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Tunneling of holes observed at work function measurements of metal / HfO 2 / SiO 2

/ n-Si gate stacks

J. A. Rothschild, H. Avraham, E. Lipp, and M. Eizenberg

Citation: Applied Physics Letters 96, 122102 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3360879

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Tunneling of holes observed at work function measurements

of metal/ HfO2 / SiO2 / n-Si gate stacks
J. A. Rothschild,a兲 H. Avraham, E. Lipp, and M. Eizenberg
Department of Materials Engineering, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel
共Received 4 January 2010; accepted 23 February 2010; published online 22 March 2010兲
The voltage bias that causes a transition from direct tunneling to Fowler–Nordheim tunneling in the
current-voltage characteristic of a metal/ HfO2 / SiO2 / n-Si capacitor was measured. The transition
occurs in the negative gate voltage regime and can be attributed to conduction of electrons from the
metal through a defect level in the HfO2 or to conduction of holes from the Si through the valence
band of the HfO2. The dependence of the determined barrier height on the gate-metal work function
indicates the validity of the latter model. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.

A major result of the scaling trend in the micro- ⌿Si = 共44.4h2/msi兲1/3共5.5e␧ox/␧si兲2/3共VoxEOT兲2/3 , 共2兲
electronics industry is the required replacement of the ther-
mally grown SiO2 gate-oxide and the highly doped polycrys- where h is plank’s constant, msi is the effective electron mass
talline silicon 共poly-Si兲 gate-electrodes in metal-oxide- in Si, ␧ox is the permittivity of the oxide, ␧si is the permittiv-
semiconductor 共MOS兲 devices by high-k dielectrics and ity of Si, VOx is the potential across the oxide, and EOT is the
metals, respectively.1,2 One of the most important parameters equivalent oxide thickness. At the DT-FNT transition, VOx is
in determining the device performance is the threshold volt- equal to the barrier 共⌽BM 兲 between the Fermi level of the
age, which depends on the effective work-function of the metal 共EFM 兲 and ECO. By determining V p for several differ-
gate electrode. The most commonly used technique for ent values of EOT, both ⌽BS and ⌽BM were found.
measuring the effective work function is based on extracting In the second Paper,6 a metal/ SiO2 / p-Si stack was stud-
the flatband voltage from capacitance-voltage 共C-V兲 ied by I-V at positive VG values. Now the peak determines
measurements.3 Capacitors of several thicknesses of the ox- the barrier ⌽BM between EFM and ECO, namely V p = ⌽BM .
ides are measured in order to eliminate the contributions of Wen et al.8 used this I-V technique in positive VG values and
fixed oxide charges. In the case of high-k dielectrics, the an n-type substrate and compared the results with the com-
gate stack often consists of two or more dielectric layers, mon C-V technique, showing very similar results. The DT-
and the abovementioned procedure becomes much more FNT transition can also occur in hole-dominated currents
complicated. The additional layer and interface increase the according to the same mechanism, although it was not men-
number of measurements needed and assumptions made. tioned before.
Thus, the C-V method is complicated and its precision is In our work, n-type Si 共100兲 wafers with a doping level
questionable.4 Other techniques based on photoemission, of 1018 cm−3 were used as substrates for the MOS capaci-
such as internal photoemission and x ray-photoemission, are tors. On each substrate a 4 nm thick SiO2 film was thermally
also used but they require the preparation of special samples grown by dry oxidation at 810 ° C, and a 4 nm thick HfO2
with transparent gate electrodes. film was deposited on it using atomic layer deposition
Zafar et al.5–7 proposed a technique to determine the 共ALD兲. MOS capacitors were fabricated by depositing either
effective work-function of metal electrodes from current- Pt or Al electrodes through a shadow mask using physical
voltage 共I-V兲 measurements. In this method, when the domi- vapor deposition. Following metal deposition, all the MOS
nant conduction mechanism through the dielectric film is capacitors were annealed at 400 ° C for 30 min in vacuum.
tunneling the transition from direct tunneling 共DT兲 to Electrical measurements were performed in a probe station
Fowler–Nordheim tunneling 共FNT兲 is characterized by a sealed from light using an HP 4284A LCR meter. I-V
peak in the d共ln J兲 / dV versus V plot. In their first Paper,5 the and C-V measurements were performed on the
I-V measurements of an n+ poly-Si/ Al2O3 / p-Si stack were metal/ HfO2 / SiO2 / n-Si capacitors at positive and negative
carried out at negative gate voltage 共VG兲 values. In these VG scans with steps of 0.05 V.
voltages, the peak determines the barrier 共⌽BS兲 between the The d共ln J兲 / dV versus V characteristic of the capacitors
conduction-band edge of the oxide 共ECO兲 and the Fermi level with a Pt electrode and an Al electrode are plotted in Fig. 1.
of the Si 共EFS兲. The peak is observed at a voltage V p which A pronounced peak was observed at −0.8⫾ 0.1 V for the Pt
depends on the barrier between ECO and EFS at zero bias electrode and at −2.1⫾ 0.1 V for the Al electrode. However,
兲 and the band bending in Si 共⌿Si兲, no peaks appeared in the positive voltages regime, contradic-
tory to the expected outcome, as will be discussed below.
eV p = ⌽BS = ⌽BS
+ ⌿Si , 共1兲 The electronic band structure of the oxide films used in this
study was previously determined by Geppert et al.9 using
where e is the fundamental charge. An expression for ⌿Si XPS measurements. The conduction- and valence-band off-
was derived by Zafar, sets to Si are 2.7 and 1.5 eV, respectively. Therefore accord-
ing to Eq. 共1兲 the expected bias for negative VG which cor-
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122102-2 Rothschild et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 122102 共2010兲

tributed mainly to oxygen vacancies and the energetic posi-

tion of several kinds of defects has been calculated.12 Trap
assisted tunneling is a well known model for explaining
leakage current in high-k materials13 which was previously
used in order to model tunneling currents in Hf-based gate
Under this assumption the peak in the HfO2 / SiO2 stack
is determined in a similar manner to Eq. 共1兲, with the addi-
tion of the voltage which is applied on the SiO2 film 共VSiO2兲,

eV p = ⌽SD = ⌽SD
+ ⌿Si + eVSiO2 , 共3兲

where ⌽SD 0
is the barrier between ED and EFS at zero bias.
The other terms can be calculated according to the applied
voltage. We assume that ⌽SD 0
is a bulk property and does not
depend on the metal deposited. As shown in Fig. 2共a兲, the
applied voltage on the HfO2 layer at the DT-FNT transition
FIG. 1. Peaks of Pt/ HfO2 and Al/ HfO2 observed on a plot of d ln J / dV point is equal to the barrier between EFM and ED, i.e.,
vs V. eVHfO2 = ⌽ MD. Since the thickness of the HfO2 and SiO2 lay-
ers are equal, the ratio between the applied voltages on the
V in absolute value. However, all the peaks measured in the SiO2 layer and the HfO2 is VSiO2 / VHfO2 = ␧HfO2 / ␧SiO2.15
current work are at a smaller absolute value than 2.7 V, in- Therefore, according to Eq. 共2兲, ⌿Si is proportional to ⌽MD.
dicating that they originate from a different mechanism. Consequently, electrodes with higher work-function values
Therefore, there are two remaining options which can 共⌽ M 兲 are expected to exhibit a DT-FNT transition at a higher
explain the peaks.10 The first option is that there is a defect absolute voltage. However, the peak in the I-V of the Pt
level 共ED兲 inside the HfO2 共SiO2 is assumed to be defect electrode, which has a higher ⌽ M than the Al electrode, is
free兲 and the peaks determine the electron barrier 共⌽SD兲 be- actually observed at a lower absolute voltage.
tween ED and EF,Si, as illustrated in Fig. 2共a兲. Defect-induced The second option is that the tunneling charge carriers
trap levels have already been observed in HfO2 using an are holes, rather than electrons. In this case, the barrier for
electron spectroscopic technique.11 These traps have been at- hole conduction 共⌽BH兲 is between EFM and EV,HfO2, as illus-
trated in Fig. 2共b兲. As can be seen, the peak is expected to
appear at a voltage exactly identical to the value of ⌽BH. It
should be noted that the transport of minority carriers was
already observed by Zafar et al.,6 who used p-type Si and
analyzed the electron conduction. The conduction of holes in
HfO2 was directly observed by hole trapping experiments
made by Afanas’ev and Stesmans.16 Hou et al.17 used it for
modeling the leakage current in HfO2 based MOS capacitors
for both p-type substrates and n-type substrates. This model
had good agreement with experimental results for a capacitor
with a HfO2 layer which had a conduction- and valence-band
offset of 1.91 and 2.22 eV, respectively.18,19 For our system,
the dominant current is in the valence band, since the valence
band offset is much smaller than the conduction band offset.
The effective work function of the metal can then be
determined by,

M = ␹HfO2 + EG,HfO2 − 兩⌽BH兩 = ␹Si + EG,Si + ⌬VB

− 兩⌽BH兩, 共4兲
where ␹ is the electronic affinity, EG is the energy gap, and
⌬VB is the valence band edge offset between HfO2 and Si.
Using Eq. 共4兲, the effective work-function value of Pt on
HfO2 is ⌽Pt eff
= 5.8⫾ 0.1 eV and the effective work-function
of Al is ⌽Al eff
= 4.5⫾ 0.1 eV. According to these values and
confirmed by C-V measurements, the flatband voltage is lo-
cated near 1.4 and 0.1 V for Pt and Al, respectively, meaning
that the observed peaks are located at a voltage in which the
n-type Si is in inversion or very close to inversion, resulting
in holes being generated near the SiO2 / Si surface. The effec-
FIG. 2. The two possible mechanisms in the metal/ HfO2 / SiO2 / n-Si stack
tive work-function values are very close to 5.7 and 4.5 eV,
for peaks at VG ⬍ 0. 共a兲 The DT-FNT transition through a defect layer in which are the vacuum work-function values of Pt and Al,
This article The DT-FNT
copyrighted as transition
indicatedwith holes
in the as charge
article. Reusecarriers. respectively.
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