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Mutant Rat Swarms

For ​All Flesh Must Be Eaten ​and other Classic Unisystem games

This supplement owes its existence to the ​Rats The mutants rapidly breed with the local rat
trilogy by James Herbert. Also, some wordings are population. The mutation breeds true in almost all
influenced by Open Game License material. This cases, meaning that a single mutant can cause an
supplement is fan-made and not for profit. outbreak of mammoth proportions. A female can
The author would like to extend their thanks to all have from five to eight litters a year, with anything
those who offered suggestions. You know who you from four to twelve in a litter. A city the size of
are. London could be overrun in less than a month.
The Rats are resistant to the traditional poisons
(especially anticoagulants) and display a defined
The Rats Themselves xenophobia when it comes to food: they will eat
only small amounts of unknown foods and if they
‘Ugly brute, isn’t he?’ Howard said jovially. ‘This
prove harmful they will shun them. The Rats do
is actual size. Over two feet in length – more
love warm animal flesh, though. Especially ​human
than three, counting the tail; long, pointed head
with deadly sharp teeth – the incisors are
particularly large; ears pink, naked, pointed.
The fur is actually dark Origins
brown, but mottled with
The genesis of this new
specks of black that give
species appears to be down
it the appearance, from a
to one man - a zoologist
distance, of being
named William Bartlett
completely black. It’s
Schiller. He smuggled them
much like the normal
into the UK from an island
Black rat apart from its
near New Guinea which had
size, the main difference
been subjected to nuclear
being its large brain and
tests. Not content with their
strangely humped back –
original aberration from
powerful hindquarters,
natural life, he began to
you see. Its claws are
breed them, working toward
some unknown goal. He was
One of the forest
killed when his creations
verderers had gone deathly white. ‘My God, are
broke loose, causing the first Outbreak in London.
they all like that?’
Over time, exposure to other environmental
- ​Lair​, by James Herbert
factors gave rise to new generations of the Rats,
The mutant Rats are a vicious new strain of
each more suited to their habitat than the last.
monster. Larger and more deadly than their
Natural selection refines the Rats every time they
brethren, they also display a bizarre intelligence.
are encountered.
They feast on the flesh of the living betraying no
panic or even fear of Man. They do, however,
retreat from overwhelming force, and quickly learn
to fear what harms the group. Worse still, they
carry a stronger strain of rat-borne disease which
quickly incapacitates or kills its victims. Even a
single bite could be fatal.
conditions. This is opposed by the Rat rolling at a
+7. If the Rats are successful in ambushing, the first
Single Rats Test made by the victim will be a Fear Test.
Rivulets of blood ran down her arms and her After that, a Dexterity and Dodge test might evade
chest was stained red. She raised a quivering attack, or Strength and Brawl would be used to
hand towards them as though beseeching help, grab hold of the Rat.
strange gurgling sounds coming from her A single attack from a sturdy weapon, or two from
throat. something weak or improvised like a lamp or small
Clinging to her back, weighing down her frail knife, will end the threat. If the human is
body, was a huge, evil-looking black creature. completely unarmed, they will need to grab the Rat
Its head was buried beneath the hair at the and maintain a hold long enough to kill it with
back of her neck, its shoulders jerking something nearby. This requires a successful
spasmodically as it drank in her blood. Simple Strength Test each turn. Alternatively they
- ​Lair​, by James Herbert may fling it away (buying a single Turn of time if on
Individual Rats are easy pickings for fit, motivated flat ground, more if the Rat is thrown down a
humans. For that reason they rarely attack alone stairwell or the like). Firearms are good weapons
unless they have the upper hand. Rats will spring for killing single Rats. Any firearm will kill on a hit,
from ambush, biting and clawing, before making a but the Test to hit should be at a -2, or -4 if the Rat
quick escape. Alternatively, they is moving. Further, most Rats
will sneak into secured areas to are encountered in low-light
kill and eat the weak. Young conditions.
children, wounded or sick Failing a test to evade or grab
persons, and the elderly are the Rat will result in d6 sharp
prime targets for these evil damage from teeth and claws.
tactics. Also, a Simple Constitution Test
The individual Rats display should be made if the target is in
occasional flashes of bizarre a vulnerable or precarious
intelligence. They might seize situation (driving a car,
small vital items (medicine, balancing on a beam, holding a
keys, torches) and scamper off breakable item). On a failure the
to where a swarm of their obvious misfortune occurs
siblings are waiting. They might (crashing, falling, breaking the
gnaw through cables or fling themselves into vital item), as the Rats have an
machinery, suicidally sabotaging it. They play dead uncanny knack for causing maximum uproar and
and then bite the throats of the unwary. These acts chaos.
are uncommon but not rare. A single Rat can kill a person directly, if they can
Similarly, the Rats sometimes bide their time and get to a major artery for example, and this should
simply allow a terrified victim to retreat. This may not be forgotten. Once combat is resolved, if the
be to spread panic, weakening the bulk of their human survives, test for infection as outlined
foes. below.
Finally, the Rats may decide to spare those mad
survivors who betray their fellow humans. This “Where there’s one, there’s
last mercy is unpredictable, and never long-lasting.
Encountering Single Rats Single Rats are one thing, but there is a bridging
stage between one and a street-covering carpet. If
Individual Rats should be dealt with as a series of the PCs are beginning to come under attack, then at
Tests for an individual character. Those being first the most vulnerable of them will be targeted
stalked by individual Rats roll their Perception and
Notice with appropriate penalties for local
for ambush. After that, there is a rough pattern to ground, but slipping through very narrow gaps
follow. will slow the swarm for d4 Turns.
● More Rats can be seen looking from positions ● Barricades softer than steel will be slowly
around the PCs. They will be unafraid, waiting. eaten away by voracious teeth. The Rats can
● Rats will attempt to breach barriers or eat through a wooden door in minutes and
otherwise reach the PCs. even brick can be eaten away over hours.
● Every PC will come under simultaneous attack
if possible.
● Once driven back, the Rats will regroup and
either flee or retreat to draw out their foes. In order to attack, a single swarm moves into
opponents’ spaces, which means the victim gets a
chance at a single attack before they are overcome.
Swarm Rules and Statistics If instead they choose to evade, they may roll
Dexterity + Dodge. This replaces their actions for
When she toppled over the top stair of the
their Turn. Additionally, each subsequent Dodge
steeply-tiered theatre, the jaws of one creature
that turn will accrue multiple action penalties. If it
clamped around an arm, another clinging to
is implausible for the
her back, teeth and
character to dodge, for
claws entwined in her
example being in a
hair, it was like cresting
cupboard or on a precipice,
and plunging with a
they may not make this
small but forceful
Test. The swarm does not
need to roll an attack to hit
A black, consuming
its victim: they simply take
damage and roll to resist
- ​Domain​, by James
the various effects.
A Rat swarm deals d6*2
For simplicity a swarm is
sharp damage to their
defined as a single creature
victims each turn. If more
ten feet by ten feet on flat
than one target is in the
ground. Larger hordes are
area, roll all damage and
composed of multiple
tests separately.
swarms. A single swarm is
about two hundred Rats. It
can occupy any contiguous Distraction
shape as long as its volume Being covered with heavy,
is roughly conserved, and it stinking, scurrying Rats is a
can squeeze through any hideous experience. Any
gap large enough to fit one character in the area of a Rat swarm must make a
of its component creatures (in this case, as little as Simple Constitution Test at the start of their turn. If
five inches in diameter). they fail, they cannot take any action whatsoever
● A Rat swarm has a +7 on Stealth Tests, and a (except shriek and struggle ineffectually).
+5 on Climbing and Swimming Tests. A Rat
swarm can always choose to take a die roll of 6 The Disease
instead of rolling a d10 for these tests. Under
normal circumstances these rolls are not Leptospirosis is a disease that begins suddenly
needed, but they may come in handy when the with fever accompanied by chills, intense
Cast are attempting to escape the Rats. headache, severe myalgia (muscle ache),
● Over flat ground, a swarm moves at a Speed of abdominal pain, conjunctival suffusion (red eye),
10. They are not slowed much by broken skin rashes, liver damage (causing jaundice),
kidney failure, and bleeding. Additionally, the
heart, lungs, and brain can be affected, with fatal staggered or reduced to a dying state by
results. The infection is often incorrectly diagnosed damage.
due to the nonspecific symptoms. The mutant ● Swarms are extremely difficult to fight with
strain is even worse, and onset is so rapid there is physical attacks. A swarm of Rats takes half
no hope for the misdiagnosed. damage from normal weapon attacks, and no
● To determine if a victim is infected during a additional bonus damage from sharp weapons
Rat attack, roll a Difficult Constitution Test, or bullets. Additionally, weapon attacks deal a
with a penalty equal to the number of times maximum of 10 LP per attack.
they were damaged by Rats in the combat ● A swarm has no clear front or back and no
(you need only test once after combat is discernable anatomy, so it is not subject to hit
resolved). If the test is a success the character locations or flanking.
is safe - for now. If they fail they are infected Rat swarms have a few special vulnerabilities, as
with the disease. Every hour they must repeat follows:
the test. If they fail, reduce the highest of their ● A flaming torch swung as an improvised
Dexterity or Constitution by one. If either their weapon deals d4*Str points of fire damage per
Constitution or Dexterity hit 0 they are in their hit.
last hours, fall blind and stricken with fatigue ● A flame thrower or similar weapon will deal
or paralysis. Eventually their skin turns its normal damage, attacking as normal with a
jaundiced yellow and begins to thin and split, +2 additional bonus. Flare guns and other
causing pain that even morphine cannot stifle. more focused flame weapons attack as normal,
Agonising death comes within 24 hours of deal half damage, and do not cause prolonged
exposure. damage (as the few rats hit will be quickly
● If the Rats have been weakened with a viral killed and avoided by the rest).
attack or other successful biological attack, ● A shotgun loaded with birdshot attacks as
then infected characters test each day instead normal and will deal normal damage.
of each hour, and if they are successful twice in ● A lit lantern (or similar) can be used as a
a row they have recovered (restore their stats thrown weapon, dealing 1d4 points of damage
at 1 point per day). to the swarm on a hit. This requires a Dex and
● Treatment of the disease is difficult. The Throwing test at a +2.
Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae​ carried by the ● Grenades, molotov cocktails and the like
mutants is medicinally resistant, and live Rats attack as normal and deal their normal
will be needed for scientists to study to damage.
develop an effective antibiotic and
symptomatic treatment. They might luck into
it on their own… with thousands of case The Rodent Menace -
studies to look at. Either way, once a
treatment is developed the disease can be Scenarios and Campaigns
immunised against, and characters who have
In the James Herbert books concerning the Rats
had their shots need only fear the actual Rats
(​The Rats​, ​Lair​, and ​Domain)​ there is a marked
pattern to the Outbreaks.
● At first, the Rats are relatively few in number
Attacking Swarms and are concerned with skirmishing attacks.
They build up their taste for human flesh and
● Each swarm has 30 Life Points. A swarm bravery in the face of people.
reduced to 0 Life Points is dispersed, with ● They grow bolder, and attack in a few brutal
most of its component creatures dead or massacres where humans are weakest.
dying. Total extermination is not possible Cinemas, underground trains, campsites filled
unless the Rats are trapped and subjected to with Scouts, and so on. The dark, crowded
specific attacks (overwhelming fire or spaces and human panic are their allies.
explosion, poison, etc). Swarms are never Against unprepared civilians in these places
the Rats can cause terrible casualties (even correctly, with a base time of thirty
before the disease can be counted). minutes.
● Finally, with the area under their control, they ○ Sensors designed to detect ultrasound
attack with impunity and score victories over will show the Rats’ presence and
prepared troops by ambushing them and approximate numbers very effectively. At
adapting to human countermeasures. first, at least. However, the Rats will
In each book the humans must make use of quickly notice they are being listened to,
technology and bravery to exploit the weaknesses and can subvert the sensors simply by
in the Rats’ mutation. There are a few persistent keeping quiet. Using a sensor to sweep for
features that prove to be the Rats undoing. Rats is an Intelligence + Electronic
● The Rats communicate by ultrasound. This Surveillance Test, using range penalties
means they can quickly distribute information like a ranged weapon, and ranges
to each other about danger and prey, but also 10/20/30/40/100. Finding Rats who are
means they can be driven to and from areas keeping quiet requires three or more
and stunned by human-made devices. success levels.
Characters theorised ● They are still
that the Rats would vulnerable to potent
eventually prove poisons (bridging the gap
resistant to these between pest control and
signals, if they were chemical warfare) and
overused. often lair in areas where
○ A simple jammer they can be slaughtered en
or even a mass by them. Any
high-powered repellant or area-denial
ultrasonic whistle weapon will be effective at
will hold back Rats first, but adapted to over
for d4*2 Turns. time. If it is not directly
However, they will harmful (tear gas,
adapt quickly to capsaicin, etc) it will work
this. Every time only once or twice.
such a device is ● While the Rats are
used, the user very resistant to disease,
must make an they are not immune.
Intelligence + Human virii will slow their
Electronics Test, breeding and sicken them.
with a penalty Additionally, the virus first
equal to twice the used against them nearly
number of times neutralised the deadly
the device has disease they carry. If a
been used. Failure indicates the rats have man-made virus can be introduced into the
become resistant. Rats’ food supply, then their numbers in
○ More advanced devices (such as subsequent encounters should be reduced by
professionally-designed rat disrupting a quarter, as well as the effects listed under
traps) will draw in all the creatures in a “The Disease” above.
few hundred yards. The Rats will be ● The Rats can be driven away by persistent and
drawn to the device in a stupor, where well-equipped troops. Soldiers with automatic
they can be attacked with poison gas or weapons and protective suits are one such
flamethrowers. These devices only suffer type, but even stout-hearted firefighters with
from adaptation over a long time, but take high-pressure hoses can score critical victories
an Intelligence + Electronics Test to set up where territory must be held.
● The Rats have a single leader. The leader’s was actually very nearly helpless once the
destruction causes a collapse in the Rats’ guard rats had been dispatched. It laired in a
behaviour, and the suicidal remainder can be canal-house, out of sight and forgotten by
killed much more easily by human forces. neighbours. This obscurity kept the Leader
Further, the Rats will turn upon one another at safe, as the Rats could use the canal towpaths
the slightest provocation once the Leader is and nearby sewer outlets to bring it food in
dead, drastically reducing their numbers. The secret.
death of their leader is the effective end of any ● Later, in the second Outbreak, the leadership
Rat Outbreak, but might not mean the end of caste was formed of a half-dozen or so swollen
the species. Only the total eradication of the monster rats. They lacked the double head of
Rats will see to that. the first leader, but maintained the complete
In each case, the knowledge of these facts (or control of their black brethren. They were also
discovery of them) is the line between strategic more mobile, mobile enough to kill their own
victory and crushing, apocalyptic defeat. food if it was brought in range. The black Rats
The characters range from everyman types surrounding the Leaders were fiercer and
(teachers, ratcatchers, survivors of war) to even larger than before. A handful of these
specialists (military and medical personnel), but dog-sized rats could prove a deadly adversary
the preservation and use of knowledge is the only to a group of humans. In this instance, treat
weapon. Against beasts, no bestial tactic can the guard Rats as Single Rats or one swarm,
prevail. and apply a -2 to all rolls to resist or evade
On the faces of the men who listened into the them, and a +1 to their damage dice. The Lair
receivers was a mixture of disgust and pity. The was a ruined stately home in the forest. This
cries in their ears seemed to belong to hundreds site gave security (a cellar swarming with
upon hundreds of children, screaming their huge Rats) and concealment. The ruins were
panic, wailing as they died. It did not take long home to pigs, who had been killed in the early
for the gas to penetrate every dark hole of the stages of the Outbreak. Thus the local humans
sewer network and soon the radio men at their mistook glimpsed Leader Rats for pigs, and the
different points began removing the Leaders fed on pig brains in secret for some
headphones, feeling no gloating victory, just an time, gathering strength and numbers.
ebbing of their spirit. ● In the final encounter, the Leader was referred
- Lair ​by James Herbert to as the Mother Creature. This rotund
Hopefully, this information will inspire or inform two-headed beast had been the victim of
your use of the Rats. From small scale to global, the human experimentation, but much resembled
spread and the reaction of desperate people to it, the first recorded Leader. It cried in a manner
can cause no shortage of high drama. eerily like a human child, and this cry lured
some humans into an ambush. The young of
the Mother Creature resembled hybrids of
The Leader human embryos and baby Rats. This sickening
The Rats always have a leadership caste. In each realisation nearly drove the human witnesses
generation a single (or small group of) hideously to madness (Fear Tests at -4). However, the
mutated leader Rats is born. Usually albino and guard Rats were not fans of this sick new
nearly bald, and always bloated to the point of breed. The trouble came when the Mother
immobility. This blind baby-like monster is the Creature was killed. The Rats were driven to
operating and commanding intelligence behind the frenzy by their new freedom, and sought to
attacks, and also the driving force of their taste for destroy the human intruders with renewed
human flesh. The leader’s taste for human corpses vigour. Killing the Mother Creature was easy,
(fresh as possible, especially brains) drives their but escaping alive from her Lair in the sewers
campaign. beneath Dartford Crossing was not.
● In the beginning, a fat, helpless creature took
the Leader role. This two-headed monstrosity
to reach them. Further, Rats may hold off on
attacking humans who are fighting amongst
Encounters and Notes themselves. Cannily, they will wait until the
● Early encounters with the Rats will almost internal strife is over and pick off the
always be in the form of single Rats. At the weakened victor.
very least, swarms will not be involved until ● The Rats will retreat from overwhelming
they have gained confidence. Note that while force. Cast members amidst an armoured
we use the term “single,” more than one Cast column or helicopter assault will often find
Member might come under attack. greatly reduced numbers of live Rats… While
● The Rats will always be attracted to weakness the Cast has strength the Rats will act
and confusion in human prey. For example: A elsewhere. While they can move unhindered, it
Rat attacks the driver of a bus in sight of the will be difficult for a large contingent of troops
Cast. As they watch, it careens out of control to engage Rats directly.
and slams into a wall. The passengers can be ● The Rats will cause a sudden drop in local
seen panicking, and their shrill cries are animal populations. This might make for
attracting furry attention. Of course, if the Cast effective camouflage when humans expect
leave then the passengers are as good as dead. animal activity. Rats might pass for dogs, cats
If they attempt to help, their involvement may or other mammals. The bloated, hairless
draw yet more Rats in. Leaders might pass for pigs… at a long
● Rats tend to hide in areas they can both attack distance. When Characters are at half their
in and escape from. Any enclosed space - or maximum Essence or less, any Notice roll
series of spaces - can become a nesting totalling 5 or less will be a false positive
ground. Vents and ducts are a classic, but a sighting of a Rat. If there really are Rats in the
children’s soft play area, they will have
area or a theatre’s outmaneuvered the human
backstage would serve somehow.
just as well. A plentiful ● The Rats seem to
supply of victims can understand (on some
be readily found in primal level) the morale of
either. humans around them. They
● Humans kept are driven back by force as
quarantined can above, but they also seek
rapidly go feral. out sources of hope and
Anti-government what might be called the
sentiment will rapidly “sacred.” They will
spread in any area gleefully desecrate places
where humans are like schools and churches,
trapped with the finding them by sensing
enemy. Be sure to limit human activity. Similarly,
or deny Essence regeneration anywhere the any ‘secret weapon’ will not stay secret for
Rats can strike. This includes seemingly safe long unless it is offshore.
hideaways once the Rats are known to strike ● The Rats’ Leader will be somewhere safe.
the sleeping. Somewhere away from the harsh light of the
● Some of the most unbalanced in society can sun. Somewhere that the corpses of the dead
begin to side with the Rats, seeing them as a might have gone unnoticed, and parts of fresh
saviour instead of the shadow of Death. The kills have been ferried. A contingent of fierce
Rats will ignore humans who have a predatory guard Rats will be on hand, and one or more
edge to them on occasion. This means the Cast natural defences (be they camouflage or
will be faced with murderous humans even hazard). Once identified, the Lair will be
where friendly reinforcements could not hope somewhere the Cast must go to bring an end
to the assault. Make it somewhere they fear to

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