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Check List Beneficence

Criteria Yes No
1. Promoting altruism
2. Guaranteeing human dignity
3. Viewing patient/family not as a profit object
4. Maximizing agregat net benefit
5. Compassionate paternalism
6. Guaranteeing minimal life of patient
7. Restricting goal-based approach
8. Maximize patient satisfaction
9. Minimalizing bad consequences
10. Obligation to help emergency patients
11. Respect patient’s rights
12. Do not charge patients beyond proper standard fee
13. Maximize overall highest happiness
14. Continuing professional development
15. Giving effective low-priced medication
16. Applying Golden Rule Principle
17. Promoting patient’s best interest
Check List Nonmaleficence

Criteria Yes No
1. Helping emergency patients
2. Condition to apply these criterion are:
- Patients in a very dangerous situation or risking to lose
important part
- The doctor is calculated to be able to prevent the danger or
the lost
- The medical procedure is proven to be effective
- Benefit for patients exceed doctor’s sacrifice
6. Treating vulnerable patients
7. Not killing patients (not doing euthanasia)
8. Not humiliating/abusing patients
9. Not respecting patients as object
10. Treating unproportionally
11. Not preventing patients from danger
12. Avoiding misrepresentation from patients
13. Not harming patients’ life because of negligence
14. Not giving life support
15. Not protecting patients from invasion
16. Not doing white collar crime in medical practice/hospital that
causing disadvantages in patients side/family side
Check List Justice

Criteria Yes No
1. Applying everything universally
2. Taking last portion of dividing something
3. Giving patient same position’s similar opportunity
4. Respect patients’ rights : affordability, equality, accessibility,
availability, quality
5. Respect patients’ legal right
6. Respect others’ rights
7. Caring the vulnerables (the least advantages people)
8. Not abusing/discriminating
9. Wise in macro allocation
10. Giving contribution relatively equal with patients’ needs
11. Demand participation from patients’ relatively equal with their
12. Obliged to distribute benefit and loses (cost, burden,
sanction) fairly
13. Giving rights to its beholder within proper time and
14. Not giving heavy burden unequally without any clear/precise
15. Respecting population that is vulnerable to disease and
health disorders
16. Not discriminating patients beyond ethnics, religion, social
economic status, and education
Check List Autonomy

Criteria Yea No
1. Respect self-determination rights, supports patients’
2. Not intevening decision making process of the patient
(elective condition)
3. Truthfullness
4. Respect privacy
5. Confidentiality
6. Respect patients’ rationality
7. Compassionate informed consent
8. Let adult and competent patients decide for themselves
9. Not giving intervention or preventing patients’
autonomy (heteronomy)
10. Prevent other party to interfere in patients’ process in
decision making, including their own family
11. Patiently wait for patients in making decision for cases
that are not emergency
12. Not lying to patients, even white lies
13. Keeping contract relationship

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