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A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy

Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Prepared For:
Brecon Beacons National Park Authority

Planning Application No: 17/14980/FUL

Prepared by C E Smith
QA by Dr. N Phillips
Nov 2017
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17


This desk based assessment and walkover report has been drawn up by APAC Ltd in response to the
submission of a planning application; (17/14980/FUL), for the erection of twelve new domestic
dwellings, with associated landscaping, access and infrastructure, on land at Cross Yard, Watton
Street, Brecon (NGR 304770 228235).

The desk based assessment is being undertaken; pre-determination’ in order to provide Brecon
Beacons National Park Authority with further information on the likely impact of the development

The area of proposed development forms part of the site of the former Brecon Boat Company’s
wharf which dates from the late 18th century and operated into the later 19th century.

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains otherwise
with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph: Extract from 1888 1:500 Town Plan of Brecon

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

Contents ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Figures ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Plates ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Appendices ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2 Site Location and Description ................................................................................................................... 5
3 Geology and Topography ......................................................................................................................... 5
4 Brief archaeological and historical background ........................................................................................ 5
5 Scope, Aims & Objectives........................................................................................................................ 6
6 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................ 7
7 Issues & Constraints ................................................................................................................................. 9
8 Desk Based Assessment Results ..............................................................................................................10
9 Site Walkover Results .............................................................................................................................14
10 Impact Assessment ..................................................................................................................................15
11 Discussions & Conclusions .....................................................................................................................17
12 Archive ....................................................................................................................................................18
13 Staff .........................................................................................................................................................18
14 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................18
15 Bibliography and References ...................................................................................................................19

Fig 1 General site location map
Fig 2 Detailed site location map showing assessment area
Fig 3 GIS plan showing assessment area in relation to HER core data within a 250m radius
Fig 4 GIS plan showing assessment area in relation to HER event data within a 250m radius
Fig 5 GIS plan showing assessment area in relation to Cadw SAM data within a 250m radius
Fig 6 GIS plan showing dense distribution of Cadw LBs within a 250m radius (unlabelled)
Fig 7 GIS plan showing assessment area in relation to Cadw LB distribution within a 250m radius
Fig 8 GIS plan showing distribution of LBs in north and west of 250m radius
Fig 9 GIS plan showing distribution of LBs in north and east of 250m radius
Fig 10 GIS plan showing assessment area in relation to Brecon Conservation Area
Fig 11 1834 John Wood map
Fig 12 1839 Tithe map
Fig 13 1888 Brecon Town Plan
Fig 14 1903 Six Inch OS map sheet XXVIII SW
Fig 15 1938 Six Inch OS map sheet XXVIII SW
Fig 16 1948 Six Inch OS map sheet XXVIII SW
Fig 17 1964 25 Inch OS map sheet XXVIII SW
Fig 18 1834 map features overlain on OS mastermap
Fig 19 1839 map features overlain on OS mastermap
Fig 20 1888 map features overlain on OS mastermap
Fig 21 1938 map features overlain on OS mastermap
Fig 22 1948 map features overlain on OS mastermap
Fig 23 1964 map features overlain on OS mastermap
Fig 24 All historic mapping features overlain on OS mastermap
Fig 25 Plan showing current and proposed ground levels
Fig 26 Plan showing overall layout of proposed development
Fig 27 Plan showing proposed layout of surface water and foul drainage
Fig 28 Development proposals and historic mapping features overlain on OS mastermap

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

PL01 1981 Brecon Bypass aerial photograph 81-055 – Frame 16
PL02 View of current access at south western corner of site
PL03 View north within site towards LB6869 encompassing former tramway line
PL04 View north within site towards LB6869 showing current state of area
PL05 View east within site showing undergrowth and line of rooves along Watton Street
PL06 View west within site showing rear of houses on Conway street & 1999 development
PL07 View of site as observed from canal bridge at Gas Works lane
PL08 Current view of site as viewed from southern towpath
PL09 Current view of site as viewed from southern towpath
PL10 View towards site from Theatr Brycheiniog to south west
PL11 View of 2005 house immediately adjacent LB6888, Gas Works lane canal bridge
PL12 View of modern developments along canal to south east of Gas Works lane canal bridge LB


Appendix I Scheduled Ancient Monument Data

Appendix II Listed Building Data
Appendix III HER Core Data
Appendix IV HER Event Data
Appendix V Table 6 - Listed buildings line of sight to area of proposed development
Appendix VI Site Visit Photograph Contact Sheet

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

1 Introduction

1.1 This report has been prepared by C E Smith, A.P.A.C. Ltd, and forms the results of an archaeological desk
based assessment and site walkover undertaken in response to the submission of a planning application for the
erection of 12 new houses, with associated landscaping, access and infrastructure, on land at Cross Yard, Watton
Street, Brecon.

1.2 The assessment area is centred on NGR 304770 228235 (Fig 1). The planning application number for the
project is 17/14980/FUL and the local planning authority is Brecon Beacons National Park Authority (BBNP). The
desk based assessment has been undertaken in order that the impact of the proposed development can be properly
assessed prior to determination of the planning application. The PRN Event number for this desk based assessment
is 144180.

1.3 Prior to the desk based assessment and site walkover commencing, a written scheme of investigation
(DBA/BR/17 – Doc 372) was submitted to, and approved by, the BBNP Heritage Officer, Alice Thorne.

2 Site Location and Description

2.1 The assessment area, totalling 2500m², is currently an area of flat, overgrown, waste ground located to the
south of Watton Street (Fig 2) and fronting on to the Brecon Canal. It is situated at approximately 132m above
Ordnance Datum.
2.2 The town of Brecon itself is situated on the north bank of the river Usk at its confluence with the river
Honddu, adjacent to the northern edge of the Brecon Beacons National Park.

3 Geology and Topography

3.1 The underlying solid geology of the assessment area is formed by the St Maughn’s Formation, Argrillaceous
Rocks and interbedded [subequal/subordinate] sandstones. These sedimentary rocks are fluvial in origin (British
Geological Survey, 2017).

3.2 The assessment area is located on the approximate boundary between two different overlying soil types. To
the north, freely draining, slightly acid loamy soils are present, whilst to the south, the soils are characterised by
freely draining floodplain soils (Soilscapes, 2017).

4 Brief archaeological and historical background

4.1 The assessment area fronts onto the northern bank of the Brecon canal within the canal basin area of the town
of Brecon itself. The Newport, Monmouth and Brecon canal system was built to move coal down from the
Monmouthshire valleys to the sea (Buchanan, 1980), the Brecon stretch of this system being constructed from 1796
onwards and opening in 1812. The main engineer of the canal was Thomas Dadford who also oversaw the
construction of the Monmouthshire and Glamorganshire canals (Rees, 1975).

4.2 Wharves were constructed by the Brecon and Abergavenny Canal Company both at the Watton and at the
canal terminus. The Brecon Boat Company, a company owned largely by shareholders in the Brecon and
Abergavenny, was set up to organise trade on the new canal. It was first documented in 1798 and subsequently built
its own wharf (the area of proposed development) at the Brecon end of the canal, leased coal mines, owned
limestone quarries and limekilns and supplied lime in the area (Silvester & Hankinson, 1995, Norris, 2012).
Hadfield (1960) states that “All the country-side came for their supply of coal, and in the late autumn every farmer
came and fetched his stock of coal from the Brecon Boat Company’s wharf… In severe frosts… the yard at Brecon
was always well stocked for winter”.

4.3 Boats operated by the Brecon Boat Company from their wharf in Brecon increased from five in 1798 to 20 by
1806 (Norris, 2012). Each was able to transport 24 tons with a relatively shallow draft of only approximately 3ft
which suggests that the majority of the canal was similarly shallow in depth.

4.4 In 1812, with the joining of the Brecon & Abergavenny canal to the Monmouthshire canal, the wharves at
Brecon and elsewhere were extended. In 1816 the Hay tramroad (plateway) was opened, starting at the Watton wharf
in Brecon. The tramroad was almost immediately extended to the wharf of the Brecon Boat Company. This
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17
remained in use until 1836 when the tramroad was moved to the south side of the canal (Silvester & Hankinson,

4.5 Owing to declining profits, the Brecon Boat Company ceased to trade in 1865 and the canal itself was sold to
the Monmouthshire Canal Company. The Monmouthshire canal (together with the Brecon & Abergavenny Canal)
was sold to the Great Western Railway in 1880 and by 1900 only one boat a week traversed the full length of the
canal with the last boat toll collected at Llangynidr in 1933 (Silvester & Hankinson, 1995, Hadfield, 1960).

4.6 The wharf located within the assessment area is likely to have been laid out with the initial canal groundworks
in the late 18th century and primarily occupied with the loading and unloading of coal/lime/stone for transport along
the canal (Stratton & Trinder, 2000, Norris, 2012).

4.7 Modern developments in the area include the large Theatr Brycheiniog building to the south-west of the
assessment area as well as modern (1999) houses and a new bridge over the canal butting the south west corner of
the assessment area, built in 1995.

5 Scope, Aims and Objectives

5.1 The scope and objectives of the desk based assessment included all aspects of the proposed development,
including its setting, and followed the guidelines as set out in the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Standard and
Guidance for a desk-based assessment (2014):


Desk-based assessment will determine, as far as is reasonably possible from existing records, the
nature, extent and significance of the historic environment within a specified area. Desk-based
assessment will be undertaken using appropriate methods and practices which satisfy the stated
aims of the project, and which comply with the Code of conduct and other relevant regulations of
CIfA. In a development context desk-based assessment will establish the impact of the proposed
development on the significance of the historic environment (or will identify the need for further
evaluation to do so), and will enable reasoned proposals and decisions to be made whether to
mitigate, offset or accept without further intervention that impact.


Desk-based assessment is a programme of study of the historic environment within a specified area

or site on land, the inter-tidal zone or underwater that addresses agreed research and/or
conservation objectives. It consists of an analysis of existing written, graphic, photographic and
electronic information in order to identify the likely heritage assets, their interests and significance
and the character of the study area, including appropriate consideration of the settings of heritage
assets and, in England, the nature, extent and quality of the known or potential archaeological,
historic, architectural and artistic interest. Significance is to be judged in a local, regional, national
or international context as appropriate.

Purpose and context

The purpose of a desk-based assessment is to gain an understanding of the historic environment

resource in order to formulate as required
1. an assessment of the potential for heritage assets to survive within the area of study
2. an assessment of the significance of the known or predicted heritage assets considering their
archaeological, historic, architectural and artistic interests
3. strategies for further evaluation whether or not intrusive, where the nature, extent or significance
of the resource is not sufficiently well defined
4. an assessment of the impact of proposed development or other land use changes on the
significance of the heritage assets and their settings
5. strategies to conserve the significance of heritage assets, and their settings
6. design strategies to ensure new development makes a positive contribution to the character and
local distinctiveness of the historic environment and local place-shaping
7. proposals for further archaeological investigation within a programme of research, whether
undertaken in response to a threat or not.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17
5.2 The extent of the search area included within the desk based assessment is a 250m radius from the edge of the

6 Methodology

Desk Based Assessment

6.1 The following repositories were consulted for information pertaining to the assessment area as part of the desk
based assessment:

National Library, Aberystwyth

Royal Commission on Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, Aberystwyth
Regional Historic Environment Record, Welshpool
Canal and Rivers Trust (South Wales & Severn Waterways), Gloucester
Relevant published and unpublished sources including books, journal articles and grey literature

6.2 The impact of the development proposal on the setting of statutorily protected cultural heritage monuments,
landscapes, and areas is assessed through a basic visual impact study incorporating all monuments/landscapes/areas
within 250m of the assessment area boundary. Where statutorily protected cultural heritage assets were shown to
have a clear line of sight to the assessment area, and thus the potential for a resulting impact on setting, guidelines
from the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (2009, Volume II, Section 3, Part 2, Cultural Heritage) have been
used to assess the likely impact with further reference to the setting guidance provided by TAN24: The Historic
Environment (2017), Setting of Historic Assets in Wales (Cadw, 2017) and Cadw’s (2011) Conservation Principles.

Site Walkover

6.3 The site visit was carried out on Friday 10th November 2017. The aims of the visit were to:

 Assess any historic and/or archaeological sites identified during assessment

of the documentary and cartographic sources
 Assess the condition of archaeological sites within the proposed development
area and the potential impact of development on them
 Assess the potential of the development area to yield new and unrecorded
archaeological sites.

6.4 High resolution (12+ megapixel) digital photographs were taken where appropriate, and a finds sampling
strategy was formulated in case surface finds were encountered during the site visit.

6.5 Following the Institute for Archaeologist’s Standards and Guidance for Desk-Based Assessments (2014), the
main objective of the site visit was to gain information about the archaeological resource within the proposed
development area in order to make an assessment of its significance in the local, regional and national context. The
determination of significance will enable the following to be formulated:

 A strategy to ensure the recording, preservation or management of the resource

during the proposed development
 A strategy to mitigate against a threat to the archaeological resource should it be
considered of sufficient value
 A proposal for further archaeological investigation within a programme of
research associated with the proposed development

Criteria for Assessing Impacts

6.6 The impact was assessed in terms of both the potential physical effect that the development might have on the
archaeological resource and the effect on the setting of statutorily protected archaeological sites, including visibility
to and from the site. The assessment was carried out following guidelines set out in Design Manual for Roads and
Bridges (DMRB 2009, Volume 11, Section 3, part 2 HA 20807). The significance level attributed to each impact has
been assessed based on the magnitude of change due to the development proposals, and the sensitivity of the
affected receptor/receiving environment to change, as well as a number of other factors.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17
Importance Cultural Heritage Receptor
Highest World Heritage Site
High Scheduled Ancient Monument

Grade I and II* Listed Buildings

Sites suitable for scheduling or considered to be of national importance. Other sites not
listed on the HER but considered to be of national importance
Moderate Sites listed on the Historic Environment Record which are of a reasonably well defined
extent, nature and date and significant examples in the regional/county context

Grade II Listed Buildings

Registered Historic Battlefields

Registered Historic Parks and Gardens

Conservation Areas

Other sites not listed on the HER but considered to be of regional importance
Low Sites listed on the Historic Environment Record which are of a less well defined extent,
nature and date

Other sites not listed on the HER but considered to be of local importance
Negligible Sites of some local heritage interest

Sites of uncertain importance meriting further study

Poorly provenance sites

Unknown Sites of uncertain importance meriting further study
Table 1: Importance of cultural heritage receptors

Archaeological Criteria
High Existing sites that are readily visible as standing structures or earthworks that survive in
a good state of preservation

Known sites comprising buried archaeological remains

Areas where numerous sites of certain dates or periods are known within the vicinity,
indicating similar sites are likely to be present within a site area.
Moderate Areas where a few sites of certain dates or periods are known within the vicinity,
indicating similar sites may be present within a site area

Areas where numerous sites of certain dates or periods are known within the vicinity, but
where the site area has been subject to some previous development or disturbance.
Low Areas where very few sites of certain dates or periods are known within the vicinity,
indicating similar sites may possibly be present

Areas where numerous sites of certain dates or periods are known within the vicinity, but
where the site area has been subject to extensive previous disturbance through modern
development or industrial processes

Areas where significant build-up of material has occurred in modern times associated
with levelling, spoil tipping or other industrial activities sealing areas where
archaeological deposits may be present
Negligible Areas where no known archaeological remains have been identified through previous
archaeological investigations

Areas where previous disturbance through modern development or industrial activity has
completely removed archaeological remains that were known or may have been present
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17
Unknown Where there is no available archaeological information indicating the presence or
absence of archaeological remains
Table 2: Archaeological Potential

6.7 The magnitude of impacts through development upon heritage features can range from major to neutral. To
establish the magnitude of impact table 3 (below) is used.

Magnitude of Impact Description of Impact

Major Removal of or damage to at least 50% of a site or feature

Fundamental alteration to the setting of features for which the concept of

setting is applicable
Moderate Removal of or damage to up to 50% of a site or feature

Considerable alteration to the setting of a site or feature for which the concept
of setting is applicable
Minor Some disturbance to site or feature

Discernible alteration to the setting of a site or feature for which the concept of
setting is applicable
Neutral No disturbance to site or feature

No alteration to the setting of a site or feature

Table 3: Magnitude of impact

6.8 The significance of an impact is devised by cross referencing the importance of the receptor with the
magnitude of impact, see table 4 (below). This follows the principles set out in the Design Manual for Roads &
Bridges, Volume II, Section 3, Part 2, Cultural Heritage (2009).

Importance of Receptor
Magnitude of Highest High Moderate Low Negligible
Major Major Major Major/Moderate Moderate Minor
Moderate Major Major Moderate Moderate Minor
Minor Moderate/Minor Moderate/Minor Minor Minor Minor/Neutral
Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
Table 4: Assessing significance of impact

7 Issues and Constraints

7.1 Within the 250m search radius there are a number of statutory designations related to cultural heritage which
may affect the proposed development. These include:

 Scheduled Ancient Monuments (SAMs)

 Listed Buildings (LBs)
 Brecon Conservation Area

7.2 Under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act (1979; 2000 revision), the Welsh Assembly
Government (WAG) and Cadw are required to compile and maintain a of monuments considered to be of national
importance. The statutory consent of Cadw is required before any works are carried out which would have the effect
of demolishing, destroying, damaging, removing, repairing, altering, adding to, flooding or covering up a Scheduled

7.3 Ancient Monument (SAM). In addition, impacts of development works upon the setting of a SAM form an
important consideration in the granting or refusal of planning consent to conduct development works.

7.4 There are no SAM sites within the area of proposed development. There is one SAM site within the 250m
search radius and one immediately outside of this area (Appendix 1).

7.5 Other known sites of archaeological or historic significance are listed on county-based Historic Environment
Records, following the 1990 Town and Country Planning Act. There are 45 sites listed on the HER for the study

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17
area, excluding the SAMs and LBs (Appendix 2). A total of 13 archaeological events are recorded within the HER
as being within the 250m search area. Two sites recorded in the HER are shown as being located within the
assessment area itself (PRNs 23551 & 89255). Both relate to the recorded presence of a wharf in the 19 th century.

7.6 Technical Advice Note 24: The Historic Environment – Section 5: Listed Buildings (2017) and the ‘Planning
(Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and the Historic Buildings and Ancient Monuments Act of
1953, listed buildings are categorised as Grades I, II* and II in decreasing order of special architectural and historic
importance. These buildings are of acknowledged importance to the nation's built heritage. Section 66 of the
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 requires planning decision makers to have special
regard to the desirability of preserving listed buildings and their settings.

7.7 There are 138 Grade II Listed Buildings within the 250m assessment area and 1 Grade II* Listed Building
(Appendix 2). There are no listed buildings within the proposed development area.

7.8 Conservation Areas may be designated under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act
1990. Section 72 of the 1990 Act requires decision-makers on applications for planning consents to pay special
attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area (TAN24, 2017). As a
matter of policy, planning decision-makers must take into account the potential effects of development on the setting
of Conservation Areas.

7.9 The area of proposed development lies within the Brecon conservation area.

7.10 The setting of statutorily protected cultural heritage assets is dealt with by Cadw’s (2017) ‘Setting of Historic
Assets in Wales’ and includes guidance on how assessment of impact on setting should be considered. It states that:

‘The setting of a historic asset includes the surroundings in which it is understood,

experienced and appreciated, embracing present and past relationships to the
surrounding landscape… Setting is not itself a historic asset, though land within a
setting may contain other historic assets. The importance of setting lies in what it
contributes to the significance of a historic asset. Setting often extends beyond the
property boundary of a historic asset and into the surrounding landscape or
townscape. Although many historic assets are visible and their settings are obvious,
those that are buried also have a setting’

7.11 Archaeological remains are viewed as a finite and non-renewable resource which in many cases are highly
fragile and vulnerable to damage and destruction. Planning Policy Wales (2016), Chapter 6: The Historic
Environment states:
‘The historic environment is central to Wales’ culture and its character,
and contributes to our sense of place and cultural identity. It enhances our quality
of life, adds to regional and local distinctiveness and is an important economic and
social asset. It is vital that the historic environment is appreciated, protected,
actively maintained and made accessible for the general well-being of present and
future generations.

7.12 Planning Policy Wales (2016), Chapter 6: The Historic Environment, places emphasis on the need for early
consultation. The needs of archaeology and development may be reconciled, and potential conflict very much
reduced, if developers discuss their proposals with the local planning authority at an early stage. A desk-based
archaeological assessment can be commissioned to provide information on the archaeological significance of a site
before submitting a planning application.

7.13 Both Technical Advice Note 24 (2017) and Planning Policy Wales (2016) address issues associated with
development proposals affecting standing buildings, and also recommends consideration of other designations
including the setting of listed buildings, World Heritage Sites and Historic Landscapes, Parks and Gardens as a
material consideration for planners when scrutinising applications.

8 Desk Based Assessment Results

HER Core Data

8.1 A total of 45 sites are recorded within the regional HER as being located within the 250m search area (Fig 3,
Appendix 3) around the site, two of which are shown as being located directly within the area of proposed

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17
development. As previously mentioned, the two sites HER entries within the site (PRNs 23551 & 89255) both relate
to the presence of a wharf serving the canal at this location. The first, PRN 23551, records the site of ‘Former wharf
of canal which lay on the north side. The dock was enlarged during the late 19th century but has since been infilled’
whilst the second, PRN 89255, refers to the same canal wharf having been recorded on the 1 st Edition OS map.

8.2 Of the 45 HER sites listed within the 250m search area, a total of 15 relate to post-medieval structures or
features associated with the Brecon canal and are thus the most relevant to this study. They are listed by PRN
number below:

PRN 119987 – Brecon & Abergavenny Canal

PRN 19452 – Brecon & Abergavenny Canal Basin
PRN 89255 – Brecon Canal Wharf
PRN 23549 – The Rhyd, Brecon & Abergavenny Canal (infilled section)
PRN 23550 – Site of former bridge at The Rhyd
PRN 23554 – Site of demolished canal buildings at The Rhyd
PRN 23553 – Site of former drydock, The Rhyd
PRN 23551 – Canal wharf at The Rhyd
PRN 23552 – The Rhyd tramroad plateway
PRN 119989 – The Watton rail way
PRN 89258 – Harp Cottages at canal wharf
PRN 89257 – Harp cottages saw pit adj. canal
PRN 89260 – Charles Street canal wharf
PRN 89259 – Lloyds Terrace boat house
PRN 20954 – Watton tramroad plateway

HER Core Data Summary

8.3 Of the 45 sites listed by the HER as being located within the 250m search area, a total of 15 relate to features
associated with the Brecon canal. Two are shown as being located within the area of proposed development itself,
relating to the site of a former wharf serving the canal.

8.4 The remaining 31 sites relate to a wide range of archaeological features ranging from the findspot of a
Neolithic flint blade (PRN 119620), the projected line of a Roman road (PRNs 11103 & 47027), Brecon’s medieval
town defences (PRN 58109) as well as several post-medieval structures. A complete catalogue of all the HER sites
contained within the 250m search area is shown within Appendix 3.

8.5 Although not directly relatable to the canal itself, or the site of the former wharf located within the assessment
area, the remaining 31 sites do provide good background information on the archaeology and history of the Brecon

HER Event Data

8.6 The regional HER shows a total of 13 events having taken place within the 250m search area (Fig 4,
Appendix 4). No events are shown as having taken place directly within the area of proposed development although
several have taken place immediately adjacent. These are listed by PRN number below:

PRN 129212 – Building recording prior to conversion of LB 6869 (immediately north of site) to domestic dwelling
PRN 23548 & 58491 – Desk based assessment & evaluation undertaken prior to construction of Theatr Brycheiniog
PRN 113084 – Desk based assessment on the Rich Way
PRN 118707 – Desk based assessment of former Gas Works site

HER Event Data Summary

8.7 Although several archaeological events have taken place within the 250m search area, as well as those listed
above having taken place adjacent to the area of proposed development, no events have taken place within the site.
Whilst several studies of the area that have been undertaken are of use as background information, none have
focused solely on the area of proposed development.

8.8 A complete catalogue of all the HER events contained within the 250m search area is shown within Appendix

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17
SAM Data

8.9 Only one SAM site, BR 150, is located within 250m of the assessment area with a second SAM site, BR 177,
located immediately beyond the search area (Fig 5, Appendix 1). BR177 is included within the assessment owing to
the statutorily protected status of SAM sites and to ensure that no impact is likely immediately beyond the arbitrary
250m search radius.

8.10 BR150 - The monument comprises the remains of a stretch of the 13th century medieval town wall of Brecon.
The wall was built to enclose the 12th century expansion of the town. Along the line of the wall there were several
towers as well as four gateways leading into the town: the Watton Gate (east), the Strowed or Struet Gate (north), the
Water Gate (at the crossing of the Honddu) and the Bridge Gate (towards Llanfaes). The monument is of national
importance for its potential to enhance our knowledge of medieval defensive organisation and of the growth of
towns. The monument forms an important element within the wider medieval context and the structure itself may be
expected to contain archaeological information in regard to chronology, building techniques and functional detail. It
forms an important part of the heritage of Brecon and is, at the time of the scheduling revision, in a disgraceful state
of neglect. The area to be scheduled comprises the remains described and an area around them within which related
evidence may be expected to survive. It is broadly rectangular and measures 48m from NE to SW by 26m
transversely (Cadw).

8.11 BR177 - The monument comprises the remains of a stretch of the medieval town wall, including the remains
of a gatehouse, that extend along the southern edge of the medieval town of Brecon. The section of wall measures
45m in length and comprises a substantial earthen bank 9m wide and 1.5m high fronted by a masonry wall around
4m in height. This wall has been repaired and repointed on multiple occasions since the medieval period, including
the addition of new coping stones along the top of the wall. These works have significantly altered the appearance of
the wall, although the bulk of the structure is likely to be of medieval origin. The gatehouse is located to the west of
the extant section of wall. It is of coursed rubble construction and comprises two parallel sections of walling around
4m high, between which there was a single pointed arch, the springer for which can be seen on the E wall. The
gatehouse has recently undergone significant conservation and consolidation works. The monument is of national
importance for its potential to enhance our knowledge of medieval defensive organisation and of the growth of
towns. The monument forms an important element within the wider medieval context and the structure itself may be
expected to contain archaeological information in regard to chronology, building techniques and functional detail.
The scheduled area comprises the remains described and areas around them within which related evidence may be
expected to survive.

SAM Data Summary

8.12 Two SAM sites are included within this desk based assessment though neither are located within, or close to,
the area of proposed development. Notably, neither SAM also has a clear line of sight to the area of proposed
development. Full information on the two SAM sites is contained within Appendix 1.

LB Data

8.13 A total of 139 listed buildings are located within the 250m search area. With the exception of one Grade II*
listed building, all are Grade II. The dense distribution of the listed buildings is shown on figs 6 to 9.

8.14 Full information on all of the listed buildings located within the 250m search area is shown in Appendix 2.

8.15 The vast majority of the listed buildings within the search are located along the line of Watton Street with no
line of sight into the area of proposed development. Only three are located adjacent to the assessment area with no
listed building located within the area of proposed development itself.

8.16 The three listed buildings located adjacent to the site are:

LB6869 (PRN 25140) – Post-medieval barn structure to the immediate north of the site
LB6888 (PRN 25159) – Gas Works Lane canal bridge to south east of site
LB18110 (PRN 41860) – Former canal weights and measures office to west of site

LB Data Summary

8.17 Of the three listed buildings with the potential to have a clear line of sight into the assessment area, two are
related to former infrastructure of the Brecon canal itself.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17
Conservation Area

8.18 The extent of the Brecon conservation (455) area is shown on fig 10, clearly encompassing the area of
proposed development. The site is included within the conservation area owing to the importance of early industry,
such as the canal and canal basin, to Brecon as well as views along the canal and the green space it allows (BBNPA,

Historic Map Regression

8.19 1834 John Wood Map (Fig 11) – The map clearly shows the area of proposed development forms the eastern
south eastern half of what is clearly labelled ‘Brecknock Boat Cos Wharf’ with the landowner being shown as Mr J
L V Watkins. The area is shown as being largely open with a canal spur projecting 90 from the main body of the
canal into the assessment area. The lines of a tramway/railway are shown crossing the assessment area from the
Watton and meeting the edge of the canal spur at its north-eastern end.

8.20 Whilst no further features of archaeological or historical significance are located within the assessment area a
large amount of other features associated with the canal are shown as being extant at this time such as the drydock to
the south of the site and the canal bridge at the end of Gas Works Lane.

8.21 1839 Tithe Map (Fig 12) – The Tithe map shows largely the same amount of basic detail as the earlier, 1834,
map. Inherent inaccuracies in both 1834 and 1839 maps result in slight discrepancy about where exactly the 90 spur
projects into the assessment area. No further features of archaeological or historical significance were noted.

8.22 1888 Town Plan (Fig 13) – The 1888 map shows the assessment area in clear detail. The site is still marked
as being a wharf though the western half, shown as open on the earlier maps, is shown as being divided up into
individual parcels of land by this date thus intimating that the wharf applied only to the assessment area.

8.23 The 90 canal projection into the assessment area also appears to have changed shape by this date, becoming
shorter and wider and with a structure at its north-eastern end. The structure is built right up to the waters edge and
may thus represent a covered boat house. A further, smaller, structure is also visible in the south-east corner of the
site by this date. The tramway/railway from the assessment area to the Watton is no longer shown as being extant.
No further features of archaeological or historical significance were noted.

8.24 1903 OS Map (Fig 14) – The 1903 OS map shows, albeit at a smaller scale, largely the same detail within the
assessment area as that shown on the earlier 1888 map. The structure in the south-east corner of the site appears to
have either been removed or substantially altered by this date as it is shown as being less perpendicular and no
longer roofed. The canal projecting into the site and the possible boathouse structure are both shown as extant. A
structure to the immediate west of the assessment area is marked as Drill Hall.

8.25 The former wharf area to the west of the assessment area, shown as wharf on the 1834 and 1839 maps and
later as areas of divided up land (1888) is now shown as being built on by various structures thus intimating that the
assessment area itself now bore all wharf activities. No further features of archaeological or historical significance
were noted.

8.26 1938 OS Map (Fig 15) – The 1938 OS map shows little difference from the 1903 map with the exception of a
likely enclosed area within the site running parallel to the south-eastern boundary and projecting down from the barn
structure to the north of the assessment area. No further features of archaeological or historical significance were

8.27 1948 OS Map (Fig 16) – The 1948 OS map shows the canal projection and the possible boathouse feature to
still be extant at this date. It also shows the enclosed area, depicted on the earlier, 1938, map as now having been
removed and replaced with a single, rectangular, and seemingly unroofed, structure. No further features of
archaeological or historical significance were noted.

8.28 1964 OS Map (Fig 17) – The 1964 OS map shows significant changes from the earlier historical maps. The
assessment area appears to have been divided into two distinct plots of land with the canal projection having been
backfilled and the possible boathouse removed by this date. Up to nine small, separate, structures are now shown
within the area, some with evidence of internal partitions, though no function is implied.

8.29 The northern bank of the canal appears to have been regularised and straightened at the same time as the
projection was backfilled. No further features of archaeological or historical significance were noted

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17
Historic Map Regression Summary

8.30 The seven historic maps consulted as part of the desk based assessment, covering the 130 years between 1834
and 1964, show considerable change having taken place within the assessment area and its immediate environs.

8.31 The maps have shown that several archaeological features are likely to exist below ground within the
assessment area – namely at least one, but possibly two, areas of backfilled canal as well as several later 19 th and
early 20th century structures/features likely associated with the canal wharf.

8.32 Figures 18 to 23 show the features from each historical map overlaid on the area of proposed development.
Figure 24 shows all of the features located on the historic maps compiled and overlaid on the area of proposed

Aerial Photographs

8.33 A search of the aerial photographs held by the RCAHMW in Aberystwyth revealed only a single image of the
assessment area dated from 1981 (Plate 01). This shows the site largely as depicted on the 1964 OS map (Fig 17)
though with what appears to be undergrowth and debris present.

9 Site Walkover Results

9.1 The site walkover was undertaken in dry and bright conditions. Access to the site was gained through a gate
in the south western corner (Plate 02).

9.2 The assessment area itself was found to be largely overgrown with brambles and other undergrowth above
waist height in places which impeded a clear view of the ground. Where visible the ground surface was dotted with
large stone and modern debris dumps (Plates 03-06) which masked any features of archaeological or historical

9.3 No structures shown on the 1964 map, or the modern OS Mastermap (Fig 2), are extant within the assessment
area. The line of the tramway shown on the 1834 John Wood map, however, appears to be demarcated within the
site by the presence of a tarmac path (Plate 03) in the same position and alignment.

9.4 Plate 07 shows the view of the area of proposed development from the Gas Works lane canal bridge
(LB6888) to the south-east. It is suggested that houses developed on the site would do little to significantly change
this view owing to the presence of houses already visible on Conway Street. Plates 08 & 09 show the area of
proposed development as viewed from the south bank towpath.

9.5 It was noted during the site walkover that the area of proposed development is located in an area which can be
said to have already undergone substantial redevelopment for modern structures. Plate 10 shows the area of
proposed development as viewed from the 1996 Theatr Brycheiniog building with the 1999 houses to the left and the
1995 bridge to the right. Plate 11 shows the two houses built immediately adjacent to LB6888 in 2005 whilst Plate
12 shows similar modern developments lining the canal to the south-east of the area of proposed development.

Site Walkover Summary

9.6 The site walkover has served to indicate the extent to which the area of proposed development has declined in
appearance since its use as a wharf serving the Brecon canal in the 19 th and early 20th centuries. It also highlighted
the fact that the majority of the surrounding area has undergone relatively recent development.

9.7 It was established during the site walkover that LB18110 (PRN 41860), Former canal weights and measures

office to west of site, has no clear view to or from the area of proposed development. Its setting is considerably
altered by the presence of the immediately adjacent row of 1999 houses. Thus it is not felt that the current
development proposals will have any impact on the setting of LB18110.

9.8 Assessment of the degree of survival of any immediately sub-surface features was impeded by the dumped
material and undergrowth covering the majority of the site.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

10 Impact Assessment
Assessment of Physical Impacts – SAM Sites
10.1 As there are no SAM sites within the area of proposed development there will be NO direct physical impacts.

Assessment of Impact on Setting – SAM Sites

10.2 The assessment of the impact on setting of the two SAM sites followed Stages 1-4, Section 4, of Cadw’s
(2017) ‘Managing Setting of Historic Assets in Wales’.

10.3 Both SAMs BR150 and BR177 relate to comparatively short stretches of Brecon’s defensive medieval town
wall. Whilst when it was in use the wall is likely to have been visible from, and had a commanding view across, the
surrounding landscape (including the area of proposed development) later medieval, post-medieval and modern
development has impeded this vista.

10.4 No tangible relationship between the Brecon Boat Company’s wharf (area of proposed development) and the
two SAM sites can be discerned, certainly neither influenced the location or siting of the other. Similarly it is not felt
that the proposed development would in any way detract from understanding of the two SAMs.

10.5 Neither of the SAM sites included within the assessment, BR150 and BR177, have any line of sight to or from
the area of proposed development. Thus there will be no impact on the setting of any SAM site as a result of the
proposed development. See table 5 below:

SAM No. Importance Potential Magnitude of Impact Significance of

BR150 High High Neutral Neutral
BR177 High High Neutral Neutral
Table 5: Showing the assessed likely impact on the setting of SAMs as a result of the proposed development

10.6 Owing to the magnitude and significance of impact being quantified as neutral using the principles outlined in
the Design Manual for Roads & Bridges, Volume II, Section 3, Part 2, Cultural Heritage (2009), it is not felt that any
mitigation measures, such as screening, relocation or modification to the development proposals, as suggested in
‘Managing Setting of Historic Assets in Wales’ (Cadw, 2017), are required in order to lessen the impact on the two

Assessment of Physical Impacts – LB Sites

10.7 As there are no LB sites within the area of proposed development there will be NO direct physical impacts.
As the site access to the area of proposed development will be from the south-west corner, over the relatively
modern bridge structure, this will not result in the indirect physical impact of a heavier weight of traffic using the
listed canal bridge at Gas Works lane (LB6888).

Assessment of Impact on Setting – LB Sites

10.8 The assessment of the impact on setting of the LB sites followed Stages 1-4, Section 4, of Cadw’s (2017)
‘Managing Setting of Historic Assets in Wales’

10.9 Following the site walkover, Table 6 (Appendix V) was drawn up detailing all of the 139 listed buildings
within the 250m search area and showing their view to and from the area of proposed development. Owing to the
comparatively low height of the proposed development no ZTV map was deemed necessary.

10.10 Table 6 shows that, of the 139 listed buildings located within the 250m search area, only two (LBs 6869 &
6888) are visible both to and from the area of proposed development. Following the principles outlined in the
Design Manual for Roads & Bridges, Volume II, Section 3, Part 2, Cultural Heritage (2009) the resulting magnitude
and significance of impact on the other 137 listed buildings would be quantified as Neutral and Neutral.

10.11 LB6869 is a later 18th century barn structure situated to the rear of structures fronting onto Watton Street. As
it is likely to pre-date the canal its location may have indirectly influenced the siting of the Brecon Boat Company’s
wharf (area of proposed development) though no relationship, other than relative proximity, is likely to have existed
between the two.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17
10.12 Given that no relationship is likely to have existed between the Brecon Boat Company’s wharf and the later
18th century barn LB6869, it is unlikely that the development proposals will impact on setting to the extent that it
detracts from understanding of the barn. Structures contemporary with barn LB6869 exist to its north, east and west
along Watton Street, and it is through its geographic relationship with these that the setting of the barn is understood.
This is a setting which will be unimpeded by the current development proposals. It is also worth noting that the barn
has, since 2006, itself undergone redevelopment including a new roof, windows and mahogany screen which
detracts from its former appearance.

10.13 Owing to the magnitude and significance of impact being quantified as neutral using the principles outlined in
the Design Manual for Roads & Bridges, Volume II, Section 3, Part 2, Cultural Heritage (2009), it is not felt that any
mitigation measures, such as screening, relocation or modification to the development proposals, as suggested in
‘Managing Setting of Historic Assets in Wales’ (Cadw, 2017), are required in order to lessen the impact on LB6869.
Whilst the option of tree screening along the northern edge of the proposed development exists, thus separating the
barn from the proposed development, it is felt that this would have a negative impact on both the appearance of the
conservation area and the setting of LB6869.

10.14 Having assessed the impact of the proposed development on the setting of LB6869, with reference to Stages
1-4, Section 4, of Cadw’s (2017) ‘Managing Setting of Historic Assets in Wales’, the impact of the proposed
development on the setting of LB6869 is deemed likely to be borderline between moderate and minor. Owing to the
current overgrown nature of the site, and the presence of a recently erected property boundary fence, no clear view
of the barns setting is available from the south. No views of the barn are available from the west or east and the view
from the north, on Watton Street, will be unimpeded by the proposed development. The significance of the
developments impact on the setting of LB 6869 is thus deemed likely to be minor.

10.15 LB6888 is a late 18th century to early 19th century stone built canal bridge at the south end of Gas Works
Lane. The bridge is contemporary with the Brecon Boat Company’s wharf, as it is with the canal itself. As the
bridge was not directly accessible from the wharf area itself neither is likely to have overly influenced the siting of
the other.

10.16 Understanding of the canal bridge’s setting is bound up with the fact that it spans the canal itself. The
development proposals thus appear unlikely to detract from either how the bridge is viewed or understood within its
canal setting.

10.17 Likewise, as no discernible relationship is evident between LB6888 or LB6869, though each is visible from
the other, the development proposals will not detract from understanding of them both as a group.

10.18 Views across the area of proposed development from the canal bridge itself (Plate 07) currently encompass
the rear of houses on Conway Street and the refurbished drill hall. Whilst these views, or the likely view resulting
from the proposed development, do not serve to enhance the setting of LB6888 mitigation measures such as
screening, relocation or modification of the development proposals do not appear necessary with any screening
likely to have a negative impact on the appearance of the area as a whole.

10.19 Having assessed the impact of the proposed development on the setting of LB6888, with reference to Stages
1-4, Section 4, of Cadw’s (2017) ‘Managing Setting of Historic Assets in Wales’, the likely impact is deemed to be
minor. Owing to the recent (2005) development of two new houses immediately adjacent to the canal bridge it is not
felt that further housing to the north-west (the proposed development) will significantly detract from the setting of
the canal bridge which is more intimately linked with the canal itself. Similarly it is not felt that the view to the
north-west across the area of proposed development will be significantly impacted upon by the construction of
houses given that its current view in this direction is already of the rear of houses on Conway Street. The
significance of the developments impact on the setting of LB 6888 is thus deemed likely to be minor

10.20 Table 7 (below) shows the likely impact of the development proposals on the setting of LBs 6869 and 6888.

LB No. Importance Potential Magnitude of Impact Significance of Impact

6869 Moderate Low Moderate/Minor Minor
6888 Moderate Low Minor Minor
Table 7: Likely impact on setting of LBs as a result of the proposed development.

Assessment of Impact on Brecon Conservation Area

10.21 The area of proposed development is located within the Brecon conservation area and thus any development

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17
will have a visible impact. However, the immediate vicinity of the assessment area has been shown to have
undergone significant change in the very recent past; the construction of the large Theatr Brycheiniog building 40m
to the south-west of the assessment area in 1996, a new canal bridge butting the south-western edge of the site in
1995, the row of houses on the north bank of the canal 19m from the site in 1999 as well as the new houses
constructed adjacent to the Gas Works Lane canal bridge in 2005.

10.22 It is thus felt that, with construction sympathetic to architectural styles already evident along the western end
of the canal, the proposed development would not significantly detract from the aesthetics of the Brecon
conservation area and may, in converting an overgrown brownfield site, be beneficial to the canal basin area.

Proposed Development and Associated Depths

10.23 The proposed development consists of twelve, two-floor, new build, domestic dwellings with associated
gardens, parking, landscaping/planting, access and service infrastructure.

10.24 Figures 25, 26 and 27 show the existing and finished ground levels , the proposed housing development in
plan and the proposed drainage layout for the site.

10.25 Prior to any development, it is proposed that the site will be stripped of upper overburden material/root
matter to a maximum depth of 0.3m below the existing ground level. After development the finished ground level
will be achieved by building up and landscaping of the surface (Fig 25).

10.26 All of the twelve proposed houses will be erected on rafted foundations with a maximum trench depth of
0.7m (Fig 26).

10.27 Connection of the proposed development into the existing sewerage network will require a foul drain trench
depth of between 0.9m and 1.2m. Surface water drainage and attenuation areas are proposed to be a maximum of
0.9m deep (Fig 27) with all subsequent services and facilities at a similar depth.

11 Discussions & Conclusions

11.1 The desk based assessment has shown that the area of proposed development has a high potential for the
presence of intact post-medieval remains associated with the early industry of Brecon including structures, features,
deposits and finds. Given the maritime nature of the wharf site, shown to have been located within the assessment
area, there is a reasonable potential for waterlogged timbers/timber structures to also be present.

11.2 Figure 28 shows the transcribed historical map features within the area of proposed development in relation to
the currently proposed layout of the new houses. It shows that there is likely to be considerable physical impact on
buried remains likely to exist within the site as a result of the proposed development.

11.3 Further landscaping for car parking, access road and garden areas, as well as connection of services
infrastructure, will also likely have a direct physical impact on the below-ground archaeology.

11.4 The desk based assessment and site walkover have shown that no physical impacts to any listed building or
scheduled ancient monument will arise as a result of the current development proposals. Similarly it has shown that
there will be no impact on the setting of any SAM within the 250m search area.

11.5 Of the 139 listed buildings within the 250m search area only two will experience any impact on their setting
as a result of the proposed development. In both cases the impact was felt likely to be minor owing to substantial
previous change already seen in the area. Likewise any impact on the Brecon conservation area was deemed likely to
be negligible owing to similar modern developments in the immediate area. Indeed in this instance it was felt that
improvement of the area of proposed development would be beneficial to the canal basin section of the conservation

11.6 In order to mitigate the physical impact of any development on the archaeological resource it is suggested
that, prior to any building work commencing within the area of proposed development, a field evaluation be
undertaken to establish the presence or absence, date, quality and extent of any below ground archaeological

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

12 Archive
12.1 The original archive for the desk based assessment will be retained by APAC Ltd.
12.2 Secondary archives will be deposited with Gwent Records Office and digitally with the Royal Commission for
Ancient and Historic Monuments, Aberystwyth. A copy of the final report & project design will be deposited with
the regional HER (Welshpool) and with the BBNPA.

13 Staff
13.1 The desk based assessment was undertaken by Chris E Smith BA (Hons) MA MCIfA.

14 Acknowledgements
14.1 Thanks to the landowner for providing access to the site and the staff at the RCAHMW and National Library
for assistance with the research.

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

15 Bibliography and References

Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act, 1979, Rev-2000

APAC Ltd. 2017. Written Scheme of Investigation for a Desk Based Assessment: DBA/BR/17 – Cross Yard,
Watton Street, Brecon Doc No. 372

Brecon Beacons National Park Authority, 2016. Brecon Conservation Area Appraisal

British Geological Survey - – Accessed 10th November 2017

Buchanan, R. A. 1980. Industrial Archaeology in Britain. Billing & Sons, London

Cadw. 2011. Conservation Principles, Policies and Guidance for the Sustainable Management of the Historic
Environment in Wales

Cadw. 2017. Managing Setting of Historic Assets in Wales

Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. 2014. Standards and Guidance: for an archaeological watching brief

Hadfield, C. 1960. The Canals of South Wales and the Border. University of Wales Press, Cardiff

Highways Agency. 2009. Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Volume 11. Section 3.

National Soil Resources Institute - - Accessed 10th November 2017

Norris, J. 2012. The Monmouthshire and Brecon Canal. The Birches, West Sussex

Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act, 1990

Rees, D, M. 1975. Industrial Archaeology of Wales. David & Charles, London

Silvester, R, J & Hankinson, R. 1995. The Rhyd, Brecon, Powys: Archaeological Investigation. CPAT Report No.

Stratton, M & Trinder, B. 2000. Twentieth Century Industrial Archaeology. E & FN Spon, London

Town and Country Planning Act, 1990

Welsh Assembly Government, 2016. Planning Policy Wales. 9 th Edition

Welsh Assembly Government, 2017. Technical Advice Note. 24

Other Sources:

Cadw supplied GIS information on protected sites within 250m radius of development boundary

CPAT HER supplied GIS information on all HER entries within 250m radius of development boundary

Historic Cartographic Sources:

1834 John Wood map

1839 Tithe map for parish of St. David’s, Breconshire
1888 1:500 Brecon Town Plan
1903 1:10560 OS map sheet XXVIII SW
1938 1:10560 OS map sheet XXVIII SW
1948 1:10560 OS map sheet XXVIII SW
1964 1:2500 OS map sheet

A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

Aerial Photograph (from RCAHMW):

Sortie 81-055 Frame 016 – Zeiss. 30th July 1981. 8400 Feet Alt. Brecon Bypass.

The copyright for this report shall remain with A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 7RG.

Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil. M. Phil. BA (Hons).Cert Ed/FE MCIFA.
Land at Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
0 40m

0 500m
Map Data © 2013 Google

Fig 1: Plan showing location of Brecon and location of assessment area (inset) A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

0 50m
Fig 2: OS Mastermap showing red line boundary of assessment area

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
0 250m

Fig 3: OS Mastermap with assessment area (red) and HER A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
core data (light blue) overlain and listed by PRN number
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
0 250m

Fig 4: OS Mastermap with assessment area (red) and HER A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
event data (purple) overlain and listed by PRN number
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
0 250m

Fig 5: OS Mastermap with assessment area (red) and SAM A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
site location (solid red) overlain
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
0 250m

Fig 6: OS Mastermap with assessment area (red) and Listed Building A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
distribution overlain (brown)
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
0 250m

Fig 7: OS Mastermap with assessment area (red) and listed buidlings A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
(brown) by LB No
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
0 125m

Fig 8: OS Mastermap with assessment area (red) and close up of listed A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
building distribution to north and west
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
0 125m

Fig 9: OS Mastermap with assessment area (red) and close up of listed A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
building distribution to north and east
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
0 250m

Fig 10: OS Mastermap with assessment area (red) and extent A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
of Brecon conservation area (hatched) overlain
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

0 100m

Fig 11: 1834 John Wood map showing approximate location of

assessment area red line boundary
A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Fig 12: 1839 Tithe map showing approximate location of assessment area
0 100m
red line boundary

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Fig 13: 1888 Town Plan showing approximate location of 0 50m

assessment area red line boundary
A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Fig 14: 1903 Six Inch OS map showing approximate location of

assessment area red line boundary 0 100m

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 15: 1938 Six Inch OS map showing approximate location
0 100m
of assessment area red line boundary
A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 16: 1948 Six Inch OS map showing approximate location
0 100m
of assessment area red line boundary

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
Fig 17: 1964 25 Inch OS map showing approximate location
0 50m
of assessment area red line boundary

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

0 50m
Fig 18: Assessment area with 1834 John Wood map features overlain

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

0 50m
Fig 19: Assessment area with 1839 Tithe map features overlain

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

0 50m
Fig 20: Assessment area with 1888 Town Plan features overlain

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

0 50m
Fig 21: Assessment area with 1938 OS map features overlain

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

0 50m
Fig 22: Assessment area with 1948 OS map features overlain

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

0 50m
Fig 23: Assessment area with 1964 OS map features overlain

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
1834 John Wood map canal extent

1834 John Wood map tramway

1839 Tithe map canal extent

1888 Town Plan canal extent

1888 Town Plan structure

1938 & 1948 OS map canal extent

1938 OS map structure

1948 OS map structure

1964 OS map structure

0 50m
Fig 24: Assessment area with all historic map features overlain

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Fig 25: Proposed site layout showing current and finished ground levels
0 15m
(after K J Lloyd Architects)

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Fig 26: Plan showing proposed location of houses, gardens, car parking 0 15m
and access within assessment area (after K J Lloyd Architects)
A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Fig 27: Plan showing proposed extent of foul and surface water drainage within 0 15m
area of proposed development (After K J Lloyd Architects)
A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

0 50m
Fig 28: Assessment area with all historic features and proposed houses overlain

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

0 120m

Plate 01: 1981 Aerial photograph showing area of proposed development

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Plate 02: View of site access at south-western corner of area of proposed development
Looking north-east, scale 1x1m

Plate 03: View north towards LB6869 from within site. Tarmac marks approximate
location of tramway shown on 1834 map. Looking north, scales 2x1m

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Plate 04: View across area of proposed development from centre of site
Looking north

Plate 05: View across area of proposed development from centre of site
Looking east

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Plate 06: View across area of proposed development from centre of site
Looking west

Plate 07: View towards area of proposed development from LB6888, canal bridge at
Gas Works lane, Looking north west

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Plate 08: View north-east towards area of proposed development from southern
canal bank towpath

Plate 09: View north-west towards area of proposed development from southern
canal bank towpath

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Plate 10: View north-east towards area of proposed development from site of
Theatr Brycheiniog building

Plate 11: View from south canal bank towpath of 2005 development adjacent to
LB6888. Looking north

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon

Plate 12: View along canal to immediate south-east of LB6888 showing recent
developments. Looking south-east

A.P.A.C. DBA/BR/17
Appendix 1 - SAM Data
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

Scheduled Ancient Monuments Data – Appendix 1

SAM No. BR150 NAME Town Wall at Watton Mount

EASTING 304676 NORTHING 228487

SITE TYPE Town Defences PERIOD Medieval

DESCRIPTION The following provides a general description of the Scheduled Ancient Monument. The
monument comprises the remains of a stretch of the 13th century medieval town wall of Brecon. The wall was
built to enclose the 12th century expansion of the town. Along the line of the wall there were several towers as
well as four gateways leading into the town: the Watton Gate (east), the Strowed or Struet Gate (north), the
Water Gate (at the crossing of the Honddu) and the Bridge Gate (towards Llanfaes). The monument is of
national importance for its potential to enhance our knowledge of medieval defensive organisation and of the
growth of towns. The monument forms an important element within the wider medieval context and the
structure itself may be expected to contain archaeological information in regard to chronology, building
techniques and functional detail. It forms an important part of the heritage of Brecon and is, at the time of the
scheduling revision, in a disgraceful state of neglect. The area to be scheduled comprises the remains described
and an area around them within which related evidence may be expected to survive. It is broadly rectangular and
measures 48m from NE to SW by 26m transversely

SAM No. BR177 NAME Town Wall and Gatehouse at Captains Walk

EASTING 304482 NORTHING 228392

SITE TYPE Town Defences PERIOD Medieval

DESCRIPTION The following provides a general description of the Scheduled Ancient Monument. The
monument comprises the remains of a stretch of the medieval town wall, including the remains of a gatehouse,
that extend along the southern edge of the medieval town of Brecon. The section of wall measures 45m in length
and comprises a substantial earthen bank 9m wide and 1.5m high fronted by a masonry wall around 4m in
height. This wall has been repaired and repointed on multiple occasions since the medieval period, including the
addition of new coping stones along the top of the wall. These works have significantly altered the appearance
of the wall, although the bulk of the structure is likely to be of medieval origin. The gatehouse is located to the
west of the extant section of wall. It is of coursed rubble construction and comprises two parallel sections of
walling around 4m high, between which there was a single pointed arch, the springer for which can be seen on
the E wall. The gatehouse has recently undergone significant conservation and consolidation works. The
monument is of national importance for its potential to enhance our knowledge of medieval defensive
organisation and of the growth of towns. The monument forms an important element within the wider medieval
context and the structure itself may be expected to contain archaeological information in regard to chronology,
building techniques and functional detail. The scheduled area comprises the remains described and areas around
them within which related evidence may be expected to survive.
Appendix 2 - LB Data
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

Listed Buildings Data – Appendix 2

PRN 97550 NAME Borderers Guest House
NGR SO04752833 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Inn. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed inn.
STATUS listed building 85749 II

PRN 59499 NAME Brecon barracks

NGR SO0499528184 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Barracks. Rank: 1
STATUS Grade II listed barracks

PRN 25517 NAME Brecon barracks, 'The Keep'

NGR SO0499528184 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Tower. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed tower
STATUS listed building 7097 II

PRN 25512 NAME Brecon Barracks, area claims office

NGR SO0497028260 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Army office. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed army office
STATUS listed building 7092 II

PRN 25511 NAME Brecon Barracks, armoury

NGR SO0498128234 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Armoury. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed armoury

PRN 25513 NAME Brecon barracks, block 12

NGR SO0499028260 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Barracks building. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed barracks
STATUS listed building 7093 II

PRN 25518 NAME Brecon Barracks, boundary wall

NGR SO0501528159 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Wall. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed wall
STATUS listed building 7098 II

PRN 97586 NAME Brecon Barracks, building to east of keep

NGR SO04992818 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Barracks. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed barracks.
STATUS listed building 85796 II

PRN 25516 NAME Brecon Barracks, cavalry barracks

NGR SO0501028257 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Barracks. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed barracks
STATUS listed building 7096 II

PRN 41860 NAME Brecon Canal Basin, former Canal Weights and Measures Office
NGR SO0460028200 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Canal office. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed canal office
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

STATUS listed building 18110 II

PRN 25123 NAME Brecon, Canal Bank 1

NGR SO0497428061 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 6847 II

PRN 42373 NAME Brecon, Charles St 72

NGR SO0487928237 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 14910 II

PRN 97569 NAME Brecon, Charles Street, house

NGR SO04892822 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85777 II

PRN 25145 NAME Brecon, Dan y Gaer Rd 1

NGR SO0459528392 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 6874 II

PRN 35867 NAME Brecon, Dan y Gaer Road, The Old Mill
NGR SO0461828402 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Mill. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Mill, converted to a dwelling in 1998. Photographic survey carried out. Mill appears to be a
listed building and dates to 1892
STATUS listed building 85783 II

PRN 97570 NAME Brecon, Danygaer, house

NGR SO04582838 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85782 II

PRN 25150 NAME Brecon, Free St 12-17

NGR SO0471928431 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 6879 II

PRN 25151 NAME Brecon, Free St 24-25

NGR SO0474628461 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 6880 II

PRN 25152 NAME Brecon, Free St 36-37

NGR SO0475028500 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Public house. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed public house
STATUS listed building 6881 II
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

PRN 25153 NAME Brecon, Free St 38

NGR SO0474328490 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 6882 II

PRN 25159 NAME Brecon, Gas Works Lane canal bridge

NGR SO0480928167 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Canal bridge. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed canal bridge
STATUS listed building 6888 II

PRN 25154 NAME Brecon, Little Free St 46-47

NGR SO0470428422 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 6883 II

PRN 25155 NAME Brecon, Little Free St 48-49

NGR SO0470828417 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 6884 II

PRN 25148 NAME Brecon, Little Free St 6-8

NGR SO0472628403 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 6877 II

PRN 25149 NAME Brecon, Little Free St 9-10

NGR SO0472228410 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
STATUS listed building 6878 II

PRN 97479 NAME Brecon, No.29 (Punch Bowl PH), No. 30 and Rear Wing used by Brecon St. John Boy's
NGR SO04692839 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85658 II

PRN 97412 NAME Brecon, Nos.1,2,3,4,5 and 6 The Watton

NGR SO04922824 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85592 II

PRN 97474 NAME Brecon, Nos.1,2,3,4,5 and 6 The Watton

NGR SO04922824 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85656 II

PRN 97475 NAME Brecon, Nos.1,2,3,4,5 and 6 The Watton

NGR SO04922824 COMMUNITY Brecon
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1

DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85673 II

PRN 97476 NAME Brecon, Nos.1,2,3,4,5 and 6 The Watton

NGR SO04922824 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85685 II

PRN 97477 NAME Brecon, Nos.1,2,3,4,5 and 6 The Watton

NGR SO04922824 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85698 II

PRN 97432 NAME Brecon, Nos.12,13,14,15,16 and 17 Free Street

NGR SO04732844 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85613 II

PRN 97433 NAME Brecon, Nos.12,13,14,15,16 and 17 Free Street

NGR SO04732844 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85615 II

PRN 97434 NAME Brecon, Nos.12,13,14,15,16 and 17 Free Street

NGR SO04732844 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85620 II

PRN 97435 NAME Brecon, Nos.12,13,14,15,16 and 17 Free Street

NGR SO04732844 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85623 II

PRN 97436 NAME Brecon, Nos.12,13,14,15,16 and 17 Free Street

NGR SO04732844 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85626 II

PRN 97444 NAME Brecon, Nos.15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21 The Watton

NGR SO04822830 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85625 II

PRN 97445 NAME Brecon, Nos.15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21 The Watton

NGR SO04822830 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85628 II
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

PRN 97446 NAME Brecon, Nos.15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21 The Watton

NGR SO04822830 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85630 II

PRN 97447 NAME Brecon, Nos.15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21 The Watton

NGR SO04822830 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85632 II

PRN 97448 NAME Brecon, Nos.15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21 The Watton

NGR SO04822830 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85641 II

PRN 97470 NAME Brecon, Nos.23 and 24 The Watton

NGR SO04752835 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85650 II

PRN 97480 NAME Brecon, Nos.30,31,32 and 33 The Watton

NGR SO04692839 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85659 II

PRN 97481 NAME Brecon, Nos.30,31,32 and 33 The Watton

NGR SO04692839 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85661 II

PRN 97482 NAME Brecon, Nos.30,31,32 and 33 The Watton

NGR SO04692839 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85662 II

PRN 97486 NAME Brecon, Nos.34 and 35 The Watton

NGR SO0469028400 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85664 II

PRN 97487 NAME Brecon, Nos.36 and 37 Free Street (Market Tavern PH)
NGR SO04752850 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85666 II

PRN 97549 NAME Brecon, Nos.44,45,46 and 47 The Watton

NGR SO04742834 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

STATUS listed building 85748 II

PRN 97497 NAME Brecon, Nos.48 and 49 Free Street (Little)

NGR SO04702841 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85679 II

PRN 97504 NAME Brecon, Nos.52,53,54,55,56 and 57 The Watton

NGR SO04812830 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85687 II

PRN 97505 NAME Brecon, Nos.52,53,54,55,56 and 57 The Watton

NGR SO04812830 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85688 II

PRN 97506 NAME Brecon, Nos.52,53,54,55,56 and 57 The Watton

NGR SO04812830 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85689 II

PRN 97507 NAME Brecon, Nos.52,53,54,55,56 and 57 The Watton

NGR SO04812830 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85690 II

PRN 97508 NAME Brecon, Nos.52,53,54,55,56 and 57 The Watton

NGR SO04812830 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85691 II

PRN 97509 NAME Brecon, Nos.58,59,60 and 61 The Watton

NGR SO04822829 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85692 II

PRN 97510 NAME Brecon, Nos.58,59,60 and 61 The Watton

NGR SO04822829 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85700 II

PRN 97511 NAME Brecon, Nos.58,59,60 and 61 The Watton

NGR SO04822829 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85701 II

PRN 97520 NAME Brecon, Nos.6,7 and 8 Free Street (Little)

NGR SO04722840 COMMUNITY Brecon
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1

DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85707 II

PRN 97521 NAME Brecon, Nos.6,7 and 8 Free Street (Little)

NGR SO04722840 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85722 II

PRN 97516 NAME Brecon, Nos.64,65,66,67 and 68 The Watton

NGR SO04852825 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85702 II

PRN 97517 NAME Brecon, Nos.64,65,66,67 and 68 The Watton

NGR SO04852825 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85703 II

PRN 97518 NAME Brecon, Nos.64,65,66,67 and 68 The Watton

NGR SO04862825 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85704 II

PRN 97519 NAME Brecon, Nos.64,65,66,67 and 68 The Watton

NGR SO04862825 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85706 II

PRN 97524 NAME Brecon, Nos.69,70,71 and 72 The Watton, including Rear Wing to No.72
NGR SO04872824 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85713 II

PRN 97525 NAME Brecon, Nos.69,70,71 and 72 The Watton, including Rear Wing to No.72
NGR SO04872824 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85714 II

PRN 97526 NAME Brecon, Nos.69,70,71 and 72 The Watton, including Rear Wing to No.72
NGR SO04872824 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85715 II

PRN 97584 NAME Brecon, Nos.7 and 8 The Watton

NGR SO04902825 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85724 II
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

PRN 97528 NAME Brecon, Nos.73 and 74 The Watton

NGR SO04892822 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85717 II

PRN 97529 NAME Brecon, Nos.75-80 (consec) The Watton

NGR SO04912821 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85718 II

PRN 97530 NAME Brecon, Nos.75-80 (consec) The Watton

NGR SO04912821 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85719 II

PRN 97531 NAME Brecon, Nos.75-80 (consec) The Watton

NGR SO04912821 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85720 II

PRN 97532 NAME Brecon, Nos.75-80 (consec) The Watton

NGR SO04912821 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85721 II

PRN 97533 NAME Brecon, Nos.75-80 (consec) The Watton

NGR SO04912821 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85725 II

PRN 97535 NAME Brecon, Nos.84,85 and 86 The Watton

NGR SO04952818 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85728 II

PRN 97536 NAME Brecon, Nos.84,85 and 86 The Watton

NGR SO04952818 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85729 II

PRN 97413 NAME Brecon, Nos.9 and 10 Free Street (Little)

NGR SO04722842 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85593 II

PRN 97414 NAME Brecon, Nos.9,10,11,12,13 and 14 The Watton

NGR SO04872826 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.

STATUS listed building 85595 II

PRN 97422 NAME Brecon, Nos.9,10,11,12,13 and 14 The Watton

NGR SO04872826 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85604 II

PRN 97429 NAME Brecon, Nos.9,10,11,12,13 and 14 The Watton

NGR SO04872826 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85611 II

PRN 97430 NAME Brecon, Nos.9,10,11,12,13 and 14 The Watton

NGR SO04872826 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85618 II

PRN 97437 NAME Brecon, Nos.9,10,11,12,13 and 14 The Watton

NGR SO04872826 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85614 II

PRN 97544 NAME Brecon, Nos.90,91 and 92 The Watton

NGR SO04982816 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85737 II

PRN 97545 NAME Brecon, Nos.90,91 and 92 The Watton

NGR SO04982816 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85739 II

PRN 25108 NAME Brecon, The Bulwark 1

NGR SO0461728468 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 6831 II

PRN 25535 NAME Brecon, The Watton 'The Brecknock Museum' railings
NGR SO0462428430 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Wall. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed wall
STATUS listed building 7117 II

PRN 25519 NAME Brecon, The Watton 1-6

NGR SO0492128240 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7099 II
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

PRN 25523 NAME Brecon, The Watton 15-21

NGR SO0482228315 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7103 II

PRN 25525 NAME Brecon, The Watton 22

NGR SO0477228356 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7106 II

PRN 25526 NAME Brecon, The Watton 23-24

NGR SO0475828363 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7107 II

PRN 25527 NAME Brecon, The Watton 25-26

NGR SO0474728370 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Public house. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed public house
STATUS listed building 7108 II

PRN 25528 NAME Brecon, The Watton 27

NGR SO0474128376 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7109 II

PRN 25529 NAME Brecon, The Watton 28

NGR SO0472528380 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7110 II

PRN 25530 NAME Brecon, The Watton 30-33

NGR SO0469528401 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7111 II

PRN 25531 NAME Brecon, The Watton 34-35

NGR SO0468028411 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7112 II

PRN 25532 NAME Brecon, The Watton 36

NGR SO0467228418 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7113 II

PRN 25537 NAME Brecon, The Watton 37

NGR SO0464028410 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house

STATUS listed building 7119 II

PRN 25538 NAME Brecon, The Watton 38

NGR SO0463928395 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Theatre. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed theatre
STATUS listed building 7120 II

PRN 25539 NAME Brecon, The Watton 39

NGR SO0467828379 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7121 II

PRN 25540 NAME Brecon, The Watton 40

NGR SO0469028374 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7122 II

PRN 25541 NAME Brecon, The Watton 41

NGR SO0470128367 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7123 II

PRN 25542 NAME Brecon, The Watton 44-47

NGR SO0474628339 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7124 II

PRN 25543 NAME Brecon, The Watton 48

NGR SO0476328326 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Public house. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed public house
STATUS listed building 7125 II

PRN 25544 NAME Brecon, The Watton 49

NGR SO0477228321 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7126 II

PRN 25545 NAME Brecon, The Watton 51

NGR SO0479928301 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7127 II

PRN 25140 NAME Brecon, The Watton 51-57

NGR SO0479728262 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Barn. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed barn
STATUS listed building 6869 II
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

PRN 25546 NAME Brecon, The Watton 52-57

NGR SO0480928295 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7128 II

PRN 25547 NAME Brecon, The Watton 58-61

NGR SO0482228283 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7129 II

PRN 25548 NAME Brecon, The Watton 62

NGR SO0483128275 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7130 II

PRN 25549 NAME Brecon, The Watton 63

NGR SO0483728269 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Public house. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed public house
STATUS listed building 7131 II

PRN 25550 NAME Brecon, The Watton 64-68

NGR SO0485428256 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7132 II

PRN 25551 NAME Brecon, The Watton 69-72

NGR SO0487028243 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7133 II

PRN 25520 NAME Brecon, The Watton 7-8

NGR SO0489828257 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7100 II

PRN 25552 NAME Brecon, The Watton 73-74

NGR SO0489428227 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7134 II

PRN 25553 NAME Brecon, The Watton 75-80

NGR SO0490828217 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7135 II

PRN 25554 NAME Brecon, The Watton 82

NGR SO0493428198 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

STATUS listed building 7136 II

PRN 25555 NAME Brecon, The Watton 84-86

NGR SO0494228192 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7137 II

PRN 42511 NAME Brecon, The Watton 87-89

NGR SO0497428167 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 18289 II

PRN 25521 NAME Brecon, The Watton 9-14

NGR SO0487328276 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7101 II

PRN 25556 NAME Brecon, The Watton 90-92

NGR SO0498828155 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7138 II

PRN 16634 NAME Brecon, The Watton Chapel (Welsh Presbyterian)

NGR SO0479028350 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Nonconformist chapel. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed nonconformist chapel
STATUS listed building 7104 II

PRN 25524 NAME Brecon, The Watton Chapel (Welsh Presbyterian) forecourt etc
NGR SO0478228337 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Wall. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed wall
STATUS listed building 7105 II

PRN 31249 NAME Brecon, The Watton telephone box

NGR SO0486228273 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Modern, Telephone kiosk. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed telephone kiosk
STATUS listed building 7504

PRN 25522 NAME Brecon, The Watton `County Council Offices'

NGR SO0486128308 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Local government office. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed local government office
STATUS listed building 7102 II

PRN 25534 NAME Brecon, The Watton `The Brecknock Museum'

NGR SO0460028435 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Museum. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II* listed museum
STATUS listed building 7116 II*
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

PRN 25536 NAME Brecon, The Watton `Trustees Savings Bank'

NGR SO0463628416 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Bank (financial). Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Property has previously been associated with site of old County Gaol and House of Correction
built in 1690, but work in 2002 failed to reveal any direct evidence suggesting such a connection.
STATUS listed building 7118 II

PRN 25533 NAME Brecon, The Watton `Watton Mount'

NGR SO0464828454 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house
STATUS listed building 7114 II

PRN 97406 NAME Brecon, The Watton, house

NGR SO0497028180 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 14900 II

PRN 97407 NAME Brecon, The Watton, house

NGR SO0497028180 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 14901 II

PRN 97408 NAME Brecon, The Watton, house

NGR SO0497028180 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 14902 II

PRN 97574 NAME Brecon, The Watton, house

NGR SO04932820 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85795

PRN 97607 NAME Brecon, Tregunter Place 1, including forecourt Wall and Railings
NGR SO04952817 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85797 II

PRN 97608 NAME Brecon, Tregunter Place 2, including forecourt Wall and Railings
NGR SO04952817 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85798 II

PRN 97609 NAME Brecon, Tregunter Place 3, including forecourt Wall and Railings
NGR SO04952817 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85799 II

PRN 97614 NAME Brecon, Tregunter Place 4, including forecourt Wall and Railings
NGR SO04942818 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.

STATUS listed building 85800 II

PRN 97615 NAME Brecon, Tregunter Place 5, including forecourt Wall and Railings
NGR SO04942818 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85801 II

PRN 97449 NAME Chwarae Teg PH

NGR SO04822830 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85645 II

PRN 97602 NAME House, including Garden Walls, Piers Railings, and Gates
NGR SO04742847 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85744 II

PRN 97606 NAME Nibletts and Salad Bowl

NGR SO04692850 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed house.
STATUS listed building 85757 II

PRN 97618 NAME Post Box outside No.9 The Watton

NGR SO04882826 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Post box. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Grade II listed post box.
STATUS listed building 85794 II
Appendix 3 - HER Core Data
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

HER Core Data – Appendix 3

PRN 11103 NAME Abergavenny - Brecon Gaer
NGR SO0464028432 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Roman, Road. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Predicted line of roman road. Unknown form.

PRN 119987 NAME Brecknock and Abergavenny Canal

NGR SO04852815 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Canal. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION The canal was built between 1796 and 1800 and linked to the coast by the Monmouthshire
canal in 1812. The wharves at Brecon were extended between 1809 and 1812 and used particularly for lime and
coal. A tramroad extended the link to Kington in Herefordshire. The network was taken over by the Great
Western Railway in 1880 and commercial trade continued into the 20th century, ceasing c.1933

PRN 19452 NAME Brecknock and Abergavenny Canal Basin

NGR SO04852815 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Canal basin. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Canal basin of Brecon and Abergavenny canal. Little survives of the original dry dock, wharfs
and lime shed (Silvester, R J 1993, 12).

PRN 120846 NAME Brecon

TYPE Multiperiod, Settlement. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION The settlement of Brecon, see PRN17211 for Medieval Brecon and PRN120847 for the post-
medieval phase.

PRN 89255 NAME Brecon Canal Wharf

NGR SO0473428215 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Canal wharf. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Canal wharf shown on OS 1st edn 1:2500

PRN 6889 NAME Brecon Chapel (St Catherine), Watton

TYPE Medieval, Chapel. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Chapel accompanying a hospitium. By the 17th century it had been replaced by a large barn,
the Spittle. Precise location not known.

PRN 89143 NAME Brecon Gas Works

NGR SO0477428143 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Gas works. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Gas Works shown on OS 1st edn 1:2500

PRN 89140 NAME Brecon Gasometers

NGR SO0482428125 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Gas holder. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION One of three gasometers shown on OS 1st edn 1:2500

PRN 89141 NAME Brecon Gasometers

NGR SO0484628117 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Gas holder. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION One of three gasometers shown on OS 1st edn 1:2500

PRN 89142 NAME Brecon Gasometers

NGR SO0486728101 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Gas holder. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION One of three gasometers shown on OS 1st edn 1:2500
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

PRN 89138 NAME Brecon Joint Railway Station

NGR SO0493828453 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Railway station. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Joint Station (Brecon and Merthyr, Midland and Mid Wales Railway shown on OS 1st edn
1:2500. Opened in 1871 when it was called Free St Station.

PRN 17211 NAME Brecon Medieval Town

TYPE Medieval, Town. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Town probably founded in late 12th century but possible in mid 12th century. An earlier
settlement existed within the bailey, or to the north, of the castle (see PRNs 601 and 17212). A possible section
of wall located at SO04272878. Leland and Speed mention a ditch around the town, possibly located on line of
Maendu Street and former line of Mandrell Brook. Old moat shown also on Camden's map of 1780 at
SO04452910, line respected also by post-medieval and modern building boundaries. Possible North Gate at
Priory Hill. A history of the town between 1093 and 1521 given by Parry, E G 1985, 12-20. During the 16th and
17th centuries, a period of rebuilding, the more affluent members of the borough built town houses in
Glamorgan Street while artisans operated out of Ship Street and Llanfaes. This is reflected in the nature of the
properties with narrow frontages in Ship Street and more extensive ones in Glamorgan Street. Surviving
buildings today are of 16th century and later date.

PRN 29023 NAME Brecon Medieval Town

NGR SO04652845 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Medieval, Urban area. Rank: 1

PRN 29025 NAME Brecon Medieval Town

NGR SO04552835 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Medieval, Urban area. Rank: 1

PRN 19436 NAME Brecon Medieval Town, Watton new borough

TYPE Medieval, Borough. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION "New borough" of Watton of 14th century date. Damaged incurred in 1399 when floodwaters
swept away five burgages. In the 16th century it developed a marked concentration of barns.

PRN 38572 NAME Brecon Post Medieval Town

TYPE Post-Medieval, Town. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION During the 16th and 17th centuries, a period of rebuilding, the more affluent members of the
borough built town houses in Glamorgan Street while artisans operated out of Ship Street and Llanfaes. This is
reflected in the nature of the properties with narrow frontages in Ship Street and more extensive ones in
Glamorgan Street. Surviving buildings today are of 16th century and later date.

PRN 89127 NAME Brecon Slaughterhouse

NGR SO0453528247 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Abattoir. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Slaughterhouse shown on OS 1st edn 1:2500

PRN 58109 NAME Brecon Town Defences, The Watton

NGR SO0463628416 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Medieval, Town ditch. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Watching brief carried out in 2002 in connection with internal and external alteration work to
the building. A great deal of post medieval archaeological information was recorded, and there is a suggestion
that the medieval ditch fill and other medieval deposits could exist below present ground levels and beneath the
cellar. Watching brief suggested that the existing structure is not entirely of one construction phase. But could
not find any direct evidence to suggest the site had incorporated any of the gaol or House of Correction, as has
previously been suggested. Several sherds of post medieval pottery were uncovered during works
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

PRN 6881 NAME Brecon Town Defences, Watton mount tower/wall

NGR SO0467928486 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Medieval, Tower. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Tower, 5.9m by 3.4m by 4.1m high, projecting from town wall, situated on high bank. The
tower may be the site of one of the medieval town wall towers but appears to have been rebuilt in the 19th
century. The wall is certainly medieval

PRN 119990 NAME Brecon, County Gaol and House of Correction

TYPE Post-Medieval, gaol. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Built AD1690 and enlarged 1698

PRN 20740 NAME Brecon, Crickhowell Rd 66

NGR SO04932818 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Probably late 18th century house. altered 19th century; front part is of 19th century terrace,
but the roof has been raised and the slope altered, it has rough beams and a stone winding stair by the fireplace.
The near wing is probably an addition.

PRN 119620 NAME Brecon, Flake

NGR SO04942804 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Neolithic, find. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Prehistoric retouched flint flake, probably of Neolithic date, (c. 4,000 - 2,000BC), flake is
made on non-cortical flint, patinated grey-white. The edges are damaged and possibly water-rolled but there is a
small area of retouch surviving near the proximal end. Length - 33.8mm; width - 19.0mm, thickness - 6.1mm,
weight - 3.7g, (PAS Database, 2011).

PRN 19451 NAME Brecon, Joint Railway Station

NGR SO04902840 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Railway station. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Former railway station opened in 1871 as a joint station for the Brecon and Merthyr and Neath
and Brecon Railways. Now the site of the fire station

PRN 23558 NAME Brecon, The Rhyd, barn

NGR SO04622815 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Barn. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Former building possibly a barn now destroyed

PRN 23549 NAME Brecon, The Rhyd, canal

NGR SO04702820 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Canal. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Part of former canal partially infilled and replaced by road lying within the evaluation area of
The Rhyd

PRN 120847 NAME Brecon, post-medieval town

TYPE Multiperiod, Town. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION During the 16th and 17th centuries, a period of rebuilding, the more affluent members of the
borough built town houses in Glamorgan Street while artisans operated out of Ship Street and Llanfaes. This is
reflected in the nature of the properties with narrow frontages in Ship Street and more extensive ones in
Glamorgan Street. Surviving buildings today are of 16th century and later date

PRN 23550 NAME Brecon, The Rhyd, canal bridge

NGR SO04672821 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Canal bridge. Rank: 1
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

DESCRIPTION Former bridge over canal, possibly a drawbridge. Shown on maps of 1834 and 1840 but gone
by 1887

PRN 23554 NAME Brecon, The Rhyd, canal buildings

NGR SO04712816 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Canal building. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Former canal buildings known from late 19th century but since demolished. A length of stone
wall may be the remains of one building

PRN 23553 NAME Brecon, The Rhyd, canal drydock

NGR SO04722818 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Dock. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Former drydock of canal of early 19th century date since infilled

PRN 23551 NAME Brecon, The Rhyd, canal wharf

NGR SO04742821 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Canal wharf. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Former wharf of canal which lay on the north side. The dock was enlarged during the late 19th
century but has since been infilled

PRN 23552 NAME Brecon, The Rhyd, plateway

NGR SO04702820 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Tramway. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Part of Hay tramroad rerouted along the southern towpath in 1836 but abandoned in 1861.
Plates lifted.

PRN 23555 NAME Brecon, The Rhyd, racecourse

TYPE Post-Medieval, Racecourse. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Former racetrack. No further information recorded

PRN 23556 NAME Brecon, The Rhyd, racecourse grandstand

NGR SO04692816 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Modern, Grandstand. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Former grandstand of the former racecourse

PRN 23557 NAME Brecon, The Rhyd, racecourse winning chair

NGR SO04702817 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Racecourse winning chair. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Part of former racecouse (Silvester, R J & Hankinson, R 1995).

PRN 19431 NAME Brecon, The Spittle Barn, Watton

TYPE Post-Medieval, Barn. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Chapel accompanying a hospitium. By the 17th century it had been replaced by a large barn,
the Spittle. Precise location not known

PRN 119989 NAME Brecon, the Watton Rail Way

NGR SO04952819 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, plateway. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION A 'Rail Way' of 710 yards down the Watton, completed by early 1816. Connecting the
wharves on the Brecon and Abergavenny Canal to the Hay Tram Road. Possibly a plateway

PRN 58110 NAME Brecon, The Watton `Trustees Savings Bank', medieval building
NGR SO0463628416 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Medieval, House. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Watching brief carried out in 2002 in connection with internal and external alteration work to
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

the building. A great deal of post medieval archaeological information was recorded, and there is a suggestion
that the medieval ditch fill and other medieval deposits could exist below present ground levels and beneath the
cellar. Watching brief suggested that the existing structure is not entirely of one construction phase. But could
not find any direct evidence to suggest the site had incorporated any of the gaol or House of Correction, as has
previously been suggested. Several sherds of post medieval pottery were uncovered during works

PRN 58111 NAME Brecon, The Watton `Trustees Savings Bank', post medieval activity
NGR SO0463628416 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Finds. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Watching brief carried out in 2002

PRN 132639 NAME Brecon, The Watton, (No 21) Camden Arms
NGR SO0480928329 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, PUBLIC HOUSE. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Public house subject of photographic survey in 2011
STATUS None recorded

PRN 89258 NAME Harp Cottages Canal Wharf

NGR SO0456728332 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Canal wharf. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Canal Wharf shown on OS 2nd edn 1:2500

PRN 89257 NAME Harp Cottages Saw Pit

NGR SO0454728319 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Saw pit. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Saw pit adjacent to canal shown on OS 1st edn 1:2500

PRN 89260 NAME Charles Street Canal Wharf

NGR SO0482728165 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Canal wharf. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Canal wharf on north bank of canal shown on OS 2nd edn 1:2500 The watching brief in 2005
by Cambrian Archaeological Projects revealed a wall footing a post hole and a cobbled surface on land adjacent
to the canal on the east side of Gas Lane. It is uncertain what to footing and post hole represent, but they appear
to define the eastern side of the yard area and may be associated with the canal as an unloading and storage area

PRN 47027 NAME Kenchester - Brecon

NGR SO0464128432 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Roman, Road. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Predicted line of roman road. Unknown form. Modern road on the line of Roman road going
to junction with RR631 in Brecon

PRN 89259 NAME Lloyds Terrace Boat House

NGR SO0464328243 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Post-Medieval, Boat house. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Boat house on north bank of canal shown on OS 2nd edn 1:2500

PRN 20954 NAME Watton Plateway

TYPE Post-Medieval, Tramway. Rank: 1
DESCRIPTION Tramway. (NMR 20954)
Appendix 4 - HER Event Data
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

HER Events Data – Appendix 4

PRN 118707 NAME Brecon, Canal Bank, site of former Gas Works, desk-based assessment 2001
NGR SO0481028128 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Desk-based assessment YEAR 2001
DESCRIPTION Desk-based assessment carried out by CgMs Consulting in 2001

PRN 17979 NAME Brecon, Cattle Market, watching brief 1979

NGR SO04732854 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Watching brief YEAR 1979
DESCRIPTION Modern cattle market. Watching brief in 1979 did not reveal any features of archaeological

PRN 58985 NAME Brecon, Dan y Gaer Road, The Old Mill, photographic survey 1998
NGR SO0461828402 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Photographic survey YEAR 1998
ORGANISATION person - Applicant
DESCRIPTION Mill, converted to a dwelling in 1998. Photographic survey carried out. Mill appears to be a
listed building and dates to 1892

PRN 112394 NAME Brecon, Gasworks lane, New House, watching brief 2005
NGR SO0482428173 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Watching brief YEAR 2005
ORGANISATION person Cambrian Archaeological Projects K Blockley
DESCRIPTION Watching brief carried out by Cambrian Archaeological Projects in 2005

PRN 58979 NAME Brecon, Little Free St 9-10, photographic survey 1997
NGR SO0472228410 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Photographic survey YEAR 1997
ORGANISATION person - Applicant
DESCRIPTION House. Photo Survey before unspecified works.

PRN 113084 NAME Brecon, Rich Way, desk-based assessment 2004

NGR SO0469828294 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Desk-based assessment YEAR 2004
ORGANISATION person Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust
DESCRIPTION Desk-based assessment carried out by Clwyd Powys Archaeological Trust in 2004

PRN 112348 NAME Brecon, Scout Lane, Harp Terrace 5, watching brief 2003
NGR SO0446628303 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Watching brief YEAR 2003
ORGANISATION person Monmouth Archaeological Society S Clarke & J Bray
DESCRIPTION Watching brief carried out by Monmouth Archaeology in 2003. No significant archaeological
features were identified

PRN 23548 NAME Brecon, The Rhyd, assessment 1995

TYPE Assessment project YEAR 1995
ORGANISATION person Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust
DESCRIPTION Archaeological investigations at The Rhyd, Brecon. See also PRNs for individual sites.

PRN 58491 NAME Brecon, The Rhyd, evaluation 1995

TYPE Evaluation YEAR 1995
ORGANISATION person Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust
DESCRIPTION Archaeological investigations at The Rhyd, Brecon.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

PRN 129212 NAME Brecon, The Watton (Off), Cross Yard (Barn)
NGR SO0479028272 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Photographic survey YEAR 2006
DESCRIPTION Photographic survey undertaken in 2006 ahead of development.

PRN 39878 NAME Brecon, The Watton `Trustees Savings Bank', watching brief 2002
NGR SO0463628416 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Watching brief YEAR 2002
ORGANISATION person Marches Archaeology -
DESCRIPTION Watching brief carried out in 2002 in connection with internal and external alteration work to
the building. A great deal of post medieval archaeological information was recorded, and there is a suggestion
that the medieval ditch fill and other medieval deposits could exist below present ground levels and beneath the
cellar. Watching brief suggested that the existing structure is not entirely of one construction phase. But could
not find any direct evidence to suggest the site had incorporated any of the gaol or House of Correction, as has
previously been suggested. Several sherds of post medieval pottery were uncovered during works.

PRN 129408 NAME Brecon, The Watton, (No 21) Camden Arms
NGR SO0480928328 COMMUNITY Brecon
TYPE Photographic Survey YEAR 2011
DESCRIPTION Photographic survey undertaken in 2010 ahead of development

PRN 130972 NAME First World War Commemoration project, Scoping Study 2013
TYPE Desk-based assessment YEAR 2013
ORGANISATION person Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust
DESCRIPTION Scoping study (desk based assessment) forming the first part of the Cadw-funded First World
War Commemoration project (PRN130971). The aim of the scoping study was to identify the physical traces of
the First World War period in mid and north-east Wales (eastern Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire, Wrexham
and Powys)
Appendix 5 - Table 6
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

Listed buildings line of sight to area of proposed development – Appendix 5

Table 6

PRN LB Site Name Listing View of Site

No. No.
97550 85749 Borderers Guest House II None
59499 7091 Brecon Barracks II None
25517 7097 Brecon Barracks – The Keep II None
25512 7092 Brecon Barracks – Area Claims Office II None
25511 7090 Brecon Barracks - Armoury II None
25513 7093 Brecon Barracks – Block 12 II None
25518 7098 Brecon Barracks – Boundary Wall II None
97586 85796 Brecon Barracks, building to east of keep II None
25516 7096 Brecon Barracks, cavalry barracks II None
41860 18110 Brecon Canal Basin, former Canal Weights and II None
Measures Office
25123 6847 Brecon Canal Bank 1 II None
42373 14910 Brecon, Charles St 72 II None
97569 85777 Brecon, Charles Street, house II None
25145 6874 Brecon, Dan y Gaer Rd 1 II None
35867 85783 Brecon, Dan y Gaer Road, The Old Mill II None
97570 85782 Brecon, Danygaer, house II None
25150 6879 Brecon, Free St 12-17 II None
25151 6880 Brecon, Free St 24-25 II None
25152 6881 Brecon, Free St 36-37 II None
25153 6882 Brecon, Free St 38 II None
25159 6888 Brecon, Gas Works Lane canal bridge II Full
25154 6883 Brecon, Little Free St 46-47 II None
25155 6884 Brecon, Little Free St 48-49 II None
25148 6877 Brecon, Little Free St 6-8 II None
25149 6878 Brecon, Little Free St 9-10 II None
97479 85658 Brecon, No.29 (Punch Bowl PH), No. 30 and Rear II None
Wing used by Brecon St. John Boy's Club
97412 85592 Brecon, Nos.1,2,3,4,5 and 6 The Watton II None
97474 85656 Brecon, Nos.1,2,3,4,5 and 6 The Watton II None
97475 85673 Brecon, Nos.1,2,3,4,5 and 6 The Watton II None
97476 85685 Brecon, Nos.1,2,3,4,5 and 6 The Watton II None
97477 85698 Brecon, Nos.1,2,3,4,5 and 6 The Watton II None
97432 85613 Brecon, Nos.12,13,14,15,16 and 17 Free Street II None
97433 85615 Brecon, Nos.12,13,14,15,16 and 17 Free Street II None
97434 85620 Brecon, Nos.12,13,14,15,16 and 17 Free Street II None
97435 85623 Brecon, Nos.12,13,14,15,16 and 17 Free Street II None
97436 85626 Brecon, Nos.12,13,14,15,16 and 17 Free Street II None
97444 85625 Brecon, Nos.15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21 The Watton II None
97445 85628 Brecon, Nos.15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21 The Watton II None
97446 85630 Brecon, Nos.15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21 The Watton II None
97447 85632 Brecon, Nos.15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21 The Watton II None
97448 85641 Brecon, Nos.15,16,17,18,19,20 and 21 The Watton II None
97470 85650 Brecon, Nos.23 and 24 The Watton II None
97480 85659 Brecon, Nos.30,31,32 and 33 The Watton II None
97481 85661 Brecon, Nos.30,31,32 and 33 The Watton II None
97482 85662 Brecon, Nos.30,31,32 and 33 The Watton II None
97486 85664 Brecon, Nos.34 and 35 The Watton II None
97487 85666 Brecon, Nos.36 and 37 Free Street II None
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

97549 85748 Brecon, Nos.44,45,46 and 47 The Watton II None

97497 85679 Brecon, Nos.48 and 49 Free Street (Little) II None
97504 85687 Brecon, Nos.52,53,54,55,56 and 57 The Watton II None
97505 85688 Brecon, Nos.52,53,54,55,56 and 57 The Watton II None
97506 85689 Brecon, Nos.52,53,54,55,56 and 57 The Watton II None
97507 85690 Brecon, Nos.52,53,54,55,56 and 57 The Watton II None
97508 85691 Brecon, Nos.52,53,54,55,56 and 57 The Watton II None
97509 85692 Brecon, Nos.58,59,60 and 61 The Watton II None
97510 85700 Brecon, Nos.58,59,60 and 61 The Watton II None
97511 85701 Brecon, Nos.58,59,60 and 61 The Watton II None
97520 85707 Brecon, Nos.6,7 and 8 Free Street (Little) II None
97521 85722 Brecon, Nos.6,7 and 8 Free Street (Little) II None
97516 85702 Brecon, Nos.64,65,66,67 and 68 The Watton II None
97517 85703 Brecon, Nos.64,65,66,67 and 68 The Watton II None
97518 85704 Brecon, Nos.64,65,66,67 and 68 The Watton II None
97519 85706 Brecon, Nos.64,65,66,67 and 68 The Watton II None
97524 85713 Brecon, Nos.69,70,71 and 72 The Watton, including II None
Rear Wing to No.72
97525 85714 Brecon, Nos.69,70,71 and 72 The Watton, including II None
Rear Wing to No.72
97526 85715 Brecon, Nos.69,70,71 and 72 The Watton, including II None
Rear Wing to No.72
97584 85724 Brecon, Nos.7 and 8 The Watton II None
97528 85717 Brecon, Nos.73 and 74 The Watton II None
97529 85718 Brecon, Nos.75-80 (consec) The Watton II None
97530 85719 Brecon, Nos.75-80 (consec) The Watton II None
97531 85720 Brecon, Nos.75-80 (consec) The Watton II None
97532 85721 Brecon, Nos.75-80 (consec) The Watton II None
97533 85725 Brecon, Nos.75-80 (consec) The Watton II None
97535 85728 Brecon, Nos.84,85 and 86 The Watton II None
97535 85729 Brecon, Nos.84,85 and 86 The Watton II None
97413 85593 Brecon, Nos.9 and 10 Free Street (Little) II None
97414 85595 Brecon, Nos.9,10,11,12,13 and 14 The Watton II None
97422 85604 Brecon, Nos.9,10,11,12,13 and 14 The Watton II None
97429 85611 Brecon, Nos.9,10,11,12,13 and 14 The Watton II None
97430 85618 Brecon, Nos.9,10,11,12,13 and 14 The Watton II None
97437 85614 Brecon, Nos.9,10,11,12,13 and 14 The Watton II None
97544 85737 Brecon, Nos.90,91 and 92 The Watton II None
97545 85739 Brecon, Nos.90,91 and 92 The Watton II None
25108 6831 Brecon, The Bulwark 1 II None
25535 7117 Brecon, The Watton 'The Brecknock Museum' II None
25519 7099 Brecon, The Watton 1-6 II None
25523 7103 Brecon, The Watton 15-21 II None
25525 7106 Brecon, The Watton 22 II None
25526 7107 Brecon, The Watton 23-24 II None
25527 7108 Brecon, The Watton 25-26 II None
25528 7109 Brecon, The Watton 27 II None
25529 7110 Brecon, The Watton 28 II None
25530 7111 Brecon, The Watton 30-33 II None
25531 7112 Brecon, The Watton 34-35 II None
25532 7113 Brecon, The Watton 36 II None
25537 7119 Brecon, The Watton 37 II None
25538 7120 Brecon, The Watton 38 II None
25539 7121 Brecon, The Watton 39 II None
25540 7122 Brecon, The Watton 40 II None
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

25541 7123 Brecon, The Watton 41 II None

25542 7124 Brecon, The Watton 44-47 II None
25543 7125 Brecon, The Watton 48 II None
25544 7126 Brecon, The Watton 49 II None
25545 7127 Brecon, The Watton 51 II None
25140 6869 Brecon, The Watton 51-57 II Full
25546 7128 Brecon, The Watton 52-57 II None
25547 7129 Brecon, The Watton 58-61 II None
25548 7130 Brecon, The Watton 62 II None
25549 7131 Brecon, The Watton 63 II None
25550 7132 Brecon, The Watton 64-68 II None
25551 7133 Brecon, The Watton 69-72 II None
25520 7100 Brecon, The Watton 7-8 II None
25552 7134 Brecon, The Watton 73-74 II None
25553 7135 Brecon, The Watton 75-80 II None
25554 7136 Brecon, The Watton 82 II None
25555 7137 Brecon, The Watton 84-86 II None
42511 18289 Brecon, The Watton 87-89 II None
25521 7101 Brecon, The Watton 9-14 II None
25556 7138 Brecon, The Watton 90-92 II None
16634 7104 Brecon, The Watton Chapel (Welsh Presbyterian) II None
25524 7105 Brecon, The Watton Chapel (Welsh Presbyterian) II None
forecourt etc
31249 7504 Brecon, The Watton telephone box II None
25522 7102 Brecon, The Watton `County Council Offices' II None
25534 7116 Brecon, The Watton `The Brecknock Museum' II* None
25536 7118 Brecon, The Watton `Trustees Savings Bank' II None
25533 7114 Brecon, The Watton `Watton Mount' II None
97406 14900 Brecon, The Watton, house II None
97407 14901 Brecon, The Watton, house II None
96408 14902 Brecon, The Watton, house II None
97574 85795 Brecon, The Watton, house II None
97607 85797 Brecon, Tregunter Place 1, including forecourt Wall II None
and Railings

97608 85798 Brecon, Tregunter Place 2, including forecourt Wall II None

and Railings
97609 85799 Brecon, Tregunter Place 3, including forecourt Wall II None
and Railings
97614 85798 Brecon, Tregunter Place 4, including forecourt Wall II None
and Railings
97615 85799 Brecon, Tregunter Place 5, including forecourt Wall II None
and Railings
97449 85645 Chwarae Teg PH II None
97602 85744 House, including Garden Walls, Piers Railings, and II None
97606 85757 Nibletts and Salad Bowl II None
97618 85794 Post Box outside No.9 The Watton II None
Appendix 6 - Photo List and Contact Sheet
A.P.A.C. Ltd Cross Yard, Watton Street, Brecon DBA/BR/17

Photo Date Camera L/ View Description Plate

No. P
110625 8/11/17 SMG930F L N View from within assessment area towards LB6869
110632 8/11/17 SMG930F L NE View from within assessment area towards LB6869 3
110658 8/11/17 SMG930F L S View across overgrown assessment area
110705 8/11/17 SMG930F L SE View across overgrown assessment area
110844 8/11/17 SMG930F L NW View across overgrown assessment area
110848 8/11/17 SMG930F L W View across overgrown assessment area 6
110857 8/11/17 SMG930F L E View across overgrown assessment area 5
110901 8/11/17 SMG930F L N View across overgrown assessment area 4
111014 8/11/17 SMG930F L E View across overgrown assessment area
111016 8/11/17 SMG930F L SE View across overgrown assessment area
111252 8/11/17 SMG930F L N View of site access at SW corner 2
111314 8/11/17 SMG930F L W View of 1999 housing development
111408 8/11/17 SMG930F L NE View towards site from 1995 canal bridge
111410 8/11/17 SMG930F L N View towards site access from 1995 canal bridge
111417 8/11/17 SMG930F L NW View of 1999 houses from 1995 canal bridge
111437 8/11/17 SMG930F L NE View across to site from adj. to 1995 canal bridge
111501 8/11/17 SMG930F L NW View of 1995 canal bridge from southern towpath
111509 8/11/17 SMG930F L N View of site from southern towpath
111512 8/11/17 SMG930F L NE View of site from southern towpath 8
111536 8/11/17 SMG930F L NW View of site from southern towpath
111538 8/11/17 SMG930F L N View of site from southern towpath
111540 8/11/17 SMG930F L NE View of site from southern towpath
111611 8/11/17 SMG930F L NW View of site from southern towpath 9
111613 8/11/17 SMG930F L NW View of site from southern towpath
111618 8/11/17 SMG930F L W View of site from southern towpath
111713 8/11/17 SMG930F L NE View of modern developments along canal
111716 8/11/17 SMG930F L N View of 2005 houses adj. to LB6888 11
111718 8/11/17 SMG930F L NW View of 2005 houses adj. to LB6888
111733 8/11/17 SMG930F L SE View of modern developments along canal
111739 8/11/17 SMG930F L SE View of modern developments lining canal 12
112107 8/11/17 SMG930F L NW View of listed Weights & Measures building
112109 8/11/17 SMG930F L NW View of W&M building adj. 1999 houses
112110 8/11/17 SMG930F L N View of 1999 houses from southern towpath
112112 8/11/17 SMG930F L NE View across to site from Theatr Brycheiniog 10
112114 8/11/17 SMG930F L NE View across to site from Theatr Brycheiniog
112601 8/11/17 SMG930F L E View along Watton showing no view of site
112603 8/11/17 SMG930F L E View along Watton showing no view of site
115804 8/11/17 SMG930F L E View along Watton showing no view of site
115808 8/11/17 SMG930F L W View along Watton showing no view of site
115947 8/11/17 SMG930F L W View towards site from LB6888
115949 8/11/17 SMG930F L W View towards site from LB6888 7
115950 8/11/17 SMG930F L W View towards site from LB6888

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