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6 Hats Lesson Plan Alexandra Schoessler

A Genetics Debacle

UNIT: Genetics
Time: One class period (50 min)
7th Grade
Life Science

S7L3. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain how organisms reproduce either sexually
or asexually and transfer genetic information to determine the traits of their offspring.
a. Construct an explanation supported with scientific evidence of the role of genes and chromosomes in the
process of inheriting a specific trait.

TAG Standards:
Higher Order Critical Thinking Skills:
1. The student asks probing, insightful, and relevant questions
7. The student examines an issue from more than one point of view
8. The student separates one’s own point of view from that of others.


Scientists analyze and interpret evidence to inform technological, ethical, cultural and life decisions.


Just because we can edit genetic material, does it mean we should?


- Assign each student to a group ahead of time so there are six heterogeneous groups
- Have class copies of article ready
- 6 Hats laminated explanation sheet (one per hat)
- Response form
- paper during group
- final response via Microsoft forms

- After students have finished their daily warm-up, the teacher will put on a peculiar hat (I have a “Indiana
Jones” hat) and ask the students what they would think if they saw someone wearing this hat. Then the
teacher will put on a baseball hat, ask the same question, and finally put the hat on backwards and ask
them what they think again. Talk the students and explain that something as simple as a hat can have an
affect on your perspective of a person. Today, we will be looking a hot topic in genetics today, and you will
all put on different hats (figuratively speaking) and look at this issue from different perspectives.

- Quickly go through and explain the different hats and what they mean using the explanation sheets. Show
them that a description is on each sheet with prompts and area to write their response.
Instructional Sequence and Activities including use of technology
- Explain to the students that we will be talking about genetic editing. Ask the students what they
think that means. After they have answered, walk through a simple explanation of how CRIPSR
- Give each student a copy of the article and a student response form and have them read and write
their initial response on the form before they discuss it with anyone (their responses must be in
complete sentences)
 Should take no longer than 10 – 15 min
- Now that the students have read the article and responded to it, ask them to keep their initial
thoughts on the issue to themselves until later.
- Have each student move to the group the teacher has pre-determined (each group should have
roughly the same number of kids) and give each group one hat. They are to discuss the article with
their group and should come up with at least three responses to the article according to their hat.
The hat sheets they were given have explanations and prompts students can use to help form their
 Allow students to talk and discuss, but don’t take too long. Should take no longer
than 15 min
 Make sure to be roaming the classroom and helping groups that are struggling
- Once students have finished each group will quickly share their thoughts on the article (they can
pick a spokesman for their group). Make room for discussion here. Allow other students to ask
questions or add feedback on their peer’s responses.
 Pay attention to the time here, allow students to discuss but keep it moving so each
group has a chance to share
- Once each group has had a chance to talk and share their responses, see if there are any questions,
and review the issue with the students. Talk with the students about how these kinds of ethical
discussions appear in many decisions scientists have to make. The good and the bad both have to be
weighed for every decision.
- Once more, have the students write a final individual response on their sheet. Ask the students to
explain on their form if their response has changed since the beginning, why or why not. They will
turn this form in at the end of the class period. Each group will also turn in their thinking hat with
their groups written responses on them as well.

Assessment Strategies
Formative assessment will be used on their forms they turned in which contain their before and after
written responses on the article, in addition to the six hats form from their group work. Informal
assessments will also be taking place during class discussions.

This lesson contains a lot of enrichment as it steps beyond just knowing the straight facts of the workings of
genetics, but rather dives into the current news and challenges facing this field. Students will be stretching
themselves as they put on the “hat” of particular perspective and creating something from that perspective
as well as sharing that with the other students.

Materials/Links/Text References/Resources
- NewELA Article:
- 6 Hats group sheets (with explanation and prompts)
- Student Response For
Name: ____________________________
Period: ___________

6 Hats Response: Genetic Editing

Response One:
Just because scientists can edit genes (or create the tech to do so), do you think they should? Why or why
**Response must be at least 2-3 sentences long

Response Two:
After you have had the chance to look at this from another perspective and talk about it with your class,
lets answer the question again:

Just because scientists can edit genes (or create the tech to do so), do you think they should? Why or why
**Response must be at least 2-3 sentences long
White Hat
- Facts What info do we have?

How can we get more info?

- Figures
What are the facts?
- Information What do we need to know?
- Data

Groups “White Hat” Responses:




Members of group:
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
Red Hat
- Emotions How do we feel about this?

What do we like about the idea?

- Intuition
What don’t we like about this idea?
- Feelings What does my gut instinct say?
- Reaction

Groups “Red Hat” Responses:




Members of group:
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
Blue Hat
- Overview What is our agenda?

What do we need?
- Process
Where are we now?
- Management What’s the next step?
This Photo by Unknown Author is
- Organization

Groups “Blue Hat” Responses:




Members of group:
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
Green Hat
- Creativity Can we create something new?

Any suggestions?
- Alternatives
Brainstorm possibilities?
- Possibilities Could we do this a different way?
- New Ideas

Groups “Green Hat” Responses:




Members of group:
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
Yellow Hat
-Positive What are the benefits?

What are the values?

Why is this a good idea?
-Benefits What makes this attractive?

Groups “Yellow Hat” Responses:




Members of group:
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
Black Hat
- Negative What could be the problems?

What are the difficulties?

- Critical
Will this work?
- Judgement Is this safe?
- Caution
Groups “Black Hat” Responses:



Members of group:
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________

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