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This research is how to know the influence of corrosive environment on the corrosion rate
on basic metal material by doing case study on hill love kanonang.
The goal to be achieved in this research is to get corrosive environment influence on
corrosion rate on various material. Merode research conducted is experimental research, which is
to move specimens in a corrosive environment so as to obtain a causal relationship to the rate of
corrosion. The goal of this research is on understanding the influence of corrosive environment on
base metal and its corrosion rate at various metals using case example at Kanonang Hill as the
locus. An experimental approach is taken to obtain a causal relationship to the rate of corrosion.

The result obtained from this research is that the influence of corrosive environment on
Kanonang love hill, ie negligence in sulfur water gives the rate of decline of corrosion in various
materials of iron base very quickly. While the air in the free air initially gives a decreasing
corrosion rate, but after a few days the decline is constant. During the 30 day (1 month) test period
in a corrosive environment in the canonang love hill gives effect to the corrosion rate, which is
aired in sulfur water with yield for light steel bolt material 10.22 mpy channel, such as C 8.52 mpy
milk channel steel, 22.87 mpy, plain iron concrete 33.20 mpy, cast iron castings 39.33 mpy and
2.51 mpy metal tiles.
The result of the experiment showed that the influence of environment of Kanonang Hill is
remarkable. The study also indicating various corrosion rate for various metals used in the
experiments. The score of corrosion rate for Light Steel bolt material is at 10,22 mpy, Carbon
Chanell 8.52, Mild Steel 22,87 mpy, Plain Iron Concrete 33.20 mpy, Plain Iron Concrete 33.20
mpy, plain iron concerete 33.20 mpy, cast iron castings 39.33 mpy and the last, the metal tiles
reaching 2.51 mpy.

Keywords: Corrosive Environment, Building Material, Corrosion Level, Corrosion Rate.


Penelitian ini adalah bagaimana mengetahui pengaruh lingkungan yang korosif terhadap
laju korosi pada bahan bangunan dasar besi dengan melakukan studi kasus di bukit kasih
Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pengaruh
lingkungan yang korosif terhadap laju korosi pada berbagai bahan tersebut. Merode penelitian
yang dilakukan adalah penelitian eksperimen, yaitu melakukan pembiaran benda uji di lingkungan
yang korosif sehingga diperoleh hubungan sebab akibat terhadap laju korosi.
Hasil yang dipeoleh dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa pengaruh lingkungan yang korosif di
bukit kasih Kanonang, yaitu pembiaran di air belerang memberikan laju penurunan korosi pada
berbagai bahan bagunan dasar besi yang sangat cepat. Sedangkan pembiaran di udara bebas pada
awalnya memberikan laju penurunan korosi, akan tetapi selang beberapa hari penurunannya
konstan. Selama waktu pengujian 30 hari (1 bulan) di lingkungan yang korosif di bukit kasih
kanonang memberikan pengaruh terhadap laju korosi, yaitu pembiaran di air belerang dengan hasil
untuk bahan bangunan baut baja ringan kanal C 10.22 mpy, baja ringan kanal C 8.52 mpy, besi
siku 22.87 mpy, besi beton polos 33.20 mpy, besi beton ulir 39.33 mpy dan genteng metal 2.51

Kata kunci: Lingkungan Korosif, Bahan Bangunan, Laju Korosi

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