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16: mm BULLETIN I'

Filmland·e. \.., P, O. Drawn 969 - Mobile, Alabama - 36601 J

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6810 -71-T
I have no doubt that trial will show that I have violated Plaintiffs, 6811-71-T
no c o p yrights. But, i t i s not easy to 'fi ght s uch a le gal 6812-71 -T
vs. * 681 3-71-T
battl e - - film collecto rs should n ot b e required to do
s o - and i t is with the future of film colle cting in mind
68 l4-71- T
681S-71-T \

that I writ e t h is a rti cle. Defendants. *


On August 19, 1971 , t h e court entered a tempo r ary restrain ing

order and an order to show cause in the matter o f Amer i can I nter­

national Pictures, Inc. v . Evan H. Foreman, d/bl a 16 MM F i~land .

~nd ~6 MM Fi Lm~and, C.A . 660 9-71. Purs uant to an oraer ent e red

that same day by the Court, the Marshal o f the United States fo r

the SOuthe rn Distric t of Alabama . SOuthern Division, was issued a

wri t b~ .... h~ c. l Ark nF +:hA ~n\lrt: ilir ect ing him t o seize and t o hold
On Augus t 19, 1971, four de puty U . S . Marshals, two ORDER DISSOLVING TEMPORARY RESTRA INING ORDER

film company attorneys and One film company private On August 19# 1971. t h e Court e n tered a t empor ary restr a in i n g

investigato r entered m y pre mi ses a t 260 N. Jacks on or der and an order to show cau se in the matter of American Inter­
St., Mobil e , Ala., and s e iz ed s i x of m y film prints a s national Pictures, Inc . v. Evan H. Foreman. d/b/ a 16 MM F ilrnland.
:1: called for b y a Writ of Sei z u r e issued b y th e U . S.
and 16 MM Fi Lmland . C. A . 68 0 9 -71. Purs u a n t to an orde r e n te r ed
D i st r i ct Court i n M obi l e, as part of se v e n sim u lt aneous
lawsuit s brought ag a inst m e , withou t noti c e by Ame r ­ that same day by t he Court, the Mar s hal of t he united States for

ican-Int e rnationa l Pictu res, Inc ., Columbia P ictures the SOut hern Dis trict of Al abama , Sout h ern Di vi sion, was issued a
Industri es, Inc., Metro - Gold w y n - Mayer , Inc., Twen ­ wri t by the Clerk of the Court di r ec ting h im to seize a nd to ho ld
t ieth C entury- Fox Film Co rporati on , Walt Di sney Pr o­ certain articles a lleged by the plai nt i ff to b e in t he possess'ion
du c tions, Unive r sal C ity Studios, Inc ., United Arti st s
or control of the d efendant or a gent s of the defendan t s i n viola tiQn
C orporation . The Court a lso issued a t e mporary r e ­
straining order preventing me f rom de a ling in any of the Copyr i ght Act , _ Title 17, U.S . C.

of the u s ed film print s c opyrighted by the plaintiff s . On Augu st 30, 1971, t he ma tters as above styled we r e
All of t h i s wa s don e i n a n extraordinary l egal action conso l i da t e d by t he court and a hea r i ng . on the Show Cause Order
as a re sult of nota r ized affidavit s supplied to t h E!
was commenced . Now t h e Cour t , af ter hear i ng oral argument b y
U.S . Di strict Court b y the film c ompanies ' l awye r s ,
counse l o n b e ha lf o f the plaintiffs and the de f enda nt, and a f t er
Sarg oy, Stei n ~ Hanft of Ne w Y ork C i ty, a nd H owell ,
Johnson, L a n g ford & Fin kb oh ne r of M obile, Alabama. viewing the exh ibits offered b y the part i es, together wi th affidavits

a nd bri efs submi t ted by b oth p art i e s, enter s the following Orders :
In o r der to i mplement s u ch e xtrao r dinary l e gal m e a ­
s u r es, the Court required t h e film c ompan ie s to p ost I t i s ORDERED , ADJt1DGED and DECREED t hat the t emporary

$89 ,6 0 0 bond t o c omp e n sat e me f o r any c osts o r dam ­ r estrain ing Order heretofore issued b y t he Cour t on August 19,
ag es I m igh t suff e r s hould i t ultima tely be determined 1971, should be and t he same hereby is DISSOLVED.
b y the Court tha t I was w r ongfully e njoi n ed or re­ It is FtlRTHER ORDERED, ADJt1DGED and DECREED that the b onds
strained .
heret o f ore posted by th~ Pla i nt i ffs in their varioua amounts by

No ne gatives, n e w p r int s, or equipment for us ing or order of the Court shall r emain in full f orce and eff ect pendi ng

p rodu cing same was f oun d on m y premi ses, as i n ­ furthe r orders of t he Court.
deed, n on e c ould b e sin ce I h ave n ever had any such It i. FtlRTHBR ORDERED, ADJt1DGED and DECREED t hat the Clerk
mat e r i al s . of the CO~shal l issue a writ direct ing the Marshal or those

authorized b y him to forthwith deliver up and release to the

A h e aring w a s h eld August 30, 31, 19 72in U .S . Di strict
Court in Mob ile . As a r esult of t hat he aring, the U .S. defendant those articles heretofore seized in this matt e r.
I r"t/.~
Di s t r ict Court fo r t he Southern Division of Alabama , DOH!: at Hobile, Alabama, this the /..) - - day of June 1972 .
Southern Divi s ion, issued t he orde r r eproduced on
the right:


_ __M Y OP JUNE 1972.
O~ , -CI.E=::RK""
BY ­
Deputy Clez'k
(arti cl e c onti n u es on p age 6 )

Copyright Evan H. Fore man 1972

P a ge Two 16mm F i lmland M obile , Alabama

,:~· ~,A.q~. , :~& W,J1I,:T:~· f::.E~:r:;~.~~~S

INSPECTOR HORNLElGH. - Briti~h, 1940. Alastair Sim, Hugh Williams. Scotland Yard Inspec t or
tracks a ki-11er who stole ' nationa-1' b).ldge't irt·f .6Tmati'oiJ. t 'o" rh.ake' 'f -ifla:nt'ia1- kill. 2 773' $74
. ~ ,

TRIGGER TRAIL - Universal, 1944. Rod Cameron, Fuzzy Knight. Action Western. 2116' $94

LAW OF THE RANGE - Universal, 1941 . Johnny Mack Brown. Fast paced Western. 2145' $94

PHANTOM OF THE OPERA - Un i versal, 1 925 . Famo us classic . SILENT 3133 ' $99

SOFIA - P . C . P i c tures , 1 948 . Gene Raymo nd , Sigrid Gurie. Businessman in Turkey trie s t o get
two a tomic s c ien tists ou t . of th e ha nd s of the Russians. * *t New York Daily News . 293 5 ' $74

LET' S LIVE A LI TTLE - Eagle-Lion , 1 948. Robert Cummings, Hedy Lamar r . Fe male psychiat r is t
and a yo ung advert isi ng executive have men t al disorders about ea c h o ther. *** Ne w ' York Dail y
News. 3013' $ 79

GtTN TOWN - Universal , 1945 . Kirby Gra n t, Fuzzy Knight . Action in the West. 1 88 7 ' $94

RI VERBEAT - Abtcon , 195 4 . Phy l lis Kirk , Joh n Ben tley . Murder a n d d iamon d smuggling o n t h e
Londo n waterfront, with S cotland Yard on the j ob . 2543 ' $ 54

STREETS OF SAN FRANCISCO -Republic, 1949 . Robert Armstrong , Mae Cl ark. Little toughi e o f
13 puts th e fi n ge r on a murd er g an g an d i s instrumenta l i n th ei r ca pture . 2 1 59 ' $5 4

BEHIND LOCKED DOORS - E ag l e- Lio n , 1 948 . Richa rd Ca r l son, Lu cil l e Bremer . J udge , es c ap i ng
f rom t he poli ce , s eeks hi d ing pl ace i n an insan e asyl um. Reporter gets hims e lf co mmit t ed
i n hop e of f i ndi n g the judge - and a story . **New York Dai ly News. 20 8 3 ' $59

THEY ME T IN ARGENTINA - RKO, 1941. Mau re en O ' Har a, Gene Raymo nd . Thre e-way r oma nce between
a Latin heiress , yo ung Amer i c an eng ine e r, a nd spo rtsman. 2773 ' $ 74

OKLAHOMA RA I DERS - Unive rs a l , 1943. Tex Ri tte r , Fuzzy Kni gh t . Suspen se and adv enture in
old Ok l ahoma t errito r y. 2 04 5' $94

THlm DER IN THE P I NE S - Lippert, 194 9. De n i se Dar c e l, Ge o rg e Ree v e s , Ral p h Byrd. Gi rl de­
c ides t o marr y one o f two men - the o ne wit h more mon e y , o f co ur se . **iN . Y . D. N. 21 89' $ 5 4
Hon SE OF DARKNESS - Brod e r , 1948. L au r e nc e Ha rv ey . Three b ro t hers . E l d es t k i l ls one, dr ives
th e o ther insan e . Th eir spir i t s haun t h i m. 2 188 ' $74
OKLAHOMA RAIDERS - Un iv ers al, 1 943 . Tex Ritte r, Fuzzy Kni ght . Suspen~ and-ao v en t~~~~~n-----------------
u r e ~n
o l d Oklahoma terri t or y. 2045 ' $ 94

TI-IUNDER IN TI-IE PINES - Lip pert , 1949. Denis e Darcel , George Ree ves~ Ralph By rd . Gi rl d e ­
c ides t o ma r ry one of two men - the o ne wi t h mo r e money , o f co urse . **tN . Y.D. N. 218 9' $54

HOUSE OF DARKNESS - Br od er , 194 8. L au r enc e Ha rv e y. Th r ee bro t hers. Eld est ki l l s one , drive s
the o ther ins a n e . Th ei r s piri t s haun t h im . 21 88 ' $74

~ TI-I I S IS MY LOVE - RKO , 1954 . Linda Darnell, Rick Jason , Faith Domergue. Two sisters com­
pete for t he affections o f one ma n : one is married to a man destined to sp e n d his life in
a wheelchair. * * N. Y. Da ily News. End title replace. Reddish. Filter inc luded . 3135' $1 1 5

l mHOLY WIFE - RKO, 1957 . Rod Steiger, Diano Dors, Ma r ie Windsor. Young woman married to a
,t weal thy vineyard owne r , plots to murder husband but accidentally kills another man. * *!
. If New York Daily News. 33 6 2 ' $145

HERCULES AGAINST THE SONS OF THE Slm - Civirani , 1963. Mark Fores t , Ann a Ma ria Pace . Her­
r-­ c u 1esguides so ldiers i n buildin g Grec o-Roman war machines i n ord e r t o d e f ea t the armi e s
o f the e v il Ki ng of th e Incas . Dubbed. 3179' $135

TI-IE HI GHWAYMAN - Al lied Ar tis t s, 1951 . Charl e s Coburn, Vi ctor J o ry , Wan da He ndrix . Pre­
r evo l u tionary England: Disguised as Quaker , nobleman a ids t he f r eem an e s cap e b eing sh ipp ed
to Co l onies as sl aves of the Crown . **New York Daily News. 2 9 28' $ 125

LAST OF TI-IE MOHICANS - Mascot, 1932 . H ~r ey Carey,Yakima Canutt . Complet e 1 2 Chapt er s erial
Each chapter i n di viduall y mo unted . 8, 522 ' $450

QUEEN OF THE JtmGLE - P r oducers , 1935. Mary Kornm an , 12 Chapte r se rial. $3 7 5

QUEEN OF THE JUNGLE - s ame a s abov e , but not in as good a shape . $2 75

TI-IE DEVIL HORSE - Mascot, 1932. Harey Carey, Edwina Booth. $375

Copyright Evan H. Foreman 1972

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". ~ ' "

Mob ile , Alab ama 16mm Filmland Page Three

Bt:'A'CK' "'&- WH l'rE' FEA·TURES

EYES OF THE UNDERWORLD - l Universal, 1943_~ Lon ' Chan-e y , j r., -Ri chard Di x, Wen dy Bar rie. Gang
of crimina ls tries t o bla c kma i l polic e ch i ef by exp osing hi s fo r mer p ris o n re cord . 2188'
Mounted on n ew 2200 ' p la stic r e el . $94
I LOVE TROlmLE - Co lumbia, 194 7. Francho t Tone, J a ne t Bl air. Detective s e a rc hing for mis s­
in g girl, f a l l s i n lo ve wi th client. 33 55' $89

JOURNEY IN TO L IGHT - Fox , 1951. Sterl ing "Lucky " Ha yd en , Vi vec a Li ndfo rs 1 Th o mas Mitche lL
Dis i l lu s ion ed min is te r r ega i ns fai t h t hrough b li nd g i rl 's l o ve . 2 883' * *2 N .Y. Dai ly $94
RECKLESS MOMENT - Columbia , 1949. James Mason, J o a n Bennett l Ge r a l din e Brooks. Acc i d e n t a l
mu rd e r makes girl and mo ther v i c t ims of b l a c km a i l . 2 94 3 ' * *2 New Yo rk Dail y News. $8 9
MIDNIGHT MANHUNT - Paramo u nt , 194 5 . Ann Savage, William Ga rg an . Gr az y mixed - up c o rpse can ' t
sta y i n one p lac e . 22 87' $ 79
THE BLONDE BANDIT - Republic , 1 950. Robert Roc k we l l , Do r oth y Patrick. Gir l falls i n lo v e
with s yndic a te r ackete er , but does h e r duty to h elp c on vi c t him . **t N. Y . D. N. 2140 ' $ 54
BELLS OF SAN FERNANDO - S cre en Gui l d, 1947. Dona l d Woo ds, Glor ia Warren, Byron Foulge r.
I rish immi g ra n t a nd Spani sh g i r l rid the people of a cr ue l ove r see r and e ventually fa l l in
l o ve. ** t New Yor k Da i ly News . 2 589 ' $ 54
LUCK OF THE IR ISH - Fox, 1948. Tyron e Po wer, Anne Baxter, Lee J. Cob b. A reporter e nco un t e rs
l o v e ly Irish coll e en and mischievous leprechaun. ** * New York Daily News. 3567' $99

YOUNG AND WILLING - United Artist s , 1943. Edd ie Bracken , Susan Hayw ar d, William Ho ld en .
Strugg ling young actress and actors share community apartment. **N . Y.D . News 2965 ' $74
NORTHWEST OlTTPOST - Republic, 1947. Nelson Eddy , Illona Massey. Joseph Schildkraut . Young
Russian g irl is held captive by her husband, but escapes with dashing U.S. cavalry offi c er.
**t New Yo rk Daily News. 3263' $125

MADEMOISELLE FIFI - RKO, 1944. Simone Simon, John Emery, Jason Robards. Young laundress
repuls e s a German officer and joins the French underground. 2518' $89

A MAN NAMED ROCCA - Telewide, 1966. Jean-Paul Belmondo, Christine Kaufman. Two men im­
prisoned for - a crime they did not commit volunteer to dig up mines to earn their freedom.
After their release they turn to a life of crime. 3844 ' $79
J.'II'--'.J., ........ .I."" .................... ......, .. ' ........... - . . ,....... ... ......... r ........ ----~-' -- ... _.---._- , ....

Russian girl is held captive by her husband, but escapes with dashing U.S. cavalry offic e r.
**! New York Daily News. 3263' $ 125

MADEMOISELLE FIFI - RKO, 1944. Simone Simon , John Emery, Jason Robards . Young laundress
repu1ses a German officer and j oins the F re n ch under g r ou nd. 25 18' $89
A MAN NAMED ROCCA - Te1ewide , 1966. Jean-Paul Be1mondo , Chris t ine Kaufman. Two men im­
prisoned for-a crime they did not commit volunteer to dig up mines to e~rn their freedom.
After their release t h ey turn to a life o f crime. 3844' $79

WOMAN OF THE TOWN - United Artists, 1943. Claire Trevo r, Bar r y Sullivan, Albert Dekke r .
Tal e of Ba t Masterson and the dance h a ll girl he loved . *** N.Y . Daily News . 3186' $ 74

OLD LOtTI S IANA - Cr esce n t , 1937 . Rita Hayworth, Tom Keene. Conflic t in wa y s o f th ink i ng re ­
sul ts i n Lou isiana purchase. This is said to be Miss Haywo r t h' s f i r s t pict u r e . Sh e is list­
ed i n t he cr edits as Rita Cansino . 2238' $99

THE BUSHWACKERS - Rea1 a rt, 1951. John I r el and, Wayn e Mo rris, Lawr e nce Ti erney , Lon Ch aney,
Do r o thy Malone. Out door me lodrama about a veteran of t he Confed e r a t e Army . Altho ugh he has
s wo rn never to u s e a gu n ag a i n , h e is pro vo ke d i n to ac t i on b y ra iders . **! New York Da i ly
News . 2 502 ' $74

SILVER QlTEEN - Unit ed Ar t ists , 1942 . Pris:i11a Lan e , Ge o rge Br ent. Th e 1870' s Girl g amb les
to p a yoff Da d ' s d ebt s . Fi ance sq uanders it on silver mine. **t NY Daily News. ?879' $ 79
LONE STAR TRA I L - Un ivers a l , 1 943 . Tex Ritte r , Johnn y Mac k Brown . Lot' s o f a ction in this
Wes t ern, wi th music .-a nd t wo big s t ars . 206 7' $ 94
COURAGE OF THE WEST - Univ er s a l, 1937 . Bob Baker , Lois J an u ar y . Va rious p robl ems f a ced b y
two yo un g p eop l e when the y de cide to p i on e e r in the West . 20 44 ' $94

RENEGADES OF THE RIO GRANDE - lTni ve rs a 1, 1944 . Rus tler s te r r o r i ze the b o r d e r , but fi nd
th i ng s tough whe n a ~pec i a 1 agen t i s sen t t o round, t hem up. 2032' $89
• + _..., ,
! •

LAWLESS BREED - tTn iversa1, 1 946 . Kirby Grant, Fuzzy Knight. Hard-fight in g Western fa re .
All t he e xcitement an d a ction o f fig hti ng for justice. 2 024' $89

IMMEDIATE DI SASTER - Pri ncess, 1954 . Pat r icia Neal, Helm u t Da ntine. Man from Venus h e r alds ~
delegation to E ar th to c e ase making super-destructiv e weapons. 2662' $ 74

PACK UP YOUR TROTTBLES - M- G- M, 1932. Laurel & Hardy. Slapst i ck comedy wi th Stan and Ollie
in the Army. **t New Yor k Daily News. 2355' . $99
KING 0 THE TURF - United Artists, 1939. Adolphe Menjou, Dolores Costello. Down-at-the-heels
horseman is befriended by a small-boy who turns o~t to be his own son. **NYDN 3177' $99

Copyright Evan H. Foreman 1972

· . .. ... . . P a ge F ou r . .. .. ,,' ( q'i Ii t " : ( :: : •" t " Ii ..... :-:- . . .
16m m Film l and Mobile. Alaba m a '



T he ABC rating sy ste m is a motion picture photop lay rating syste m whi ch i s d e­
signed to guide members of t he publi c i n s electing film entertainm e n t w hich is
suitable to t h ei r taste s .

Motion p i c tur e photoplays which are rated " A " a r e one s which have been found to
b e suitable by the cre ator of the ABC rat i ng syste m o r his a s s igns, for (i.) a ll age s
of patrons , (ii. ) all-around e nt ertainment v a l ue. "B" rating indicates that the content
is b old, and bod erline. Such f ilm s as are rated ' ·B" ar e not suitabl e for children,
althou gh mature teen-ager s s h ould b e admitted - but parent a l c onsent i s advi s e d .
' · C" films ar e t h os e which may not be a t t ended by any one under t he a g e of 18 year s .
"C" r ated films should be attended with c aution - c on sentin g a dult s only .

N one of the rati ngs may be self-applied. There i s n o equivalent of the X r ating in t h e
.., _ ~ ""''''_ A _ ""'_ ""' ...... _ ........
"", . , . 0.;;1 ""'_ ~ .

M ot i on pictu r e p h otoplays wh ich are rated " A" are ones wh iCh hav e b e en found t o
be s u i t a ble by t h e c re a tor of t h e ABC r ating s y s t e m or hi s as sign s, f o r (i.) all a g e s
of p a tr ons , (ii . ) a ll -around ente r t a inme n t value . " B ·' rating indic at e s that the conte nt
is b o l d , a nd b ode r lin e. Such films a s a r e rat ed ·· B " a re n ot sui t a b l e f o r children,
alth ough matu r e t e e n - agers should be admi t t ed - but p a r ental c on s ent i s a d v i sed .
··C·' film s are t h o s e which m ay not be attende d by a nyon e und er t he a g e of 18 ye a r s .
"C" rat ed film s s hould b e attended w ith caution - c on sentin g adult s only.

None of the r a tin g s maybe s elf- a p pli ed . There is no e qui valent of the X rating in the
ABC rating s y stem. Film s whi c h m i ght be rated X by other rating sys tems may
very w ell n ot 'be eligib l e for rat ing i n the A B C s y s t e m .

The c r eator of the A BC rat i n g s y stem cannot define p o r n ogra p h y. It i s as sume d t ha.t
those wh o might be intere s t e d i n exploiting pornography via moti on pictures will
have an ide a of what itis. Su ch p er s on s need n ot apply for a ny r a ting by this system
as t he r e is none.

Copyri gh t E v an H . For e man 1972


,_c. ! ' . ''' , - ' ) -,• •• , t ', ,; , , .-,c r· .( - I~"''' , ~,- , ... . ,~ .. ...
.. .. e . ...
.. ~

... . . M obile, Alaba ma l6rnrn F ilrnlan d Pag e F ive

P roposed N ew R ating Sy s t em - s ee page on l eft.

I wou ld like very rnu ch to hav:e YOU1:suggesti ons and


c om.m.ents re gar ding rny prppo,sai fo r a new rating

systern along t he line s s h own- on th e 'p age at left. Of
course any n urnbe r of new o r other ide as c an. be in­
c orporated. The pr oposai"l a t righ t i s s irnpl y a star t ­
ing p oint. 1£ y ou a re incline d I would appreciat e I 6rnrn Filrnl and
y our s ending in ans w er s to t he following : p. O. Draw er 969
Mob il e , Ala. 366 0 1
1. Do y ou feel that t he pr e s ent (M oti on Pi c tu re As­
s o ci a t i on of Am.erica) or (M PAA) rating systern i s a Ple ase s hip rne the filrns listed below, prepaid b y
fai r one ? p a rce l post. 1£ I want special delivery I arn s o in­
d ic a tipg h e~e l P ) and enclos e an extr a $ 1 for i t.

2. D o you think that the pre s ent designations accurat e­ iI I i

ly re pre sent t h e cont ent of the filrns rated? Title Price

3. Do y ou f eel tha t the fi r rns which control the MPAA

1. _ _ _
g e t better ratings on their filrns than do other, n on ­
rnernber cornpanies?

4. R ev. P atrick Sullivan (S .J.), head of t he Catholic

Offi ce fo r M otion Pictures, h as sug ge sted that t he 34.. ===--===
==_ -=== ~

rating sy ste rn a s now u sed be cornpl et e l y divorc e d

frorn th e M P AA. D o you a g r e e with R ev. Sulliva n ?
5 . D o y ou fe el that t he M PAA r ati ng syrnbol " X"
de t ers or prornot e s p orno graphic rn otion pictu r es? ALTE R NATE CHOIC ES

6 . Do y ou favor the A BC s y st e rn as ou t lin e d on t h e

page a t l eft?

1. _ _ _

7. What d o you lik e ab out it?

8 . What do y ou not like abou t it?

9. Do y ou f a vor th e e s t ablishrnent of a rnoti on

p i cture prOdtlC er s ' association whi ch is les s w e ight e d
w i th rnajor fil rn c ornpany control?
I enclos e cash/trade cr e dit for s arne . I u ndersta nd
10 . If y ou are a rnot ion p icture produc e r (ind epend ent) that t hese f i l ms are for horn e us e o nly .
would you b e willi n g to join the prop osed Ind epend e n t
M otion Pictur e Produce r s' A ssoci ati on of Am.e ri c a
(IM PAA) if i t s by- l a w s a nd constitu t ion p errna ne n t ly Signature D at e
pr evented dominat ion b y rnaj or fiLm c om p any for ces ?
9 . Do you fav or t h e establishm ent of a motion

picture produce r s ' association which i s less weighted 5. _ _ _~==

with major film c ompany c ontrol?

I e nclose cash/t rad e c redit f or s ame . I u n ders t and

10. 1£ you ar e a :mot ion p ictur e produ c e r (ind ependent) t h a t the s e films f or home: u se on l y.
would you be w i llin g to j oin the prop osed Ind ependent
Moti on Pi c t ure Produ cers' A s sociation o f Americ a
(IMPAA ) if it s b y- l aws and constitution pe r m a n ently Signatur e Date
prevente d d omination by maj o r film c omp a ny for c es?


If y ou are on e of thos e collectors who just never that I can s ee what is l e ft. Here i s what y ou g e t ­
see ms to ge t e nough film, this is f or y ou! I h a v e sold MINIMUM:
m any spe cial film p a c kag e s b e f o re, a n d so f ar , I h ave
not y et had a single compl aint. (Although s everal one c olo r fe atu r e , t he atrical l ength
c ustome rs were s ome what ir a te b e c ause I h ad sold one c olor feature - (hour T V show)
out the specials b y th e time t h e y got around to ord er ­ one blac k & white f e a t u r e - t h e a tri cal l ength
ing . ) In this packa ge y ou g e t n o choice of t itle s , but one black & white fe a tur e - (hour TV show)
y ou do g e t a tremendous a mount of film for the money. one half hour TV show - b la ck & w hit e
All i nspected and cl e ane d. All on good r e els with on e h a lf hou r TV show - color
l e ade rs , ready t o run . The feat u res will be thos e on one c olor p r o du ction trailer
thi s bulle tin which h ave n ot sold , or fr om past cata­ t hr ee a d v ertis ing t r aile rs, color , 10 , 20 , o r 30 se c .
logs wh i ch have not s old. T he TV shows w i ll be gen ­ one 800 fo ot silent col o r subject - cli p - no t i tles
u i n e e n tertai nment it e m s - not industrial s or " pro­ one dozen television c ommercials - mos t I min . cl r .
motiona l " typ e film s , Howe ver, note that you ar~ one 400 ft. reel of clear l eader ,on 40 0 ' ree l
NO T g oing t o get the :clost popular feature s . The end ope b ottle" C:raig 's f ormula #7 film cement
title m ay have b e en r 'eplated, or ·t he colo r ' off A bit ten 8xl0 movi e s tills •
(in which case a free c olor c o r r ecti on filt e r kit ' w i il one p i n t . of Vitafilm . (or t r i chloroethyl ene . - 'spe'cify)
b e include d) , o r somet h ing e l se mino r. The' T V film s one marking pen fo'r markin g film emul sion - perm .
a r e all exc ellen t, however , a n d eviden tly I paid too one pair of e d iting gloves
much fo r the m sin ce they have not sol d at t h e pri c e addit ional u ns pe cifie d "goodies" - a s urp rise e x tra .
I a sked for t h em previous l y . My mis tak e can be y ou r
good for tune . Shipme n t will N O T be m~de promp tly C omplete FI L MAHO LIC S PE CIAL , insu red, prep aid,
on rec eipt of order but about t hree weeks late r, s o s hipp ed a bout th re e weeks after re c e i p t of order $ 249

C op y righ t E van H . F <t> r eman 1972

~ ~ ~ . .. ~, ",,\ 'o..'~ ~ ,," ~ ~"' _? ~~ _._, . .. .....
, •• , .. " ... ,. , .......... .
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Page Six 16mm Filmland Mobile . Alabama

LEGAL BLIT ZKRIE G - Continue d f rom pag e 1
(B ) Elimination of t h e s e c ond 2 8 yea r renewal p e r iod
B efore t he he a ring took p l a ce, howe ver , one or Ip.ore of· copyright p r o.te ction,. s o t hat ther e will be but a
persons in the e m ploy of the film c ompanies tran s ­ s ingle 28 ye a r te-rm of statutory pr ote ction . Modern
m itted untrue news releas es t o v arious the at~i c a.l . and eH'!ctr o o:. mech an\cal te'c~~ol og y enables pre sent c opy­
other news publications in the United States wnich r ight owners to exploi t thei r wo r k s on a scal e and
resulted i n the wide -spread di ssemination of mis ­ with a speed far greater thim a n yth ing ever anti ci­
s tate men ts , non -truths a n d downright libel s r egardin g pated by t h e f rame rs of t he U . S . C onstit u tion, which
m e and my act ivitie s . Copie s of the U .S. D i s t ri ct of c ou r s e is t he se ed f r om which all copyr ight law
Cou r t' s dis solution of t h e t emp orary r e straining must g row .
orde r were s ent by me to all of t h e bu sines s organ­
(C) No work is c op yrightab l e unle ss a substantia l
izations which pub li shed t h e inc orre ct informat ion.
numb e r of tangi b l e copie s are distribute d to -the p ublic
Only one , Daily Vari e t y, L t d. , has , as of Septe mber
w ith out a n y r e striction what soeve r as t o re s a l e or
1972, published anything r eg ar d ing the Court ' s J une
privat e horne us e. T h is is t h e only way that c opy right
1 5 , 1972 ord e r. And, even t his story, a s h ave b e en owne rs m ay be prevented fr om obtaining a pe rp etual
all othe r Daily and Weekly Variety s torie s a b out me
m onopoly . After all, if only a r e lat i v ely f ew c opies o f
so f ar , w as re p lete w ith fals e statement s. This un ­
a w o rk are di s t r i bute d to the public , how c an the p ublic
fortun ate situat i on ha s been note d and will be de a lt
a t large enjoy t he bene f its of t he copyrighted works
wi t h at t he app r opriate mome n t and in t he appropria te
wh en t h e c opyr ight peri od e n ds? Such a situation
f a shi on. migh t e a sily all ow c e rtain t y p e s of c opyr i gh t owne r s
t o b and t o ge t her through a trade a s sociation such as
The u nlawful e ntry i n to my premi s e s by St anle y Esko ,
the Motion Pictur e As s ocia tion of Ame rica and t h u s
film compan y private inve s tigator, and h i s s u b s e.;
c ontr ol a m o n opo l y pe rpe t uit y of the maj ori ty of c opy­
quent search of my p r emi se s and seizur e of informa ­
righ t e d films . I s soci ety t hu s s erve d ? T o o few c op ies
tion f r om me against my will, all without benefit of
of films of the past have been put i n t o the h a nds of the
orders fr om the U.S. District Cou rt h er e o r pe r ­
public, and in some case s, no copies now e~ist, so
missi on from me, was, and is, r eprehen sible conduct.
that future generations h ave been cheated permanently .
This t re spass and abuse of proces s w i ll a lso b e dealt
In addition to urgin g your elected representatives to
wi th approp r iately. As for the film c ompanies ' rather
emb rac e A,B & C above, also urge them to ask the
obvi ous atte m p t to destroy competition, my lawyers
Anti-trust Division of the Department of J ustice and
have file d suit against each of them fo r $750,000 plus
the Federal Trade Commission to investi a gte fully
trebled attorne ys' fees for violation of the Sherman
the film industry of the United States and its present
anti-trust Acts and the Clayton Act . This trial will
probably be held after the charge of copyright in­
fring ement against me has been disposed of.
In addition to (1) and (2) above , you should make cer­

tain your views as a film collector are known to your

A number of friends have written me about the dis­

Congr es sman. Call the nearest Federal Building to

position of the William Donnachie case in Philadelphia,

find the phon e number and location of his office. Then,

Penna. in which various major film companies banded

make an appointment to see him personally when he is

together and effected a seizure. I can certainly test ify

next in town. When you go to see him, arrange to take

to the fact that these extraordinary legal manoeuvres

with you as many other film collectors and similarly

can initially create SOIne anxiety in the recipient . Mr. . minded voters as you can find. You a c t as spokesman

Donnachie was seventy-one years of age - had a weak

for the group. Organize y our presentation beforehand.

heart (were these facts known to the film companies and

Write out an outline of what you want to say and what

their lawyers?) and his case was terminated September

you want him to do. Point out the abuses of the copy­

8, 1971 - - as was he on the same date - - he died ~laVIL. Poin t out that the film companies write off

--- --~---
A numoer ottrlend.S have wrItten me about the dis­ ----- J - - -

Congressman. Call the nearest Federal Building to

position of the William Donnachie case in Philadelphia,
find the phone number and location of his office. Then,
Penna. in which various major film companies banded
make an appointment to see him personally when he is
together and effected a seizure. I can certainly testify
next in town. When you go to see him, arrange to take
to the fact that these extraordinary legal manoeuvres -with you as many other film collectors and similarly
can initially create some anxiety in the recipient. Mr.
minded voters as you can find. You act as spokesman
Donnachie was seventy-one years of age - had a weak
for the group. Organize your present ation beforehand.
heart (were these facts known tothe film companies and
Write out an outline of what you want to say and what
their lawyers?) and his case was terminated September
you want him to do. Point out the abuses of the copy­
8, 1971 - - a s w as he on the same date - - he died
right law. Point out t hat the film companies write off
from cardiogeni c s hock.
t heir film costs in just a year or two. Remind him
t hat the Copyright law has a Constitutional basis in
Who will be next? Surely not you? The film companie s
that the primary purpose of the law is to benefit the
are n ow pushin g fo r copyright law revision which would
p u blic by ultimately placing the copyrighted copies
g i ve to the c opyright owner of a film the right to pro­
in the public domain - - but of course, there will b e
h ibit ··perform ance s" - that is, projections - of th e
no public benefit if the copyright owners may, with
copyrighted film. So , you buy a film, and show it a t
impunity, control copies of the c opyrighted works in
horne. How c ould that be a problem? Unle ss you w r i te
perpetuity. As the situation is now the fi l m companies
or otherwi se secure permis sion from the copyright
get full benefit of the copyright laws - t h e public get s
owner, t h en c onc e ivably you might find deputy U.S.
nothing. Thus c opyright bec om es a chess g ame in
Ma r s h a l s, s e vera l film comp any private inve stigators
which the p u blic is che c kmated perpetually! Is t h is
and/ or attorney s corning t h r ough y our door w i th a
right? Is t h i s fair? I s t hi s what the founders of t he
Writ of Seizure for your films i n o rde r t o stop you r
count ry intended?
copyright inf ringement . Sur ely the film c ompani e s
would use disc retion in the applicati on of such a law?
Such powe!" w oul d b e , i n the words of the Supreme
Court in the famous U.S . v. Paramount cas e, Utoo
What I hav e sugge sted will t a k e an h our o r t wo of y our
p ot ent a w eapon to leav e in t he hand s of those whose
t ime . If you don 't take a n h our o r t w o now and do thi s
proclivity to ' unl awf ul cond uct has been so ma rked. "
n e eded job, the film companie s may one d a y s oon take
(U.S . v . Par a mount , 3 34 U.S. at 147, 92 L . Ed. a t 1287)
your film collection. It ' s up to you!
U. S. Department of J u s ti c e
Anti-trust Di v i sion
Each and eve ry fil m c ollector should do this -.i.mmed.-.
Washin g t o'ri, D.C . 20537 . ,':. ~'
iately: ,'.­
(1) Write your Cong res s m an . :.~.
Federal Trade C ommis s ion
(2) Write your U.S" Senators .
Washington, D.C. 2 0 580
Urge them to vote agai ns t any further one-y e ar ex - .,
tensions of copyright p r otection for works whi ch
Your Cong re ssman
would normally exp ire now, or would have normally
House Office Building
expired in t he past five years. In addition, urge your
Washington, D.C. 20515
U.S. Senators to vote against any revised copyright
bill unles s it contains the following pr ovisions:
Your U.S. Senators (separate letter to _each)
(A) No film colle c tor violates the copyright a ct or in­
Senate Office Building
fringes any film copyright by buying, selling, trading
Washington, D.C. 20510
or showing a used film print at horne for his own

Copyright Evan H. Foreman 1972

Mobile , Alab ama l6mm Filmland Page Se ven


American Internationa l P ictures , Inc.

Columbia Pictur es Indust ries , In c.

Metro-Goldwyn - Mayer , Inc.

Twentleth Centu ry-Fox F ilm Corporation

Walt Disney P rodu ction s

Univer s a l C ity Studi os . Inc.

United Arti sts Corporation

v ersus

Evan H. For eman

At la s t ! The film com pani e s ' legal t a ctics r eveal ed ! (1 2 ) Defendant' s brief in r egar d to (10) a bov e .
With the do cuments rep r o du ced in t h i s giant volume (13) Cour t' s orde r of Augus t 8 , 1972 ordering t he
one, you and your atto r ney should b e abl e to fully un ­ Plaintiffs to an s w er c ertain interrog a tories .
derstand th e legal i ssues involved in any phase of (14) Various othe r pleading s ; briefs , m otion s and asso ­
copyrigh t litigati on that you a re likely to encounter ciated do cuments r el evant t6 these c ases .
a s a fi hn collect or "Who buy s and sells used film (15 ) One c opy of the Copyright La'W of the United
print s . This m aterial is th e r e sult of tens - - - - ­ States of America (Title 17 , United State s C ode. ) This
perhap s , h u n d reds - - - of t h ousand s of dollars is a pamphlet edition of the c opyright l a w including
worth of l egal effort, r e s earch and proceedings . Y ou the Regulations of the Copyright offi ce a nd the t ext of
get, not just one side of the. case , but BOTH side s . the Unive r sal Copy right C onventi on. (8 3 pages)
--- - - -. ~- ___ .&'._...A.o_.l.... ~~....I."'!L+-,~,~-'.l__l ~-o:.;:;aJ---t:lo_c..1.1.l:D.._ents---i.n. -
Wi th the documents re produc ed in thi s gia nt v olume (13 J~Court' s o r ae r --of-~ugu st~8~T';nZ o rC1e ~ Ln-e'----------'
one, y ou a nd y our a ttorney should b e able to fully u n­ Plaintiffs to a ns w e r certain interrog atories .
derstand t he legal i s sue s inv olve d in a ny p ha s e of (14) Vari ous other pleadings l b rie fs , motions and a s so­
copy r ight litiga t ion t hat y ou are likely t o encou nter ciated d ocuments r e le v ant t b t he se case s .
a s a film colle ct or wh o bu ys and sells us ed f ilm (15) One c opy of the C op y right Law of the United
prints. Thi s rnat eri a l i s the res ult of t ens - - - - ­ States of Anl.eri c a (Titl e 17 . Unit ed States C ode .) This
pe rhaps, h undre ds - - - of t housands of dollars is a pamp hlet editi on of t h e copy r igh t l aw inc l uding
w o r th of l e gal e ffo rt, re s earch and proce edings . You the R egulati ons of t h e Cqpyright office and the text of
g et , n ot just on e side of the c a se, but BOTH side s . the Universal Copyrigh t Conventi o n. (83 page s )
N ot only are copies of t h e actual l egal documents in ­
clude d , but a lso c omments by my attorneys. It is not For t he pri ce of pe r haps o n e go od film, you will have
yet p o ssible t o predict how many p ages o r volumes in your poss e s s ion the most complet e set of documents
will be re qu ired to cove r t hese law suits in their en­ relating t o copyright law suit s involve d with the buying ,
tire ty, but volume number one alone c ontain s virtually s elling , and t r ading of u sed film prints t hat has ever
e ve ry document of any importance f r o m the date of the be en published . This will b e a very l imited edition ­
lawsuits (August 19, 197 1) t o after t he Court's first a m ere one thousand copies - - and when the y are gone ,
ruling (June 15, 1972). The $ 9 9 . pri ce i s f or volume that's i t! Don't miss w h at may well be your onc e-in
one only. How eve r , volume one contain s the ba si c a-lifetime opportunity. Y o ur lawyer, if a n d when he
structur e of the case, and even if y ou n e ver buy volume need s it, will have untold thousands of d ollars worth
two, you will still have a potent amount of information. of info rmation at his fi ngertips •• • •• • the savings
If you buy volume one, you will be assured of a chance could be immense. But , even if you are never sued
to buy a cop y of volume two and any oth e r subsequent by the film companies, the info r mation should be of
volume s nec essary to cov er the case s. For $99 . , here int ens e intellectual int ere st to any fil m collector,
is what you will get in v olume numb e r one : c opyrigh t scholar o r law s chool p rofessor . Don 't m i ss
(1) Com pl e t e copy of one of t he se ven virtually i denti ­ this one! Two ye a rs from now the pric e might be $3 00
c a l law suits . (41 pages) or $4 0 0 for a second-hand c o py - - if you a re abl e t o
(2 ) L egal resear c h es say on F IRST SALE DOC TRINE
(abo ut 12 p ages)
(3) Transcript of heari ng before the United Stat es
. - --. .. . . ... . . --- -. --- .. -- - _..... ., -. --..
find someone w i lling to sell his c opy!

To : Evan H. Foreman, Publisher

Distri ct Court f or t he Southern Di s t rict of Ala b ama, COPYWRONG!
Sou thern Divisi on August 30, 31, 1971. (18 3 pag e s) . P . O. D r awer 969
(4 ) Six briefs based on the hearing. (thre e fr om e a ch Mob ile, Alabama 3660 1
s id e) •
(5 ) Defendant's Interrogatorie s, s et #1. (47 pages). Enclos ed is $ 99. Just as soon as it is ready, send m e
(6) Plaintiffs ' Interr o gatories, set #1. volume numbe r one of C OPYWRONG ! I u nders t and
(7 ) Defendant' s Motion to C ompel Plainti ffs to ans we r ~hat as a purchaser of volume o ne, I shall have firs t
Int errogato ri e s and b rief supporting same. opportuni ty to purchase any a d ditiona l volumes y ou
(8) Plain tiff s brief opposing the answering of the in ­ offer for sale .
te rrogator ies (47 page s )
(9) Copy of C ourt 's o r der of June 15, 1972 dissolving Name ________________________________________
T emp orary Re straining O r de r .
(10 ) Plaintiffs ' motion to Court to revise, reverse , Address __________________________________________
and am end it s order of June 15, 1972. Zip _ _ _
(11) Plaintiffs ' brief supporting (1 0) above. City _ _ _ _ _ __ State

Copyright Evan H. Foreman 1972

16mm Film land M o b ile , Alabam a


The 1973 edition will contain the names and addresses you! If you have recently moved, here is the way to
of about 4,500 16mm film collectors throughout the find out who the collectors are in your area - the
United States. There will be a sprinkling of collectors Directory lists collectors in all fifty states! If you
from other countries as well. However, the bulk of the plan to form a club, the Directory should provide you
Directory will consist of United States collectors. with a good starting nucleus of colle ctor s.

The names will be listed by state, city, and then alpha­ The previous e dit ion of the Directory (in 1971) was a
) beti c ally by name in each city. I guarantee the ad­ sell-out. I am going t o print more copies this time
dress e s to be 95% accurate at publi c ation date, which than I did last t ime, but not so many that I am in danger
will be about January 1, 1973. of cluttering up the offi ce with them. If you want one,
order it now. U s e coupon below--:
For the c ollector, the Directory is an invaluable op­ -------------------------------- ------------- ---
port uni ty to find out who the other collectors are in
his own area. A single advantageous trade with only O.K., Evan H . F oreman, send me copies of the
one other collecto r located with the aid of this publi­ 1973 edition of the International Directory of 16mm
cation s h ould m a ke it worth far more than the $15 Film Collect o r s . I am enclosing $ • Ship as
price of th e Directory - and the price of $15 includes soon as p ossibl e t o:
shipment by first class , certified m ail!
Name __________________________________________
Every s eri ous 16mm film collector should have a
copy of t he 197 3 Di r ector y at h i s fi n g e rtips at a ll A dd r e s s ________________________.-____________________
t i me s f or qui c k, ea s y ref erenc e . If y ou h a v e been i n
t h e same loc ati on for a long time , y ou m i gh t be s u r ­ City State _ _ __ Zip _____
pri s e d to f ind out how m a n y colle cto rs t h e re a re n e a r


.....---------."";a,.-.&.-.a.-.A"-C:;;-O-----.I:'"Q~~g.-.&.-v-~___,__.;;;-a.---g___y~...- ~~~~..-...... ,.;;;-~.c.a.___yQ""U.-----:1-.1.-a.---y-~t;I"'Ii:i""'I!i;iO.I.-.L-...- .......I:,___-----~---

the same location for a long time, you might be sur­ Zip _____ _
City State _ __
prised to find out how many collectors there are near

p. O. Drawer 969

Mobile, Ala. 36601





I<ENT I OH I 0 44243

Manufactured in U.S.A SOM 8-19-72

Copyright Evan H . Foreman 1972

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