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bimester 4

Be Ready
Teacher´s Material


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BE Ready
Guidelines for the Teacher
In the current skill- and knowledge-based world, we are being evaluated continuously in our lives: with
tests at school, entrance exams for university, evaluations in the workplace, and so on. It is important
for students to accept tests as a normal occurrence; children shouldn’t be afraid of exams. For this
reason, we have made the tests colorful and attractive-looking, and we have kept them short. The
purpose of the BE Ready tests is for students to identify what they have learned and what they still need
to learn better.

The BE Ready tests are given at the end of each unit. Each test is based on the material that students
have seen in the different sections of the course.
Each test is divided into two parts. The first part contains only language materials, and the second part
has a mix of subjects and language. For grades 1 and 2, you will find two pages for each part of the
test; for grades 3 to 6, there are three pages for each part.

We recommend that each part be given on a different day of class, so that the children start each test
fresh. If “working together” is an issue in your classroom, you can give one student the first part of the
test, and give the second part of the test to the child next to him or her.
In general, follow these steps:
1. Make sure students have pencils, erasers and colored pencils available.
2. Read all the instructions out loud and make sure everyone understands what they have to do.
3. Allow students to work on the assessment individually.

Check Yourself!
The Check Yourself! section is the self-evaluation portion of the test. Students reflect on and assess their
progress. You may want to have a brief class discussion when they have finished the test. Ask students
to mention the parts of the unit that are still difficult for them. The last two questions are related to
working in class and the universal understanding. Since there are no correct or incorrect answers, this
section is not graded.

After checking the test yourself, you can grade it the following way:
Overall score: The two parts of the test are each given a grade. The grades can be averaged or they
can be recorded separately, whichever you prefer.
Scoring for each page: The points on each page always add up to 10.
Score for the part: Add up the score for the pages and divide by the number of pages.
Items: In most cases, 1 or ½ point is given for each item. For example, if there are four blanks, and the
exercise is worth two points, take off ½ point for each item.
In any other case, take off ½ point or 1 point as you deem fit, for example if there are three items for
1 point, you can take off ½ point for one or two incorrect answers, and take off 1 point if all three
answers are incorrect. When in doubt, grade leniently.


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6th grade
BE Ready: Bimester 4 Unit 6 Grade:
Name: Date:

A Use the words to write about the following topics. (10 points)

Light-Emitting Diodes
emitted advertise efficient save pixel durable
signal screen life span bounce cluster grid
illumination heat pulsate indicator

Answers will vary.

Sound Navigation and Ranging

acoustical reflect murky echolocation sense bat
sunken passive wave whale active pulse
rocks and metal side-scan bounce research

Answers will vary.


Unit 6 · Discoveries and Inventions 3

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B Follow the instructions. (10 points)

1. Underline all the verbs you used on the previous page.

2. Choose six verbs in present tense and write them down. Answers will vary.

a) - d) -
b) - e) -
c) - f) -

3. Write S (Singular) or P (Plural) next to each verb, according to its number.

4. Write a different sentence with each verb, changing the number. If the verb is singular, make
it plural. If it is plural, make it singular. Answers will vary.






5. Now, write each sentence in past tense, and then in future tense. Answers will vary.






4 Knowing Our World

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6th grade
C Answer the questions. (10 points)

1. What is alliteration?

It is the repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of the words.

2. Give an example of alliteration.

She shows her shoes to the shoemaker.

3. What is assonance?

It is the repetition of vowel sounds in the words.

4. Give an example.

There is a fat black cat, the cat has a rat, the rat is on a hat.

5. Give an example of a couplet.

I looked up into a tree, and thought I saw a little bee.

6. What is a stanza?

A stanza is a unit within a larger poem.


Unit 6 · Discoveries and Inventions 5

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BE Ready: Bimester 4 Unit 6 Grade:
Name: Date:

A Draw a net of a three dimensional figure. (5 points)

Answers will vary


B Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. (5 points)

regular hexagon dodecagon central angle number

1. The angle formed in the middle of a circle is called the central angle .

2. A polygon with equal sides is known as a regular 4 polygon.

3. A twelve sided regular polygon is called a dodecagon .

4. Regular polygons arre named according to the number of sides and

angles they have.

5. A six sided regular polygon is called a hexagon .

6 Knowing Our World

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6th grade
C Answer the questions in complete sentences. (4 points)

1. How does the Sun affect us?

The Sun provides us with enough heat and light to live.

2. What is light made up of?

Light looks white but is made up of many colors.

3. What are the two ways rays of light change direction?

One is reflection, which is when light hits an object and bounces off of it. Another is

refraction, which is when light passes from one substance to another.

4. Can all objects emit light? Give an example.

No, not all objects emit light. Some objects are luminous and others are non-luminous.
Answers may vary.
D Answer the questions and follow the instructions. (6 points)

1. Name the states of matter.

Solid, liquid, gaseous.

2. What is the difference between physical changes and chemical changes? Give examples.

In physical changes, the substances remain the same. In chemical changes, the original

substances become different substances.

3. What is the difference between the physical action of water on rocks and the chemical one?

The physical action of water creates cliffs and the chemical action of water creates

underground caves.

4. How does the heat of the Sun affect the matter on Earth? Give an example.

Heat expands matter and changes its state. For example, water from the lakes

evaporates and creates clouds.

5. What is magnetism?

The force of attraction is called magnetism.

6. Where are Earth's Magnetic South Pole and Magnetic North Pole?

Earth's magnetic south pole is in Northern Canada, and the magnetic north pole is near

the Antarctic coast.

Unit 6 · Discoveries and Inventions 7

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E Write everything you know about the following topic. (10 points)


Trade refers to exchanging one thing for something else. It is an important part of

world economy. It has occurred among civilizations and countries throughout history.

No country can produce everything it needs or wants, so countries exchange goods

with one another: food and machinery, cars and electronics. Goods and services are

also traded in exchange for money. Trading helps build a country's economy and

it develops relationships with other countries in the world. An example is the North

American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). It was established in 1994. It is a pact

between the United States, Canada and Mexico.

The agreement allows the three countries to trade agricultural goods and services

without paying tariffs (import-export tax) to one another. The money saved from not

paying tariffs can be reinvested in the countries' economy.Trade agreements can also

have harmful effects. Some argue that production in the U.S. has been outsourced to

Mexico because of NAFTA, since companies can pay a cheaper rate for labor. So there

is concern about domestic unemployment. Others argue that smaller producers in

Mexico are harmed because they cannot compete under the trade agreement.

Yes No
1. Do you know how LEDs are used in modern technology?

2. Can you say things in present, past and future?

3. Can you find the probability of a certain outcome?

4. Do you know the difference between chemical and

physical changes of matter?

5. Are you a responsible person?

8 Knowing Our World

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