy | | became there! much more space witrtne big Ifuing room |_and ine genden otdside. But Nusnat i tue heppient I alt | becawe She doesnot need 10 do much decorating - t cong donot You come anouret Ahlt weekend and see what | fou tnink our new Places Lue Would all lac to See You Land iftne weather tS good we can have a banbeewe ta [the genden : | oun new address tg below. plewme Tet wiKnow Cinen Jo expect you Hope to hea tnom You Soon. Lo ——ptaniy | if tor & comPuing. You need to take: SomeHine H— @ Wer and wont to ark Your mancgen about tnt te @ letter to your mancgen. In youn jelteh | % Explain ashy You want “fo take time 4 * gine details d-4ne amount or Hme You ne | suggest now your qwork could be cavened wile You ane aury Youdnot needto white any addnestes | Begin Youn letter a hollows Tam wn’ ang init leer Fo ent Some WiPatd Teave nea rth had Ge PE | @ | My parents” got Goedding annivern) There et io aage are vei arate a whe familys and fa | @ doa Papt-hne job white You ane studying, Sogou want vik |__| Suggest onl tean could help you tind a sob _Begin you leter ar toljocus: ae ree Wing “to Study - You would Whe to | a fmiend coholmes nene tor Some help write a letter to-tnis tmend. In Youn tetten + Give detaiis of Your study prans + exblain wuy You want fo get a papt-hime Job You donot need to comte any addneste: ean a [aate tor Auotredia t% drawing neon and Tam buy corm prepapation’ » T have enpotled atan nrtfhation eaied Canberra dnciiiube & Techmiogyin Canberra tor a six-month Advanced courtes buirhines 11K quite expontice but Jem hove ful [ta ening nis Tetten Ter Yoo. Know wer My departure alert covery a ha Part-time Job -Not only are the college been nahen highs but [aho V know met Pentel accomodation fy Ine cap Med coil) not py to soy noining or tood and heoding expemes | So 1 Would Very much jike to arrange some 1e)nprnary empoynent betone ny ab piye Peer wondening Ht you could aak apound aprong your tnrers| | and Callenquer to see IF Gnione toanis_a flardener Salegman J know yuhave a wide svotal ne tevor Incanbenna o not minds T coud be gractebul. we clecnens Hou cupusd Toned veton > Goin sides shangument as T= Thesit Statement Cori Ss Topic sentence Papagrabe? Arguments 1 2.3 Z > éxampe 11 ie - > suemmmnecryseedernent ) = . 4 er > Present sxtualion 6 Sin been ade | Paragraph 3 TBR G UCR 1, 8D —_ Exomere | = curnmeny stederrent —eonetnion [= Summary Behe Mirage ee ns eee Auture statement “In many countnig-enitdnen the. engaged tr some kind a= | paid Work .some peopie pegard thisay eer j> hile ehnerg | | eomider it ar Valuable cvord expenierre, important tor learning Gnd [daking heabonibi uty What's Jour opinion on tte “Tninadie on ae Ws Ceniainty be tak many chidren do Patd wank rn Varios Parts othe world Although: Some keople think It ff benebteray, Jo-inem, ofners put andbjection by higuigiving its downsides 0 i opinion, children should caamk +o get money. Paregvabh jundaibtedly> There abe wemyrtad a reanon bor Comite 7 tend te tatik that Children ghould 4eke Some. paid wonk. AME and tehemort neanon is/ Find salty : ne go Tturination ota ts Anomer signi Band pean 6 FOP Hiutanae, ea bu mor Teas ~ | Faragrapn 3 dg a Uae ren e I aad 8 chitdnen Can erie: rom dairy Par nee a sin 7 anne ime Paid works a “| begin cot, ee Ei; Furtenmone, errs ina Ps Dt earetunton —— aoa, 1 a nutter carn be susimeantged hab Ti _t botn ton and against aniidnent participation tt 7 strongly bdieve-tnal ehiidnen ean engage tnemcelves én paul ei coork Tt necescary H- Some people congue Anak-it is better that attige P pare OF your | people attend university Othebs believe trod Wwe should ‘encourage ten pbuildery, ete. What ix ¥ opinion 9 R nation} aren prPey depends on its educated alijens. fences tH¥ very Impontant tor every elttyen to have | aecei€ to Ane hight Kind o education # edge ( academic environment _| nam universities, Social beh. manners, difefpine and so er) | gist wunmmg 3 maintenance 3b can Ht MMY high. _4:cart create difeniminahon a3 tne pooh people anne ation d Lean gin ihe Woden aionlds, Schoo ahe WO TOME eh Hecesary , pecawie tnene ig G0 WICK Information avaliable +npougn te | @ internet trey con dunt well gtudy at home. To What extend [40 You agree? Topic sentenrer— + ‘Schoo: = Te Schools provide a qood- environment top educcchon . Tene ane teachers te subervie mer They learn dfeipine 5? © ard proper beh i | R: Social skitls devdop an they Mntenact corm many tmends They _ | learn te do qnoup wonk (dircurrto Seve probierms) | 3. They take'bant in extra curieuan activites |e debate, shorty | and & on PA otemet — [_f Students get accest to global education: They ean download 4 lot & information from tne net. (computen skills devdor) Tas they can study aheneven trey wart (more trexibie) and Laney donot have tp bay tuition Fees B.They can be under panents? supenutrion+ Thene fs Jegs charre __| te get spoilt: “Fr aete The dilenence aimaig Tae Hahahs % Beeiming [eit @ evident. Byerywhene 088 See te scune tiny, tarkion and adveletize ments. To What extent lig advantcger overt e1ghing. the advantegen > Topic Semencer- Die to qlobauly ators and advaneement + [Heehnoiogies ine World nan become much smalieh. Aig 0 hells _Oll Counties have come dlorens, AE 7 T hd vamiager t= Relodionship anrerg Couninies Improve an AiWerencex anny @ ecountntes decnerine «. Knowledge about culture inenearcs . 2 communteation propiem decheare and couriimes come-tonward | te hap otmen counties i'n -h’mende needy leans he, + Made inenew ind a couniny may eann a lof stmoney. inene ces. Guality ok local products tau» imppow Dicadvan ; T Cunure oct mined + Thaditional values ane lost, a Young generation & wegathey frituenced by fureign © culture. | getocad Products tose Popularity ai foreign Products bood te monkel - Loced indwrtnier ape tnur hambeneds Vemboyn ent mepecnes fn tne soclety 1B. Today the highsales oF tne most bobulan goods helteet tue adverprsing | and not the soaial needs in whieh cays trey are Sold. TO hod | extend do you agnee on ditagnee » Topic sentences. Nowedags, companies tne a Io oF enategieg Je pronoie thei products. one suck shalegy if adherheing. Ridventigements:= I+ Repetitive aduensttzements influence eormumens to buy. ~ Caumbal ads, good qual ves are Kignlignted) Arenwartyo Ral is -tuc bnand ambagadon dr Lux 3. Aractive thers ane given such an bnee gittes difeounts and | 00n- | ‘Soetal needse |_F People have become rnone ecomeioun rx xucedats Tey ane. awane ¢ tne nicks a adventizements. Mey have the ability to sedge tne auclity ob products They buy goods boned on |_anein needs, | &: Mey ako need 40 have ine _tnaneial abinty to pubchare | pnoduets G.aentain necessary goods donot even heereine ads | [6+ here ane Social, medited and techmeal proveme aporitted @ ___| with he wre 4 mabiie ONC « Do You think rere pnolaems et & inate phone - Do You thik tnere nob wee | TOPIC Sentences ee ~~ Probremez= |. Research han found aaik extenitewie a= maple Phones mex | lecd to heantng Proteme and headach | eotnact cancer th tne long rien « 2: the Young generation may miftwe inti deine. ney © Mery Warte tnein Hime alking oven ine phone and twain tudién meg be heempened, 3: Since communication har b. come eqitehs euiyy ontrack €eCh ofnen | Benetig: = ‘ TF tobe Phone have justi Hated ed the process 4 Globeli'y catfon Since 11% portable, i+ & muen eanten to communicete cote otners: _&: People can use thin timer & en mengenctes «Fen inteunce, _th someone dats ity suddenty» he/gue can eanfy get medical prelp + pb ine | 3+ Mobite phones also provide tray kinds & enter tatnmens ferehiitie: Sethnan Gosrnet camends munte Blagers tnbennet = and so ons They can eaaihy send emediic | eS. users may ever eniminals oc Ee 0 | pal work. some peopre negand nis a completely wrong, cutie Lohven coniden it an valuclle. cuonk expenience, mpontert bon | leanning and taking peqpomibiiity. whakis sou oPinten 9 1 F 4n mang counties childnen ane engaged ir some Kind - “opie sentence:= Children ahe nation butiderg. Thurs it tnporlont Yor tem 40 Choose Ine higut Bed inorder te buiid a better fulune, for patd work: = |: Some éhildren cannot abyond edueccion - soit % helptul tortnem since ney can beandnein tuition fee 2. ehiidnen trom poor teemtiy can alto help nein haminies tinancialty §. Shey witt gain a lof o knowledge and expenlérne “t Wich whi be peliebel tor -thein future caneer » 4. The leann tne Value ot money $. Mey teann +0 wonk in gnoubs and can do fnteetng field econ Agatnst paid work. ; Lemhey may lose interest in Inein studies and dhop out a seheq & Ghildnen beeome inclined 40 earning mone m oneys To Much money Can spol} mem + They may wante money’ on | uretess -Inlngs [ Seobtentney get tmolued im bad company. trey may | disrenpect tneip eldene Foome peobie wink Hak Univawities Guould Provide qneccliares @ Tplin grins and knowledge need tne coorblace. OTHEhs Sg qnink that tne true dumetion ob qunvenrty Should be to give ice €4 owhedge ton itt own Sar 4. whetnen Tile wrelul-to an employen. Give youn oven Opinion [rie stadents, acareine conk elated Knowledges i #5 ecunien He qehiob. They ean ennly edaby 0 twe took envibonnent Eesinee students domes have to study 0 lOt af Subsectss Tt Saves [a tot d-tine and money. |B. Aney can taekie Practical Problems eempeunies donot need [re pprovidle training» Knowledge related to eveny thing [Testudents econ gain a tot de “knowledge in a Vanier of Subsecis Ht fregsenttal 40 learn a tot or subjects te sunuive im the, Teompetiitve wontd- Tg. hein opiong ane not Ilaited and Inu» they can early Tehange tnein dobs. Tey ean soe unbomitian probiem? Bs Nob ewenyone studies 40 get a gob euchens aigue that students tecumm mone ebpeewvely AL ¢ tual Ii eanien fo study alone. dfve your TA lot ot Ideas ane generate lenis Study -togemn Phoblems ane sowed tanleh cince a lot of bnalnt cine wanking simultaneoualy » 1 “2: Gedial sits fmprove'an Peoble interact wih. eaehoiner 3. Gnoup studies prepare tnem tor tneip bulune ectreenty Wren-Iney have to wonk in gnowps ce Fudying atoner= 1. Students feann to solve Problems on Inein Cum tor out anyone Jes Walp: hey learn to be mone Independent and inein conkidence tnenecress = Mey donct get invoived ‘in unnecessany difcumions and “wus if cavera lot ot Hime» In care of b stichie | Seeuh eumons po membel 3. Vy Amey neauine burtnen helps trey can. dtrougs corn teachers. lo. Some Poole twink wet news media han becomen lof €. mone htuential fo Te Peopie today ond diltha negative e | dewclopment .5 whet extent do you agnee on diiagner 7 | ToPI't ventenc va Porte ebrects gp media. _}- Pecvie get 40 know aboul tue cunnent eworld abpalre. hey One mone awethe or thein sunnoundings & Tt haps to unite Peore (in times 4 emergency) | Peome con pretest.againet tilegal work en conony a a-any politica gnouo | Negative Areeiy ot media: — 1 #4 may be biared spwards a poliiteal group and max | deceive ne peopre. & Otten media taken the advaniage a4 poopiek emohion 3: Social chime mery freneme ib People neaet yolenty te Parifewan news: dtens + may negult in piote lobed Trade treneaning macy goody rekdiy on a hequlan baits produce: in ditrerent countmess have [ee transported inom Jong ditances. Do tue benertis oktnis mend outweigh ity drawbacks [some qoods anenot posite te be Produced die to enuirannenial] | becctons sthuns these goods need to be Inetnsported « et» People get Ane “ante ob ord class products since meuny goods Hood Me manrets compbetit'sn incnewes. Tun, local produc epe ane foneed to improve me quality dine product auc goods lore patulaniiy an teneign goods Hood the leountny. debe. obtens counines haveto take Loantte make Wp tor tne debfo't. IR. ainee some chridnen downct seem -to have nakiral sbinties | 40 tearm a lomguuges Schools ghould not tonce all Sudents — os} 40 teann_toneign tag 2c eee ene ee esha ba aoe + A ewtune & [1+ A euttune B wlttmed ely bound ett tts longuceger Thus learn? es rn would mean leonning « new eultuhes Students eventually have to leann new languages, When ney go abnoad-._ 4 S: they can get sobs ton tein foreign language cyst ‘They. become bompetent. They Can Work in diltrerens C] enuihonments. ff will be eaien ton them 40 conde tonel business ramactiong. NOt torees= a [TIE students one forced stney may tose tuterect in AAnoge languages. R Tey may Neglect piven chueial subsets As o regult they mey not pentonm de: Hencestney may lose confidence $.oxenatt mpered « ) | P@ 13: Many developing countntes neauine aid from fnbernebional nabs dan tein develabments. some. peopre believe tnot dinancial avd sededy While otnens aigue achical aid on advice mone unektul- wiinct be Your opinion )finandalvoid to i: Le Finaneied aid ensuner tndutinialiy ation ancl sm Proper inlrwdructune encourciger fyerment. Thietment reads +o economic gnowtn Thy may help to decnecne une mbnyment R. Foneign ewmency reserve win Ineneqse+ @ 5. Pittenent government bnosecis can be Habiemchied. Asa result iu be elpewated fn tue econ busin egs a flountch me Practeal ad; — « 1s Finanetal ald maker otner counntes dependent + Since “ne developing countnier hewe to pay back the monofs ney become Hnaneidily weak. Hence» economnfe gnoitn Nob possible fntne long run. some loons ane condihonal. _| Hence, Ine cownimieg cannot even spend the money acecrdin @® hs tnein needs a 3. workers can become sriited thnowgh nein advice + frahned workers can alto abry dor jobs abroad. Mit mey pelp to heduc } unemployment. 2 nhre strecetahe, Hence > ee 14. fodenn techn ndhogy # hel o eve like bankings |) | | swapping and even burtness nansachons tvityout meeting tae. [42 face hal ane tne pogibe paitive and negabive deci; | Positfue ehtect= I 14 makeg oun lives Mone eomtarrabie. T+K exfential fe sunvie in the competitive cuge- Mene rt Greater Brexibsnity amd Weeder __| @ peopie ean do tnings ace ordin | te theinown needs. Q.It'saver o lot of Hime and money an a lot ob work canbe done gimultaneounly + _$.Buriness tnansactions ane carter to conduct DY becky: fe: ee People dependent'on machines. Peaple beadine lay. A Machines peblece workers. As anerults unemPayrnent frereare hit may abbect tne whole ecomomy advneey. () eople tonget social suiitz and become infrowsbed ar tne st ie ntenaatbt otneh people 14+ Tnadihonial burner ane hambened. Would lead 4o tne lost d oun identhes. ene wil! be no dibkenences own ultural and tnadiponal vecliveg« | Beonomic Benny = I change w healt ter the Peopte. contumers Will get __ the dante dr dilrenent things 1 Q. New indusintes colt need to be build. Thy wit eneate employment, Money cvill be cinetdated in the economy + ADP will nereare and economy growth eutil take piace. A groub cr Peame “tink ahat poor Peorte and PeoPte Who | eome from pural a | ane find Ht cibveult to gee aceess de univannity education. what should the univeniHes do —— “| to make ko univeriity edueah'on | ecny on tne porn anc and bural — [veep ‘ahiord higuen education. ¢ Universi ene Mving expenres cre. ited. den - usually sthuaded fn urban anean w ~_[eninemey highs Alo, accomedation facifites anc ve | a. 44% dttifet For punal peopie to compete with *h from unban arear a fe =o Hnanciol situations 4 eS nave te Support fom ney get a fo a university, tney ¢ cannot ot Spe their bamiegagtney do not ger B Ptnetttine tw oni SE ~ Sonuetionss: - Bs Te umivenstites gnould tneat all me “students eajucty |_ 2: univensives sould _provila bant=thme- tale tine PAP SN “gs Univemition Should have a qyucta ton tnege stu ss. @ | 4. students trom pural areas sho nud be gen Coungering counges Sonat ney can.adcut eaatiys Mey ean be gi qi Ane eae oh Punal educaifon Should be fmproved : eanien ton tnem to com and Coupons _B.¢elebnities ane wed to promote Products. on exanePles hithway Ral 15 tne brand ambatiadon st Lux. 4: fdwenttvements\ try to. deceive people | showing tre good aquatine 5. Advent if ng euPentes Push up the Pr "ee dt-tne Products Hences the producers ane borced to eut doam tne auc ty Bt ee eee 1 Rduentix?ng Promotes awanenesy about quality among. Tne conuumnens. People Can combane tne produely ol good __| aualtly and thein Vins tabions {+ coniumene get intvoduced Yo te breduck tarangh % Peopte twink trad eveny ¢ veny Studert wants acess 10 ( unitarity education and gavemment gud mage twat thee |_Pegandlegs d-tne income d-tne Students « Do You agneeon | diagneea er hree education :- Tr only eduecthed alttgens can bning about bystive enomg «¢ "| tne society» In most ct-tne developed Counties, hiquen education 4 tree for ant R. Providing education % a behenune athe tax bayend money. 3. anime nate i unwetlly lower fn couninter whene iiterary XV pate & hignen- fipiu tree editeation: - E [FT every individual educated, if lt be very Areal! fo get Jeb. fpacivaion weg. tend Ye aritne: 6 % (Ptne tax of mainly ured ton providing higher educators olneh sectors may Suliren 3-Itney do not Pay fon tne clases, they will nok value them: wry they may mt attend 4. Peome avwo ean abord 40 bay bon higuen education sucwld e@ Pay © Incl Attnibution d income Ht eavuc LLL 1B. Aisunvey tows tak in many cou bing. ef Howeucns fneneared Nhe Eipectaney haa Yimpircah'ons on vduad -duhat ane-ne possible eb. cls a bithg tongen on ‘and on sie - vida [: olden people ane mone knowledgeable and expenreneed» They can bning about postive changes ‘They can conimibute tote socieyy by doing social Wonk « con take ‘mbortan dectsionc hon Ine societ ey can guide ne younger genenahon Negative erect = - Ts olden people ane eonrervative and reluctant t chang €4: Henees the eountnieg fall beh _& qrey dont wmatly conimbute fone ap Ps 3: The government har-lo Spend a jot A money ton fhe olden |_Peone te provide ponsion and medical bactiittes Hence, ine. athen geolom a4ne enonony sulfor .

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