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Suit of Swords

Element: Air
Astrological: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Energy: Active (Yang), masculine
Season: Fall
Direction: East
Moon: Full
Ideas, Intellect, Communication, Reason; a Conflict

Character, communication, Ethics & Beliefs

How you communicate with others.

Ace of Swords
mental focus, new beginnings, success

1s: beginnings, the essence of the suit,


2 of Swords
balance, difficult choice, stalemate

2s: balance, dualism

3 of Swords
heartbreak, loss, seperation

3s: small completions, foundational


4 of Swords
rest, cotemplation, preperation

4s: stability with the warning not to


5 of Swords
self interest, discord, conflict of interest

5s: instability, conflict, test

6 of Swords
journey, recovery, moving forward

6s: harmony, how you deal with conflict &

communicate it to others

7 of Swords
evasion, deception, avoiding confrontation

7s: wisdom, spirituality, turning point

8 of Swords
restriction, powerlessness, constraints

8’s: power & motion, the cusp of transform-


9 of Swords
worry, grieving, anguish

9s: winding down, reflection, change is


10 of Swords
death of illusions, delusions, misfortune

10s: completion, metamorphasis

Page of Swords
truth, honesty, logic

Elements: Page: Earth; Swords: Air

Knight of Swords
direct, authoratative, charge

Elements: Knight: Air; Swords: Air

Queen of Swords
honest, astute, witty, experienced

Elements: Queen: Water; Swords: Air

King of Swords
just, intellectual, ethical

Elements: King: Fire; Swords: Air


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