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Stream channels are narrower in

pasture than in forest
Robert J. Davies‐Colley
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd, P.O.
Box 11 115, Hamilton, New Zealand
Version of record first published: 30 Mar 2010.

To cite this article: Robert J. Davies‐Colley (1997): Stream channels are narrower in pasture than
in forest, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 31:5, 599-608

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New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1997, Vol. 31: 599-608 599
0028-8330/97/3105-0599 $7.00/0 © The Royal Society of New Zealand 1997

Stream channels are narrower in pasture than in forest


National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Stream channel morphology is important in stream
Research Ltd ecology, because, together with stream hydrology,
P.O.Box 11 115 it determines the nature and amount of stream and
Hamilton, New Zealand riparian habitat. Geomorphologists (e.g., Leopold
et al. 1964) have long known that basic measures
of stream hydraulic geometry relate in systematic
Downloaded by [] at 18:51 16 November 2012

Abstract In the Hakarimata Range, west of ways to stream size. Put simply, streams with greater
Hamilton, New Zealand, second-order streams flow generally have wider and deeper channels. In
appear to be wider in native than in pasture the river continuum concept (Vannote et al. 1980),
catchments, whereas streams in pine plantations (18 stream ecology is hypothesised to show a systematic
years old) appear to be suffering active stream-bank and broadly predictable pattern moving down
erosion. A working hypothesis to explain these stream from headwater streams through mid-
observations was that pasture vegetation replacing reaches to large rivers. The biotic patterns are a
original forest encroaches on the stream channel, response to trends of water depth and velocity, water
causing it to become narrower. To test the temperature, substrate texture, organic matter
hypothesis, channel widths were measured up supply, and other variables. Change in stream
stream and down stream of "transitions" from native lighting from heavily-shaded headwaters in forested
forest to pasture in 20 streams of different size in areas, to more open mid-reaches, is a key factor
marginal ranges of the Waikato Basin. Small influencing stream biota along the river continuum.
streams (catchment area <1 km2, width in forest Lighting of the streambed is controlled mainly by
<2 m) were found to be half the width in pasture stream width in relation to height and canopy
reaches as in forest. The degree of channel structure of riparian vegetation.
narrowing decreased as stream size increased and
Stream channel morphology obviously relates
was minimal in large streams (catchment area >30
to the sediment regime of the stream. With the
km2, width in forest >10 m). This narrowing of
exception of bedrock areas, the bed and banks of
stream channels implies that native forest clearance
streams are subject to a dynamic equilibrium
in New Zealand has reduced stream channel habitat.
between erosion by moving water and deposition
A concern regarding riparian planting for stream
of material eroded from up stream (Leopold et al.
restoration is that sediment stored in pasture stream
1964). Changes in hydrology and sediment regime
banks could be mobilised if grasses are extinguished
induced by changes in vegetation cover in the
by shading, resulting in turbid streamwater and
catchment may be expected to change the channel
sedimentation of fines in the channel.
morphology during a period of net erosion or
deposition. Furthermore, change in the vegetation
Keywords channel morphology; aquatic habitat; in the riparian zone can directly influence stream
light climate; riparian zone; stream banks; stream morphology, at least in small streams, owing to the
ecology protective role of vegetation on stream banks. For
example, Zimmerman et al. (1967) reported that the
channel widths of small streams in Vermont, United
States, were wider under riparian forest vegetation
than in meadow reaches, and attributed this
difference to grass turf protection against stream
erosion. In a stream that alternately flowed through
Received 6 August 1996; accepted 10 February 1997 forest and meadow, these authors found that the
600 New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1997, Vol. 31
channel width alternately widened and narrowed. METHODS
Murgatroyd & Ternan (1983) showed that
Topographic maps (1:50 000) were examined to
afforestation of a river reach was associated with
find potential study sites where streams in native
bank erosion and channel widening compared to
forest emerge into pasture or vice versa, hence-
an up-stream non-forested reach|.
forth referred to as "forest/pasture transitions".
In the Hakarimata Range, west of the Waikato
The maps in the vicinity of candidate sites were
Basin, second-order streams in pasture catchments
examined carefully to ensure that there were no
are appreciably narrower than streams in similarly-
significant tributaries for at least 100 m along
sized native-forested catchments (Quinn et al.
the stream channel on either side of the vegetation
1997). Moreover, streams in catchments that were
boundary. In practice, all candidate sites with
converted from pasture to pine plantations c. 18
more than a 10% increase in catchment area over
years ago appear to be in the process of widening,
the >200 m total reach encompassing the
with active stream-bank erosion (slumping banks),
transition were rejected.
sedimentation of fines in the channel, and turbid
water. My working hypothesis to explain these Geological maps (1:250 000) were consulted to
observations was that, following clearance of forest, ensure that stream catchments above all potential
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pasture vegetation encroached on active stream study sites had reasonably homogeneous rock types.
channels by trapping sediment and inhibiting Streams with catchments in volcanic rocks in both
erosion at high flows, resulting in channel the Kaimai Range (andesite) and Pirongia Forest
narrowing. Afforestation of pasture catchments Park (basalt) were studied as well as streams in
apparently reversed this process, with extinction of greywacke rocks in the Hakarimata Range, which
pasture species by shading, leading to stream-bank forms the western edge of the Waikato Basin (Table
recession. 1). Confining the work to the Waikato Basin ensured
that climate was not unduly variable in ways that
A corollary of the above hypothesis is that might influence stream morphology. In all of the
streams in native-forested catchments emerging into streams studied (n = 20, Table 1), the native forest
cleared land should exhibit abrupt narrowing. was broadly similar podocarp-hardwood rainforest,
Conversely, streams in pasture that flow into forest with tawa (Beilschmeidia tawa) dominant among
stands should widen abruptly. Measurements of the hardwoods, and podocarp trees (especially
channel width of reaches in close proximity with rimu—Dacrydium cupressinum) occuring as a
different vegetation along the same stream, should discontinuous over-canopy.
provide a powerful test of the hypothesis, because
these reaches are conveying the same water flow, On site, the forest/pasture transitions were
including channel-forming flows. This was checked to ensure that a fenceline defined the forest
essentially the approach taken by Sweeney (1993) edge so that domestic animals could not encroach
on six tributaries in the basin of White Clay Creek, into the forest, damaging plants and stream banks.
Pennsylvania, United States. The present paper Where possible, the stream catchment was
reports on the patterns of channel widths measured examined from a high point, to check that the land
up stream and down stream of forest-pasture use was homogeneous up stream of the candidate
"transitions", in relation to stream size, in 20 transition site, i.e., all forest or essentially all
streams in the marginal ranges of the Waikato Basin. pasture, so that the hydrology could be categorised
as "forest" or "pasture". Finally the candidate
stream reach was walked to check that stream
morphology was homogeneous, and similar in the
pasture and forest sub-reaches as regards
†Since acceptance of this manuscript for publication
(February 1997), a paper by Trimble (1997) has been longitudinal profile and substrate. Waterfalls and
published which provides further evidence of the areas of rapids and boulder torrents were excluded
morphological influence of riparian vegetation. Trimble and work was confined to reaches where the channel
(1997) found that reaches of a stream with grassed banks was formed mainly in erodible alluvium rather than
were narrower and also had other morphological and bedrock.
hydraulic differences compared to nearby forested
reaches. Consistent with the present paper, Trimble Stream channel widths were measured on either
(1997) inferred storage of sediment in grassed stream side of 20 forest-pasture transitions (Table 1). Width
banks, and suggested that conversion to forest may of the water surface was not measured, being very
result in erosion of this sediment reservoir. dependent on state of flow in streams (e.g., Mosley
<> '

(c ~>

f r
Table 1 Stream widths across vegetation transitions (streams are listed in order of increasing catchment area).
Channel width (m) fa
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Vegetation Catch. Native forest Pasture Width ratio 3*
on f O>
Map (up-stream area (A) " (pasture/ SD of 3
Stream name notes Reference reach)} Rock type (km7) ea( SD ea( SD native) ratio 3
Kiripaka Stm, tributary! S14913767 Pasture Greywacke 0.16 2.21 1.06 1.30 0.41 0.59 0.34 0.
Kiripaka Stm, tributary! S14910767 Pasture Greywacke 0.19 1.82 0.60 0.99 0.31 0.54 0.24 &
Mangakawa Stm, left branch S15 987552 Native Volcanic 0.28 2.55 0.93 1.25 0.90 0.49 0.40
Rangitukia Stm, right branch S15963578 Native Volcanic 0.39 1.78 0.67 0.95 0.47 0.53 0.33
K.arakariki Stm, tributary! S14 934763 Pasture Greywacke 0.43 1.98 0.69 0.81 0.27 0.41 0.20
Kiripaka, left branchf S14 919776 Native Greywacke 0.62 2.25 0.50 1.19 0.30 0.53 0.18
Mangaotama Stm S14 949715 Pasture Greywacke 0.77 2.43 0.86 0.90 0.51 0.37 0.25
Kiripaka Stm, right branchf S14 919772 Native Greywacke 1.11 2.52 0.39 1.34 0.36 0.53 0.16
Tuoro Stm S14 924798 Native Greywacke 1.80 3.00 0.64 1.67 0.37 0.56 0.17
Te Pani Stm, right branch S14 964915 Native Greywacke 2.28 4.06 0.94 2.48 0.73 0.61 0.23
tCiripaka Stmf S14 928783 Pasture Greywacke 2.85 2.94 0.54 2.11 0.41 0.72 0.19
Mangakara Stm S15 996576 Native Volcanic 5.13 7.66 1.27 6.09 0.97 0.80 0.18
Wairongamai Stm T13 537011 Native Volcanic 8.04 11.07 2.07 7.61 1.93 0.69 0.22
Mangaotama Stm S14935790 Native} Greywacke 9.50 5.39 0.93 4.68 0.55 0.87 0.18
Wentworth River T12610361 Native Volcanic 10.78 8.90 2.26 7.11 1.07 0.80 0.24
Wharekirauponga Stm T12616332 Native} Volcanic 15.03 13.22 1.19 13.90 2.13 1.05 0.19
Omanawa Stm R15 846485 Pasture Volcanic 16.46 8.23 1.04 7.37 1.35 0.90 0.20
Firewood Creek, right branch S14957892 Pasture Greywacke 24.57 5.35 1.55 3.83 0.48 0.72 0.23
Waihorakeke Stm T12 658332 Native Volcanic 26.33 14.88 1.36 14.00 2.77 0.94 0.20
Vlakomako Stm R15 816592 Native Volcanic 28.37 8.11 0.75 9.20 1.27 1.13 0.19
f Sites located on AgResearch's Whatawhata Hill Country Research Station.
^Vegetation in the up-stream reach was the same throughout the upper catchment, except for the Mangaotama Stm (mixture of native and pasture) and the
Wharekirauponga Stm (with some pasture in a mostly native catchment).

602 New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1997, Vol. 31
Fig. 1 Stream channel width plotted
against catchment area for paired
forest (solid points) and pasture
10 (circles) reaches. Standard deviations
of stream width (n = 20 cross-
sections) are shown as bars. Linear
regression (on log-transformed
Native variables) was used to fit the lines
forest shown to the data. Power laws
corresponding to the lines036iare, for
1 3 native forest: w = 3.06 A (r =
0.82), and for pasture: w = 1.76 /I0-508
a> (r = 0.83).
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0.1 10
Catchment area (km2)

1992), but data obtained in the Hakarimata Range traced to the point where the fenceline intersected
(Quinn et al. 1997) suggest that wetted width or crossed the stream channel.
follows the same broad trend with vegetation as
channel width.
On each of the 20 streams (Table 1), a 100-m- RESULTS
long reach was marked with a tape measure in the
Figure 1 shows the mean channel widths of the
forest and a second reach in adjacent pasture. These
paired reaches plotted against catchment area (the
paired reaches were started as close as possible to,
vegetation transition pairs can be identified because
but not closer than 20 m from the vegetation
they have the same catchment area). There was
boundary at the fenceline to avoid boundary effects.
appreciable variation in stream width point-to-point,
Measurements of channel width were made at 20
as indicated by the standard deviation bars: average
cross-sections perpendicular to the channel
coefficient of variation being 24% for native and
direction in each (matched) reach of 100 m length
27% for pasture reaches, but with a strong tendency
in both forest and pasture.
to decrease with increasing channel width
Channel width was measured by tape measure (Spearman rank correlation coeffient, rs = -0.74 for
from the point of maximum rate of change in both pasture and native reaches).
stream-bank slope (i.e., the point at which the
Channels in the forest reaches were wider on
stream bank was most strongly convex). The vege-
average than in pasture reaches, and the extent of
tation on the stream bank was used as an additional
narrowing in pasture, as measured by the vertical
guide to the extent of the active channel when there
distance between paired points, tended to decrease
was any ambiguity about precise position of the
as catchment area increased. On the logarithmic grid
channel edge. As discussed below, channel depth,
used in Fig. 1, the data are fairly well-fitted by
as well as width, is expected to be affected by
straight lines, with a steeper slope for pasture than
riparian vegetation, but depth was not measured in
for native reaches. This implies that both pasture
this study because it is intrinsically more variable
and forest stream widths (w) are power law
than width (and more onerous to measure) and
functions of catchment area (A):
possibly less significant for stream ecology.
Catchment area was measured (as a surrogate w = hA' (1)
for characteristic flow in a region of similar climate) where h and i are curve-fitting parameters. The
using a compensating planimeter on 1:50 000 scale exponent, i, is given by the log-log slope for each
maps on which catchment boundaries had been vegetation type in Fig. 1. For the forest stream
Davies-Colley—Stream channel width 603
.. Line of equal width

5 0.8


0.4 Pasture catchments.

Forest catchments
0.1 1 10 100 2 5 10
Catchment area (km2)
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Channel width in forest (m)

Fig. 2 Ratio of stream channel width in pasture reaches to that in paired native forest reaches plotted versus: A,
catchment area; and B, channel width in forest. 95% confidence intervals on the mean ratios are shown as bars.
Triangles are for greywackes, and circles for volcanic rocks. Dashed lines were fitted by eye merely as a guide to the
trends in the data.

reaches, / = 0.363 indicating that width increases DISCUSSION

relatively slowly with catchment area. The widths
The main finding in this study was that streams in
of pasture stream reaches increase more rapidly with
pasture are narrower than the same streams in
catchment area (and, therefore, flow) than forest
forest. This change in channel width occurs within
streams over the range studied (i = 0.508), such that a few metres of the pasture-forest transition, which
the straight-line fits to the data converged at a is compelling evidence of the geomorphological
catchment area of 31 km2 and stream width of 11 m. significance of riparian vegetation.
The convergence of the lines in Fig. 1 suggests
The narrowing of stream channels in pasture
that the ratio of stream channel width in pasture to
compared with forest apparently reflects the
width in forest increases as stream size increases (a erosion-inhibiting action of grass turf with its dense
given displacement on a log scale corresponds to a network of fine roots (Zimmerman et al. 1967;
particular ratio). Fig. 2A shows this ratio (pasture Sweeney 1993). There can be little doubt that grass
width: forest width) plotted against catchment area turf efficiently inhibits stream-bank erosion. For
and Fig. 2B shows it plotted against width in forest. example, Smith (1976) reported experiments
The ratio seems to follow an S-shaped curve from showing that stream-bank sediment with a 5 cm
c. 0.5 (pasture channel width about half of forest grass root mat had 20 000 times the resistance to
channel width) for streams with catchment area <1.0 erosion by water currents of comparable bank
km2 and channel width <2 m in forest, to c. 1.0 sediment lacking vegetation. However, grasses can
(channel width in pasture similar to that in forest), only protect stream banks where they can grow, and
showing that channel width is almost independent along pasture streams, their shallow root mass is
of riparian vegetation, in streams with catchment frequently bypassed by undercutting below the turf.
area >30 km2 and channel width >10 m in forest. The extent of channel narrowing in pasture
The trend of channel width ratio does not seem to compared to forest decreases progressively as
depend on catchment geology or on the order of stream size increases in an S-shaped pattern. A
the transition, whether from pasture to forest possible explanation for this pattern, which is
(pasture catchment) or from forest to pasture (forest apparently insensitive to the geology of the
catchment)—as is more common in New Zealand catchment or the order of the transition, is that the
where remnant native forest occurs mainly on erosive stream power per unit bed area (and stream
higher and steeper lands. erosive power, Bagnold 1966) increases with stream
604 New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1997, Vol. 31
size. In large streams the riparian vegetation may Fig. 2 by the appreciable error in stream-width
confer relatively little effective bank protection ratios.
during powerful channel-forming flows. The author has observed that farm streams tend
The light climate of the riparian zone controls to be wider in the shade of isolated trees or
herb growth on the stream banks, which in turn structures such as bridges where pasture is locally
influences channel morphology. The forest canopy supressed. This is further evidence for the erosion-
is unbroken over the channels of small streams inhibiting influence of pasture vegetation on stream
which are therefore strongly shaded (typically banks.
receiving c. 2% of light in the open: Quinn et al. A relatively few published studies of the
1997; Davies-Colley & Payne 1998) and few, if any, effects of vegetation on stream morphology all
grasses are present. In comparatively large rivers, report narrower channels where stream banks are
the canopy gap over forested channels provides consolidated by grass turf. Zimmerman et al.
appreciably more light (50% or more of that in the (1967) found that meadow streams in Vermont,
open along 15-m-wide forest stream channels: United States, were narrower than streams in
Davies-Colley & Payne unpubl. data), and grasses forest, and systematic channel width changes
can grow on the banks, presumably enhancing their occurred along a stream reach with discontinuous
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stability. This diminishing contrast in lighting and forest shade. Murgatroyd & Ternan (1983)
vegetation as stream size increases may also attributed the increased bank erosion and wider
contribute to the convergence of stream channel channel in a forested reach of a river, first, to the
width in forest and pasture reaches (Fig. 1 and 2). supression of pasture turf by forest shade, and
Geology might be expected to affect stream second, to scour around logs and debris dams.
morphology via its influence on hydrology as well They noted that the wider forested reach was also
as on channel and bank sediments. The pattern in less sinuous, implying that riparian vegetation
pasture-to-forest width ratios did not appear to can influence stream morphology in plan as well
depend on geology, possibly because all the streams as in cross-section. Sweeney (1993) reported
studied were located in comparatively erosion- consistent contrasts in stream width in forest-
resistant rocks (greywackes, andesites, basalts). pasture transitions on six streams of different size
Study of stream channel morphology in relation to in White Clay Creek, Pennsylvania, United
riparian vegetation, similar to the present work, States. Campbell (1993) referred in passing to
would be interesting in soft rock areas in New the finding that Keppel Creek, Victoria, Australia
Zealand such as the mudstones of inland Taranaki/ was 50% narrower in pasture than in forest
Wanganui and Gisborne Regions. immediately up stream. The findings of the
Surprisingly, there is no obvious difference in present study are consistent with these earlier
the pattern in pasture-to-forest width ratios with studies, and further extend our understanding by
different catchment vegetation (and related quantifying the stream size-dependence of the
differences in hydrology and sediment yield), that channel-narrowing phenomenon.
is, with the order of transition, forest-to-pasture versus Since livestock are known to cause damage to
pasture-to-forest. A catchment in forest is expected stream banks by trampling and grazing, stream
to have lower flood peaks and lower "channel- width might be expected to reflect animal access to
forming" flows than the same catchment in pasture the riparian zone. In the western United States,
(e.g., Fahey & Rowe 1992): therefore, a forest-to- riparian retirement from grazing has reduced
pasture transition (forest hydrology) might be stream-bank erosion (e.g., Rinne 1988). In New
expected to have a somewhat greater contrast in Zealand, severe damage to stream banks by animals,
channel width than a pasture-to-forest transition especially cattle, has been observed to cause local
(pasture hydrology). Pasture catchments are also channel widening, although livestock access does
expected to have much greater sediment yields, so not usually change channel width overall
that the rate of supply of material for bank-building (Williamson et al. 1992). Obvious "cattle crossing"
is higher than in forest catchments, although a points were identified in some of the streams studied
higher sediment supply does not necessarily have here, and were deliberately avoided in the reaches
any implication for the "equilibrium" channel surveyed. At the stream reach scale, damage to
width. Any difference in the pattern of stream banks of pasture streams by livestock appears to be
narrowing (as a function of stream size), with outweighed by the erosion-inhibiting function of
different catchment vegetation may be obscured in pasture vegetation.
Davies-Colley—Stream channel width 605
Notwithstanding the inhibition of stream-bank catchment area by a power law (Equation 1) with
erosion by grass turf, the total sediment yield in exponent = 0.363 (Fig. 1). This implies that
pasture streams may be appreciably greater than in stream width of native-forested reaches increases
native forest streams, because of greater catchment as the 0.363/0.808 = 0.45 power of the channel-
and riparian yields, combined with "flashier" forming flow in a power law:
hydrology and generally larger flood peaks. The
w ^ a tf (3)
sediment stored in pasture stream-banks is prone
to erosion by undercutting (which bypasses the turf The value b = 0.45 is consistent with earlier
protection) followed by bank collapse, especially work (on larger streams), being very similar to the
on the outside of bends. exponent of 0.48 reported by (Griffiths 1980) for
the power law relating channel width to bank-full
Channel forming flow flow in gravel-bed New Zealand rivers, and to the
global average value of 0.5 (Mosley 1992).
The finding that streams in pasture are narrower
than streams in forest suggests that they are also
Conceptual model
deeper and faster flowing. By definition, flow (Q)
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of rivers and streams is the product of width (w), The findings in the present study are conveniently
depth (d), and velocity (v) (e.g., Leopold et al. illustrated by schematic cross-sections of the same
1964): stream reach under different riparian vegetation
(Fig. 3). In native forest (the original condition),
=wdv (2) the stream channel is wide and water depths seem
This expression applies to the channel-forming to be comparatively shallow (Fig. 3A). Gravel bars
flow as well as flows generally. The channel- in the active channel generally have no terrestrial
forming flow is often taken to be approximately vegetation despite exposure for much of the time,
the bank-full flow, i.e., the largest flow that can be and stream banks are covered only by sparse and,
conveyed by the channel—one that just fills the we may assume, slow-growing and shade-tolerant,
channel without overtopping the banks (Leopold understorey plants such as ferns. Clearance of forest
et al. (1964)). The bank-full flow is generally of exposes the stream channel and riparian zone to
the same order as the mean annual flood, although sunlight, which promotes growth of pasture grasses
the return period may be appreciably different in on exposed bars within the active channel, as well
individual streams (Williams 1978). as on the stream banks. The pasture apparently acts
At forest/pasture transitions, the same flow, to trap and consolidate alluvium or colluvium or
including the same channel-forming flow, must be both, resulting in a general building-up, and out, of
conveyed by the channel in pasture and in forest. banks and bars. The resulting narrower channel
Therefore, on consideration of Equation 2, the (Fig. 3B) may mean that time-averaged and space-
reduction in channel width in pasture compared with averaged stream water depth, as well as channel
forest implies a compensating increase in channel depth, is greater than in the original forest.
depth of the channel-forming flow. Alternatively, Observations by Quinn et al. (1997) on streams
if the depth is not increased, then cross-sectional in catchments planted in pines in the Hakarimata
area of the narrower channels in pasture will be Range are consistent with the concept of narrower
correspondingly reduced, implying more frequent channels at equilibrium in pasture. The pines,
overbank flooding. A valuable extension to the planted 18 years earlier on formerly pasture land,
present study would involve cross-sectional survey have a closed canopy causing virtual extinction of
of the channel rather than merely width grasses by shading (average lighting ~ 3 % of that
measurement. in the open; Quinn et al. 1997), leaving the stream
Catchment area can be viewed as a measure banks unprotected by turf and prone to erosion. This
of the magnitude of the channel-forming event has apparently reversed the trend between Fig. 3A
in a region of similar climate and hydrology. and 3B. Fig. 3C illustrates the process of channel
Mosley (1992) has reported that the magnitude widening. Slumping occurs along the banks and the
of the mean annual flood in New Zealand rivers slumped material is entrained by the flowing water
increases slightly less rapidly than catchment leading to sedimentation in the channel bed and
area—empirically as the 0.808 power of turbid water. The stream-bank recession phase may
catchment area: Q = ^O-808. The present study last for perhaps decades, during which time the
found that channel width (in forest) is related to channel re-establishes a "forest" morphology. These
606 New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1997, Vol. 31
Fig. 3 Conceptual model of the
channel form of small streams at
the same cross-section in
different riparian vegetation.
A, steady-state stream cross-
section in native forest; B,
steady-state stream cross-section
in pasture; and C, stream-bank
recession in a pasture stream
planted with pines (pictured after
canopy closure). Sediment stored
in the pasture stream banks is
indicated in Panel B.

A. Native forest
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Original surface
under native forest
(buried gravel bar)

B. Pasture

C. Pine plantation

observations and interpretations are consistent with during high flows; and colluvial debris from stream-
those of Murgatroyd & Ternan (1983) who showed bank slumping and mass wasting from up slope.
that afforestation of formerly pasture land was Both processes seem to be occurring along banks
associated with faster stream-bank erosion and of pasture streams in the Hakarimata Range.
wider channels. Colluvial debris on stream banks and in channels
often comprises intact blocks of pasture turf and
Source of sediment the grasses continue to grow in their new location.
The narrowed channels in pasture imply that a large Alluvial deposits on streambanks appear to be
quantity of sediment has been stored in the stream rapidly trapped and consolidated by fast-growing
banks by turf consolidation as indicated in Fig. 3B. pasture grasses.
There are two possibilities for the source of the In headwater catchments with very steep slopes
stored material: over-bank deposits of alluvium (c. 30° in the Hakarimata Range), direct delivery
Davies-Colley—Stream channel width 607
of colluvium to the stream channel by mass wasting Channel narrowing may have reduced, not only
may be important, including slow, but potentially the surface benthic habitat in pasture streams, but
cumulatively significant, soil creep as well as also the sub-benthic, hyporheic habitat. After forest
catastrophic land sliding. For example, a large clearance the hyporheic zone occurring under the
landslide that occurred in the left branch Kiripaka gravel bars that were originally exposed at low
Stream at AgResearch's Whatawhata Hill Country flows is mainly covered in fine sediment built into
Research Station in winter 1995, delivered large new stream banks. Boulton et al. (1997) have
quantities of debris right to the stream channel at suggested that this process reduces the exchange
the outside of a bend. This material has deposited of surface water with the underlying hyporheic zone
on stream banks for several kilometres down so that it is no longer suitable habitat for hyporheic
stream, and the new deposits are now being fauna owing, particularly, to low dissolved oxygen.
consolidated by pasture growth. The remaining hyporheic habitat, under the reduced
Pedological and geomorphic studies would be streambed area in narrow pasture streams, appears
useful to investigate the process of bank-building also to have been degraded by sediment clogging
following riparian forest clearance along streams. and reduced interstitial dissolved oxygen (Boulton
Trenching to expose the original gravel bars that et al. 1997).
Downloaded by [] at 18:51 16 November 2012

are presumably buried under the pasture- Thus the physical changes that have
consolidated bank deposits would permit direct accompanied narrowing of channels in small
comparison of forest and pasture morphology, and streams following forest clearance in New Zealand
the volume of sediment stored in stream banks could may cumulatively induce significant degradation
then be calculated. of our streambed habitats.
Loss of streambed and hyporheic habitat Ramifications for stream restoration
Sweeney (1993) observed that the narrowing of Exclusion of grazing animals and conservation
stream channels in pasture, compared with forest plantings along stream channels in pasture
streams of the same size, means that the clearance landscapes are often promoted for their perceived
of forest has reduced channel bed habitat. He benefits to streams and down-stream waters,
combined data on stream narrowing in meadow including particularly, provision of shade, food in
versus forest in streams of different size in the the form of leaf litter, woody debris which provides
catchment of White Clay Creek, with data on habitat diversity, and improved water quality
distribution of channel size, to calculate that, in the (reduced sediment, nutrient, and faecal bacterial
eastern United States, c. 54% of the total streambed concentrations) (Collier et al. 1995). Some New
habitat (some of which is exposed gravel bars at Zealand studies (Dons 1987; Williamson et al.
lower states of flow) may have been lost by 1996) have reported the expected reduction in
narrowing of streams following forest clearance. sediment yield following riparian retirement and
Given appropriate data on the distribution of planting in pumice lands. However, the results of
channel widths in New Zealand, a similar the present study suggest that, more generally,
calculation could be made of the streambed habitat promotion of shading vegetation in the riparian zone
lost to channel narrowing in this country. may increase sediment yields for a period of years
The reduction in channel width in streams to decades as the stream channel attempts to re-
converted to pasture may be expected to have also establish a forest morphology. For example, Smith's
reduced average water width (Quinn et al. 1997) (1992) study of small pasture streams at Moutere,
and therefore the habitat useable by aquatic Nelson, 9 years after riparian plantings of pines,
organisms. On consideration of Equation 2 we may revealed poorer water quality (higher suspended
predict a corresponding increase in average water solids and nutrients) in the riparian-planted
depth to compensate for reduced width. Sweeney catchment than in the control (pasture)
(1993) noted that the inferred increase in average catchments—despite lower water yields. The lower
water depth in pasture streams which results from water quality was attributed (mainly) to loss of
channel narrowing, has negative ecological ground cover vegetation under the shading pine
implications. In particular, sites for emergence of canopy. I reiterate Smith's conclusion that "water
adults of stream insects (such as emergent cobbles, quality managers need to be cautious about
boulders, and woody debris) may be more advocating widespread afforestation in pastoral
frequently inundated. areas".
608 New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1997, Vol. 31
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mosley, M. P. 1992: River morphology. Pp. 285-304 in:
Waters of New Zealand. Mosley, M. P. ed. New
Jolanda van Veen, Jos Spier, Colleen Smith, and David Zealand Hydrological Society.
Speed assisted in the field on many stream survey
expeditions. Jolanda and Jos did initial data processing Murgatroyd, A. L.; Ternan, J. L. 1983: The impact of
which was continued by Colleen. Thanks to Bruce afforestation on stream bank erosion and channel
Williamson for initial discussions which led to form. Earth surface processes and landforms 8:
development of the "channel narrowing" hypothesis, and 357-369.
to John Quinn for further discussions, for suggesting field Quinn, J. M.; Cooper, A. B.; Davies-Colley, R. J.;
sites, and for review of the manuscript. Helpful comments Rutherford, J. C.; Williamson, R. B. 1997: Land-
were made by Kit Rutherford and Ian Prosser (CSIRO), use effects on habitat, water quality, periphyton,
and the manuscript was further improved following and benthic invertebrates in Waikato, New
review by Ian and an anonymous referee. Zealand, hill-country streams. New Zealand
journal of marine and freshwater research 31:
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