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F’s 2nd Grade

May 28, 2018

This week we are reading Unit

6-Week 3 “A Birthday Basket for Tia.” Homework
This will be the last week of the Read-
Student’s Days ing Streets curriculum as we will be focusing
Off: on finishing up our Young Author’s book as -Spelling M-
well as the new Science curriculum. We will
May 28- continue to read library books and RAZkids
Memorial which is a wonderful resource for non-fiction -Read at least
Day 20 minutes/
In Math, we are currently in Unit 7-
Recognizing Attributes and Fractions of
June 14- Shapes. I have received feedback from par- -Math Packet
Last day of ents that the Interactive Student Addition G2 (due at end of
(which can be found in your child’s
school/ “Library”) on gomath AKA ThinkCentral has week)
Early re- really helped them to assist their child with -Any unfin-
lease, 11:00 our new math standards. Please visit this re-
source for Unit 7 (Chapters 11 & 3 in
ished class-
gomath) and go through Chapters 11 and 3 work
Specials Schedule along with your child to support them in their
Day 1 - PE math growth.
Day 2 - HN
Day 3 - ART
Day 4 - MUSIC
This is crunch time for Young Authors com-
pletion. I will be sending home periodic up-
dates on what your child is missing that they
Daily Schedule can make up at home. The book is not man-
datory so if you and your child choose to not
Mon., Tues., Wed.
& Fri.
Lunch –11:45-12:30
Specials - 1:00-1:40
FLES-Tues. & Fri.
*Spelling words for the week can be found at
Specials-12:20-12:55 *Please review the lunch menu with your child.
Early Dismissal-1:30 *SPILLPROOF water bottles!
*Snack should be sent in everyday

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