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Crim. No. 18-cr-32-2 (DLF)




The United States of America, by and through Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III,

submits this motion for a protective order pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 16(d)(1)

and 18 U.S.C. § 3771(a)(8).


On February 16, 2018, a federal grand jury returned an eight-count indictment against

sixteen defendants, arising out of their efforts to interfere with the U.S. political process, including

the 2016 presidential election. (ECF No. 1). Count One of the indictment charges all defendants,

including defendant Concord Management and Consulting LLC (“Concord Management”), with

conspiring to defraud the United States. The indictment charges that in order to carry out their

activities to interfere in the U.S. political and electoral processes without detection of their Russian

affiliation, the defendants conspired to obstruct the lawful functions of the United States

government through fraud and deceit.

The government anticipates that voluminous discovery will be involved in this case. As

described in previous filings, the government estimates that it currently possesses documentary

evidence related to the investigation that totals somewhere between 1.5 and 2 terabytes of data.

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The evidence includes data related to hundreds of social media accounts, as well as evidence

obtained from email providers, internet service providers, financial institutions, and other sources.

Additionally, the need to produce much of the data in its original format (formats that include, for

example, Excel and HTML files) makes it infeasible to make certain redactions without

compromising expeditious review of the data. The evidence in this case will also include numerous

reports and affidavits filed in connection with this investigation that describe investigative steps,

identify uncharged co-conspirators, and disclose various law enforcement and intelligence

collection techniques.

On May 17, 2018, the government and defense counsel met and conferred to discuss the

discovery, as well as the considerations that warrant a protective order. On May 25, 2018, the

government sent defense counsel a proposed protective order that reflected the considerations

discussed by the parties. On June 1, 2018, defense counsel sent the government proposed revisions

and comments to the draft. After the parties conferred telephonically on June 4, 2018, the

government sent defense counsel a revised protective order on June 6, 2018 to address their

concerns. On June 7, 2018, defense counsel informed the government it would not agree to the

revised protective order.

The government and defense counsel have agreed on many procedures designed to enable

the government to turn over discovery expeditiously and without redactions while protecting

information that affects government interests involved in this case, as well as privacy interests of

victims and uncharged third parties. Defense counsel also agrees that discovery is only to be used

for the defense of the case. The parties also agree to limit review of discovery to authorized parties

(but disagree on who should be permitted to be designated an authorized party). Defense counsel

also agrees that for certain discovery designated as sensitive, defense counsel will maintain

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discovery at their U.S. offices and agrees not to physically or electronically transport any such

materials outside the United States.

The government and Concord Management, however, have not been able to reach

agreement on two key provisions. First, due to the number of co-defendants who have chosen not

to appear in the United States and are beyond the reach of U.S. legal process, the government

seeks, in the first instance, not to allow any co-defendant charged in this criminal case to review

discovery until the co-defendant appears before this Court. (Proposed Order, ¶ 2). The proposed

protective order provides that if defense counsel, after reviewing discovery in this matter, believes

it necessary to seek to disclose or discuss any material with a co-defendant who has not appeared

before this Court, counsel must first seek permission from this Court and a modification of this

Order. (Proposed Order, ¶ 2).

Second, to avoid unnecessarily undermining ongoing law enforcement and national

security investigations, the proposed protective order outlines a mechanism to regulate disclosure

of particularly sensitive material to foreign nationals. Disclosure of sensitive discovery would

initially be limited to domestic defense counsel. (Proposed Order, ¶ 11). After review of the

materials, defense counsel could seek permission from the Court to make additional disclosures

(subject to the other provisions in the protective order). (Proposed Order, ¶ 11). For any foreign

national to whom defense counsel wishes to disclose sensitive materials, defense counsel would

provide a firewall counsel for the government (separate from the prosecution team) with the name

of any such individual contemporaneous to its request for Court approval. 1 If needed, firewall

If approved, the government would identify Firewall Counsel to counsel and the Court.

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counsel would alert the Court to any concerns or considerations about such disclosures. 2

(Proposed Order, ¶ 11).


A. District Courts Have Significant Discretion to Enter Protective Orders Governing


Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 16(d)(1) provides that “[a]t any time the court may,

for good cause, deny, restrict, or defer discovery or inspection, or grant other appropriate relief.”

Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(d)(1). The advisory committee further clarified that “[a]mong the

considerations to be taken into account by the court will be the safety of witnesses and others, a

particular danger or perjury or witness intimidation, the protection of information vital to the

national security, and the protection of business enterprises from economic reprisals.” Fed. R.

Crim. P. 16 advisory committee’s note (1966 amendment). The government may also establish

“good cause by a written statement that the court will inspect ex parte,” Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(d)(1),

which the advisory committee recognized would be most appropriate “where matters of national

security are involved.” Fed. R. Crim. P. 16 advisory committee’s note (1966 amendment).

In United States v. Alderman, 394 U.S. 165 (1969), the Supreme Court directed that “the

trial court can and should, where appropriate, place a defendant and his counsel under enforceable

orders against unwarranted disclosure of the materials which they may be entitled to inspect.” Id.

at 185. The entry of a protective order is a common and valid exercise of the Court’s discretion

under Rule 16(d)(1). See, e.g., United States v. O’Keefe, No. 06-cr-0249 (PLF), 2007 WL 1239204,

at *2 (D.D.C. Apr. 27, 2007) (“Protective orders in criminal cases are not uncommon, and the

Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provide that ‘[a]t any time the court may, for good cause,

This approach was adopted from the approach in United States v. Loera, No. 1:09-cr-466
(E.D.N.Y. Apr. 3, 2017) (D.E. 51).

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deny, restrict, or defer discovery or inspection, or grant other appropriate relief.’”) (quoting Fed.

R. Crim. P. 16(d)) (court’s emphasis). This authority is commonly usedto protect information

related to national security investigations. See, e.g., United States v. Lindh, 198 F. Supp. 2d 739,

742 (E.D. Va. 2002) (“protective orders regarding unclassified, but sensitive material ‘vital to

national security.’”); United States v. Moussaoui, No. 01-cr-455 (E.D. Va. Feb. 5, 2002) (ECF No.

64) (“Protective Order for Unclassified But Sensitive Material as to Zacarias Moussaoui”); United

States v. Bin Laden, 58 F. Supp. 2d 113, 121 (S.D.N.Y. 1999) (similar)

Protective orders are also frequently entered pursuant to Rule 16(d)(1) to promote the

timely, and expeditious production of voluminous discovery information while preventing

inadvertent dissemination of the information. See, e.g., United States v. Bundy, No. 2:16-CR-046-

GMN-PAL, 2016 WL 7030431, at *4 (D. Nev. Nov. 30, 2016) (“The current Protective Order will

promote the timely, efficient, and expeditious production of voluminous discovery information

while preventing inadvertent dissemination of the information.”). Where a case involves

voluminous discovery, such that identification of all sensitive information is infeasible, courts

recognize that protective orders may be entered to cover the entirety of discovery produced by the

government to defendants. See, e.g., United States v. Luchko, No. CRIM. A. 06-319, 2006 WL

3060985, at *5 (E.D. Pa. Oct. 27, 2006) (noting an “umbrella” protective order appropriate “where

an action is complex or involves large-scale discovery and, potentially, where there is a stronger

showing of good cause”).

Separately, the Crime Victims’ Rights Act (“CVRA”) provides that crime victims have the

right, inter alia, “to be treated with fairness and with respect for the victim’s dignity and privacy.”

18 U.S.C. § 3771(a)(8). Courts have referred to the victims’ rights under the CVRA in identifying

“good cause” for the imposition of protective orders or otherwise regulating discovery pursuant to

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Rule 16. See, e.g., United States v. Patkar, No. CR. 06-00250-JMS, 2008 WL 233062, at *4–6 (D.

Haw. Jan. 28, 2008) (referring to CVRA in denying modification of protective order); United States

v. Robinson, No. CR 08-10309-MLW, 2009 WL 137319, at *3 (D. Mass. Jan. 20, 2009) (referring

to CVRA in denying motion for pretrial public disclosure of victim’s identity).

B. The Government’s Discovery Contains Information that Could Be Detrimental to

National Security and Law Enforcement Interests if Released

As described further in the government’s ex parte affidavit, the discovery in this case

contains unclassified but sensitive information that remains relevant to ongoing national security

investigations and efforts to protect the integrity of future U.S. elections. At a high level, the

sensitive-but-unclassified discovery in this case includes information describing the government’s

investigative steps taken to identify foreign parties responsible for interfering in U.S. elections;

the techniques used by foreign parties to mask their true identities while conducting operations

online; the relationships of charged and uncharged parties to other uncharged foreign entities and

governments; the government’s evidence-collection capabilities related to online conduct; and the

identities of cooperating individuals and, or companies. Discovery in this case contains sensitive

information about investigative techniques and cooperating witnesses that goes well beyond the

information that will be disclosed at trial.

In Snepp v. United States, 444 U.S. 507 (1980), the Supreme Court recognized “publication

of . . . material relating to intelligence activities can be detrimental to vital national interests even

if the published information is unclassified.” Id. at 511–12; see also Kaplan v. Conyers, 733 F.3d

1148, 1157–58 (Fed. Cir. 2013) (“Courts have long recognized that sensitive but unclassified

material can be vital to national security. . . [Disclosures of] unclassified information can have

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detrimental effects on national security the same way as classified information.”). 3 Publication of

such information can be particularly detrimental in the hands of sophisticated foreign intelligence

services. See United States v. Yunis, 867 F.2d 617, 623 (D.C. Cir. 1989) (“[M]uch of the

government's security interest in the conversation lies not so much in the contents of the

conversations, as in the time, place, and nature of the government’s ability to intercept the

conversations at all. Things that did not make sense to the District Judge would make all too much

sense to a foreign counter-intelligence specialist who could learn much about this nation’s

intelligence-gathering capabilities from what these documents revealed about sources and


Public or unauthorized disclosure of this case’s discovery would result in the release of

information that would assist foreign intelligence services, particularly those of the Russian

Federation, and other foreign actors in future operations against the United States. First, the

substance of the government’s evidence identifies uncharged individuals and entities that the

government believes are continuing to engage in interference operations like those charged in the

present indictment. Second, information within this case’s discovery identifies sources, methods,

and techniques used to identify the foreign actors behind these interference operations, and

In CIA v. Sims, the Supreme Court gave an example of the probative value of unclassified
information in the hands of a foreign intelligence service:
A foreign government can learn a great deal about the [Central
Intelligence Agency’s] activities by knowing the public sources of
information that interest the Agency. The inquiries pursued by the
Agency can often tell our adversaries something that is of value to
them. For example, disclosure of the fact that the Agency subscribes
to an obscure but publicly available Eastern European technical
journal could thwart the Agency’s efforts to exploit its value as a
source of intelligence information.

471 U.S. 159, 176–77 (1985) (internal citation omitted).

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disclosure of such information will allow foreign actors to learn of these techniques and adjust

their conduct, thus undermining ongoing and future national security investigations. 4 See Lindh,

198 F. Supp. 2d at 742 (“[G]iven the nature of al Qaeda and its activities, and the ongoing federal

law enforcement investigation into al Qaeda . . . the questions asked and the techniques employed

by law enforcement agents in the interviews are highly sensitive and confidential.”).

As described in its ex parte filing submitted pursuant to Rule 16(d)(1), the government has

particularized concerns about discovery in this case being disclosed to Russian intelligence

services. 5 These heightened concerns inform the government’s proposed protective order. See

Lindh, 198 F. Supp. 2d at 742 (noting protective order will “serve to prevent members of

The U.S. government has publicly identified multiple ongoing efforts to protect the integrity of
future elections from unlawful foreign interference, including the Justice Department’s Cyber-
Digital Task Force and the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force. See Memorandum of Attorney
General Jeffrey B. Sessions, “Cyber-Digital Task Force,” Feb. 16, 2018, available at; Testimony of FBI Director
Christopher Wray, House Homeland Security Committee, Nov. 30, 2017, available at
terrorist-threats&start=3834 (describing efforts to investigate and interdict Russian
interference campaigns in U.S. elections).
Additionally, Prigozhin and both charged Concord entities were sanctioned by the United States
in 2016 pursuant to Executive Order 13,661, which authorizes sanctions based on “the actions and
policies of the Government of the Russian Federation with respect to Ukraine—including the []
deployment of Russian Federation military forces in the Crimea region of Ukraine.” 79 Fed. Reg.
15,535 (Mar. 16, 2014). Concurrent with that designation, the Treasury Department explained that
Prigozhin was being designated for “having materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial,
material, or technological support for, or goods or services in support of, senior officials of the
Russian Federation,” including “extensive business dealings with the Russian Federation Ministry
of Defense.” Press Release, “Treasury Sanctions Individuals and Entities In Connection with
Russia’s Occupation of Crimea and the Conflict in Ukraine,” available at On March 15, 2018, the
Treasury Department designated Prigozhin and both Concord entities for another set of sanctions
pursuant to Executive Order 13,694, which authorizes sanctions based on “malicious cyber-
enabled activities.” 80 Fed. Reg. 18,077 (Apr. 1, 2015); see also Press Release, Treasury Sanctions
Russian Cyber Actors for Interference with the 2016 U.S. Elections and Malicious Cyber-Attacks,
available at

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international terrorist organizations . . . from learning, from publicly available sources, the status

of, the methods used in, and the information obtained from the ongoing investigation of the


C. The Government’s Discovery Contains Information that Could Be Damaging to

Victims, Uncharged Parties, and Unwitting U.S. Persons if Released

Other considerations constitute good cause for the imposition of the government’s

proposed protective order. The evidence in the government’s possession includes a significant

amount of personal identifying information (“PII”) related to U.S. persons who were victims of

identity theft (as alleged in the indictment, particularly in count two, and the related case of United

States v. Pinedo, No. 1:18-cr-0024 (DLF)). Evidence related to these victims includes names,

addresses, dates of birth, social security numbers, and other sensitive information, as well as the

account numbers for bank accounts and other financial accounts opened in their names. This PII

appears in hundreds if not thousands of pages of documents throughout the discovery, making

document-by-document redaction impossible. See United States v. Johnson, 191 F. Supp. 3d 363,

372 (M.D. Pa. 2016) (“[T]he volume of materials precludes detailed, document-by-document

redaction of sensitive information and personal identification information and in conjunction with

the showing of good cause, warranted implementation of the [protective] order.” (internal

quotation marks omitted)).

The discovery in the present case also contains thousands of communications and

documents involving uncharged U.S. persons who were, as alleged in the indictment, unwittingly

recruited by certain defendants and co-conspirators to engage in political activity inside the United

States, such as attending Russian-organized rallies inside the United States. In certain cases the

discovery includes PII such as telephone numbers, addresses, and other indicators that were

collected by defendants and their co-conspirators during their operations. The government also

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believes that if statements of these individuals were indiscriminately released, the result would be

unnecessary embarrassment to these individuals who believed they were communicating about

U.S. political activities with other U.S. persons. See United States v. Luchko, No. CRIM.A. 06-

319, 2007 WL 1651139, at *7–8 (E.D. Pa. June 6, 2007) (imposing protective order in criminal

case because disclosure would result “private and embarrassing activity concerning third parties,

which I find would cause unnecessary or serious pain on parties . . . entitled to such protection”

(internal quotation marks omitted)).

D. The Proposed Discovery Order Balances the Aforementioned Interests While Making
Discovery Available to the Defense

The proposed protective order establishes rules for handling all discovery, as well as

additional procedures related to sensitive but unclassified discovery that will be produced by the

government to the defense.

1. Defendant Concord Management Should Be Prohibited from Providing or

Discussing Discovery with any Co-Defendant Not Before this Court

In its initial proposed protective order, the government proposed a complete prohibition on

sharing discovery with any co-defendant charged in this criminal case, whether individual or

organizational. Defense counsel proposed that they be permitted to share discovery with a co-

defendant if that co-defendant is an officer or employee of Concord Management. To the

government’s knowledge, the only charged defendant in this category is Yevgeniy Viktorovich

Prigozhin, who was charged individually for conspiring to defraud the United States, in violation

of 18 U.S.C. § 371. (ECF NO. 1).

Prigozhin is alleged in the indictment to have approved and supported the operations of the

Internet Research Agency, including those aimed at interfering in the 2016 U.S. elections. (ECF

NO. 1, at 7). Prigozhin was indicted by the grand jury on February 16, 2018, and he has publicly

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acknowledged that he is aware of his indictment, tell the public media, “I am not at all disappointed

that I appear in this list [i.e, the indictment]. If they want to see the devil — let them.” See “The

Rise of ‘Putin’s chef,’ the Russian Oligarch Accused of Manipulating the U.S. Election,”

Washington Post, Feb. 17, 2018; “Yevgeny Prigozhin, Russian Oligarch Indicted by U.S., Is

Known as ‘Putin’s Cook,’” N.Y. Times, Feb. 16, 2018. Prigozhin is believed to be in Russia at this

time, and he has not appeared before this Court to date.

As long as Prigozhin chooses not to appear personally in front of this Court, he is not

entitled to review any discovery in this case. Courts generally do not allow a charged defendant

to seek benefits from the judicial system whose authority he or she evades. See Degen v. United

States, 517 U.S. 820, 824 (1996); see, e.g., In re Assets of Martin, 1 F.3d 1351, 1356 (3d Cir. 1993)

(noting the “principle of mutuality” that “if a defendant is not willing to suffer the penalties of the

crime,” the court “should not afford the defendant an opportunity to improve his or her position”);

Williams v. Holbrook, 691 F.2d 3, 14 (1st Cir. 1982) (noting the impropriety of allowing an absent

defendant to “opt in” if a matter “is decided favorably”). Courts have rejected motions for

discovery and similar relief by defendants who refused to submit themselves to the Court. As one

district court explained,

Upon learning charges have been brought for a crime in the United
States, the fugitive, through counsel, could then request discovery
from the government. This would allow the fugitive to preview or
test the strength of the government’s evidence without being subject
to the court’s jurisdiction.

United States v. Nabepanha, 200 F.R.D. 480, 483 (S.D. Fla. 2001); see also United States v.

Gorcyca, No. 08-CR-9 (FB), 2008 WL 4610297, at *2 (E.D.N.Y. Oct. 16, 2008).

Courts have recognized that the presence of absent co-defendants can require the need to

regulate discovery. In United States v. Lorenzana-Cordon, no. 1:03-cr-331 (CKK) (D.D.C. Mar.

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19, 2015), the Court provided established discovery procedures that limited discovery to a “single-

copy of discovery in electronic format on compact discs (‘CDs’), redacted as appropriate, and the

CDs shall not be copied, duplicated, or replicated in whole or in part,” absent certain enumerated

exceptions. (ECF No. 551, at 1–2). The Court required also that “discovery must remain in the

custody of defense counsel or the defense team” and only be reviewed by the defendant in the

presence of counsel. (Id., at 2). In subsequent orders, the Court permitted additional redactions to

account for overseas fugitive co-defendants, including redactions to the indictment itself, and

prohibited defense counsel from further distribution of a partially unsealed indictment and other

protected materials. United States v. Lorenzana-Cordon, 197 F. Supp. 3d 1, 3 (D.D.C. 2016).

While the government believes that defendant Concord Management should be fully barred

from sharing information with defendant Prigozhin while he until he appears before this Court, in

order to expedite discovery the proposed protective order explicitly allows defense counsel to seek

to modify the order after counsel reviews discovery materials. Likewise, if Prigozhin appears

before this Court, the protective order would not bar providing discovery to him as an authorized


2. Use of a Firewall Attorney to Address Disclosures of Sensitive Discovery to

Foreign Nationals Is Appropriate

The parties agree that the particularly sensitive discovery in this case will physically remain

in defense counsel’s U.S. offices. The government also anticipates that defense counsel may desire

to have foreign nationals—such as Concord Management employees or officers—designated as

authorized parties in order to review such materials. The government’s countervailing interest is

that certain foreign individuals may try use that avenue as a way to obtain sensitive materials as

part of an intelligence collection effort.

The government recognizes that names of proposed authorized persons may implicate

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defense strategy information. In order to address this concern, the proposed protective order

provides that, if defense counsel wishes to disclose sensitive material to a foreign national, the

defense counsel notify the Court and a designated firewall counsel for the government. Firewall

counsel would then raise any subsequent issues with such proposals with the Court and defense

counsel without involvement of the prosecution team. A similar approach was put in place in

United States v. Loera, No. 1:09-cr-044 (E.D.N.Y. 2017) (ECF No. 57), which has similar

considerations and foreign nexuses. In that case, the Court restricted access to law-enforcement

sensitive materials; required such materials to kept by defense counsel; prohibited sensitive

discovery’s removal from the United States; and regulated foreign nationals’ participation as part

of the defense team through a firewall attorney from the government separate from the prosecution

team. Id. A similar approach would be appropriate here.


For the reasons stated above, and to facilitate the availability of the discovery of this case

while protecting the government’s aforementioned interests as well as the privacy interests of third

parties, the government requests the Court grant its motion and institute the proposed protective


Respectfully submitted,


Special Counsel

Dated: June 12, 2018 By: /s/ L. Rush Atkinson

Jeannie S. Rhee
L. Rush Atkinson
Ryan K. Dickey
U.S. Department of Justice
Special Counsel’s Office
950 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

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Washington, D.C. 20530

Telephone: (202) 616-0800

Attorneys for the United States of America

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Crim. No. 18-cr-32-2 (DLF)



This matter comes before the Court upon the Motion of the United States seeking a

Protective Order (“Order”) pursuant to Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(d), and 18 U.S.C. § 3771(a). The Order

seeks to prevent the unauthorized disclosure or dissemination of discovery provided by the

government in this case, including information for which unrestricted dissemination could

adversely affect national security and law enforcement interests, as well as the privacy of third


The Court finds good cause to institute a protective order to regulate discovery in this case,

as provided in Fed. R. Crim. P. 16(d) and HEREBY ORDERS:

1. All of the materials and information provided by the United States in preparation

for, or in connection with, any stage of the proceedings in this case (collectively, “the materials”)

are subject to this Order and may be used by defense counsel (herein defined as counsel of record

and any attorney, paralegal, investigator, translator, litigation support personnel, and secretarial

staff employed by Reed Smith LLP who is assigned to assist in the preparation of the defense)

solely in connection with the defense of this criminal case, and for no other purpose, and in

connection with no other proceeding, without further order of this Court. The materials include

all information provided by the United States in connection with discovery, regardless of form,
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and includes information provided physically, electronically, or orally.

2. Defense counsel shall not disclose the materials or their contents directly or

indirectly to any person or entity other than an authorized person as defined in this paragraph and

under the circumstances described in this Order. Authorized persons shall be limited to: (a)

persons retained by defense counsel to assist in the defense of the criminal case; (b) persons who

are interviewed as potential witnesses; (c) counsel for potential witnesses; (d) designated

individual officers and employees of Defendant Concord Management and Consulting LLC

(“Concord Management”); and (e) other persons to whom the Court may authorize disclosure.

Notwithstanding the previous categories of authorized persons, no co-defendant charged in this

criminal case, whether individual or organizational, shall be deemed an authorized person for

purposes of discovery until the co-defendant appears before this Court. Defense counsel shall not

disclose or discuss the material or their contents to any co-defendant charged in this criminal case,

whether individual or organizational, until the co-defendant appears before this Court unless

otherwise directed by this Court. If defense counsel, after reviewing discovery in this matter,

believes it necessary to seek to disclose or discuss any material with a co-defendant who has not

appeared before this Court, counsel must first seek permission from this Court and a modification

of this Order.

3. Defense counsel and authorized persons shall not copy or reproduce the materials

except in order to provide copies of the materials for use in connection with this case by defense

counsel and authorized persons. Such copies and reproductions shall be treated in the same

manner as the original materials. Authorized persons may be shown copies of the materials as

necessary to prepare the defense but may not retain copies without prior permission of the Court.

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4. Defense counsel and authorized persons shall not disclose any notes or records of

any kind that they make in relation to the contents of the materials, other than to authorized

persons, and all such notes or records are to be treated in the same manner as the original materials.

5. Before providing materials to an authorized person, defense counsel must provide

the authorized person with a copy of this Order.

6. A copy of this Order shall be kept with printed copies of the materials at all times.

An electronic copy of this Order shall be available for review on any database housing the


7. Upon conclusion of all stages of this case, the materials and all copies made thereof

shall be disposed of in one of two ways, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. The materials may

be (1) destroyed or (2) returned to the government. The Court may require a certification as to

the disposition of any such materials.

8. To the extent any material is produced by the government to defense counsel by

mistake, the government shall have the right to the return of such material and shall request any

such return in writing. Within five days of the receipt of a request to return such materials, defense

counsel shall return all such material if in hard copy, and in the case of electronic materials, shall

certify in writing that all copies of the specified material have been deleted from any location in

which the material was stored. Defense counsel shall have the right to file an objection with the

Court to the return of any such material if such material is discoverable in this case.

9. The restrictions set forth in this section of the Order do not apply to documents that

are or become part of the public court record, including documents that have been received in

evidence at other trials, nor do the restrictions in this Order limit defense counsel in the use of

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discovery materials in judicial proceedings in this case, except that any document filed by any

party which attaches or otherwise discloses specially identified sensitive information as described

below, shall be filed under seal and, if necessary, with other handling caveats, to the extent

necessary to protect such information, absent prior permission from this Court.

Sensitive Materials

10. Certain materials to be disclosed by the government contain particularly sensitive

information, including personal identifying information belonging to one or more individuals,

national security and law enforcement sensitive information, and other information requiring

special protection. The government will designate and label these discovery materials as

“Sensitive” (hereinafter “Sensitive materials”). The Sensitive materials will include:

a. Witness statements provided pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3500;

b. Information that could lead to the identification of potential witnesses, including

civilian, foreign and domestic law enforcement witnesses and cooperating


c. Information related to ongoing investigations, including information that could

identify the targets of such investigations; and

d. Information related to sensitive law enforcement or intelligence collection


11. In the first instance, disclosure of Sensitive materials shall be limited to defense

counsel, as defined above. If defense counsel believes it necessary to disclose Sensitive materials

to additional parties—including but not limited to (a) persons retained by defense counsel to assist

in the defense of the criminal case; (b) persons who are interviewed as potential witnesses; (c)

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counsel for potential witnesses; and (d) designated individual officers and employees of Defendant

Concord Management—defense counsel may request approval from the Court to make such a

disclosure. For any foreign national to whom defense counsel wishes to make a disclosure of

Sensitive materials, defense counsel shall provide Firewall Counsel for the government with the

name of any such individual contemporaneous to its request for Court approval, and Firewall

Counsel shall be provided the opportunity to respond to the Court prior to approval.

12. Sensitive materials may not be disseminated or shown to any individuals,

organizations or other entities, other than defense counsel and persons approved by the Court, as

defined above, subject to the conditions set forth in this Order. No person described in this

paragraph shall have access to the Sensitive materials until he or she has (a) been provided with a

copy of this Order; and (b) certified that he or she has read, understands, and agrees to the terms

of this Order and has manifested his or her assent to be bound thereby, and to be subject to the

jurisdiction of the Court, by signing a copy of the attached Memorandum of Understanding of the

Protective Order. Copies of any signed Memorandum of Understanding shall be maintained by

defense counsel and provided to the government upon an order of this Court.

13. Neither defense counsel nor any person authorized by this Court is permitted at any

time to inspect or review Sensitive materials outside of the U.S. offices of Reed Smith LLP,

without prior permission from of this Court. Defense counsel or a designated and identified

employee of Reed Smith LLP must accompany any person at all times while he or she is reviewing

Sensitive materials at U.S. offices of Reed Smith LLP, unless otherwise authorized by this Court.

14. Defense counsel shall not copy or reproduce Sensitive materials except in order to

provide copies of the materials for use by defense counsel in connection with this criminal case.

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Copies and reproductions shall be treated in the same manner as the original Sensitive materials,

as described herein. Authorized persons may not copy or reproduce Sensitive materials and may

not retain any copies of Sensitive materials.

15. Defense counsel shall not disclose any notes or records of any kind that they make

in relation to the contents of Sensitive materials, other than to authorized persons and only in the

manner described herein. All such notes or records are to be treated in the same manner as the

original materials.

16. The government shall provide Sensitive materials to defense counsel in a password-

protected, electronic format. Sensitive materials shall not be copied or reproduced without prior

permission from this Court, except that defense counsel may make copies for use exclusively by

defense counsel in connection with this criminal case. Sensitive materials shall be maintained in

a locked room at Reed Smith’s offices within the United States, when they are not in the actual

possession of defense counsel or an authorized person. Sensitive materials shall not be viewed or

stored on any device that is connected to or accessible from the Internet.

17. Sensitive materials may under no circumstances be transported or transmitted

outside the United States.

18. Absent prior permission from the Court, Sensitive materials and the content of

Sensitive materials shall not be included in any public filing with the Court, and instead shall be

submitted under seal.

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19. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude any party from applying to this Court

for further relief or for modification of any provision hereof.

________________ __________________________________

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1. I, __________________, understand that I may be the recipient of documents or shown

documents that contain information that the government has designated to be Sensitive.

2. I agree that I shall never divulge, publish, or reveal, either by word, conduct, or other
means, such Sensitive information and documents unless specifically authorized in writing to do
so by an authorized representative of the United States government, or as otherwise ordered by the

3. I understand this agreement will remain binding upon me after the conclusion of the
proceedings in United States v. Concord Management and Consulting, LLC (case no. 1:18-cr-
0032-2) and any subsequent related proceedings.

4. I have received, read, and understood the Protective Order entered by the United States
District Court for the District of Columbia in the above case, and I agree to comply with the
provisions thereof.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States that the foregoing is
true and correct.

Date: _________________

Place: _________________

Authorized Person

The above-named individual has received a copy of the Protective Order in the case United
States v. Concord Management and Consulting, LLC (case no. 1:18-cr-32-2).

Counsel for Defendant

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