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Toe Exam focus Writing, Exercise 6 4 imaginethat new cnema complexhas opened i yourtome town. Here af some Considering the cos othe tts or expt much beter experince Write a review for your school newspaper explaining your views about the new cinema. ‘eur review should be 10-150 words ang (Ca ‘eu leceiveup to ars fer th conten ofyour review ond upto mas forthe language nen supematttin your tonn ofred lit usta course abouthealt Sled youto writes rmpor abot te course Inyour report st eyo learned from th coue ad suggest how cher stents could benefit om hth eating re preparingheaty eal. "de reals how sy tw ( Te cousewasven epable,but Write the report for your school webpage. {ou wil eee upto mars forthe cotentf your ep, ardup tars forthe os

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