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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 47 (2005) 15 – 22

Genetic algorithms in oil industry: An overview

Oswaldo Velez-Langs*
Departamento de Informática, Estadı́stica y Telemática, Escuela Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y Tecnologı́a,
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 28933 Mostoles, Madrid, Spain
Facultad de Ingenierı́as, Corporación Universitaria del Sinú, Carrera 1w Calle 38, Monteria, Colombia
Received 31 August 2004; accepted 29 November 2004


The study presented here is directed to accumulate the body of knowledge which is up to now built around the techniques of
Evolutionary Computation in the Oil Industry, particularly in the Exploration and Production business. The models presented
cover specific aspects of application in reservoir characterization; nevertheless applications in other aspects are shown. The
results are directed to improve the satisfaction by the performance of the methods of simulation of those properties in the
reservoir characterization that have impact in the petroleum production. Additionally a brief framework is presented for the
conception of evolutionary engineered reservoir characterization systems.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Evolutionary algorithms; Genetic algorithms; Reservoir characterization; Seismic inversion; Exploration; Production

1. Introduction realistic models can be generated for improved

prediction capabilities. bIntelligent techniques such
The use of computer-aided techniques to assist in as neural computing, fuzzy reasoning, and evolu-
the reservoir characterisation process is becoming tionary computing for data analysis and interpretation
standard in the oil industry. As computers become are an increasingly powerful tool for making break-
faster and more computing power is made affordable, throughs in the science and engineering fields by
companies dedicate more resources to data analysis. transforming the data into information and information
The techniques aim at the incorporation into the into knowledgeQ, as it is mentioned in Nikravesh and
reservoir models of all data available so that more Aminzadeh (2001). The process makes use of meas-
urements made on the field to restrict the range of
values that the parameters might take. The measure-
* Departamento de Informática, Estadı́stica y Telemática, Escuela
ments used are wide-ranging and include seismic data,
Superior de Ciencias Experimentales y Tecnologı́a, Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos, 28933 Mostoles, Madrid, Spain. Fax: +34 91 488 data from geological analogues, core and log data from
7049. wells, well test data, and production data. The result of
E-mail address: the process is a set of flow simulation models that, to a
0920-4105/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
16 O. Velez-Langs / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 47 (2005) 15–22

greater or lesser extent, agree with the measurements (GAs), Evolutionary Strategies (ESs), Classifier Sys-
made upon the reservoir. There are very many papers tems (CSs), and Evolutionary Programming (EP), draw
in the literature that describe this process, including their inspiration from nature. Particularly, Genetic
Oliver et al. (1996), Tan and Kalogerakis (1996), Wu Algorithms (GAs) were proposed by Holland (1975)
et al. (1999) and Floris et al. (2001). as an abstraction of biological evolution drawing on
To properly characterise the flow simulation model ideas from natural evolution and genetics for the design
requires that every part of the reservoir be adequately and implementation of robust adaptive systems. Over
described. Direct inversion of the complete model is the last 20 years, GAs have received much attention
not a practical proposition, so it is necessary to because of their potential as optimisation techniques
introduce a coarse grid of pilot points (or control for complex functions and an extensive number of
points) and some interpolation method. There are applications (Goldberg, 1989; Michalewicz, 1992).
numerous papers that discuss the choice of pilot points The paper is organized in the following way: The
and interpolation methods (Bissell, 1994; Cuypers et second section shows aspects for to keep in mind of
al., 1998). Having selected these, some optimisation the advantage to use Evolutionary Algorithms in oil
technique is needed to match the numerical results to Industry problems. The third section illustrates a short
the measurements. Most attempts to automate this framework for to mix Evolutionary Computation in a
process have used gradient-type methods. In Nikravesh Reservoir Characterization Problem, the quarter sec-
et al. (2003) we have a fully devoted book in soft tion reflected works and applications and finally
computing techniques for oil exploration main subjects something final comments.
of: geophysical analysis, computational geology, res-
ervoir and production engineering, nevertheless one
paper more adequate to this is found in McCormack et 2. Why evolutionary algorithms in oil industry?
al. (1999). Our work intends to introduce in a
comprehensive study, the body of knowledge up to There is an inherent complexity when one tries to
now built around the techniques of Evolutionary carry out a project of simulation of a reservoir (Saleri,
Computation in the oil industry, particularly in the 1998), own need arises to handle the whole synergy (as
exploration and production business, doing special is illustrated in Fig. 1) with the most adequate methods
mention to the advantages that these offer to oil that permit it. We find in computational methods
industry. inspired in the same nature an important alternative.
Evolutionary systems have been studied for possible Genetic algorithm (GA) is one of the stochastic
applications to optimisation problems. Evolutionary optimization methods which is simulating the process
computation techniques such as Genetic Algorithms of natural evolution. GA follows the same principles

Data Reservoir
Core Surface
Obtention Operations Monitoring


Software Environment


Hardware Labor Others

Fig. 1. Multidisciplinary aspects involved in the management and simulation of reservoirs from Saleri (1998).
O. Velez-Langs / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 47 (2005) 15–22 17

as those in nature (survival of the fittest, Charles The initialization process is delineated to
Darwin). Although initially they were proposed as an continuation:
academic investigation, today GAs turn out to be one
of the most promising approaches for dealing with ! The initial values of the geostatistical parameters
complex systems which at first nobody could imagine are drawn randomly from their a priori probability
that from a relative modest technique. GA is distribution Functions.
applicable to multi-objectives optimization and can ! Sets of well data are generated which are consistent
handle conflicts among objectives. Therefore, it is with both the measurements for the field properties
robust where multiple solutions exist. In addition, it is at every well (for example permeability) and the
highly efficient and it is easy to use. estimated errors for each well measurement.
GAs starts with an initial population of feasible ! The third step involves the use of a geostatistical
solutions (individuals) to the problem being method to generate complete petrophysical prop-
addressed. Individual solutions are then selected from erty fields for each set of well measurements.
the population according to a stochastic process that
(in some sense) rewards to the individuals with better The selection process is based on the evaluation of the
performance, and their genetic information is recom- fitness of the individual models. The fitness of an
bined and modified following probabilistic transition individual corresponds to its objective function and this
rules such as the genetic operators to form a new function can be defined, for example, as the weighted
population. The process is repeated until a conver- sum of squared errors related to the measurements. The
gence is detected, or a specified maximum number of elitism practice let that the better individual in the
function evaluations or a generation is reached. generation n can be cloned to the generation n+1.
The formulation of a GA for a specific problem The crossover operator for the multidimensional
requires the definition of three main issues: the design chromosomes used the mask method. A mask is
of the genome to contain the variables that define a generated to define from which parent a particular
possible solution and the generation of the phenotype gene (data point or well zone) is copied. The mask is
(a realisation of the reservoir simulation model), the defined by randomly choosing a row over the relevant
selection and breeding structures used to generate simulation layer, and switching the array elements
solutions, and the genetic operators such as crossover located thereafter. This process is repeated on each
and mutation used to generate new solutions. This is layer.
the same approach for the direct application in Not one but various mutation operators could be
Reservoir Characterization Problem. designed in these cases. For the many real number
In biological terms, the genotype is the information chromosomes, mutation operators should include
contained in the genetic code (or genome), and the cases in which the mutation can be for a random
physical representation of this information is the change assuming a uniform probability density func-
phenotype. Likewise, in the language of genetic tion and cases in which the mutation can be change by
algorithms, the array of variables is the genotype and a small random quantity assuming a quadratic prob-
the numerical model is the phenotype. Hence, all the ability density function centred on the current value.
variables required to construct the appropriate numer-
ical reservoir simulation model without ambiguity can
be specified in a large one-dimensional array. This 3. Inserting evolutionary components in reservoir
implies a one-to-one correspondence between geno- characterization
type and phenotype. However is possible, and more
practical, to establish a one–many correspondence that Upon developing a Evolutionary Computation (EC)
show the spatial relationship of the geostatistical System, a programmer writes code that creates and
components of this problem join with the properties manipulates (in a form pre-specified) certain software
of the field as porosity and permeability for example. components or populations, this code and its pre
The result is the modified GA for Reservoir character- specification in the behaviour permit that these soft-
ization (Romero et al., 2000). ware components be found established in a concrete
18 O. Velez-Langs / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 47 (2005) 15–22

framework, the EC takes place precisely inside this only a few well locations have log data. This scarce
framework and many times is not extensible out of this information is usually not sufficient to build a
framework. Then we can begin to consider the effects reservoir model that includes the small scale varia-
that can be presented outside of this framework. tions. In between wells, geological information needs
Oil exploration and production is the process of to be estimated.
discovering and developing new petroleum or natural A viable approach to construct a reservoir model is
gas reservoirs. Typically, the process starts with a using both seismic and well log data. This approach
thorough analysis of the geology in a potential region, first builds a framework using seismic scale and well
particularly the probability of finding hydrocarbons log scale data, then fills in small details using
(oil or gas), and the economic factors such as risk and statistical or soft computing methods. These methods
investment needed. If it is decided to explore for are generally stochastic in nature, hence they generate
resources in the region, a seismic exploration survey many different realizations (reservoir models). This
is conducted. In a survey, a controlled sound source is trait is actually an advantage, since the uncertainties of
used to set off sound waves. These waves penetrate the different scenarios can be studied by generating a
the earth, propagate, reflect, refract and then reach large number of equally possible reservoir models.
back to the surface of the earth where they are Consequently, this approach of applying stochastic
recorded by geophones or hydrophones. methods on seismic and well log data is widely used
Reservoir characterization is a critical step in in reservoir characterization (Xie, 2001; Wong et al.,
reservoir development and future production manage- 2002; Nikravesh et al., 2003).
ment. Knowing the details of a reservoir allows the When to design a Reservoir Characterization
simulation of different scenarios. The problem, how- Problem with incorporated EC characteristics, we
ever, is to define an accurate and suitable reservoir should set aside the typical software process when
model including small-scale heterogeneity. Currently, doing a genetic algorithm. As was said previously a
the most abundant data about the reservoir, which is GA is a program that stores individuals represented by
the seismic data, do not have enough resolution. The structures of data and manipulates these individuals to
typical resolution of seismic data is on the order of generate successive populations. This works in a
100 feet or more, which does not give enough detail centralized way and does not exist in the natural
of reservoir properties. In contrast, well log data, equivalent of this algorithm. However, the evolutive
which are collected by inserting sensing devices into effects arise to Reservoir Characterization Problem. A
an exploratory well, give an excellent description of small modification of the approach presented in
the well at scales ranging from centimetres to Velez-Langs (2002) permits us to identify the existing
hundreds of meters. However, due to its high cost, relations among an adaptive (evolutionary) process

Table 1
Adaptive process dimensions and reservoir characterization components identification
Adaptive dimensions Reservoir characterization problem
Meaning of the adaptation (What is adapted?) Beings (elements) that participate in the evolution process: geostatistical parameters
and data, spatial relationship, field properties at every well
Adaptation process (How to adapt to the system?) Perception of the environment by elements and relations of these that assure a
decentralized selection process: objective function as the weighted sum of squared
errors, mask generated from a particular gene in a parent (data point or well zone) for
the crossover, elitism criterion, mutation based in random change assuming a uniform
probability density function
Adaptation content (What is the criterion?) Energy, aptitude or capacity of the elements to perform a task or to utilize certain
resources: adequate aptitude to generate a simulation model to production data
(history matching) for example
Objective (What is the reason of the adaptation?) Functionality of each element, global functionality: suite of solutions (corresponding
to different realisations of the reservoir model) from which to select a representative
group for further analysis
O. Velez-Langs / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 47 (2005) 15–22 19

and the Reservoir Characterization Problem compo- Soleng (1999) presents a genetic algorithm that is
nents. Table 1 shows it more clearly. applied to the problem of conditioning the petrophys-
ical rock properties of a reservoir model on historic
production data. He has applied a genetic algorithm to
4. Practical works and applications the difficult optimization problem where each evalua-
tion of the objective function implies a flow simu-
Most geoscience’s applications began in early lation of the whole reservoir. Ten independent runs are
1990s. Gallagher and Sambridge (1994) presented used to give a prediction with an uncertainty estimate
an excellent overview on the use of GAs in for the total future oil production using two different
seismology. Other applications include geochemical production strategies.
analysis, well logging and seismic interpretation. The work of Romero et al. (2000) describes the
This section tries to illustrate diverse works that implementation of a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to carry
have used the Evolutionary Computation paradigm in out hydrocarbon reservoir characterisation by condi-
Oil industry, we have tried to organize this summary tioning the reservoir simulation model to production
under the aspects of Reservoir Characterization, Gas data (history matching) on a predefined geological and
Storage, Seismic Inversion, Engine Oil Development structural model. The proposed technique combines the
and Oil Field Development. The organization is not advantages of the pilot point method for the description
unique and not flexible since there are works that mix of petrophysical properties with the advantages of GAs
diverse aspects of them established previously. for global optimisation. The modified GA uses a
complex genome which is divided into seven separate
4.1. Reservoir characterization chromosomes for different types of reservoir parame-
ters. Chromosomes containing the pilot point informa-
The work of Batyrshin et al. (2005) describes a tion are three-dimensional real number structures
methodology based on the use of hybrid methods, which include information for the wells, while the
such as principal component and factor analysis, chromosomes for all other parameters are one-dimen-
fuzzy classification and evolutionary optimizations sional arrays. Specially designed crossover and muta-
for analysis of well logs and for qualitative pore tion operators have been created to work with the non-
structure classification in carbonate formations. The standard genome structure. The main advantage of this
developed approach does not require any previous work is that the method appears to be reasonably
assumptions to construct a model from the measured insensitive to the parameter settings used to control the
data set. Obviously, as a pattern recognition techni- GA, which makes it suitable as a general automatic
que, it needs a good data set, valid and representative reservoir characterisation algorithm. It also requires
of different features present in the reservoir under only a modest number of forward simulations, and can
study. be readily implemented (and parallelised) for com-
The constructed porosity classification models can puter-aided history matching.
be applied to make predictions for the wells from the In Rahman et al. (2001), an integrated novel model
oil reservoirs pertaining to micro-fractured carbonate for hydraulic fracturing design optimization is pre-
formations. This approach can be extended to the rock sented, which recognizes complex interactions
type characterization in the absence of adequate between a hydraulically coupled fracture geometry
geological information. module, a hydrocarbon production module and an
Bush and Carter (1996) try to match the simulation investment-return cash flow module. Free design
model to the measured history of a reservoir by variables are identified and various design constraints
adjusting some of the model parameters, it happens are formulated, which must be satisfied so that an
that more than one optimum exists, more than one set optimum design obtained is executable in the field
of parameters which reproduce the measured history using the specified surface equipment (pump, tubing,
of the reservoir were found. The challenge is to etc.) and that treatment does not cause any undesirable
identify all the optima that are using as few function formation damage by uncontrolled fracture growth
evaluations as possible. and/or multiple secondary fracture initiation. The
20 O. Velez-Langs / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 47 (2005) 15–22

model is formulated within the framework of a and specifies whether that particular candidate should
multivariate and multiobjective optimization method, be re-fractured or chemically treated. In this study the
which is based on the combined features of Genetic author uses a series of artificial neural networks and
Algorithm and Evolutionary Operation. genetic algorithm routines integrated with an extensive
A new approach for modelling the dynamic process relational database–specifically developed for this
of Fluid flow in porous media is presented in Yu and study–to achieve the goals of the project.
Lee (2002). They propose using a Genetic Algorithm The Msc Thesis of Torres (2001), in Spanish,
(GA) as an inverse method to model fluid flow in a pore shows a general application model in gas reservoir
network Cellular Automaton (CA). This GA evolves simulation merging elements of the evolutionary
the CA to produce specified flow dynamic responses. computing and object-oriented paradigms. The model
The method is applied to a rock sample data set. works in three ways:
In Yu et al. (2003), a hybrid GP-fuzzy approach to
model reservoir permeability is presented. This 1. Make an adaptive grid partition of the 3D structure
approach uses a two-step divide-and-conquer process in basis to a non-linear function.
for modelling. First, GP is applied to construct 2. Solve the non-linear algebraic equation systems in
classifiers that identify permeability ranges. Within each block which are generated for the calculation
each range, ANFIS is employed to build a Takagi- of the gas properties, taking advantage of the object-
Sugeno-Kang fuzzy inference system that gives oriented programming and genetic algorithms, this
permeability estimation. This method is applied to method is mainly advised when there are problems
five well log data sets. The results show that this with typical methods like Newton method.
hybrid system gives more accurate permeability 3. Find out an adaptive pressure distribution through-
estimation than other previous works. out the reservoir in basis to a double exponential
Yang et al. (2003) present a paper with novel function. Finally the model joins the three sub-
integrated models to analyze the production-injection models to give solution to the non-linear equations
operation systems (PIOS) for the reservoirs based on system depicting the gas flow through the reservoir.
the concepts of systems engineering. More specifi-
cally, gas and/or water injection, reservoir and 4.3. Seismic inversion
production performance, and the economic assess-
ment are incorporated into these models. Four Mansanné and Schoenauer (2000) try to cover an
production operation methods are considered in the interesting challenge of the last 20 years in geo-
production models. The reservoir geological model is physics: the determination of the structure of the
improved with time by the on-going monitoring underground data from geophysical prospecting. The
results for better performance evaluation and predic- goal of the inverse problem in seismic reflection is to
tion. The non-numerical parallel algorithms, including identify the velocity distribution in the underground
genetic algorithms and simulated annealing algo- from recorded reflection profiles of acoustic waves.
rithms, are employed to optimize and control the The problem is turned into an optimization problem
nonlinear PIOS under different practical constraints whose objective function is quite irregular. Indeed, it
throughout the life of a reservoir. is highly nonlinear, exhibits several local minima and
can be globally discontinuous. An efficient way to
4.2. Gas storage find a global optimum (or a good local optimum) is to
use Genetic Algorithms. The work presented in this
The objective of the study of Mohaghegh (2003) paper relies on the use of a hybrid GA based on a
provides a methodology, and builds a software tool variable-length piecewise-constant representation
based on this methodology, to address questions related built on Voronoi diagrams.
to the stimulation/re-stimulation process in gas storage In the Boschetti’s PhD thesis (1995) aspects of
wells for to minimize costs. The ultimate output of the inversion of potential field data with GA are covered. It
software tool is a list of the re-stimulation candidates for presented a GA that simultaneously generates a large
each year. The list will contain the selected candidates number of solutions to various potential field inverse
O. Velez-Langs / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 47 (2005) 15–22 21

problems. It shows that in simple cases a satisfactory energy minimization, and presents an analysis of the
description of the ambiguity domain inherent in method’s behavior when used in a genetic algorithm
potential field problems can be efficiently obtained applied to production scheduling of a petroleum
by a simple analysis of the ensemble of solutions. From refinery. The experimental results are presented and
this analysis information about the expected bounds of analyzed, leading to an overall evaluation of the
the unknown parameters as well as a measure of the benefits provided by the model.
reliability of the final solution can also be obtained.
A new and interesting application field of EC is
named Interactive Evolutionary Computation (IEC). 5. Final comments
Here, we have one method which provides the
inclusion of qualitative geological expertise within a The work described here presents the state of the
rigorous mathematical inversion scheme by simply art in engineering applications from a point of view of
asking an expert user to evaluate a sequence of forward the computational theory of the adaptation and the
geological models. This was presented by Wijns et al. evolution for applications in Oil industry. It is vital to
(2003). The inverse modeling technique proposed in understand and to be able to delineate the specific
this way can help every time that a problem needs aspects of the reservoir characterization domain and to
visual evaluation of the results or a priori expert observe like the EC paradigm presents techniques
knowledge. All that is required is a code that allows the inherently distributed that are of private interest in the
user to forward a model process and view its result. field mentioned. The use of this techniques offers a
true benefit in exploration and production business.
4.4. Engine oil development Our future work is to propose the construction of a
Computational Intelligence Software tool (using
Yu and Rutherford (2001) demonstrate the gener- especially GAs but not ruling out the possibility of
ation of an engine test model using Genetic Program- using techniques of Fuzzy Systems of Neural Net-
ming. In particular, a two-phase modelling process is works) focused in reservoir characterization field,
proposed to handle the high-dimensionality and sparse- adaptable to the needs and preferences of their users in
ness natures of the engine test data. The resulting model relation to the domain characteristics. Through EC
gives high accuracy prediction on training data. which works if possible in a distributed environment,
this tool will be able to apply the developed EC
4.5. Oil field development methods to carry out the characterisation of a real
reservoir for a major petroleum company. The
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Algorithm application for selecting the best alternative to low performance in adaptability of the traditional
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