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DOCUMENT NO 301 June 2016

A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy




Land adjacent to: The Laurels, West End, Undy.


Planning Applications: DC/2015/01227

Prepared for:
MR M. Taylor

By: Dr N. Phillips.
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Land adjacent to The Laurels, Undy WB/UND/16


This document is a report for Archaeological Watching Brief undertaken during

ground disturbance works necessary for the construction of a new residential
property, garage and ancillary works.

Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust (GGAT) advised Monmouthshire County

Council (MCC) that as the proposed work at the site could likely impact on
archaeological resources, a condition requiring an archaeological watching brief
should be imposed.

The work did not impact upon any archaeological resources; however, the work
did provide a small assemblage of Roman ceramics from the pre excavation

Copyright Notice:
A.P.A.C. Ltd. retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577) to reproduce map information; Copyright remains
otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

Cover Photograph: DSCO9989. Overview of completed trenches.

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Land adjacent to The Laurels, Undy WB/UND/16


Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents........................................................................................................................................... 2
Figures: ............................................................................................................................................ 2
Plates: .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Site Location and Description ......................................................................................................... 4
Brief archaeological and historical background .............................................................................. 4
Aims and Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 5
Watching Brief ................................................................................................................................ 5
Watching Brief Results ................................................................................................................... 6
Interpretation ................................................................................................................................... 7
Staff ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Archive: ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Acknowledgements: ........................................................................................................................ 7
Bibliography and References: ......................................................................................................... 8


Fig 01 Site location map.

Fig 02 Site Plan showing trench plans
Fig 03 HER search area.
Fig 04 Map progressions a, b, c, & d.

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Land adjacent to The Laurels, Undy WB/UND/16


PL 01 Trench 1, main sequence [100], [101], [102] with pipe [105] and disturbance fill [104]
PL 02 Trench 2, Foreground [100], [101], [102] giving way to [100], [106], [102], [107]
PL 03 Trench 1, main sequence [100], [101], [102] with pipe [105] and disturbance fill [104]
PL 04 Trench 1, main sequence [100], [101], [102] with pipe [105] and disturbance fill [104]
PL 05 Trench 3, sequence [100], [106], [102], [107]
PL 06 Trench 4, sequence [100], [106], [102], [107]
PL 07 General view of trenches 2, 5, 6, complete, sequence [100], [101], [102]


Appendix I HER Event records

Appendix II HER Core records
Appendix III HER NMR records
Appendix VI Context sheet
Appendix V Digital Photograph list
Appendix VI Finds list

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Land adjacent to The Laurels, Undy WB/UND/16


This Archaeological Watching Brief Report has been prepared by DR. N. Phillips, APAC Ltd, for Mr M.J.
Crowther; agent for Mr M Taylor, in response to a programme of works to: Erect a new dwelling, garage, access,
landscaping and ancillary works on land adjacent to The Laurels, West End, Undy, NP26 3EN; Pl. App. No:

The need for a programme of archaeological investigation resulted from advice by Glamorgan Gwent
Archaeological Trust, (GGAT); consultants to Monmouthshire County Council, (MCC) and was a continuation
from an earlier application for the same site, PL. App. No: DC/2014/00341.

The earlier response stated: ‘the proposed works will require archaeological mitigation’ the reason being that earlier
work in the vicinity had ‘identified important Romano-British period finds, features and structures including pottery,
human remains, and a large building’ (MON2086/GP).

No development shall take place until the applicant, or their agents or successors in title,
has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work in accordance with
a written scheme of investigation which has been submitted by the applicant and approved
in writing by the local planning authority.
(ibid & no:6 DC/2015/01227).

The current response, MON2088/CNM restated the need for archaeological investigation.

Approval of planning permission with conditions was granted on 16th February 2016; condition 6 requiring
archaeological investigation, as stated above.

A Written Scheme of Investigation for the archaeological work was drawn up, submitted and approved in writing
before any work began, WSI: WB/UND/15.

Site Location and Description

The proposed site of the watching brief is centred on NGR 343503 186773, a plot of land adjacent to The Laurels,
West End, Undy, NP26 3EN, fig 01.

The site is easily accessed from the M4 motorway between Newport and Chepstow; from Junction 23a Magor
Services, take the B4245 south and at the first roundabout, 3rd right leads onto Newport Rd through Magor.

Continue east along Newport Rd and Main Rd to a staggered junction with Vinegar Hill and the Ramp taking the
latter on the right, over the railway bridge and continue to the cross roads where the right turn leads on to West

Geology and Topography

The solid geology at the site is at the norther extreme of Mercian Mudstone, just before BlackRock limestone and
above any superficial deposit of silts, (BGS).

The site is at the edge of a disused quarry, overlooking the Gwent levels.

Brief archaeological and historical background

The advisory letter from GGAT to planning MON2086/GP details the presence of significant Romano British
period archaeological resources; features, structures, pottery, human remains which have been found in the wider
vicinity of the site.

These can be seen on the HER map, fig03 which details the spread of some 22 events, 7 core listings and 5 post
medieval buildings included within a 500m search based on NGR 343503 186773, (HER request 5283).

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Land adjacent to The Laurels, Undy WB/UND/16

In the case of the 21 event listings, 18 record no significant archaeological resources whereas the 7 Core listings
reveal 5 instances of Roman archaeological resources, one WWII bunker and an unknown period place name.

The instances of significant archaeological resources are:

In 1996 evidence produced during an evaluation for associated works with housing development some 200m north
of the site, lead to excavation of a Roman coffin, human remains and Roman pottery. (E002287), (06232g),

Approximately 60m north east of site, further Roman evidence was found in the form of a Roman broach. (03937g)

Roughly 200 meters away, watching briefs taken in 2006 (E005014), and 2009 (E003499) discovered Roman
building foundations for a structure of significant size excavated, along with a high yield a Roman finds, including
those of Roman coinage from 2nd and 3rd century AD.

Also found in the area of the Roman structure was evidence of roman cremation, including that of burnt human
bones. (11197g), (11198g).

Further Roman and Medieval finds have been recovered from archaeological works in the eastern area of the search
perimeter; (E0001391), (E005013), (E004594).

In summary, small finds from the area cover two instances of prehistoric flint, eight Roman assemblages, seven
medieval assemblages, six post med assemblages and a World War 2 bunker.

Further research into the area was undertaken with little result as can be seen in the map progressions, fig04.

A period of 186 years of land mapping reveals that the site itself has not changed in any significant way whilst its
immediate surroundings have undergone development.

The site would appear to have always been an enclosed garden or orchard and the current owner confirmed that
when he recently bought the land it was a garden plot, (M Taylor. 2016. pers comm).

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the watching brief was to preserve by record, within the resources available, any archaeological deposits
uncovered during groundwork.

The watching brief also ensured that: in the event of archaeological resources of significance, being discovered and
requiring treatment beyond the remit of the watching brief, that steps would be implemented to ensure that their
treatment would be undertaken within the standards recommended by the CIFA.

Watching Brief

The ground disturbance work was proposed for the 18th of May 2016 and GGAT and planning were given due
notice of that intention.

Prior to the excavation of the trenches, the site had been cleared of any surface vegetation and obstructions, leaving
a fairly consistent layer of topsoil [100].

Interestingly, surface finds {1} & {2} from topsoil [100] were the only finds to be encountered during the work.

The size of the site within its boundaries caused problems with working space, which became evident towards the
afternoon of the first day, when arrangements had to be made for the accumulated spoil to be removed from site.

A second day of watching brief was then scheduled for 20th of May in order to complete the work.

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Land adjacent to The Laurels, Undy WB/UND/16
Initial recording

A record of the features and stratigraphy exposed during excavation was kept including written notes and

Measurements were taken regularly using Leica Disto 510, laser measurement device.

A limited number of finds were recovered and retained for post excavation processing.

Post Ex

Following the watching brief, the field notes and photographs were digitised to produce the context record of the
stratigraphy; Appendix 1V, and an annotated list of the photographs, Appendix V.

The finds which were washed by hand, dried, identified, photographed and packed in sealed and labelled bags were
recorded in Appendix VI.

The three appendices; VI Context and V Photographs IV finds were cross referenced ready for inclusion in the

Watching Brief Results

Presentation Notes:
All contexts are denoted [#] in the text, listed in Appendix V, cross referenced in Appendix VI, to the plates section.
Photographs used in the text are denoted Pl # and a complete list of photographs can be found in appendix VI with
contact sheets.
Finds are denoted {#} in the text, listed in appendix VI and cross referenced to appendix V.

Initial excavation began at the front of the property; south west, with the excavation of service trenches TR1 & TR2,
fig 02, PL01 & PL 02 respectively.

Trench 1 quickly revealed a simple sequence:

[100] a dark brown sandy topsoil to a depth of 300mm which overlay
[101] a light brown silty soil some 600mm in depth, under which was
[102] an orange sandy clay, at least 300mm but extending beyond the depth of the trench.

A localised disturbance was observable in the south west corner of TR1 but only on the south west and western

The disturbance results from an old pipe installation which PL03 shows it in detail; the corresponding NE section
however, shows a marked absence of fill [104], PL 04.

Along the length of TR2, there was a tapering reduction in thickness of both [100] and [101], as the natural [103]
rose to a shallower depth beneath the then current ground level.

The gradient rise of [102] equates to the natural geology of the site; however, as the constant foundation depth of
trenches was continued towards the north east, the mechanical digger cut into an underlying layer of [106], PL02.

Lack of working space around the house plot then dictated the excavation sequence and the focus moved to trenches
3, PL05 and 4, PL06, the garage plot.

This part of the site, the highest and most northerly, revealed an almost total absence of [101] and [102] which were
replaced by an almost 1m thick layer of [106] over exposed, limestone bedrock [107].

The second day of excavation saw trenches 5 to 10 completed with no further additions to the established
stratigraphic sequence and no finds other than those from the undisturbed surface at the north east of the site Pl07 &

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Land adjacent to The Laurels, Undy WB/UND/16
Finds, appendix VI

The site provided a small assemblage of Roman and medieval ceramics which were collected from the undisturbed
topsoil to the north east of the site, between the house plot and the wall.

No finds were observed during the excavation work.


The entire site is on a gentle gradient towards the south west and the south western side would appear to be an area
of raised ground level behind a revetment wall which borders the road.

None of the excavation trenches revealed any archaeological resources but did reveal the natural slope of the land.

The small assemblage of finds are associated with a later import of soil for ground levelling.


Dr. Neil Phillips, ACIFA.

Post ex
Mr A. O. Phillips.


The original archive for this project will remain with APAC Ltd.

A copy of the archive will be deposited with Monmouthshire County Archive.

A digital copy of the archive will be sent to the RCAHMW.


Thanks to Mr M Taylor for allowing access to his site, and his efficient handling of the excavation.

A.P.A.C. Ltd. Land adjacent to The Laurels, Undy WB/UND/16

Bibliography and References:

APAC. Ltd. 2016. Written Scheme of Investigation for an Archaeological Watching Brief. WSI:
WB/UND/16. Land Adjacent to the Laurels, West End, Undy.

CIfA Code of Conduct and the Code of Approved Practice for the Regulation of Contractual
Arrangements in Field Archaeology 2014.

Standard and Guidance for the Archaeological Watching Brief 2014.

Standard and Guidance for the Collection, Documentation, Conservation and Research of
Archaeological materials 2014

Crowther, M. J. Proposed dwelling adjacent to The Laurels, Westend, Undy, Monmouthshire.

Block and Site Locations 01/09/15. 1455-2A

English Heritage 1991 Management of Archaeological Projects

GGAT MON/2086/GP. RE: Erect a new dwelling, garage, access, landscaping and ancillary
Works on land adjacent to The Laurels, West End, Undy, NP26 3EN; Pl. App. No:

MON/2086/CNM. RE: Erect a new dwelling, garage, access, landscaping and ancillary
Works on land adjacent to The Laurels, West End, Undy, NP26 3EN; Pl. App. No:

GGAT, HER 500m diameter search around Land adjacent to The Laurels, West End, Undy,
NP26 3EN. NGR 343503 186773.

MCC Planning Approval. DC/2015/0038701227

Magic Maps

Vision of Britain
National library of Scotland

British Geological Survey

British Listed Buildings
Google Earth

The copyright for this report shall be retained by A.P.A.C. Ltd.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: 36 Hatherleigh Rd, Abergavenny Monmouthshire NP7 7RG.

Tel: 07734962919. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil. BA (Hons) .Cert Ed/FE. MCIfA.

Land adjacent to The Laurels, Undy

Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
M.J. Crowther & Associates

Fig 01: Location A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/UND/16

Land adjacent to The Laurels, Undy


W TR11 Estimated line of [107]

TR10 at 1m





[105] & [104]

Ro TR1
ad TR2

adapted from Block & Site Plan

M, J, Crowther.

FIG 02 Trench Plans A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/UND/16

Land adjacent to the Laurels, West End, Undy

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)

Fig 03 HER map A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/UND/16

Land adjacent to The Laurels, West End, Undy

The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100046577)
fig 04a: First series map.1830. 1:63360 detail. fig 04b: Monmouthshire XXXV. surveyed 1881, published
1887. 1:25000 detail.

fig 04c: Monmouthshire XXXV. revised 1949, published fig 04d: Magic map, 2016. A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/UND/16
1954. 1:25000 detail. 1:25000 detail.
Land adjacent to: The Laurels, West End, Undy


Plate 01: CaptionTrench 1, main Plate 02: Trench 2, Foreground [100],
sequence [100], [101], [102] with pipe [101], [102] giving way to [100], [106],
[105] and disturbance fill [104] [102], [107]


Plate 03: Trench 1, main sequence [100], Plate 04: Trench 1, main sequence [100],
[101], [102] with pipe [105] and [101], [102] with pipe [105] and disturbance
disturbance fill [104] fill [104]

A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/UND/16

Land adjacent to: The Laurels, West End, Undy


Plate 05: Trench 3, sequence [100], [106], Plate 06: Trench 4, sequence [100], [106],
[102], [107] [102], [107]


A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/UND/16

Plate 07: General view of trenches 2, 5, 6, complete, sequence [100], [101],
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix I WB/UND/16

HER Report 5283. Event Record

PRN NAME Event Contractor Year NGR

GGATE000953 Andros, The Causeway, Undy Evaluation MA 2009 ST4350086971
GGATE000926 10 Whitehall Gardens, Undy Watching Brief MA 2008 ST4352986868
GGATE001482 Archaeological assessment of the Desk Based (GGAT) 1988 ST4670087100
Second Severn Crossing. Assessment
GGATE001391 Strayleaves, The Causeway, Evaluation MA 2009 ST43618673
GGATE003342 Gavenny, Main Road, Undy WB Watching Brief MA 2011 ST4343286982
GGATE003382 Coniston, Main Road, Magor, Watching Brief (GGAT) 2011 ST4340687013
GGATE003499 Building Plot at Meadow Bank Watching Brief MA 2009 ST4375686840
House, Church Road, Undy
GGATE003617 Undy Athletic Club, Undy Watching Brief MA 2011 ST4362586942
GGATE003649 Dros-y-Mor, Undy Watching Brief CSAS 2010 ST4381186870
GGATE002287 Oak Crest, Undy Excavation (GGAT) 1996 ST435872
GGATE002571 Well Garage, Church Road, Evaluation (GGAT) 2001 ST4382086809
GGATE002680 New M4 Project- Review of LASER WA 2011 ST3577785351
Sites- Lidar Plots SCANNING
GGATE004594 2 Crossways Close, Undy WATCHING BRIEF CSAS 2013 ST4365786788
GGATE004599 Strayleaves, The Causeway, WATCHING BRIEF MA 2013 ST4360686738
GGATE004632 Hollybush Cottage, Undy. WATCHING BRIEF MA 2002 ST4341087195
GGATE005012 Carolyn Bridewell Gardens, WATCHING BRIEF MA 2007 ST4388486973
GGATE005013 Land at Crossways Undy EVALUATION CAU ST43678673
GGATE005015 Land to the Rear of the Quarry WATCHING BRIEF MA 2004 ST4348986849
Whitehall Gardens Undy
GGATE005014 New Football Pitch Undy WATCHING BRIEF MA 2006 ST4370086851
Playing Fields Undy
GGATE005019 Three Fields Magor WATCHING BRIEF (GGAT) 2006 ST4306386908
GGATE005036 Land to the rear of The Quarry EVALUATION MA 2004 ST4348986844
Whitehall Gardens Undy


CAU Cardiff Archaeological Unit

CSAS Church and Site Archaeological Service
GGAT Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust
MA Monmouth Archaeology
WA Wessex Archaeology
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix II WB/UND/16

HER Report 5283 Core Record

PRN NAME Period Site type NGR

GGAT03937g UNDY Roman Brooch ST43488685
GGAT05669g OAK CREST, UNDY Roman Inhumation ST435872
GGAT06231g SITE NAME NOT KNOWN Post-Medieval Building ST43458680
GGAT06232g OAK CREST, UNDY Roman Inhumation ST435872
GGAT09574g Air Raid Shelter at Magor Modern air raid shelter ST4340687013
GGAT11197g Roman Building Undy Playing Fields ROMAN AGRICULTURAL BUILDING ST4373586864
GGAT11198g Roman Cremation Undy Playing Field ROMAN CREMATION BURIAL ST4375586864
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix III WB/UND/16

HER Report 5283. National Monuments Record


21082 VICARAGE (THE), UNDY Post Medieval VICARAGE ST43658709
400345 OLD CROSS COTTAGE Post Medieval COTTAGE ST43628674
20428 MORGAN'S ROW; LAUREN CRESCENT Post Medieval HOUSE ST43638713
400344 LAURELS, THE, QUARRY N OF Post Medieval QUARRY ST43508680
A.P.A.C. Ltd. Appendix IV Context Sheet Index

Site: Adjacent to Grid Ref: Site No: Alternate No:

Laurels, Undy 343543 186773 WB/UND/16
Context Area Feature Description FINDS PHOTOGRAPHS
100 All Surface Dark brown sandy topsoil. 300mm imported garden {1} {2} IMG-0001, IMG-0002,
IMG-0003, IMG-0004,
IMG-0005, IMG-0006,
IMG-0007, IMG-0008,
DSC09988, DSC09989,
DSC09990, DSC09991,
101 All Deposit Light brown silty clay with small stone, 600mm IMG-0001, IMG-0002,
IMG-0003, IMG-0004,
IMG-0005, IMG-0008,
DSC09988, DSC09989,
DSC09990, DSC09991
102 All Natural Orange sandy clay +300mm IMG-0001, IMG-0002,
IMG-0003, IMG-0004,
IMG-0005, IMG-0006,
IMG-0007, IMG-0008,
DSC09988, DSC09989,
DSC09990, DSC09991,
103 SW TR1 Cut Cut for [105] into [102] under [101] IMG-0008, DSC09992
104 SW TR1 Fill Angular stone IMG-0001, IMG-0002,
IMG-0003, IMG-0004,
IMG-0005, IMG-0008,
DSC09992, DSC09993,
105 SW TR1 Pipe 6” metal pipe sloping towards south west IMG-0003, IMG-0004,
IMG-0005, IMG-0008
106 N TRs 2, 3, Natural Large angular stone in red sandy clay IMG-0006, IMG-0007,
4, 5, & 9 IMG-0008, DSC09992
107 N TRs 3, 4, Natural Bedding plane IMG-0006, IMG-0007,
5, & 9 IMG-0008, DSC09991,
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix V WB/UND/16

Digital photograph list

Photo no Date Camera L/P View Description Plate

IMG-0001 18/09/2015 EOS 500D P SW Trench 1 showing main sequence [100], [101], [102] with disturbance fill [104]
IMG-0002 18/09/2015 EOS 500D P SW Trench 1 showing main sequence [100], [101], [102] with disturbance fill [104] with flash
IMG-0003 18/09/2015 EOS 500D P NW Trench 1, main sequence [100], [101], [102] with pipe [105] and disturbance fill [104]
IMG-0004 18/09/2015 EOS 500D P W Trench 1, main sequence [100], [101], [102] with pipe [105] and disturbance fill [104]
IMG-0005 18/09/2015 EOS 500D P NW Trench 1, main sequence [100], [101], [102] with pipe [105] and disturbance fill [104]
IMG-0006 18/09/2015 EOS 500D P W Trench 3, sequence [100], [106], [102], [107]
IMG-0007 18/09/2015 EOS 500D P NE Trench 4, sequence [100], [106], [102], [107]
IMG-0008 18/09/2015 EOS 500D P NE Trench 2, Foreground [100], [101], [102] giving way to [100], [106], [102], [107]
DSC09988 20/05/2016 Sony F828 L NE General view of trenches 2, 5, 6, complete, sequence [100], [101], [102]
DSC09989 20/05/2016 Sony F828 L SE General view of trenches,1 2, 5, 6, complete, sequence [100], [101], [102]
DSC09990 20/05/2016 Sony F828 P NE Trench 6, sequence [100], [101], [102]
DSC09991 20/05/2016 Sony F828 P SW Trench 2, Foreground [100], [101], [102] [107] giving way to [100], [101], [102]
DSC09992 20/05/2016 Sony F828 L NE Trench 2, north east corner [100], [106], [102], [107]
DSC09993 20/05/2016 Sony F828 L SW Trenches 2, 6, 7 general view
DSC09994 20/05/2016 Sony F828 L NE Trenches 8 and 9
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI The Laurels, West End, Undy.
Finds Index WB/UND/16

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

1 100 1 sherd Black Burnished ware R 18/05/16
4 sherds Malvernware M
1 sherd green/olive glazed earthenware
1 sherd Somerset earthenware 17th 18th
Find no Area Context Description Period Date
2 100 1 clay pipe stem 18th 18/05/16
1 sherd Somerset earthenware
1 sherd glazed earthenware pot base 18th 19th
1 shard aqua green glass
1 sherd Mocha ware 19th
1 sherd midlands stoneware base, with a ceramic seal.
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI FINDS WB/UND/16

100 1

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

1 100 1 sherd Black Burnished ware R 18/05/16
4 sherds Malvernware M
1 sherd green/olive glazed earthenware
1 sherd Somerset earthenware 17th 18th
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix VI FINDS WB/UND/16

100 2

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

2 100 1 clay pipe stem 18th 18/05/16
1 sherd Somerset earthenware
1 sherd glazed earthenware pot base 18th 19th
1 shard aqua green glass
1 sherd Mocha ware 19th
1 sherd midlands stoneware base, with a ceramic seal.

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