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Bureaucracy and Public Management in Democracy, Development, and Governance in the Philippines Ma. Lourdes G. Genato Rebullida and Cecilia Serrano BE toe esis “| 1. Identty Key concepts and theoretical perspectives forthe study of Philp bureaveracy and tho syst of puble management ‘2 Daserbe the anstomaton of Phppine bureaucrecy, te influences ton te auctor, fncone ad precbsces, and relationship wie ‘teoutve and oor pote sabaholers 3. nalyzo he 10 of Phipioe buresveracy 0 taciating ox hindeing | ‘emecracy, development and governance, gen he historical context ‘of Phiippine poli and government. 44. Explain he ives and challenges conrontng Philpine bureaucracy fn sytem of pubic management, considering cent trends it Gjobalzalon, sustainable development, democracy, devolution, and governance Be introduction B ureauericy and administration are necessary clements inthe Philippine governments performance of ts functions as the operational apparatus for machinery of the sate, With democracy as state ideology, the Phlippines aiculates its aspirations for parcipation, accountability, equality, rights and liberties, consttuionalism, welfare and development, among thers. Over the years, the different Philippine constitutions, legislation, sand executive policies have shaped and transformed the bureaucracy in ‘each of the branches of government—executve, legislative, and judicial But the principal reference point is “the bureaucracy" under the executive branch of government and its administration or management of the public Sector, its interface with the private sector, and recently since 1986, with ‘ivi society organizations, The bureaucracy of the executive branch of an: | — hie Pad omen adn as government essentially delivers the goods and services ofthe sate, engage {in policy implementation and in recent yeas, has rendered technica oe Professional asistance in policy formation. Understanding Philippine bureaucracy nd how it functions via system ol bli administration or public management must ake into account, Ret oa the state's ideology and constitution, but the socey's culture, economy, Pole? ‘dynamics, 2s well as international factors. At the threshold of the ewent fet century, the Philippines accommodated the pressures for change it the ‘organization, structure and functions of bureaucracy, aswell asthe shift to new paradigms of public management and governance. The challenges had cone from the extemal forces of globalization and technological innovations, even ‘rom intemal needs and demands, such as development and paripation, 1K may be said thatthe history of Philippine bureaucracy and public ‘management uns along the country’s history of democratization and development. From its precolonial and Spanish colonial expetiences the Philippines had followed the szong inluences ofthe United Sates But Philippine society, culture and polities have shaped the unique character of pola Insttations and processes, ‘This chapter describes the changing character ureaveracy and publ ‘management in the Philippines, in the context of changing coasttstous, the structure of government, and dynamics of polis, Essentially examines the roles ofthe government's bureaucracy in the processes of democracy, development, and governance in the Philipines. It takes ino accoon the paradigm shits that have influenced the practice and study of government, bureaucracy, administration or management. The disciplines of politcal science and public administration contribute to the understanding of sich phenomena ‘The fst part ofthe chapter presents an overview of key concepts and theories that influenced the setting up and transformation of Philippine bureaucracy and public management, particularly noting the time frames of application. The second part describes Philippine bureaucracy and public ‘management along discernible historical milestones, namely. 1) precatonial to Spanish and American colonial period; 2) the years of the Philippiae Republic under the 1935 Constitution, 3) the authoritarian regime of Marcos from 1972 wo 1986, and # the contemporary period taking of at the time of the 1986 EDSA People Power Revolution and the 1987 Philippine Constuton til now. The third part focuses on the post-EDSA 1 tansfacmations in ine ith the national thrusts on democratization, decentralization, development, and governance. Ths section highlights the diections to face the external forces of globalization, techaologic ‘anovations, and new paradigms of Public sector management, even imernal needs, demands, and changia8 Tocal scenarios (ape 1 tered Pi xp Dona, pe, od acai pias —ee—s—aewM [Bl overview of Western inflences on Bureaucracy cand Public Management in the Philippines ‘hes ofPilppine bureaucracy andof public mangement inviy snes ines, pongo space ha a hn deeoped inthe dailies of he soil since pola cence pune sdmiisaon managemem snc, and policy sence The tonenre cme, and concpt wed n bath pris a theo of Dorrocacy an pub management are vial to undemtandng Pllppine Dercrcrc rice, con, and proces nese ens, thre a teens sho the usage of he erm a peme nen of-inton {fos that mater public management for “pubic administration” even I incrtange of es; bu shouldbe noted tt there te dainctive tance and competing peas nove of tern one and pepecives tune ilpine texeny ad pe manager can helps the sage for ederding ‘ety and pacts wel th cange oe tine Theory to pac ‘ccvenn dont news fllw sna nas nor eal pater a nthe Tippin cs whore uit ay ave niece te non fancwoc ad operons of he been, tw cota pris have soc ih nse pps bres on rani ctPatpe pee the conten for atthe plo na det thoes, mo and approaches pene o ure) an publ Aman coblnton snd ula he Pilipino enoncy here the appation af Western theres and pacce on buesvciey and agent ich atte uruie wa ube a Westen spina Asan ‘Sing. The “lipin cancer ofthe burenscacy he been shaped y the ikon oe peop’ cursed pli beh nding he gy of Pipe precololecy ndcrenwel ar emprenes wh he Spa «oot urns The concep of boreacrcy and the famework of tana pubis scroraton TPA provid e oundaton te ey Yas ofthe Paling puede the 1935 Consttaton. The uence of ew patimnrsten (a) wa fe inthe 19700 even asthe US me embarking on hs a+ Shalege to TPA. Bat he Philipines as 2 developing county in ague wih other svcd Third Worl and developing coves, uae the feamenorks of devtpmert sinatra 08) the decade ofthe Tos oust teper ote Maro reine. to i oh anova bev utc maagener (PM) and govesmane ad become evident ae the "B86 People Powe Revolution, te 1987 Phiipine Const, andthe 1551 Loe Government cde, Pilon id Geman: inden ‘Bureaucracy ond tational pblic ministration Spanish colonization gave the Philippines is experiences with cet bbureuracy and pubic management. With the 199 Phippine Revolution Spain, the setting up ofthe Malolos Republic as the fist Philippine Re and the 1699 Malolos Constitution asthe fist Philippine Constiution.. the shor lived experience with organizing and managing the bureavracy. tinder American colonization and in the years of the post-World Wy ‘ehbiltation, the Philippines learned the concepts on bureaveracy and pu ‘management, pariculrly withthe sting up in 1952 ofthe Insite of ‘Adminiseation? Bureaucracy ‘he concept of brent Max Weber 1861920 posted ears dence orm freon at ea fr over Charest pelt ery, bresucracy weve acre SeSicet int compe nd sored lfc etd with an np sion and by ue of les inthe ond oe baie en ARI cnc done ay and enenng al sano oP Sfeletonthestston’ neat won utara, nd peor ar {heer and procedures on wh he orally fhe on inberes! “Peers contnion was imate and feed an atetive © Kes olmredin pe arsine when Gal evans were ae TeTToeh otcold ering under he penona ucion of heal cay webers thar nfuenced the tnaon om “pathy Pereauecy. etn the “de-penonalatn of aint 8 e ows ith conversion io pub ee? “The erparzation of governments breavratinthe sense thaturaccona areas ao find otcaly by laws ores. Theresa hierarchy of offcos anda ‘hain of command, the higher over the lower. The people who man He ‘rgenizabon are eared and election tho basso! mar and competence. ‘The personal gives way fo the impersonal since the posts, tasks, ard authority are derved tom rules o laws, In ts ebmoloical and itera! sonse, bureaucracy sul by officals as he ‘word bureau is derived from the French bural—mearng the lth weed © Cover a wrtig desk, while the oer ha ig dered ro the Greek rates meaning rk Ieisalso important to note Karl Marx's alternative perspective tha the state ‘cluding ts bureaueracy isan instrument of clase oppression, by those who sil economic, social, and political power over those without.” But for Weber, the bureaucracy is useful for large organizations that need writen rules, routine ‘division of labor, and hierarchy. Bureauracy has come tobe the distinctive ‘rinzation adminisered/managed by national and local executive authorities, consitng of human and mater sources to achieve the goals ofthe sate ‘Asa composite of public officials and employees, the “il sevice” andthe “vdsenice sytem ate also the rational referents of government bureaucracy ‘ut openionalizethe norms of professionalism, career in goverment, dicpline, ett, competence, and public service. The cil sevice consists ofthe ranks of pssonnl that are recruited on merit, given salaries comesponding to their level grnted tenure—meaning permanent appointment, not subject to the tems ofce fr political officals, and cannot be removed athe personal discretion of political fics or superiors without due process. Given that bureaucracy isa type of organization, & should be underscored {ar here are csher types of organizations, iciuding those tha may be considered 4 “aon-bureaueratic." In the field of polities, bureaueracy refers to the ‘amiistative machinery of the state, incisive ofthe hierarchy of government ffces and public officials, and ranks of cul servants or public employees Sndenaking detailed tasks of government and the sate” Hence, the reference 's appropriately to government bureaucracy and to public bureaveracy, ‘onserng that the notion of public associated with the arena of government 2nd th the use of funds fom taxation forts activites. On the other hand, the ‘rate sectors not precluded from being bureaucratic although iis generally ‘ssumed not to beso. Butt i not inconceivable forthe government to be non bureaucratic, a5 this had been proposed in the 1980s in the reengineering of ‘vemment Tradtional public administration ‘hile bureaucracy denotes the organizational domain of goveenment, is Workings are associated with public administation, atherwise more recentiy ‘fered to as public management. The practices, theories, and discourses on able management highlight gal oienaton, results tainment, roceses of resource use. ag B 8 since Woodrow Wilson published his "Study of Adminstration” (57), Tadtional Public Administration (TPA) has dominated government. TPA tended to be compatible with Weber's model of bureaucracy, Wisson Intoduced the poliic-and-administation dichotomy which distinguished lta acs from administrative acts; and reinforced the politcal neutrality and (SMirsem othe ci service. While liter discourses prove thatthe dchexomy ‘ical and that politics is inherent in bureaucracy and public management, — nd efficient hee 10: tence Pe Meepent e Denver, lps Goan nt pes Pipi Pbs nd Gee acdcin a Wilson's model pulled away the bureaucracy, civil service, and public ‘management from the "spoils system” practiced then by elected official, politicians, an poltical pares. hat wasthe practice, paniculary after elections, In which winning political candidates and thelr political partes place ther supporters ito the enks ofthe bureaucracy, The notion of poltie-administaton dichotomy was aimed at adminisratve efficiency and political newly by keeping the bureaucracy out of partisan politics. Hence, tis school of though viewed public administation as the execution oF implementation ofthe lave assed by the legislature, “What the executive branch does with the law becomes Administration” ‘Tradtional pubic administration stands on tho possibilty of applying managerial, ech ratlonal methods inthe Implantation of laws ac poles bythe execu branch of government The plc! acts belong © the elected pola ofcials particularly as poey makers and inthe police of decision making and lewmaking, Oo te other han, pub administration 's done under the executive branch of government by tho il sence or bureaucracy inte implementation or execution of he laws passed bythe legislate, ‘Wilson inated public administration as a field of study, The academic discipline of pubic adminisuation has generated knowledge and theores fn the practices of government inthe execution ofits functions. Managerial, ‘ational, and behavioral approaches in organizing and managing goveramest hhave been derived from different schools of thought, such as: seentiie ‘management, human relations, behavioralism, and the systems framewort, among others." Given the political systems framework, the public Administrative system consists of the structures—namely the executive brand and its bureaucracy, the legislature and judiciary with their respective Dbureaucracies—the functions of these structures, and the dynamics and process of their interactions. iin the bureavracy, the management functors and processes include: planning, organizing, human resources development and management, ‘montesng nd valuation. The ia management noon ori pefomancs wor etcioney, economy, and electives; but have now expanded © Include democratic and governance norms such as participation, ccovntaity, acces, equity, and transparency vy (ape 1 tau al ac Mepeate Denoon, ape, oan int lyin Changing perspectives \hileto some extent Weber's mode! continues to hold influence, recent lnnovations in theory and practice have redefined the presuppositions end limits of government bureaueracy—in ts structue, functions, norms, and thesystem of public management. The atention on private sector organization Inodel and forms had come inthe wake ofthe constrains encountered th the bureaucratic structures and management processes, and i ight of {ew challenges in both the global and home rons ofthe sates. The “ere of Change" had been stimulated by the perceived inadequacy of taditonal bureaucracy and public administration to cope with contemporary scenarios andthe emergence of competing paradigms.” Since the 70s, the pressures neal et inthe Philipines had come fom domestic social and economic forces such a population increase, urbanization and development, as well 4s political pressures for decentralization and democratization. By the 1980s, the snuggles agsinst the Marcos regime spawned the se of activist civil society groups that played a vial ole in the downfall of President Marcos in 1986, Subsequent, the Philipines faced the demands for redemocratiztion sand governance, and for responses to emerging trends of globalization and technological change. New public adminisiration ‘The paradigm of New Public Administration (NPA) emerged in the 1970810 adress the gaps and problems generated by the atonal public administration model Ik was also a response to the changing times with ts emphasis on the new norms of equity, access, esponsiveness, and paricipation, compared with {nd in addition to efficiency, economy and effectiveness of the traditional bureaucracy. The possiblity of synthesis and reconeilation ofthese norms had been considered ‘Changes in practices and theories inthe West also wiggered changes inthe Philippine bureaueracy and public management.” While rule maintenance, efficency, economy, and effectiveness were continued, the wend isto make the programs responsive, accessible and affordable to the clientele or beneficiaries. One of the Marcos regime's suategies was decentralization by Aeconcentration—or the establishment of field offices in the regions to bring the services closer, accessible, and more responsive tothe people. Development administration ‘Bur as the Philippines was considered a developing state, among others ‘lus as the Third World, there was a search for an applicable development "del, tates in transition to selfrule ater colonization aspired to become 2 Pil Pls nd oan: A din x democrat polity with a captliteconomy, the Philippine Included. Many theories and models were formulated to explain the conditions wf development and underdevelopment. Development administration ms ¢ ‘atchword to refer othe diferent theories and approaches for butewercy and public administration o achieve development-~in its political, econo, and socal dimensions. 4 1972, President Marcos declared mart law and worked outa sew 973 Constitution in the atemp to legitimize the regime and pursue its band Development Administration’ The state pursued various socloeconome Programs to achieve national development under an authoritarian regime hich democratic instivtions such as elections had been set aside. This was 4 ‘rica period for Philippine bureaucracy, having been politicized and wed for te politeal purposes ofthe Marcos regime on the pretext of “bureacacy fy development," until the 186 EDSA People Power Revolution ousted Marcos and ended authoritarian rule Governance, democracy, and decentralization In postEDSA 1, the new 1987 Constitution paved the way for e- ‘democratization ofthe Philippines. The Philippines accepted the governance paradigm as evidenced by the provisions of the 1987 Constitution. The Political and constitutional mandates enabled the new president, Corazon . Aquino, to initiate changes in the bureaucracy, intended to veer i ato the re

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